Whom does Vishvambhar consult? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 4


Who is Vishvambhar's unseen advisor for the plot against Arjun?

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Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Arjun should have taken Shyamal's blessings, but he was too busy looking at Savi!

If Shyamal stepped aside for kanyādāna because she's playing Savitri's widowed mother, how could Dipak do the honours without a wife? Doesn't everyone assume that he's a widower? They've been calling him Māmā ever since he caught Arjun trying to meet Savitri after haḷada, but only Vishvambhar, Balaram, Pankaj, and Vidyadhar know that Dipu is really Savi's Māmā. Why would they give him more importance than Shyamal?

Anyway, Vishvambhar's idea that he and Mona would perform kanyādāna was sensible, and Mona's objection was weak. The groom's Māmā can be the bride's actual father in Maharashtra, so why not her substitute father?

Has anyone been to a wedding that saved the maṅgaḷāṣṭakas for later? What reason could there be to do so? When kanyādāna was holding up the whole ceremony, why wouldn't Krishna'i suggest using the wait time for maṅgaḷāṣṭaka?

How can Gaṇapati-pūjā be an afterthought? If they had planned it before kanyādāna, maybe Dipu wouldn't have been delayed!

Kanyadaan is generally done by a male figure.... sadly it is a patriarchial ritual....

Handing over the girl from one household to another.....from one male to another...... 😞

It would be nice if these serials use this platform to change old rituals .... although in this case Savi would def want her mama to do her kanyadaan and not Shymal.... 

Also in most rituals a widow in not invited but i've never seen a widower given the same outcaste treatment...

Mona gave a silly reason no doubt to avoid the Kanyadaan but she quietly told VV that when she comes to her maaher will you be able to afford all the expenses...... it was obvious and everyone knew that mona was not inerested in doing kanyadaan hence the excuse.... she actually didn;t want Panku to be the brides brother too....she was muttering to herself about his "phude phude" attitude....

I loved the way Pankaj jumped to the idea of being Savi's brother and also Savi's smile when she heard that Pankaj would complete the brothers ritual.... she had even complimented him on his hushaari before and said if she had a brother he would be just like him....

Pankaj and Chamki pair up well too......their natures match up....and so did their dance..... 

Chamki slapping Bhaiyyu repeatedly was not required.....just once was enough..... but guess this will create some more enmity and revenge in the future....

Kanyadaan is generally the later part of marriage...... always rituals begin with Ganpati puja.... wonder why the production house goofed up on that ! It is basics.......

But liked Balrams visible admiration for Arjun through the way he commented when Arjun got his way done with the Guruji..... 😊

All in all loved Savi and Arjun looking at each other and showing their happiness, acceptance....and love !!


Posted: 1 years ago

My understanding is that kanyādāna is always performed by an opposite-sex married couple. In an emergency, a man can use supārī to represent his absent wife, but it isn't auspicious for a widower to perform kanyādāna.

Anything goes at this wedding, e.g. Balaram's "thirteenth day" joke, Mona's inauspicious ukhāṇā wishing misfortune upon Nanda and Shali ...

Once the knot is tied, isn't it released at the end of the ceremony? How are they planning to put the antarapaṭa between the knotted couple for maṅgaḷāṣṭake?

Posted: 1 years ago

Without a word, Savi played the video of Sahil for Vidyadhar, as if he could make sense of it.

1. Savi had only told Vidyadhar that Vishvambhar paid her to get Arjun to sign property papers, not that she was being blackmailed for killing Sahil.

2. Why would Savi expect Vidyadhar to recognize Sahil?

3. How does "that house was fake and that crying woman was fake" tell Vidyadhar that someone's death was faked?

4. How does "that man paid me to do all of it" tell Vidyadhar that Vishvambhar blackmailed Savi?

Yet Vidyadhar reacted by saying "Māmā!" and Savi told Dipu, Çamaki, and Shyamal that Vidyadhar knows the whole plot.

