Whom does Vishvambhar consult? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 5


Who is Vishvambhar's unseen advisor for the plot against Arjun?

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Posted: 11 months ago

I wasn't expecting Vidyadhar to blurt out to Balaram and Bhaiyu that he wants to murder Arjun himself. So much for my farcical speculation that Balaram's murder attempt would endanger Vidyadhar!

Vidyadhar could have beaten up Balaram and pretended that it was because he loves Arjun so much. He's not much of a mastermind, telling the truth to Balaram who couldn't keep his mouth shut during the wedding, Balaram who knew Vishvambhar's plan to frame Savi, but still planned an accident of Arjun's car when Savi would be inside.

It was comical to see Vidyadhar with one arm and leg thrashing Balaram. We have seen Balaram working out, and Vidyadhar doesn't even have a taut abdomen, but Balaram didn't even try to pin Vidyadhar's arms. And Vishvambhar with two arms couldn't pull Vidyadhar off!

Bhaiyu, who touched Nanda in his first scene and said he likes her, has a motive to send Vidyadhar to prison.

Posted: 11 months ago

Is Nanda capable of going along with Vidyadhar's conspiracy to murder Arjun and frame Savi?

When Nanda and Shali tried to poison Arjun and frame Savi, he wasn't supposed to die.

Nanda doesn't have to be a philosopher to realize that one day Vidyadhar could murder her for disrespecting him, just as he plans to murder Arjun. And as much as Arjun has made Nanda's life miserable, he humbly asked for forgiveness for dumping gomūtra on her. He doesn't deserve to die, or to be married to a thief.

Nanda could try to warn Arjun about Vidyadhar and Savi. However, Arjun already believes wrongly that it was Nanda who called him with the warning that Savitri is a fraud trying to get him to sign without reading. He's not likely to listen.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 11 months ago
Posted: 11 months ago

Nanda's decision to drop आणि निंबाळकर from her name as soon as Vidyadhar earned her respect is a regressive male chauvinist message: if you're man enough, your wife won't want her own identity.

Dialogue writer Vikas Pandurang Patil should stay away from lines like Vidyadhar's remark: "Twin tower pāḍaṇāryālā zo ānanda zhālā hotā nā, tyācyā dupaṭīnaṃ ānanda malā zhālelā āhe."

Does Vidyadhar's villainy become more impressive because he compares Arjun's disappointment to a coordinated hijacking of airplanes that killed thousands of civilians and started twenty years of futile war? No, Vidyadhar only looks absurdly vain, the viewer feels dirty watching Nanda's vapid laughter at his words, and the dialogue writer proves himself insensitive.

Is Colors Marathi trying to appeal to viewers who hate Americans, or to wanna-be future terrorists against other countries, by appropriating real-life suffering as a source of fictional delight? It doesn't raise awareness of Saudi nationalism, human rights of Palestinians, or any other grievances that motivated al-Qaeda members to lay down their lives.

Would Colors Marathi air such dialogue laughing at casualties in any other country - the Air India bombing in 1985 or the attacks on Mumbai in 2008, for example?


Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 11 months ago
rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

So completely agree with your views @BrhannadaArmour.....

Dialogues should be sensitive to geo-political situations.... and to viewers of all ages.... they should not forget that they have a certain moral responsibility towards all !

And somehow they are showing Vidyadhars anger out of proportion. It is too loud....

Arjuns love for his brother is loads....if he just tells Arjun that he would like to handle a certain division on his own then Arjun will def oblige and step down....

Also Vidyadhar knows the blunder they created when they were in control of all the businesses...... it was just mama in the forefront but def Vidya running the show..... 

He is a silly man...... thinking this time he will become a better businessman once in control....

rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

Krishna'i is such a fair and sensible lady.... liked it when she said that although she knows that Arjuns act of distributing money is not correct she cannot stop him coz she didn't stop Vish and Balram while they looted the business...... All are her own ...how can she differentiate !

Impressed with such maturity from her...... 

