What caused Vidyadhar's paralysis? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 7


How did Vidyadhar lose the use of his right arm and leg?

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Posted: 7 months ago

What a letdown! Pradip's tale of the past was trite, ludicrous, and full of dangerous misinformation for no good reason.

Bhima's father was a good man, a deva-māṇūsa, but irritable ... someone who first took his pregnant daughter to the doctor and then got furious enough to want to murder her and Pradip! Honour killing impulses shouldn't be normalized as an entertaining reaction to embarrassment.

Bhima's father kept a loaded gun on the wall. He dropped the gun on the bed without unloading it, still pointed at Bhima and Pradip.

The doctor supposedly told Bhima that it was too late for abortion; abortion would have endangered her life. Lie and lie! Surgical abortion procedures exist even for the third trimester. Doctors prefer to deliver a viable fetus alive; without a valid reason, they won't take the risk of bone fragments lacerating the pregnant person, but if Bhima's health was fragile, the danger would have been from continued pregnancy, not from abortion! In general, with proper medical care, abortive delivery of a premature fetus is safer than childbirth at full term.

Back in January, when I watched the episode in which Vishvambhar said that Savi's eyes reminded him of someone, I thought about Team Chinmay Mandlekar's disappointing storytelling on Jīva Zhālā Yeḍāpisā when Siddhi was made the long-lost daughter of Ātyābāī. From the beginning, we were told that no one knew the name of MLA Ātyābāī's husband, and she was genuinely protective of her son Sarakāra. Suddenly, we were supposed to accept that cackling-laugh Ātyābāī had been a lāvaṇī saṃrājñī, she had performed on stage until she went into labour (just like Vitha Narayangaonkar!), and she now felt apathy for Sarakāra because she had only adopted him for the purpose of entering politics with the image of a married woman! Instead of simply inventing a name for her fake husband, she had invited needless political controversy by making it a secret!

Team Chinmay Mandlekar had ten months to polish the story of Savi's birth, and still they chose to repeat their past mistakes!

Savi's birthday was just celebrated on the show on and after 12 October. Balya Bailat's birth certificate gives his birthdate as 27 July, 1995. Are we to believe that Bhima was given an 11-week-old child as her newborn, and none of the medical professionals around her commented on the age discrepancy?

Vishvambhar assumes that the birth certificate in Bhima Bāī's room was preserved by her for years until she died. I can think of only two ways that Bhima got this document: either Pradip left it behind when he lost his mind or he confessed to Bhima before losing his mind. Bhima likely found out before Arjun outgrew the sweater that Sharada had knitted before Bhima's baby's birth; why else would she have kept that one sweater while Arjun's other baby clothes may have become hand-me-downs for other babies?

Assuming that the molakarīṇa whom Pradip told to murder the baby was Sharada, did he know that Sharada had knitted a sweater for the baby? After months or years of chanting Sharada's name obsessively, why would Pradip suddenly refer to her as molakarīṇa?

How could Bhima's father think that a criminal conspiracy involving the doctor, Pradip, and the molakarīṇa in infanticide and lying to Bhima was easier than forcing Bhima to surrender the baby for orphanage/adoption, the way he had convinced her to hide her pregnancy?

What an opportunist Bhalachandra was! He overheard his boss and Pradip saying that they had eliminated a newborn, and instead of reporting the crime, he became an accessory to it! He saw his chance to rise from kārabhārī to son-in-law, and so he introduced himself to his boss with an idea to same-day-adopt a newborn baby and commit fraud against Bhima. How did Bhalachandra even know that his boss was at the hospital, covering up his daughter's delivery of a secret pregnancy?

Pradip said that he waited, but Bhalachandra didn't come back (with a baby); this reminded me of Pradip saying that he waited for Sharada, but she didn't come. Maybe Bhalachandra was planning to "borrow" his own newborn (Balaram) from Krishna'i, and it didn't go as planned! Suppose when Bhalachandra finally arrived with Krishna'i's baby, he discovered that Pradip had already put Balya Bailat next to Bhima. Did he go ahead and leave Krishna'i's newborn Arjun with Bhima, and take Balya Bailat back to become Balaram?

