Who will expose Savi to Arjun? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 3


Who will reveal to Arjun that Savitri Ganesh Çorage is a fraud?

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Posted: 1 years ago

Arjun's long strides as he pulled Savi back to the bohalā made me laugh!

Savi's erotic and extramarital-themed ukhāṇā made me gasp! Krishna'i also looked uncomfortable at first.

पाहता पहिल्या क्षणी पिरतीचा वनवा उरी पेटला

अर्जुनरावांच्या रूपाने राधेला तिचा कृष्ण भेटला

It isn't mandatory to work the serial's title into an ukhāṇā, and what kind of impression does it make when a new bride tells her mother-in-law, two older brothers-in-law and their wives, younger siblings, and wedding guests that her husband set her heart on fire at first sight?

It's not even true, and shouldn't Arjun find it strange that Savitri, who told him that Naresh wouldn't leave her alone and then told him that she wanted to die because Naresh was marrying someone else, now says that she felt ardent desire for Arjun at first sight?

For an auspicious start to married life, the custom is to invoke Lakṣmī and Nārāyaṇa or another married pair of deities. Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa is an odd choice because the myths usually have Rādhā married to someone else and secretly meeting Kṛṣṇa, or even Rādhā gets her stepdaughter Nīlā or Ilā married to Kṛṣṇa. The allusion to Arjun's flute attracting Savi could have been more delicate.

Arjun's ukhāṇā was romantic but decorous, and ironic, of course!

आजवर माझ्या प्रेमाची पाटी होती कोरी

सावित्रीने गुपचुप येऊन केली माझ्या हृदयाची चोरी

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Posted: 1 years ago

I also feel that the mention of Radha-Krishna somehwere tells us that their marriage will get eclipsed...... 

kahitari gadbad honar aahe....

Hopefully todays episode is more happy than sad...... actually am tired of seeing Arjun cry.... too much glycerine in this serial..... 

Posted: 12 months ago

It wasn't very smart of Savi to tell Vishvambhar and Balaram that she knows Sahil is alive. Now that they know that she can't be blackmailed about killing Sahil, they'll more readily resort to endangering Sharada etc.

While waiting for the right time to confess to Arjun, Savi should allow Vishvambhar to believe that he can give her orders, so that she can know more about his plot against Arjun.

Why didn't Savi let Vidyadhar and Vishvambhar find out what Arjun was saying to her over the phone - that Krishna'i is out of danger? If Savi is convinced that Vidyadhar is a good man trying to hold his family together, why not set his mind at ease?

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Posted: 12 months ago

The way Vidya is getting angry looks like he will put his plan into action soon.

I feel in the whole plan it will be savi who will get hurt and everyone will think she died....... but she will be alive and will now realise that someone is after Arjuns life more than just getting his money. That someone will point to VV and Balaram and she will want to avenge this..... Even Arjun will now want to find out who the mastermind behind the attack is.....

So both will be on the same mission......

She will probably tell Sharda  the entire truth..... and then realise that she is a khopade although Sharda and her father did not get married.

Why do i strongly feel that Pradip is her father ? Esp after saturdays episode where he says "You got married to Bhimas son...." 

If he was just working in Bhima sadan then he wudn't dare take Bhimas name without a suffix.....

But then how come no one in the village knows about his truth..... or did he also fake his death and come back like a mad man and noone recognised him ?? or did Bhima'i recognise him and before she told the truth to anyone else she died......

I dislike Vidya to the core....... 😞..... evil personified...... eeekksssss......

Director, pls reduce his evil being by a few notches...... it is gross to watch him in the episode just before bedtime.......

Posted: 12 months ago

Dipu reminisced to Savi that he came back from a location shoot and found Sharada's wedding invitation in his mail. Now Pradip says that Sharada stayed unmarried. Given Sharada's strong views about parental blessings, the wedding invitation was probably printed by her fiancé's (Waghmare) family.

If Pradip were Savi's father, wouldn't he say "my wedding to Sharada didn't happen" instead of "Sharada's wedding didn't happen?" In what sense does he think Sharada is waiting for him?

Pradip doesn't recognize adult Arjun in front of him, and was unwilling to talk about Sharada in front of Arjun, but he recognized the name Arjun Kavathekar as "Bhima's son." When Savi asked how he knew (now, why wouldn't Pradip who wanders around Bhima Sadan know about Arjun, a pillar of the community?), Pradip said that he promised (Sharada) not to tell. So, whatever Sharada's secret is that Pradip knows, it's unlikely to change Arjun's identity as Bhima's son.

