Whom does Vishvambhar consult? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 3


Who is Vishvambhar's unseen advisor for the plot against Arjun?

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Posted: 1 years ago

What does everyone think of Vidyadhar's newfound mannerism of removing his eyeglasses and putting them back on?

I find it distracting, as if the character has changed instead of revealing true motives that he supposedly had all along.

When Vidyadhar overheard Arjun saying that Savitri had agreed to marry him, why didn't he join in the triumphant hugging and procession? I expected that Arjun, Krishna'i, and Priya would have been looking for Vidyadhar to tell him the good news and recruit him for the proposal.

Etiquette requires Nanda to accompany Vidyadhar to make the proposal as the senior married couple of Arjun's immediate family. So, Nanda should have been informed right away. The scene of Krishna'i asking Nanda which necklace she liked, only telling her too late that she was choosing a gift for Savitri, was a cliché of Marathi TV.

Pankaj seemed genuinely happy about Arjun marrying Savi. Does he think that Savi's fraud will never hurt Arjun, or that Arjun will forgive Savi and be happy?

Posted: 1 years ago

Vishvambhar used to call Savi by her real name. On Monday's episode, however, he told Vidyadhar that Dipak and Suvarnalata - not Dipu and Çamaki (given name Suvarna) - had gone to their home, as if they still use their pseudonyms. Then both Vidyadhar and Vishvambhar talked of getting Savitri - not Savi - to come out of hiding.

Posted: 1 years ago

Balaram felt suspicious when Vidyadhar said that Dipak called him. When Dipu and Çamaki had slipped away without informing Vishvambhar and Balaram, why would they bother to give an excuse to honest Vidyadhar?

Vishvambhar indiscreetly congratulated Vidyadhar in front of Balaram for Arjun's marriage to "Savi" - not Savitri. Vidyadhar said that his dream of many years was coming true. And yet Balaram remarked that the wedding will become famous, but Vidyadhar doesn't know why.

How will Balaram react when he finds out that Vishvambhar follows Vidyadhar's plan? Balaram thinks that with Arjun out of the way, he will take over the family's wealth. Since Vidyadhar has never openly favoured Balaram and his expenses, Balaram might want Vidyadhar out of his way too.

Will Balaram first find out that the property papers are already signed, and they transfer the property to Savi? Balaram might misunderstand whose idea it was. Would he destroy the papers and thereby weaken Vidyadhar's case to frame Savi? Or, would Balaram, thinking that Savi double-crossed him and Vishvambhar, try to cover up their involvement by exposing Savi to Arjun as a free agent?

Posted: 1 years ago

When Vishvambhar wanted to murder Arjun right after Satya-Nārāyaṇa-pūjā. Vidyadhar told him to get off the horse and not lift the lid on the boiling rice or he'll get scalded. (Dialogue writer Vikas Pandurang Patil, that mixed metaphor made me laugh in what should have been a fearsome scene!) Vidyadhar wants to give Savi time to establish herself as the Kavathekar daughter-in-law, and then they'll pluck out the thorn that is Arjun.

Vishvambhar warned Vidyadhar not to wait too long, until the little Kavathekar heir is born, and Vidyadhar assured Vishvambhar, "Vidyadhar doesn't take so long!"

That might be foreshadowing that Savi will in fact become pregnant, and that will up-end Vidyadhar's plot. After the murder attempt, Arjun may be hospitalized or missing and presumed dead, but Savi will find out that the property is in her name and argue that her unborn child is the rightful heir.

Posted: 1 years ago

Vidyadhar teasd Arjun that Savi isn't his officially wedded wife yet, so he shouldn't prolong his visit to her.

Then Arjun asked Savi which wedding date they would observe as their anniversary, and Savi said that the day they committed to stay together is more important.

In front of Gaṇapati, they began to argue about who loves whom more.

We never saw Arjun leaving. The scene simply faded to the next morning.

Everything hinted that Arjun stayed long enough to find out who loves whom how much, and there could be a pregnancy to keep them together.

Posted: 1 years ago

When Pankaj entered, Vidyadhar acted as if he was scolding Vishvambhar out of love for Arjun. This contradicts Vidyadhar's earlier talk that he had sent Pankaj to warn Savi.

Vishvambhar said that he had to embezzle because Bhalachandra was dedicated to community service. So, Arjun takes after his father. For my fan fiction, I imagined that it was Bhima'i whose aptitude for business and community development Arjun inherited.

Being drunk, Vishvambhar didn't hesitate to sneer at community service in front of Vidyadhar, who sincerely cares about his orphanage, as far as we know. Vidyadhar pointed out that Vishvambhar helped himself to the wealth while claiming concern for Vidyadhar, Balaram, and Priya.

