LTL thread 2~repeated on Rishtey wu~227 p.148

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

 Thread 1
 Thread 2
Episode118 ~17th June 2010~p.1
Episode 119, 120~ 21st, 22nd June 2010 ~p.4
Episode 121~ 23rd June 2010~p.5
Episode122~24th June 2010~p.7
Episode123~28th June 2010~p.8
Episodes 124/125 29th~30th June 2010p.10
Episode126 ~ 1st July 2010 p.13
Episode143 2nd August 2010 p.37
Episode 144  3rd August 2010 p. 39
Episode 145 4th August 2010 p.40
Episode146 5th August 2010 p.42
Episode147 9th August 2010 p.43
Episode 148 10th August 2010 p.44
Episode 149 11th August 2010 p.45
Episode 150 12th August 2010 p.47
Episode151 16th August 2010 p.48
Episode152 17th August 2010p.50
Episode 153 August 2010 p.52
Episodes 154/155  19th,23rd August 2010p.53
Episode 156, 24thAugust 2010 p.54
Episode 157, 25th August 2010 p.56
Episode 158,26th August 2010p.57
Episodes 159/160,30th,31st August 2010 p.58
Episode 161,1st September 2010 p.59
Episode 162, 2nd September 2010p.61
Episode 163, 6th September 2010 p.64
Episode165, 8th September 2010p.65
Episode 166,9th September 2010 p.67
Episode 167,10th September 2010p.68
Episode168,  13th September 2010 p.70
Episodes 169,170, 14th,15th September p.71
Episodes 171,172, 16th,17th September  2010p.73
Episode 173, 20th September 2010.p.76
Episode 174, 21st September 2010p.77
Episode 175,22nd September 2010 P.78
Episode 176,23rd September 2010p.79
Episode 177,24th September 2010 p.80
Episodes,178,179th September 2010p. 82
Episode180, 29th September 2010 p.83
Episode 181,30th September2010 p.85
Episode 182 , 1stOctober 2010 p.86
Episode 183,4th OCtober 2010p.89
Episode 184,5th October 2010 p.90
Episode 185, 6th October 2010p.91
Episode 186,7th October 2010 p.92
Episode187,8th October 2010 p.93
Episode 188, 11th October 2010 p.95
Episode 189,12 October 2010 p.96
Episode 190,13th October 2010 p.98
Episode 191,14thOctober 2010 p.100
Episode 192 ,15th October 2010 p.102
Episode 193, 18th October 2010 p.103
Episode194,19th October 2010 p.105
Episode 195,20th October 2010p.106
Episode 196,21st October 2010 p,108
Episode 197, 22nd October 2010 p.109
Episode198 25thOcotober 2010 p109
Episode 199 ,26th october  2010p.110
Episode 200 27th October 2010 p.112
Episode 201 28th October 2010 p.113
Episode 202, 29th October, 2010 p.115
Episode 203, 1st November,2010p.116
Episode 204 ,2nd November 2010 p.117
Episode 205 ,3rd November 2010 p118

                                           LTL Written Update

                                              Episode~ 118

                                                 17th June 2010

  Kishore offers worship before  Bappa's idol in the foyer.  Sudarshan nearby paces in the area, engaged in a mobile conversation, hey Gotia! don't give excuses, I need this land at any cost! he yells and interrupts  Kishore's puja.  Sudarshan continues, what am I going to tell Bhau ? oyee you want to mash me up! I will take your name too! got that! useless lot , can't trust anybody,  I don't care, I want that land! Do whatever! kill someone or bribe them ! good for nothing! now what am I supposed to do? Sethji comes in his way, bouncing  a tennis ball and accidently bumps into an already agitated   Sudarshan and knocks  his phone out of his hand! it lands on the floor!

Sethji looks up in terror and  Sudarshan  looks at him in revulsion! The boy folds his hands for pardon. But Sudarshan twists his mouth and give a resounding slap across the boys face! Sethji begs, Saab please forgive me! Alarmed , Kishore turn his neck to seethe commotion.  Sudarshan grinds his teeth, what Sahib? low lives! since you came to this house everything is going  wrong!  who the hell is going to pay for this mobile your father?! Sethji cowers down in fright , pardon saab ! and  Sudarshan gives  Sethji  another tight slap . Kishore intervenes,  Sudarshan! and he saves the boy  from  Sudarshan's blows.   Kishore chastises him , aren't you  ashamed of raising your hand on a mere child? rudely Sudarshan retorts, you'll support this servant?  Kishore  tells him, even servants are human.. and  Sudarshan retorts then what should I do perform his arti! Then he  adds with an evil look, I don't need to do anything ,Kala will sort him out! they can go to hell all of them!  he threatens this child.   Kishore gently sends Sethji off. He then warns  Sudarshan , whatever  you lot are doing behind Bhau's back..  Sudarshan interrupts him, whatever we're doing   Kishore,is for  Bhau's own you'd better stay out of this cautioned    Sudarshan, and stormed off in a huff... and Kishore prays may god grant wisdom to Bhau.