Supposing that we didn't hear everything that Savi confessed to Vidyadhar in that one scene, or in later conversations, shouldn't Savi have asked Vidyadhar how she could be happy with Arjun when Vishvambhar could expose her for sadoṣa manuṣyavadha with a minimum sentence of 2 years in prison?

Posted: 1 years ago

Why are Dipu, Çamaki, and Savi acting as if vehicular homicide of Sahil was their only jeopardy? They were still caught on CCTV stealing Vishvambhar's bag of gold and his car, and Çamaki was caught with the loot.

Vishvambhar said that he withdrew his complaint that could have sent them to prison for a minimum of 7-8 months, but he can reinstate the complaint, right?

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Section 468 states that if an offence is punishable with imprisonment not exceeding one year, the period of limitation is one year, after which the Court may not take cognizance of the offence.

What about Vishvambhar's threats to harm Mother Māulī, Çamaki's mother, Paras and his mother?

Posted: 1 years ago

Vidyadhar could have pointed out to Savi that now that Arjun is legally married to her (after saptapadī), it is too late to give him a choice. Telling him her secrets privately at the wedding venue, so that everyone would see his sad face or worse, would be so needlessly cruel. The right time to tell Arjun would be at home, with family to support him, after giving Vidyadhar time to make arrangements for suicide watch with Arjun's psychiatrist.

Instead, Vidyadhar spoke as if the marriage wasn't complete yet, and Savi was free to break it off by telling Arjun bhara maṇḍapāta sagaḷyāṃsamora instead of calling him to the room where Dipu and Çamaki had taken her.

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Posted: 1 years ago

Seeing Arjuns personality presently it is very unlikely that he will suicide even after knowing Savi's truth....... 

he will listen to her part of the story.....will believe VV's part...but he will never believe her part of telling Vidya and that Vidya said that he would take care of it.....coz Vidya will def deny knowing Savi's truth....

So Vidya will actually not want Arjun to know Savi's truth and he will finish him off before that for sure.

If Arjun comes to know savi's truth and suicides then Savi will not go to prison and also entire property will be in her name..... that doesn't workout for Vidya....

How do you think Vidya plans to kill Arjun ? 

Posted: 12 months ago

When Savi got Arjun's signatures before marrying him, it became difficult for Vishvambhar to insist that she must marry Arjun. Vidyadhar had to step in and insist that Savi should marry Arjun for love and happiness. With Savi assuming that the signed papers in Vidyadhar's possession put an end to Vishvambhar's plan to divert the property from a trust and then murder Arjun, the question before Vishvambhar is what to do with his leverage over Savi?

Vishvambhar decided to demand Rs. 50,000 from Savi. Introduced as a money launderer buying gold every couple of months despite Arjun's grip on the property, Vishvambhar now looks pathetic if he needs Savi to get him an amount that Nanda and Shali demanded to supplement their allowances.

Vidyadhar threatened to murder Vishvambhar if his ego-driven bullying of Savi messes up the plan to murder Arjun. Vishvambhar explained his good-cop-bad-cop strategy to manipulate Savi: aggressive behaviour by Vishvambhar makes Vidyadhar's comforting behaviour convincing and keeps Savi under pressure.

Spelling it out: as long as Savi believes in Vidyadhar, she'll defer to his judgement that it's still not the right time to tell Arjun the truth.

It could work, or Savi could decide that only Arjun can truly protect her and her loved ones from Vishvambhar ...

Posted: 11 months ago

Arjun's nameplate at the sugar factory has always identified him as Chairman. Arjun and Vishvambhar have both said that Vishvambhar was Chairman when the factory was mismanaged. It is nonsense for Vidyadhar to resign as Chairman now and say that Arjun was only handling the work for him. It implies that when Arjun found his will to live just to save the factory, Bhalachandra made Vidyadhar the Chairman instead of Arjun! And whoever (Bhalachandra or Krishna'i) gave Arjun total control of the property despite the siblings' shared ownership, motivating Vidyadhar to want Arjun dead, didn't bother to take away Vidyadhar's authority as Chairman, but Arjun made himself a nameplate anyway!

