Whom does Vishvambhar consult? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 7


Who is Vishvambhar's unseen advisor for the plot against Arjun?

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Posted: 10 months ago

Savi expressed guilt for causing a devamāṇūsa like Vidyadhar to tell lies, which he probably has never done before in his entire life.

Vidyadhar has come up with such an elaborate plan in no time: meeting with an architect in Pune, travel and accommodations in Mumbai, doctor's orders not to travel. How implausible is it that Savi, a con artist, doesn't find it suspicious how facile the whole deception is for Vidyadhar?

Vidyadhar is always tipping his hand with revealing dialogues, such as telling Savi that for his loved ones, he's ready to give his life or take a life. A real mastermind would keep the mask on at all times.

Both Nanda and Vidyadhar were hasty to exaggerate what photos of Savi meeting with Parikshit would prove: laphaḍaṃ and boyfriend. If they submitted the photos as evidence in court, Savi (or Sharada etc.) could easily identify Parikshit and establish that he had never met Savi before. Testimony from Parikshit and his family that this was an arranged marriage proposal, not a love affair, could be corroborated with Savi's and Parikshit's mobile phone GPS history. The photos are only useful to prove that Savi didn't let marriage to Arjun hold her back from looking for her next husband.

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Posted: 10 months ago

Savi's intellegence and 6th sense is eclipsed by her fear of losing the man she loves the most.

The day she comes to know that her mans life is in danger,  only that day all her senses will go into overdrive.

She will then connect the dots and think what a fool she has been.

It is high time the writers begin to acknowledge that the viewers are also an intelligent lot. We definitely expect more maturity in the storyline. 

The story was more enjoyable before their marriage..... 

This could be a buildup to her fierce character.....but even then it is a weak buildup. Would like to see more believable stuff.

Posted: 10 months ago

Why is Vidyadhar telling Nanda the details of the murder conspiracy? Bhanu Thakur will execute Arjun; Vishvambhar Māmā gave the order; the news will arrive soon ... Vidyadhar knows how indiscreet Nanda can be!

How can Savi be framed for a murder that takes place in Pune (oops! Arjun has already returned to Kavathe-Bhairavgad!) while she's being photographed in Mumbai? Bhanu isn't supposed to get caught and point the finger at Savi, right? Then how is the prosecution supposed to establish that the unidentified killer worked for Savi?

Vishvambhar didn't tell Bhanu where to find Arjun. He didn't hide his face from Bhanu or create the illusion that Savi was giving the order. He didn't pay Bhanu either. What happened to Vidyadhar's idea to extort Savi for money to pay Bhanu?

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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Why is Vidyadhar telling Nanda the details of the murder conspiracy? Bhanu Thakur will execute Arjun; Vishvambhar Māmā gave the order; the news will arrive soon ... Vidyadhar knows how indiscreet Nanda can be!

How can Savi be framed for a murder that takes place in Pune (oops! Arjun has already returned to Kavathe-Bhairavgad!) while she's being photographed in Mumbai? Bhanu isn't supposed to get caught and point the finger at Savi, right? Then how is the prosecution supposed to establish that the unidentified killer worked for Savi?

Vishvambhar didn't tell Bhanu where to find Arjun. He didn't hide his face from Bhanu or create the illusion that Savi was giving the order. He didn't pay Bhanu either. What happened to Vidyadhar's idea to extort Savi for money to pay Bhanu?

When did this happen ? I've missed a couple of recent episodes....

Did Vidya meet with Bhanu ? But i thought he never left Bhairavgad coz he had to put Savi in the car to Mumbai....

So the shooter is going to arrive in Bhairavgad soon ? 

That will be great....we will be saved with Savi's further lying to the innocent Arjun ! 😊

Posted: 10 months ago

Wednesday's episode. Vishvambhar went to Mumbai and met with Bhanu.

Back in Bhima Sadan, Vidyadhar told Nanda about this supārī just inside the front door, where anyone could have heard them, and just as Nanda was expressing her misgivings that something might go wrong, Arjun walked in with a bright smile on his face.

Posted: 10 months ago

Vidyadhar, Balaram, and Nanda are conspiring to murder Arjun ... but Arjun and Priya weren't very likeable either, the way they kept grinning and giggling at Nanda's painful phugaḍī accident. Not as bad as Arjun breaking Balaram's foot, but it was still schadenfreude.

If they saw Nanda trying to cause an accident for Savitri earlier by missing her hand, they might think that Nanda got what she deserved, but by mocking her in front of guests, they were only giving her an excuse to carry on the eye-for-an-eye.

The Kavathekar family is entirely dysfunctional, with the possible exceptions of Krishna'i (who enables the dysfunction by ignoring it) and Shali (who once tried to poison Arjun and trivialized Bhaiyu's attempt to gang-rape Savitri).

Posted: 10 months ago

Vidyadhar should have no credibility with Savi after the scene he acted with Nanda to evoke Savi's pity.

If Vidyadhar can steal Nanda's jewelry, he's no better than Savi the wedding robber or Nanda the embezzler. Savi's belief that Vidyadhar's moral compass will guide her out of cheating Arjun should be shaken.