                                                  Dutta's den  

 As the evil trio come up the stairs to Dutta's room. We see the forcap of  a fair  Naku assuring her mother.. with the same hands that you concealed my face, you will help to reveal my face also, after I have proven my innocence. Kala and sisters, interrupt them.. with her rank remarks.. finally Kala  orders, pack your bags and leave!

 Naku stands defiantly and Kala says, I see you won't pay heed this way. I'll kick you out! then perhaps you'll get the message! and she steps forward and pulls  Naku by the arm forcibly!

Aye Sahib paces back and forth in the lounge downstairs! Kala drags in  Naku by the arm into the lounge like a criminal and hurls Naku across the floor near the entrance!  Babi watches in horror as Aye Sahib just shuts her eyes. Kishore looks disapprovingly  at Kala's action.  Sudarshan smirks. Kala slowly moves toward's  Naku  fallen across the floor. The two BGs look at the  scene from the entrance..  Babi expects the worse. Kala orders, find her father as well!  Naku looks up at the two BGs from the floor. Kala yells at  them, what are you looking at my face for? Sethji suddenly arrives and stands between the BGs as he looks in horror at his sister  holding herself on the floor. Kala turns back and yells at  Babi who stands behind all frightend, come get out! Sethji runs to his mother and stands before her as he watches Kala like every body else. Kala repeats to the BGs , why are  you still looking at me? pick her up and throw her outside!..  Naku raises her eyes intrepidly,  at them waiting for them to obey Kala's order..  Babi looks on.. the two beefy BGs move towards  Naku  as she moves her big bold doe eyes at their approaching figures.. stop! Naku commands! And all are stunned at her bold order. Slowly she stands up on her two feet, and calls out clearly, I am Saab's wife! don't you dare touch me! she advises  them. Aye  Sahib is stunned by the authority of  Naku's admission and command. Dutta 's sisters are gobsmacked. Kishore smiles approvingly. The BG's look baffled at each other.  Naku turns her face at Kala and says loudly, I am not going anywhere!  Kala, Aye Sahib are shocked. Kala confronts  Naku , what did you say? you won't go anywhere? how dare you! what is your status  to  utter these words! Naku gives Kala a bemused  sided look, as Kala  yells at the  BG's  and you ! have you turned  into women?come here and  remove her from here! the BG 's once again walk towards  Naku .. and  Naku scolds them , haven't you heard what I've said? I am the spouse of Dutta shriRam Patil! meaning your Bhau's wife! this authorataive   comment is a reminder,  to Dutta' sisters as well .. what her status is within this household. She boldly goes before them and asks them, you'll dare to touch me?  throw me out of this house? the BG  look embarrassed and lower their eyes. Sethji is nonplussed by his sister and asks his mother , Aye, what is Tai up to? why is  asking for trouble?  stop her ! otherwise these people will shoot us down!.. but  Naku gives the BG a freezing look.   Naku then turns and looks back  at her mother and brother. She walks up to them and assures her brother, don't be afraid Sethji , today  Naku will not go anywhere! Kala is irate at Naku's defiance.  Naku  comes and confronts Kala ! Whether any one accepts or not! I have been married to Saab! he might call my mangalsutra a  garrotte !but it still bears his name! so I am not leaving this house! and after saying her piece  Naku walks off..and rolls her eyes around and says , I will not leave this house, till Saab doesn't tell me  to leave! so basically Naku tells Kala wait for your brother to come back..then if he  tells me.. I'll leave!  Kala is in a pickle! Kala seems beaten in her move, so now she has  to  think fast how she can carry on with her plan.. for her to wait for Dutta to give this order .. will take forever..    Naku meanwhile, continues, if he asks me for my very life, I will give it for him gladly... this is your Bhau's order , no one is allowed to touch me! she says confidently.  Kishore is most impressed by  Naku's fighting spirit!