Is unwed motherhood so great an embarrassment that Bhima preferred to be known as a homewrecker and commit the crime of bigamy?

Why does Krishna'i talk about Bhima's puṇyāī and upakāra, and personally keep her room clean after she died?

Wasn't little Vidyadhar old enough to understand that his father couldn't have met Bhima'i until he took the new job, by which time Arjun was already born?

Dipu was visibly disturbed after whatever Sharada told him about herself, Pradip, and Savi's birth. Since Sharada left Kavathe-Bhairavgad thinking that Bhima wasn't allowed to have a baby, neither Sharada nor Dipu could have guessed that Bhima adopted Arjun. Dipu must have thought that Savi married her own younger half-brother! How could Dipu allow Savi to go on being intimate with Arjun?

Final thought for now: if Vishvambhar didn't know Bhima while she was alive, if he wasn't the man who impregnated and deceived her smiley36, how much time has he spent looking at her portrait, taking in an impression of her eyes?

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Posted: 7 months ago

@BrhannadaArmour..... you have completely revealed the climax my friend !

I loved the angle of Bhalchandra getting Bhima'is son and exchanging him for Balya Bailat..... so Arjun is really Bhima'is son and Balram is Balya Bailat... I would love this angle to the story actually.... i still can't stand the suave Arjun being called Balya Bailat..... 🌵 😳

But then Saavi and Arjun will become half brother/ sister.... so this is just not done.... not an acceptable situation for marriage.

*sigh* ..... i will have to convince myself with the 'Balya' story..... 

One thing is confirmed that Saavi is Bhima'is daughter hence a Khopade.

And Arjun has to accept that he is Bailat.... only then is their marriage viable.... else still Saavi Khopade n Arjun Kavthekar become half brother/sister....

Arjuns and Saavis birth date must be a few days apart.... actually saavi is elder by a few days.....coz doctors checked that Bhima's health was going down after she was separated from her baby and only after that Pradip got Balya to her..... Balyas mother died during birth hence he was immediately handed over to Kamlya.....same day handed over to Pradip....

Veda Pradip has turned the tables.....

How will Arjun come to terms with this  BIGGEST lies of his existence ?

I think he may now want to take his life..... i hope the story does not go that way..... that would be very sad ..... 

So now Arjun will become ghar jaawai..... and this shatters his abhimaani character.....

Vidya will now have to change target from Arjun to Saavi !!

So it is Arjun who comes to know of Vidyas bad intensions and he saves Saavi from the next attack..... wow.... fitanfit 😊 😉 😛

Posted: 7 months ago

You seem to have read "Bhima'i" where I wrote "Krishna'i" in this idea:

Suppose when Bhalachandra finally arrived with Krishna'i's baby, he discovered that Pradip had already put Balya Bailat next to Bhima. Did he go ahead and leave Krishna'i's newborn Arjun with Bhima, and take Balya Bailat back to become Balaram?

In my idea above, Arjun is Krishna'i's baby from Bhalachandra, and Savi is Bhima'i's baby from someone other than Bhalachandra. That makes them step-siblings, not half-siblings.

Posted: 7 months ago

In Vishvambhar's and Krishna'i's flashback, Bhalachandra was so obvious about making Krishna'i's newborn into his choṭe mālaka, his meal ticket!

A half-decent writer wouldn't have made Vishvambhar and Krishna'i in their youth too stupid to realize that Bhalachandra was announcing that he would give his baby a new identity. They're remembering his words in a flashback, and yet it took twenty-eight years for Vishvambhar to realize how determined Bhalachandra was to give his son to Bhima! Even now, Vishvambhar is stupidly gloating about exposing Arjun as Balya Bailat without considering that Bhalachandra would never have favoured an adopted child the way he favoured Arjun!

