Who will expose Savi to Arjun? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 6


Who will reveal to Arjun that Savitri Ganesh Çorage is a fraud?

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Posted: 11 months ago

"Navīna dhāgā life-cyā navyā phirakīta guṇḍāḷāyaçā. Navī phirakī, navā pataṅga" doesn't mean that Savi will attempt suicide by hanging.

The tangled thread is a metaphor for Savi's relationships: mother unaware of her marriage, husband unaware of her real family and friends, in-laws who blackmail her and want her husband dead ... having Bhaiyu who kidnapped and tried to rape her as a guest ... Savi's saying that if Mother Māulī disowns her, if Arjun breaks up with her, if she ruins Dipu's and Çamaki's lives, then it was meant to be, but she'll rebuild her life with new relationships (the dhāgā) based on new routines of behaviour (the phirakī) in the pursuit of new ambitions (the pataṅga).

Soon after making this resolve, Savi once more told a lie using someone's real name! Poor Naresh has been make-believe engaged to be married twice already, so now it's Paras's turn! Unlike Naresh, Paras is innocent of Savi's schemes, so there could be interesting plot twists with Kavathekars coming face-to-face with the real Paras.

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Posted: 11 months ago

Yes i thought the same too...... it means she is mentally preparing herself for the worst...... If she gets disowned by the 2 most important persons in her life then she will begin from scratch.....

What happens when the 2 most important people cannot and will not change their dhaga ?

Both Arjun and Savi know the love each has for each other..... this will not let them suicide ...... 

But then again... the pain of deceit is unbearable.....and Arjun may try to finish himself..... so this is when he sees that Savi may have been a thief but also she has been a robinhood to many.... her circumstances made her do certain things....

Had she been in charge of her inheritance then she would've been better at business than Arjun himself !

Am just hoping that Savi's deceit is known to her mother but not Arjun... 

She can always cover up by saying that her mothers promise of not entering Bhairavgad forced her to make Shyamal her mother.... who she didnt want to get into the pic but becoz Krishna'i forced her she had to.....

Arjun will get convinced...... he need not know the entire truth.....

And by this time all will know that Savi and her mother are the real owners of "Bhima Sadan".

And now since Savi is also the Chariman of Sugar Factory so legally she is the new owner of the house and business.

Vidya has to make a new plan coz his plan of Savi killing Arjun bcoz of money does not hold good....she is already rich enough herself !

yay..... 😊


Posted: 11 months ago

In the fan fiction that I wrote just the other day, I had Arjun find out all of Savi's crimes, but none of her unselfish generosity. It would be more dramatic if Arjun finds out from strangers who don't know his relationship with Savi. I didn't want Savi to tell him herself.

I had another idea about what could develop from Sharada believing that Arjun's name is Vidyadhar. Now she believes that Vidyadhar's wife's name is Savitri. Could this lead to Nanda being mistaken for Savi?

For example, if Nanda runs away from Vidyadhar trying to kill her, and meets Sharada. Nanda says, "Help me ... Vidyadhar, my husband ..." and points at a photo of Vidyadhar and Arjun before passing out. Sharada naturally assumes that Nanda is her benefactor's wife Savitri asking for help to reach her husband. So, Sharada uses Nanda's mobile phone to call the number listed as Āmaçe He in her contacts, and leaves a message to tell Vidyadhar that Savitri is at such-and-such place. Vidyadhar puts in motion his plan for Savi, only to discover too late that he has targeted Nanda while Savi is safely elsewhere!

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Posted: 11 months ago

wow @brhannadaArmour.....that is quite a good confession dialogue between Savi n Arjun...... i will need one more reading to experience the emotions..... 

Savi's Robinhood stories will be revealed to Arjun by Panku... he is the only one in this household who knows her goodness....

And Panku feels for both Arjun and Saavi....he will help reconcile them.... he will be the naradmuni who plays cupid when hell breaks loose...

Posted: 11 months ago

Challenged by Nanda and prompted by Vishvambhar, Savi told Krishna'i that Paras works in Dubai.

Paras, who didn't have the money to keep his rickshaw on the road!

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Posted: 11 months ago

So today Nanda will tell Arjun some good qualities about Savi .... this way Vidya is getting the background ready to tranfer all the property to Savi's name..... 

But then will this move not get Savi into thinking what could be the motive ? Ive never seen Savi believe any person so much as much as she believes vidya......

How do you think she will come to know Vidya's true nature ?

I feel it will be Nanda's slip of tongue which will get Savi into thinking mode and later into detective mode..... she will find out irregularities in the ashram work and then come to know that Vidya is actually running his own empire elsewhere too using funds in the name of Ashram.... This will not be known to anyone....... not even mama......

Savi cannot tell Arjun (he will be heartbroken) and when she confronts Vidya..... he will threaten her..... she better remain his puppet else he will kill her husband !!

Now Savi has ANOTHER secret to keep within her..... 

Posted: 11 months ago

How could Savi unburden herself in a voice note, knowing Arjun's history of suicide attempts and his current location in Mumbai, far from everyone who would watch over him?

Stress is affecting Savi's ability to think!

Savi picked up Krishna'i's phone call in front of Sharada, instead of just making the incoming call an excuse to escape.

Savi stupidly told the Kavathekars that she's attending a sākharapuḍā, without anticipating that they'll expect photographs and videos, or that they'll feel embarrassed for not sending Arjun with her. Her story should have been something that nobody would want to confirm - "My friend's cat ran away and she feels like a failure," for example.

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

How could Savi unburden herself in a voice note, knowing Arjun's history of suicide attempts and his current location in Mumbai, far from everyone who would watch over him?

Stress is affecting Savi's ability to think!

Savi picked up Krishna'i's phone call in front of Sharada, instead of just making the incoming call an excuse to escape.

Savi stupidly told the Kavathekars that she's attending a sākharapuḍā, without anticipating that they'll expect photographs and videos, or that they'll feel embarrassed for not sending Arjun with her. Her story should have been something that nobody would want to confirm - "My friend's cat ran away and she feels like a failure," for example.

her mother's illness seems more probable tho, why not use that? 

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: Satrangi_Curls

her mother's illness seems more probable tho, why not use that? 

Arjun would want to get a second opinion from his preferred doctor ... Krishna'i would expect Arjun to accompany Savitri to care for her mother ... they might discover that the name on the medical records is Sharada Waghmare and not Sharada Çorage ...

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Posted: 11 months ago

Actually in the earlier episode where Arjun took Savi to visit his dr for a second opinion....he did come across the difference in name.... Savi said it was "sharda" ...

Upon questioning by Arjun...she said that some women prefer to keep their maiden name even after marriage and hence her mothers maiden name is Sharda and not Shyamal.....so same goes with Surname....maybe she loved being a tiger killer and nothing else...... 😊.....