Even Vishvambhar has remarked that he could be exposed and Vidyadhar would still look as clean as washed rice-grains. How soon will Vidyadhar turn against his uncle?

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Posted: 1 years ago

Vidyadhars Orphanage must be just a money guzzler entity.... 

Arjun trusts him loads and will never get into details of accounts hence Vidyadhar is running his won business in the garb of charity ......

Posted: 1 years ago

The mehandī-saṃgīta dances were all true to character. Even the villains plotting against Arjun and Savi had their own reasons to dance. There wasn't a moment when I felt that a character wouldn't do this or that. Bravo to the directors and actors!

Priya's dance was perfect for her innocently exuberant and affectionate character. At first, I thought that the forest green dress with voluminous skirts, high waist, and puffed sleeves didn't suit Isha Deshpande's body type, but when she began to dance, I saw that the dress was actually flattering.

Balaram, being always competitive with Arjun, did some push-ups and gymnastics in his dance, of course. Hemant Pharande made it look effortless, but it takes tremendous practice.

Shali could be excused for not celebrating Arjun's wedding, but once Balaram was on the dance floor, she followed. Harshada Bhawsar is a good dancer.

Vidyadhar's dance was graceful in spite of his disabilities. It might be far-fetched, but it was expertly choreographed. Gaurav Malankar, who can be seen dancing with both arms and both legs in a behind-the-scenes video, maintained physical control when in character, as always. It was sweet of Priya, Nanda, Balaram, and Shali to show support for Vidyadhar by performing the same dance moves.

Puja Raibagi Dabke never gets much opportunity to dance in the character of Nanda, but at least Nanda listens when Vidyadhar tells her to have fun. The moment of Shali having to tell Nanda that the music had stopped was funny!

The weak point of Monday's episode was Çamaki repeatedly slapping Bhaiyu's face and pretending it was by accident, but Kanchi Shinde is a pleasure to watch dancing.

Pankaj was exactly the energetic partner that Çamaki needed. Shantanu Sayali is multi-talented - a comedic actor, a tragic playwright, and a dancer too! He's only 22, so we can look forward to a lot more memorable work from him.

Posted: 1 years ago

Would Arjun's wedding day be incomplete without a toilet joke? This time, Dipu did the honours, urging Sanjay to speed up the car.

The schemers on this show are always slipping up - for example, Shyamal saying "Dipu Darling" instead of Dipak rāva, Çamaki calling her pretend father "Māmā" and Dipu calling Suvarnalata by her real nickname "Çamaki" where Sanjay could hear them - but Balaram's joke about hosting another meal in thirteen days was outright incriminating!

In response, Vidyadhar threatened to murder Vishvambhar if Balaram spills the plan. Again, I wonder how Vidyadhar would give such an order himself.

Vidyadhar looked genuinely happy for Arjun, and Arjun was sincerely taking Vidyadhar's blessings. It's a shame that it's not real brotherly love. I liked the story more when Vidyadhar was Arjun's voice of reason, a character with a totally different temperament who loved and understood Arjun with all his shortcomings.

Posted: 1 years ago

Arjun should have taken Shyamal's blessings, but he was too busy looking at Savi!

If Shyamal stepped aside for kanyādāna because she's playing Savitri's widowed mother, how could Dipak do the honours without a wife? Doesn't everyone assume that he's a widower? They've been calling him Māmā ever since he caught Arjun trying to meet Savitri after haḷada, but only Vishvambhar, Balaram, Pankaj, and Vidyadhar know that Dipu is really Savi's Māmā. Why would they give him more importance than Shyamal?

Aside: all of the men are wearing richly embroidered clothes except Dipu. Wouldn't the Kavathekars have bought him a matching set of clothes, since they chose him to perform kanyādāna?

Anyway, Vishvambhar's idea that he and Mona would perform kanyādāna was sensible, and Mona's objection was weak. The groom's Māmā can be the bride's actual father in Maharashtra, so why not her substitute father?

It would have made sense for the Kavathekars to invite a married couple that was prominent in the community to perform Savitri's kanyādāna. Zamsande Vahinī who supported Arjun's ban on bloodsports dresses like a suvāsinī. Why not offer her the honours?

Has anyone been to a wedding that saved the maṅgaḷāṣṭakas for later? What reason could there be to do so? When kanyādāna was holding up the whole ceremony, why wouldn't Krishna'i suggest using the wait time for maṅgaḷāṣṭaka?

How can Gaṇapati-pūjā be an afterthought? If they had planned it before kanyādāna, maybe Dipu wouldn't have been delayed!