Bhalachandra even said that if the baby had been born handicapped like Vidyadhar, "they might reject him!" We can infer that Vidyadhar grew up listening to Bhalachandra body-shaming him.

Far from being the man that Arjun remembers, who would have disowned Vishvambhar, Bhalachandra was as much a parasite as Vishvambhar! He married Bhima just for her inheritance. Maybe he caused her death too, and immediately encouraged Arjun to seek consolation from Krishna'i.

Bhalachandra had no motive to announce his intention like this. Such sloppy writing is an insult to the audience's intelligence.

Krishna'i saw her baby, and we're supposed to believe that she just accepted a new Balaram as her own!

Posted: 7 months ago

So, the reason Krishna'i is acting out of character, rejecting Arjun just because he's unrelated to her husband and co-wife, is that Balaram has a pistol and Vishvambhar is threatening to use it.

Couldn't Krishna'i have alerted the family while Balaram and Vishvambhar were talking to Vidyadhar and Nanda, or while they were checking Arjun's signatures? Get everyone to safety, call the police, easily remand Vishvambhar and Balaram to jail because they were out on bail when they violently attempted witness tampering.

Krishna'i's unwilling actions could have been more convincing if she had pretended to be nervously agitated by the sight of Arjun, rather than emotionless. However, in spite of this choice by the writers/director, Seema Ghogale (Krishna'i), Indraneil Kamat (Arjun), Leena Palekar (Mona), Isha Deshpande (Priya), Gaurav Malankar (Vidyadhar), Hemant Pharande (Balaram), Rasika Wakharkar (Savi), Ram Daund (Vishvambhar) and other actors all played their parts very well in the MahāRavivāra episode.

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Threatened to use pistol on who? Everyone or just Arjun? 

I didn't watch the episode, was busy with other work, but did that 'Savi challenging everyone to bring them on the road' promo scene happen? Why was she outside the house already? 

Posted: 7 months ago

Probably, Vishvambhar was threatening Arjun. In post-production, they like to "echo" the sound of any dialogue when they want to add gravitas, but they're so bad at it, it just makes the words inaudible. I think what Vishvambhar said, when he ordered Krishna'i to call Arjun back inside to sign away his right to the bank accounts, was "Nāhī tara kāya hoīla, Ballyākaḍe pistūla āhe, ugāça uḍavūna ṭākīla."

Arjun had already obeyed Krishna'i's order to leave the house. Savi, also told to leave by Krishna'i, had insisted on following Arjun until the divorce papers were signed. Vidyadhar had pretended to plead for Arjun, and Priya had announced that she would leave with Arjun, but Arjun had ordered her to stay behind. He had knelt at Krishna'i's feet from behind because she had turned away. Then he had bent to touch Vidyadhar's feet and walked out. After he had placed his car keys on the hood of the car, he turned back to look at the misspelled Bhima Sadan sign, and that's when Krishna'i was forced to call him back inside.

The promo scene happened after Arjun signed the papers. Balaram shoved him, Savi caught him, and then she slapped Balaram from three angles, right into a bench of potted plants. Balaram dropped the bank account papers. Savi picked them up and threatened to rip them up, but Arjun told her no.

Earlier, Savi missed hearing the part of Vishvambhar's story where Bhima's father killed her newborn baby. Paras had called her right then to say that Sharada was admitted to the hospital. So, I guess Savi will remember that she needs to visit Mother Māulī, Arjun will come with her, and there will finally be a consequence of Sharada's wrong information that Arjun's name is Vidyadhar.

According to Pradip's story, the molakarīṇa went off with Bhima's baby to kill while Bhalachandra's family hadn't yet followed him to his new job in Kavathe-Bhairavgad. Krishna'i had just given birth to a rather fair-skinned baby that she wanted to name "Balaram," Vishvambhar was at her side, and he said Vidyadhar was playing outside, unsupervised as far as we know. So, assuming that Sharada was the molakarīṇa, she never met little Vidyadhar.

