Pirti cha vanva uri petla - Page 8


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Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

That rope in the well scene was interesting. I was wondering why they were using a mediaeval method of hiding jewels and if at all there were any actually kept there or just another trap, as he already knows the are people behind those jewels already. 

Savi being the heir sounds interesting, let's see how it plays out. 

Posted: 1 years ago

Balaram's hit man's name is Balavant Gundappa Lashkare. That's an obvious allusion to Balavant Vilas Lashkare = Bantya, one of Shiva's twin cousins on Jīva Zhālā Yeḍāpisā.

The pūjārī's invocation "sarva-siddhī kuru kuru" instead of "sarva-kāryeṣu sarvadā" is not Saṃskṛta. The accusative plural of siddhi (achievement) is siddhayaḥ, not siddhī (which is Marathi). The imperative verb kuru (make) sounds unnatural; dehi (give) would be better.

Why did Arjun tell Savi that she knows what a bad man he is? As far as I recall, Arjun is aware of Savi calling him phaḍatūsa, kadrū, mūrkha, kañjūsa, tirasaṭa ... but he's unaware that Savi perceives him as tyrannical. Since the days when he made her pay for a party and withheld water when she was thirsty, Arjun has apologized to Savi twice, given her Phadake's job, and wanted to give her a thank-you gift. Every time they've clashed, Arjun has felt justified: denying her a leave of absence, for example.

Savi's guilt about Arjun trusting her with the ornaments was convincingly portrayed. Rasika Wakharkar's posture matched her facial expressions and voice.

I wonder if Shyamal will steal the ornaments and suspicion will fall on Savi.

Posted: 1 years ago

I am used to having only one Hindu temple nearby to accommodate the worship of all different deities. Nevertheless, I find it strange that in this Bhairava-Nātha Mandira, all of the prayers are offered to other deities, and the nominal deity is only acknowledged by the refrain, Bhairava-Devācyā Nāṃvānaṃ Çāṅgabhalaṃ!

Below the temple's nameplate can be seen a slogan ending in "Kṛṣṇa Harī." Outside the temple is a giant board announcing Hari-nāma saptāha. The mūrti of Bhairava faces an icon of Viṭṭhala and there is an icon of BāḷaKṛṣṇa on the mūrti's left side. After invoking Vakratuṇḍa, there is no prayer to Bhairava at His own festival.

Krishna'i said that the flag event is happening because of Savitri, probably referring to Savi saving Arjun's life from the earlier ambush and his leg from Gangaram. It foreshadows that Savi will again save Arjun from Balavant.

Vidyadhar said to Arjun that he has tears in his eyes because the promise he made to their father in his last days is being fulfilled today. I guess he promised Bhalachandra that Arjun as Bhima'i's son would inherit the family's leadership in the community, and not Vidyadhar as the eldest brother.

Those were funny scenes of Dipu and Çamaki failing to climb into the well, realizing that the box of ornaments wasn't inside the well, failing to pick the lock, and figuring out that the key must be inside the well. Only, it was farfetched that they wouldn't have gotten Savi to tell them that Arjun told her to get the key from the well.

Some of the Aṣta-Bhairava names sounded mispronounced: Janma instead of Caṇḍa, Guru instead of Ruru, Bhiṣaṇa instead of Bhīṣaṇa. Instead of ity Aṣṭa-MahāBhairavāya namaḥ, the grammatically correct mantra would have been ity Aṣṭa-MahāBhairavebhyo namaḥ.

Posted: 1 years ago

Vishvambhar told Balaram that if Arjun dies without signing the property papers, all of the property will become a trust. For whom? The implication is that the real Khopade heir is someone else. I guess the two papers on which Vishvambhar needs Arjun's signature are (1) revoking the trust provision to make the property disposable by Arjun himself and (2) transferring ownership of the property. Whoever required the trust (Bhima'i, the Khopade family, or Bhalachandra) must have limited Arjun's power as executor so that he can't convert the trust into his personal inheritance until he is married.

The scene with Vishvambhar confronting Balaram should have begun with Balaram on the phone, not with Savi overhearing them already arguing. The three plots against Arjun: (1) stealing by Vishvambhar; (2) murder by Balaram; (3) humiliation by Savi are converging, and although we know that Arjun will ultimately triumph, there should be more suspense about whether he will be seriously hurt.

The scenes of Savi feeling guilt because Arjun trusts her, and Priya and Krishna'i are excited about it, should have been balanced with some thoughts about Mother Māulī's illness and Arjun refusing to let Savi go to her. Savi should have been pulled in both directions, to show that as viscerally as she needs to see Sharada, her mind genuinely values Arjun's hard-won trust.