Kala goes to the BG in a foul mood and questions them , what are you waiting for?  Naku waits for Kala's next dirty deed.. Kala turns from the BG  and comments,  Babi your daughter is crossing her limits! are you going to tell her or shall I ?but   Babi holds her head high and smiles  in contentment at her daughters fortitude.

Kala pulls out the gun from one of the BG holster! to all present 's amazement.. Babi  says terrified,  Naku .. Sethji  cries, lets go Tai ! it's no use, they'll shoot you dead, let's go.. look she has a gun in her hand! they'll kill all of us! but Naku stands  on firm ground.She turns her head a tiny bit and says, Sethji , if you  want to leave, then take Aye with you and run.. I'll stay right here. Kala comes back to  Naku and stands behind her back and then slowly moves  and stands beside  Naku .. raises the gun and presses it against  Naku's temple.. if you don't leave then take this! Aye Sahib can't believe that Kala is planning to kill Naku..  Naku stares at Kala with quiet confidence . Kishore warns her, Kala stop! control  yourself! if Nasusha gets even as much as a small sctratch! then Bhau will  never forgive any  of us! huh ! he'll sever any bonds with you too! is that what you want  defy Bhau ?, so  put you ego to one side and think rationally. Naku stares into Kala's eyes boldly. Kishore cautions, if Naku stays here! it's Bhau who has  decided that! and everyone here, knows, that no one can go against Bhau's decision!.. argues  Kishore, all wait including Naku,  if  Kala will see reason .. then Kala, with her gun's nozzle pressed against   Naku's head... lowers her gun..


Footsteps slowly come into the house.. all stop and turn towards the entrance.. it's  Baji. His eyes lowered he comes into the house looking like a zombie. Aye Sahib says,  Baji? he comes in, his eyes hooded and glazed, as if in a trance.. slowly he proceeds on.. all present have confused looks on their faces. Then his feet stop walking and he looks as if he 's seen a ghost. Aye Sahib moves to him, Baji !Baji, what has happened?  Baji just stands silent his eyes stone dead, his mouth open. Aye Sahib , asks again.  Baji! and he startles, what's happened? he turns his face from Aye Sahib's face and looks the other way.. say something  Baji! he rolls his eyes, then holds Aye Sahib's arm and says, Aye Sahib.. and then walks away from her, then  goes back to her, you sit down Aye  Sahib.. but she begins to panic, will you say something!   Baji blinks his eyes and his voice falters.. Aye Sahib, Bhau .. Aye Sahib demands , what's happened to Dutta? Bhau .. was going to Hyderabad  in a helicopter, in the mountains, within the jungle.. Aye Sahib cries I am fine! you tell me clearly about what's happened.  Baji's face is reduced to tears , and he goes to Dutta's mother.. Aye Sahib, his helicopter has crashed! .. all are shocked.. Naku stands with a fixed stare..episode  ends  Hamlet53 ~ 7.2.14


 Well , for starters the final section of the episode took me by surprise! It seems I don't recall any of this episode at all..

 Still after having seen it.. the obvious fact is it's minus Dutta , but his spirit , his name, his persona is on the hearts and minds of Patil Nivas..such is the shall I say his  unseen presence.

 Sudarshan in the beginning of the episode continues with his pompous sordid attitude of dismissing the working class.This time he goes further by actually striking a minor let alone not his own.. makes me wonder what kind of Pari's father he is?

There is clearly a battle of right and wrong between Kala and Naku.. from Kala's angle a power struggle between  might ,social standing and intelligence. For Naku ,though it's an opportunity to put to use her renewed spiritual  vigour recently stirred by   Kishore.  Naku shows, that when she is weak she is strong and all  get an evidence of this.. she has stuck to facts.. as they stand.. she is Dutta's wife  following her husband's orders... untouchable! beware!

 Kishore has to be the real hero.. with his timely intervention, which dissuades his crafty , manipulative  wife from carrying on with her evil plans..

 Baji , bearer  of bad news is so vulnerable and adorable.. tears come so readily into his eyes.. is this lad a mini don? or does he just go areee! Kya lotecha hai!? the  name  Dutta Bhau  has to be his end off!


NB~well friends! it looks like we all have progressed to the second thread of WU LTL..Many thanks to all who supported thread one .. twinky and tha' you stayed till the last page 150.. tha' your comment is valuable , it sums up the logic behind making the post of WD's by me.. thank you and all of you, please stay by me in thread 2 of this post as well. twinky.. you, your, shots, your songs, comments  many thanks.. tammy.. partner... thanks for your  supportive thread of  LTL  images.. every one else much love as ever your's hammie..