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Posted: 7 months ago

Sharda has never seen Krishna'i, her children or mama (therefore mama also didnt recognise her when he visited Saavi's house initially)

Sharda has only seen Bhalchandra coz he got married to Bhima'i.

I am also sure that Bhalchandra must've lied about him already being married. Hence Balasaheb got him married to Bhima'i.

So Sharda knows that Bhima'i was given a baby boy and she named him 'Arjun'.... Sharda must've served Bhima'i even with Saavi alive at her place. (without letting out this secret)

maybe that's why the writers have cleverly not mentioned Arjuns name and introduced him as Vidyadhar to Sharda. hmmm.... smart !

Sharda must've made the orange sweater for Bhima'is unborn child...and thats why Bhima'i always kept it close to her heart. Bhima'i def came to know from Pradip/Sharda that her real child is a girl and alive....

Def a rollercoaster of a story !!

Posted: 7 months ago

Bhalachandra didn't show up at the clinic until after Bhima fainted from the shock of losing the baby given to the molakarīṇa. If Sharada was the molakarīṇa, she never met Bhalachandra.

Assuming that the danger to Savi is the reason for Sharada's mortal fear of Kavathe-Bhairavgad, there's no way that Sharada served Bhima while raising Savi far away with Dipu! What makes you think Sharada knows that Bhima had a husband and son?

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Posted: 7 months ago

Pradip handed over the baby to Molakarin (has to be Sharda) to throw the baby in the river.

Sharda would never do such a thing and hence kept the baby with her in her house while still in Bhairavgad .

Since sharda was her parents only daughter am assuming that she didn't have any other place to go to except Dipu's place in mumbai.

She probably also loved someone or was going to get married to someone. That someone may have been Pradip (coz Pradip has been waiting for Sharda all along)

Sharda mustve stopped going to Khopade Villa coz she now had baby saavi at home. 

Pradip mustve dropped in to check on her and found out that Sharda still has the baby.

Pradip mustve told her that now Balasaheb is willing to accept the baby coz he has got Bhima married to Bhalchandra (an employee). The marriage mustve taken place immediately after leaving the hospital.

Pradip goes to Balasaheb and tells him that Bhima's real baby is still alive. This conversation mustve been heard by Bhalchandra and hence he sent people to eliminate the baby girl.

Balasaheb cannot eliminate Bhima's real baby coz he had made up his mind to get Bhima married hence the baby becomes legitimate. 

And what more joy for Balasaheb for knowing that he did not commit a crime by killing his own granddaughter.

Pradip gets hit by the maarekari to save Sharda and baby saavi. He goes missing after the assault.

Balasaheb falls into depression becoz he lost his most trusted servant, lost his grand daughter and also Bhima's trust coz she overheard that her baby girl was nearly killed by her own father.

But Bhima somewhere must have had the trust that Sharda would not harm the baby and would look after her like her own.

Very unlikely that Bhalchandra would kill a beautiful lady like Bhima. He mustve been smitten by her beauty and left Krishna for Bhima.

Mama mustve visited Bhairavgad to see why Bhalchandra doesn't visit that often, he comes to know the entire truth of Bhalchandras marriage to Bhima.

Mama tells Bhalchandra to take all of them (Krishna with the children etc) to Khopade Villa and tell Bhima the truth but Bhalchandra refuses maybe coz he is now happy with his new status.

Mama then plans and eliminates Bhima and hence the entry of the Kavthekars into what is now called "Bhima sadan" (with the wrong spelling) 😉

Once Krishna'i did mention to Arjun that even her husband didn't tell her the entire truth and hid the fact of having a baby with another woman. So Bhalchandra had not told Krishna'i the truth. 