Pradip said of Savi's marriage to Arjun, तुझ्या घरात आलीस. Does he actually recognize Savi as the Khopade heir, or as Sharada's daughter? Or, is Pradip imagining Savi as Sharada?

Pradip's belief that Sharada would want Arjun's wife to have the coin as her blessing means that Sharada knew baby Arjun.

Posted: 12 months ago

On Sunday's episode, Arjun came so close to finding out Savi's truth!

1. Savi let slip that she has levelled so many people in her lifetime.

2. Arjun asked Savi if the certificates attached to her C.V. are duplicate (Indian English for forgeries). Instead of scoffing, Savi replied, "How is that relevant now?"

3. Arjun wondered what bogus college gave Savitri a degree. Savi retorted that there was no need to insult her college or bring up her education.

4. Savi told Arjun that she supports his decision (to retaliate against Nanda) but he took the wrong approach (out in the open).

Posted: 12 months ago

Nanda's anguish in the scene with Vidyadhar came across as heartfelt, deeper than Nanda's usual shouting at him. Bravo, Puja Raibagi Dabke! You made it intense but never excessive!

Vidyadhar's usual contempt for Nanda gave way to sympathy. She insults him and he insults her; they have no use for each other, but subordination to Arjun is unbearable for both of them.

It's strange that when Arjun broke Balaram's foot, no one even noticed, but pouring gomūtra on Nanda's head has consequences!

Posted: 11 months ago

It makes no sense that ...

1. Nobody says Teju's name. Savi and Vishvambhar refer to her only as Arjun's friend Dipesh's sister, and even her own parents refer to her as Tāī.

2. Savi says to Dipu that as far as they try to run from the past, it catches up. What kind of running includes settling down with the man who is on your trail?

3. Vishvambhar suddenly knows that Savi, Dipu, and Çamaki tried to rob Teju's wedding, right down to the words of the lāvaṇī that Madhuri = Çamaki was performing. How did he make the connection? Three car thieves arrested in Bhiwandi live near Indira Nagar, so they must be responsible for drugging a wedding party in Pimpri?

4. Arjun, having his friend's parents as guests in his home, questions why his cook would know basic facts about the guests' son and daughter that were discussed indoors not long ago.

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Posted: 11 months ago

Looks like Balaram has his own plans in parallel to Vidyas plans.... and the way he said it is going to be BIG...... looks like both the brothers have made BIG plans.

This pooja is becoming a big suspense......

Why do i see so many similarities between Bhagya Dile tu mala and this one..... both mothers got serious on the marriage night....puja got postponed.... and now villains have plans to attack in the honeymoon period.... 

We need to see whether the lady gets injured or the man..... or none ..... knowing both are the suspicious kinds with a third sense..... !!

This serial should get a little light..... it has either romantic moments, spiteful moments or then threatening blackmailing moments........ 😵

Any idea why Dipesh's parents have come to live in Bhima Sadan ? Is it coz they couldn't attend the wedding ? Or to meet Krishna'i after her illness ? 

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Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Dipu reminisced to Savi that he came back from a location shoot and found Sharada's wedding invitation in his mail. Now Pradip says that Sharada stayed unmarried. Given Sharada's strong views about parental blessings, the wedding invitation was probably printed by her fiancé's (Waghmare) family.

If Pradip were Savi's father, wouldn't he say "my wedding to Sharada didn't happen" instead of "Sharada's wedding didn't happen?" In what sense does he think Sharada is waiting for him?

Pradip's belief that Sharada would want Arjun's wife to have the coin as her blessing means that Sharada knew baby Arjun.

So maybe Sharda's wedding was going to happen and the cards were printed but something happened and it got cancelled last minute....... then she got pregnant and after Saavi was born someone wanted her out of their lives (so that she does not claim share in property for her daughter)

But then she said that she had visited Bombay after her marriage.....hmm.... ofcourse don't think she mentioned 'with her husband'.....

So Sharda has used her maiden name so no one recognises her and comes after her in Pimpri..... she def fears Saavi's life hence she took a promise from her that she should never step in Bhairavgad....

Pradip is a mystery which only Sharda will solve.....

Dont know why Saavi hasn't found out from Arjun about his complete family....whether there was anyone else related to Bhima'i....maybe a brother....... well getting water itself is proof enuf that she is a Khopade..... looks like that angle is not her priority...... presently living each day under threat is stressful enuf for her....

Also since Pradip gave the coin to Arjuns wife...as a gift from Sharda....def means that Sharda was a family member in the Khopade family.....maybe someone who was not completely accepted......