I will post a link of this thread  on the  thread one p.150 too ..hopefully it shold bring you to this new thread..

Thanks for commenting on the last wu.. fassben, tha, twinky,Naku, warrie, tammy..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago


Aweee...Our new thread agaya...Aweee newww sweeet classroom + Home for all of us.🥳..Congratulations our sweeetest Hammieee lion.🥳🤗..Thanks soo much for your new rocking LTL thread dear🤗...Aweee Warrie🤗..Now more place for us to run,jump,sing&dance...Aweee Cheers mate...Hammieee lion🤗 !! Hamari sweetie pie lion ..🤗.Thanks a ton dear🤗...Twinky baby is jumping with lots of joy...

Thanks soo much our dearest Hammieee lion...We all are lucky to have you🤗..hats off to your dedication dear🤗...Such a wonderful lion.🤗..We all love you sooo much...Take care...Its Party time.🥳...Big teddy hug from twinky baby ...🤗Twinky baby waiting for her Warda..🤗.Warda!!..Come sooon dear..🤗...Thanks soo much hammiee lion🤗

Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
dilse14 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hi hamletcongrats for new thread👏
Edited by dilse14 - 10 years ago
tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
congratulation awsem episode kala trying to throw nakku out first time nakku delivered strong dialogue dutta helicopter newsnow will emotional update start
FASSBEN thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Congratulation Hamlet on LTL Thread 2

twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi Hammie🤗
Awee such a roaring start dear🥳...Loved the update sooo much.❤️...Awee Naku...She was truly a lioness...Loved her strong confession before Evil trio & that pendulum Aye saab...Awee what an irony word.....Brilliant👏 ..Kala pointed gun at Naku's temple.😡...Awee Kishore...He was the real star.⭐️.Loved the way he defenses Naku⭐️...Loved Naku's confidence❤️...She followed her husband's order.❤️...great👍🏼.Last part was terrible.😲...Poor baaji.😭..he was crying like a small bacha❤️...Next episode will be the saddest one.😭..Loved your footnote soo much dear❤️...When Naku is weak she is strong❤️...lovely update dear.❤️..No dutta in this episode...But he ruled the episode with his unseen presence.....Superb..Eagerly waiting for the next update dear...Sooo sweeet of you.🤗..Twinky baby is waiting for her dearest friend🤗...Where is she??🤗..Twinky baby waitinggg...Thanks soo much for the update dear.🤗...Sooo sweeet of you...Big hugs to Hammie lion& warrie.🤗🤗..

Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
Warda. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
firstly heartiest congratulations on the second thread...thank you for giving the joy of your wonderful writings to your readers :) may your writing holds the same strong impact alwayd!!!

thanks for yet another great wu...good to see our naku back this is like what she actually is and what makes her perfect match for must be no where in kalas dreams that this girl will be so bold and has the guts to challenge her in front of the whole family. ..loved her confidence and authoritative approach making every one realize whos wife she is...kishore is impressed and so baabi :)

ohh my baaji bringing worst news but we know hero ko kuch nae ho sakta 😆
waiting eagerly for next part.
Hi twinky im here now ...sorry aaj thodi dair hogae *big hug*
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hammiee🤗
where are you our dearest lion???...🤗...Twinky baby is eagerly waiting for the next tearful update dear..🤗..Oh Nooo Please Don't throw your chapels at innocent Twinky baby dear😲🤗...Our sweetest lion na🤗.🤗..take care..Big hug from twinky baby...🤗

@ Warda
Aweee warda🤗
sooo sweeet of you dear...🤗. * Big Hugs*🤗..Twinky baby learning ABCD in Hindi..☺️."aaj thodi dair hoga" means what dear????.🤗..Warriee...I think Our hammie lion will dismiss twinky baby from her class sooon dear.😔..Today Twinky baby received warning wala notice from hammie lion....Miss you soo much my dearest friend🤗...loved your comment soo much dear❤️...take care..Big hug from twinky baby🤗
Warda. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
@twinky. ...dont worry you will learn hindi soon:)
thodi diar ho gae means im bit late today😳
tahera57 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hi hammie thank u for wud , I felt sorry for poor baji the bearer of bad news for AS not once but twice, luckily false both times... AS forever ready with her tears no question asked.