Posted: 11 months ago

Vidyadhar said that he has envied Arjun since childhood, but that should only mean that he wants to murder Arjun. His anger is indeed out of proportion.

Vidyadhar has openly threatened to murder Balaram and Bhaiyu ... Nanda is aware that he's capable of murdering her ... Vishvambhar is looking out for himself ... How does Vidyadhar expect this conspiracy to hold together?

I wonder if it will be revealed someday that the betrayal that drove Arjun to attempt suicide was staged by Vidyadhar. Whoever that special someone was, s/he will come back and say, Vidyadhar threatened my puppy and forced me to write that Dear Arjun note and leave you heartbroken, but I've been saving myself for you ... How could you move on with Savi?

I'm not convinced that just because Arjun loves Vidyadhar, he would share power. Arjun believes that Vidyadhar is too nice to fend off parasites, and if Krishna'i didn't share that opinion, surely she would have made Arjun share power with Vidyadhar. Arjun wants Vidyadhar to be Chairman, but in name only. When Vidyadhar didn't have his accounts ready, Arjun denied him his monthly allowance and then slipped it to him privately, saying that he knows that Vidyadhar helps out other family members when they've spent all their money.

rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

Hey you are spot on with the idea of Vidya being the mastermind in Arjuns suicide attempt ...... i share the same thoughts..... 

Arjun stresses on 'vishwasghaat' .... but solely a girl leaving him may not be cause of suicide.....doesn't sound too convincing.....  must be more than that..... 

hmm...agree about Arjun not leaving business to vidya coz he himself has said that Vidya doesn't know how to deal with the outside world.... 

But then one day business has to be divided among all the siblings.... and Krishna'i better put her foot down and take big decisions.... Savi may help her with this ! or then does Savi herself become the new owner and others dont get anything ? 

too much suspense..... but pls don't use too much glycerine ! 😊


Posted: 11 months ago

Vidyadhar's true nature evidently includes drinking alcohol with Vishvambhar. I would have expected a mastermind to avoid something that could loosen his tongue or be smelled on his breath when Arjun reaches him.

When Vidyadhar said that he had to transfer the property to Savi's name, I interpreted that to mean that he would file the papers that Savi already got Arjun to sign. Savi didn't read the papers to see her own name as the recipient. The alternative, that Arjun unknowingly gave Vidyadhar, Balaram, and Priya the right to transfer the property to anyone, would implicate Vidyadhar rather than Arjun when he signed papers transferring the property to Savi.

Doesn't a property transfer require signatures from both parties? How would Vidyadhar get Savi's signature accepting Arjun's transfer of his property to her name?

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Transfer of property requires signatures of both parties and 2-3 witnesses as well. Most of it is done in presence of a lawyer and even needs to be registered in the municipal office, where more signatures of both parties + witnesses have to be done. It's a long process. The transfer of property itself takes upto a month. 

So, the way TV world's laws function is false in most cases. 

rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

The papers on which Savi got Arjuns signatures are the ones with transfer of property to the siblings names...... coz Vishwambhar himself didn't know the change in plan that Vidya had made.... 

Vidya wanted Savi to get married to Arjun and transfer the property to her name before killing Arjun.

So this part is still pending.....transferring property to Savi's name.... hence Vidya is building the case to transfer Arjuns property to Savi's name...

Maybe Nanda tells Arjun that Savi may be feeling out of place due to her past where she has lived with less money......so it would be good to give her the respect atleast now that she is married to you..... she should feel rich... 😊..... 

This would ring a bell in Arjuns head.... he would believe that Savi is always worried and maybe with property in her name she will be relieved of the stress of her responsibilities ( those ones which she is not sharing with him)

Vidya has already made Savi the chairman.... now with property transfer done he will be free to finish Arjun ....

But how will Savi react to this ?? Will she smell a rat or will she pass this off as Arjuns love for her ? 

Actually with her suspicious mind she shud def feel something amiss..... else that wud portray her too dumb for the strong character she is.... 

All senses generally work more efficiently in thieves 😊

