What caused Vidyadhar's paralysis? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 6


How did Vidyadhar lose the use of his right arm and leg?

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Posted: 8 months ago

Arjun answers his phone while still holding the pistol to his temple!

Addiction to electronic devices has already taken over our lives; now they're a distraction from suicide too!

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Posted: 8 months ago

Am very curious to know why Arjun attempted suicide earlier...and not once but twice. What could be the reason ? He is pretty strong headed...not the kind to take his own life.

Why hasn't he asked Saavi why Vishwambhar hired her ? What was the purpose ? 

Does he know that she already got the papers signed from him ?

She should tell him all that she knows about Vishwambhar and Balram.... they've tried to kill him before....

Does he know that Vidya already knows about Saavi's past and he hid this from him? Shouldn't he get more angry on his dada for hiding this information?


Posted: 8 months ago

Savi spoke to Arjun as if she only now confided everything in Vidyadhar. So, Arjun doesn't know that his big brother allowed him to marry a criminal, or that Vidyadhar kept the power of attorney. Arjun is also unaware that the Rs. 5 lakh embezzled by Savi were given to Vidyadhar.

Nice scene of Arjun shedding tears and Vidyadhar pretending to comfort him while convincing him to stay in a loveless marriage and be miserable all his life ... but how does this bring Vidyadhar closer to his goal of seizing Arjun's property?

Why does Vidyadhar care about hiding Savi's secret now? Arjun already knows, so Savi can't be framed for faking love to murder him. Why not let her go to prison? When Krishna'i finds out, she may permit Arjun to throw Vishvambhar out of the house, and maybe Balaram too, so that Vidyadhar will have to plead with them not to attempt any stupid revenge, but then Krishna'i will refuse her pills and fall sick, and Arjun will relent, and so the family will go back to square one.

The plot with Golamade's investigation is at a standstill, and we're supposed to stop asking what Sharada told Dipu or why Pradip cried over Sharada's photo. Episode after episode has focussed exclusively on Arjun's irritation. It's out of character for Krishna'i to shun her feverish baby just because Arjun told her to stay out of his soup-tossing quarrel with his wife.

Are some of the actors unavailable, so that the creative team has to work with only a few characters and extras?

Posted: 7 months ago

Vishvamitra Mahārāja told Savi that Krishna'i is jicyāmuḷe he ghara bāndhalaṃ gelaṃ, the one due to whom the house Bhima Sadan was built.

It seems odd that Krishna'i had the house built on land owned by Bhima'i's family, while Bhima'i was still alive to occupy a room in the house.

Maybe he meant jicyāmuḷe he ghara ekatra bāndhalaṃ gelaṃ, the one due to whom the family became united.

Anyway, he managed to delay Savi's confession to Sharada. We should all take a hint from Kamalya Bailat and doze off while the plot goes round and round like the çakalī that Arjun enjoyed.

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Posted: 7 months ago

Maharaj coming to Kavthekars residence was an Act of God !

Am sure he has had good 'gappa' with Saavi n Arjun and informed them to unite to fight the evil forces.....hence the new promo of Arjun throwing his arms out to Saavi....

Looks like a big golmaal is going to happen..... each villain will come with his own plan to claim the property.

Mother Mowli will then open Pandoras box (of goodness hopefully) ....

Posted: 7 months ago

I didn't like the repeat of Savi's clothes on fire, the same as Hoḷī. Whether Arjun still loves Savi is not the issue. He wasn't the pretender in their marriage. The issue is whether he should ever trust Savi after so many months of deception.

As for Vishvamitra Mahārāja, how is it possible that the well getting water wasn't the first thing everyone mentioned to him? Wouldn't superstitious Mona have made an issue of it, and wouldn't Pankaj have told Savi that Arjun confided in him?

Only when Mahārāja was leaving, Vidyadhar said that the prophecy came true: in the flag-planting competition, the Kavathekars won. When the event happened, however, there were no competitors! The honour to run with the flag was given only to Arjun. What is wrong with the writers? Don't they remember?

Pradip lives on the Bhima Sadan grounds, right? Wouldn't the family allow him to meet Mahārāja, just in case he would be miraculously cured?

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Posted: 7 months ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

I didn't like the repeat of Savi's clothes on fire, the same as Hoḷī. Whether Arjun still loves Savi is not the issue. He wasn't the pretender in their marriage. The issue is whether he should ever trust Savi after so many months of deception.