Vidyadhar is willing to pay a bribe for what? Not for life-saving services, but simply to expand the orphanage. He says that he'll sell his kidney for the money. And this is the man whom Savi trusts to evaluate Arjun's suicidal tendencies!

Savi catches Vidyadhar raising his hand to hit Nanda because she wished his orphans dead. How can she not question her belief in a man who resorts to domestic violence after getting caught stealing?

The writers have lost their wits, if this is how they show their mastermind villain manipulating the well-meaning heroine!

Posted: 10 months ago

Why does Vidyadhar's bookshelf have two copies of Jacqueline Wilson's book Candyfloss? And what looks like five copies of the same pink-covered book by Miranda Hart?

Where do the producers pick up these props?

Posted: 10 months ago

Nanda's facial expressions while she was listening to Savi and Vidyadhar suggest that Nanda's opinion of Savi could be changing.

Of course, Nanda knows that Vidyadhar needs to frame Savi for murdering Arjun. But did Vidyadhar tell Nanda to make a scene about her necklace, or did he actually filch it to get Nanda's natural reaction? Was Nanda genuinely frightened of Vidyadhar when Savi treated her with sincere sympathy and respect instead of their usual rivalry?

Nanda seemed agitated even when she stood out of sight, listening to Vidyadhar explaining why he lost his temper, before Savi apologized for overhearing, which caught Nanda's attention. When Savi volunteered to come up with as much money as the orphanage needs, Nanda's eyes widened as if she realized that Savi isn't only looking out for herself; Savi is willing to bribe and steal for Vidyadhar and for an orphanage.

Nanda blinked her eyes in shock and put her fingers to her mouth as Savi said that she was willing to commit pāpa to improve the orphans' lives. So far, Nanda has only seen Savi's malice, gloating, desperation, blackmail ... Now, for the first time, Nanda saw Savi's unselfish readiness to take a risk for strangers. Although Nanda treats bhikkāraḍī orphans with contempt, could she feel respect for Savi, who has struck it rich and still cares about the hardships of an orphanage running out of money?

When Savi said that Arjun would find out the reason and not blame her for cheating him out of Rs. 5 lakh, Nanda closed her eyes and shook her head. Maybe she felt envious that Savi had the confidence to take Arjun for granted like this. Maybe Nanda realized that in spite of the ongoing betrayal of trust, Savi and Arjun are on the same wavelength, in a way that Nanda and Vidyadhar never could be.

Will the next twist in the story be Nanda switching teams?

Posted: 10 months ago

Why is Vidyadhar upset about Arjun trusting Savitri? There are enough witnesses to this couple hitting a rough patch, and even if Arjun is seen trying to make the marriage work, it's plausible that Savi would murder Arjun before he got suspicious again.

If I understand correctly, the plan is:

1. Sharpshooter Bhanu Thakur murders Arjun.

2. Krishna'i decides to put the property in trust.

3. Krishna'i discovers that she has no right to dispose of the property because Arjun signed over his control to Savitri.

4. Balaram or Nanda accuses Savitri of murdering Arjun for his property after being made Chairman, but Savi protests that she knows nothing about the papers and she saved Arjun's life several times. If she now says that Balaram tried to murder Arjun during the flag run, everyone will ask why she pointed at Dhole instead.

5. Detectives investigate what Savitri did as Chairman, and discover embezzlement of Rs. 5 lakh.

6. Savi insists that the money was for Vidyadhar to bribe someone for the orphanage expansion, but Vidyadhar says it's a lie; he would never bribe anybody.

7. Savi realizes that Vidyadhar tricked her, and confesses about Vishvambhar's conspiracy, including the papers that Arjun signed and Savi gave to Vidyadhar.

8. Dipu and Çamaki corroborate Savi's story that the conspiracy was known to Vishvambhar, Balaram, Pankaj, Vidyadhar, and Nanda, but all of them deny it, and there's no evidence to implicate them, except that Sahil could testify that Vishvambhar paid him to fake his death, and the occupant of Savitri's fake address in Lokmanya Nagar, Pune, could identify Pankaj.

9. With Savi's real identity and criminal history exposed, and insufficient evidence that anyone conspired with her, Savi will be arrested and the investigation will ignore the lesser crime of fraud to focus on Arjun's murder. Since Savi cannot manage property from jail, and cannot prove that Arjun knowingly signed it over to her, the property will revert to Krishna'i, and Vidyadhar will have to convince her to let him control it instead of putting it in a trust.

10. Vidyadhar might eliminate Krishna'i before she chooses a trust. Vidyadhar might eliminate Nanda too, before she testifies against him to rid herself of her disabled husband. Eventually, Savi will be tried and convicted on these facts: Savi tricked Arjun into marriage, property transfer, and Chairmanship, she secretly met Parikshit to discuss marriage, and when Arjun became suspicious, she embezzled money, Arjun got murdered, and Savi cannot offer a satisfactory alternative to the conjecture that she paid a hitman.