Savitri only joined the factory a few months ago, and she is currently Arjun's secretary because Phadake, who trained her, is in charge of the power plant, a project that can't move ahead without Bhaiyu selling the land that belonged to Balaram. If Vidyadhar gives Arjun's job of Chairman to Savitri, who will be her secretary - Phadake, who has ten years of experience ahead of her? What will Arjun do with his free time?

Vidyadhar's plan is to set up Savi to look greedy for Arjun's property. Giving her the job of Chairman doesn't create that impression unless Vidyadhar can forge evidence that Savi embezzled the factory's assets. There isn't much of a window of opportunity for that if Vidyadhar plans to murder Arjun within the newlywed period, before Savi can even assume the duties of Chairman.

It would have made more sense for the writers to tell us that Vidyadhar insisted on giving his share of ownership to Arjun and Savi jointly as a wedding gift. That would have established Savi's motive to trick Arjun into signing over all of the property to her.

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Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Vidyadhar's plan is to set up Savi to look greedy for Arjun's property. Giving her the job of Chairman doesn't create that impression unless Vidyadhar can forge evidence that Savi embezzled the factory's assets. There isn't much of a window of opportunity for that if Vidyadhar plans to murder Arjun within the newlywed period, before Savi can even assume the duties of Chairman.

It would have made more sense for the writers to tell us that Vidyadhar insisted on giving his share of ownership to Arjun and Savi jointly as a wedding gift. That would have established Savi's motive to trick Arjun into signing over all of the property to her.

Making Savi the chairman does prove that she forcefully took that as a gift from Vidya and he was obliged to agree due to his brotherly love for Arjun and also that he had trusted Savi.

Vidya doesn't want to give anything jointly coz it should only prove Savi's greed for money....

But how could Arjun agree on Savi becoming the chairman ? Wouldnt he want to be the chairman instead ?

Wouldn't he as a brother object to Vidya relinquishing all his rights over the properly (well atleast on paper)

Why did Arjun agree so easily ?

Does this also make Arjun selfish and further prove that he too thinks Vidya is useless ?

Also why was mama the chairman before Arjun took everything in his hands ? 

Did he become chairman after Bhalchandras death ? 

Why did Vidya agree to it ? Coz he is an elder ? or Vidya didn't want to show his dirty self to his family by directly being involved in the downfall of the company ? He always uses mama as a shield ......

Posted: 11 months ago

At Savi's trial for Arjun's murder, if Vidyadhar testifies that Savi "forcefully" took the Chairman position from him, it will raise suspicion that maybe Vidyadhar had some guilt for which Savi could blackmail him to give up power. "Brotherly love" isn't a convincing story when Krishna'i, Priya, Pankaj, Phadake, Patil, Mahadu, Sontakke, the entire orphanage etc. can all testify that Arjun had too much respect for his eldest brother to side with anyone who asked Vidyadhar to step down.

Balaram, who doesn't know Vidyadhar's motive, has probably already complained to Nanda, Bhaiyu, Ganapat etc., and maybe to Shali that Vidyadhar himself proposed to resign and appoint Savitri as Chairman, and Arjun didn't want to agree, but Vidyadhar insisted as eldest brother. How would this truth not come out at trial?

The evidence at trial shouldn't be that Savi was already getting everything and she murdered Arjun just to end their marriage. The argument should be that Savi is a hardened criminal who fooled the entire family by pretending to love Arjun, but she wasn't content to share with him. Joint ownership of one portion is temptation to find a way to become sole owner of the total.

If we believe that Arjun was allowed to run the factory instead of Vidyadhar, the real Chairman, then we should believe that Arjun thought Savitri would be only a figurehead Chairman and he would continue to do the job.

Vidyadhar doesn't give up any of his property by resigning as Chairman of the factory.

Vishvambhar said to Vidyadhar once that Bhalachandra trusted Vishvambhar with his eyes closed. So, Bhalachandra made Vishvambhar the Chairman; then Arjun recovered from suicide attempts and took over; after Bhalachandra died, Arjun continued to act as Chairman.