As for Vishvamitra Mahārāja, how is it possible that the well getting water wasn't the first thing everyone mentioned to him? Wouldn't superstitious Mona have made an issue of it, and wouldn't Pankaj have told Savi that Arjun confided in him?

Only when Mahārāja was leaving, Vidyadhar said that the prophecy came true: in the flag-planting competition, the Kavathekars won. When the event happened, however, there were no competitors! The honour to run with the flag was given only to Arjun. What is wrong with the writers? Don't they remember?

Pradip lives on the Bhima Sadan grounds, right? Wouldn't the family allow him to meet Mahārāja, just in case he would be miraculously cured?

Actually Saavi's saree catching fire and Arjun dousing it has no co-relation to his love for her.

Had it been Nanda's saree even then Arjun would've run to extinguish it....it is a moral responsiblity.

Writers are entangling unnecessary emotions just to show Arjuns renewed love for Saavi..... 

Maybe a lowering TRP has made them crank up the speed of the story a little.... whatever it is...thankgod this serial has caught some speed....

Maharaj kept praising Saavi and saying that this Laxmi should not be allowed to leave the house...  hence Vidya had to agree to his point of view and mention about how saavi saved Arjuns life and thats why he could hoist the flag and hence the water in the well. 

So he was in concurrence with Maharajs pov about Saavi being a Laxmi of the house.....(and also a rani laxmibai... [;P]

Arjuns cute words professing his love again for Saavi were really from the heart..... hmm nice lines....and Indraneil did justice to those emotions....Rasika was very good too !!

I am confused about Pankyas silence.....he knows that Vidya was behind the serial killer then why hasn't he told this to saavi yet ? Is there another story to Pankyas link with this family other than being Mama's son ? They havn't shown his emotions at all even after knowing that many are after Arjuns life in the house.

He adores Arjun and that is so clear....then wny the silence ?

Also the new promo showing Saavi back is action as a thief...this time to save her Arjun from the goons... looks awesome...can't wait to see her in control of her life and not crying away like a sissy.....

Posted: 7 months ago

Finally, we got progress in the family history! The actress who posed for Bhima'i's portrait had her first scene when Pradip flashed back to her reading in the garden.

Pradip calls Bhima Choṭī Tāī, calls himself her brother, and says that she loved him more than a real brother. He needs her forgiveness; he feels guilty about some lapse that hurt her. Maybe Bhima had told him to protect Sharada and Savi. Or, Pradip could feel guilty about Bhima's death, or even about Vidyadhar's paralysis.

Vishvambhar referred to Bhima Sadan as a vāḍā, so the same house was the Khopade residence when Pradip worked there. Vishvambhar also referred to Bhima's portrait as a photo, so his vocabulary is a bit loose. Āle Vishvambhar-cyā manā, tithe kuṇāçe çālenā.

Bāḷāsāheba Khopade, white-haired mālaka to Pradip, may have been Bhima's father, whom the Gangapur-vāḍī farmers called Moṭhe Mālaka.

When Savi first met Pradip, Pūjārī Kākā told her that Pradip used to do manual labour for several households at once. How could Pradip work for the Khopades, the most prominent family in Kavathe-Bhairavgad, and then become homeless without everyone reminding the Kavathekars to get him off the street?

Pradip denied working for the Kavathekar family, and he didn't recognize the Kavathekar name, even when Vishvambhar said "Bhima Bāī Kavathekar." So, did Pradip not know that Bhima married Bhalachandra? Yet the first time he saw Savi after her wedding, he understood that she had married Bhima's son, and he gave Savi a coin because Sharada would have blessed her. Later, he asked Savi if she was Sharada's daughter. So, although young, stylishly dressed Pradip paid Kamalya Bailat to surrender newborn Balya, mentally ill Pradip accepts that Bhima has a son and unmarried Sharada has a daughter.

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

I saw the episode, it was a bit confusing since it's been a while I haven't watched. Let's hope there's some more backstory unfolding in the coming days. 

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Posted: 7 months ago

Finally we get to see Bhima'i in flashback !

Yes Pradip did ask Saavi whether she married Bhima'is son.... so does that mean Pradip even in his madness wanted to keep this secret within himself....

Will Pradip point to Saavi and say that she is Bhima'is daughter ?? Hopefully the story moves ahead and the secret doesn't stay only with the Villian trimurti gang !  