Nevertheless, Rasika Wakharkar's acting was convincing, as Savi felt stupefied by the news that Arjun would be murdered and only thought of going to save him. Savi knew that Çamaki's call was too important to miss, and yet she didn't pick up because she only wanted to dissociate from the situation.

Posted: 1 years ago

The night-filtered scenes of Arjun's flag-carrying and fight were too obscure to discern. It would have made more sense to have the effect of early dawn light, since the festival is supposed to begin at sunrise, and the run up to the hilltop might take about an hour.

What a strange tradition, to send one person, alone and fasting, running in the dark!

Posted: 1 years ago

Five professional hitmen with axes lie incapacitated just because Arjun kicked them or poked them with a flagpole, one by one. And none of the hitmen manages to land more than a punch on Arjun because he rolls around. Really?

Even with the poor lighting, this display of superhuman strength detracts from a scene that should be about Arjun's courage. When Arjun idly boasted that Gangaram stabbing him wouldn't have loosened his grip, it was an eye-rolling moment because whenever Arjun physically dominates someone like Mahendar or Ganapat or the louts who harassed Priya, Arjun is secure in his position at the top of society. In this scene on the hill, Arjun was truly on his own, and we should have seen him fighting while clearly overpowered.

Savi sends a hitman flying backwards by slinging a rock at him with her oḍhaṇī - really? Then she escapes the whooshing axe just by ducking low enough. A computer-generated rock hits Arjun in the chest, somehow making him too weak to climb on his feet. So, Savi grabs a handy clay pot and knocks out the hitman with a blow between the shoulder blades, nowhere near his head. Fortunately, she has recovered her oḍhaṇī by the time she needs it for Arjun to pull himself up the slope.

Ridiculous action scenes.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Krishna'i said that their family has Savitri's support not due to Krishna'i's merit but due to Bhima-Tāī's merit. What did Bhima do that left such an impression on her co-wife?

Did Bhima lose her life saving Vidyadhar's life from whatever cost him the use of his right arm?

As anticipated, it was Savi and not Arjun who ultimately brought the flagpole to the hoisting-pole. That's a sign that she is the real Khopade heir. However, Savi told the parade that Arjun had planted the flag.

Why does the hoisting pole have cords at a diagonal? Shouldn't the cords run down the length of the hoisting-pole so that the flag can be attached to them and hoisted vertically?

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

The night-filtered scenes of Arjun's flag-carrying and fight were too obscure to discern. It would have made more sense to have the effect of early dawn light, since the festival is supposed to begin at sunrise, and the run up to the hilltop might take about an hour.

What a strange tradition, to send one person, alone and fasting, running in the dark!

that too atop a hill.. with numerous species our there to kill/hunt 

It is bright enough at dawn.. just before the sunrise to see things but nah, they do it Harry Potter way, shot in dark with whispering dialogues  do they not want us to seee what's happening SMH

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Five professional hitmen with axes lie incapacitated just because Arjun kicked them or poked them with a flagpole, one by one. And none of the hitmen manages to land more than a punch on Arjun because he rolls around. Really?

Even with the poor lighting, this display of superhuman strength detracts from a scene that should be about Arjun's courage. When Arjun idly boasted that Gangaram stabbing him wouldn't have loosened his grip, it was an eye-rolling moment because whenever Arjun physically dominates someone like Mahendar or Ganapat or the louts who harassed Priya, Arjun is secure in his position at the top of society. In this scene on the hill, Arjun was truly on his own, and we should have seen him fighting while clearly overpowered.

Savi sent a hitman flying backwards by slinging a rock at him with her oḍhaṇī - really? Then she escapes the whooshing axe just by ducking low enough. A computer-generated rock hits Arjun in the chest, somehow making him too weak to climb on his feet. So, Savi grabs a handly clay pot and knocks out the hitman with a blow between the shoulder blades, nowhere near his head. Fortunately, she has recovered her oḍhaṇī by the time she needs it for Arjun to pull himself up the slope.

Ridiculous action scenes.

odhni slingshot?? Gul did it for her show Aashiqana too 😆

Classic main character plot armour for Arjun and Savi 😆 

ITV never does action scenes properly, either you get away with no scratch or get seriously injured with no real repercussions after a week 

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: DelusionsOfNeha

It is bright enough at dawn.. just before the sunrise to see things but nah, they do it Harry Potter way, shot in dark with whispering dialogues  do they not want us to seee what's happening SMH

They didn't shoot these scenes in the dark. They shot during the daytime and then applied a night filter. Night-filtered scenes are always shot under extremely bright lights.
