Whom does Vishvambhar consult? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 6


Who is Vishvambhar's unseen advisor for the plot against Arjun?

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Posted: 11 months ago

If the property transfer to Savi is happening with Arjun's knowledge, the whole "I need you to get his signatures" plan was a pretense.

We have never seen the names on the papers that Arjun actually signed, and we don't know whether they were drawn up by Vishvambhar or Vidyadhar. The papers with Vidyadhar, Balaram, and Priya as recipients were in Savi's dream.

Posted: 11 months ago

Vidyadhar was quick to dismiss Nanda's intelligence that Savi inquired with Pankaj about a birth certificate.

Wouldn't it occur to Vidyadhar that Savi plans to give birth to a child as soon as possible, hoping that when Arjun finds out that she's a fraud, he will forgive her for the child's sake?

Vishvambhar had warned Vidyadhar not to wait too long to murder Arjun and frame Savi, or a Kavathekar heir might be born.

Posted: 11 months ago

I wonder if Arjun will check the CCTV in the cabin he furnished for Savitri, and see Vidyadhar's uncharacteristic fury at Nanda and Vishvambhar.

Will Arjun wonder why Vidyadhar's gesture with his upturned hand was enough for Nanda to fall back into her chair? Why Nanda reasoned with him instead of scoffing at him? Why Nanda recoiled when Vidyadhar slapped his forehead?

Will Arjun observe Vidyadhar's tumhālā kaḷata kasaṃ nāhī āhe expression? His khūna kadhī, khūna kadhī with heaving shoulders? His slapping the desk as he said of Savitri, nusataṃ pyādaṃ āhe pyādaṃ? His propeller arm indicating yā sagaḷyāvaratī jo ḍallā mārūna basalāya? How he took off his glasses to say mājhyā akkhyā plan-çe bārā vāzaṇāra āheta? His frustration as he talked of growing older and wasting opportunities, just before brandishing a projectile at Nanda? His pointed finger and akkhā samudra havā āhe rallying cry? How he got in Nanda's face and slapped the desk, momentarily reverted to smiling and soft persuasion, and again got worked up and poked her in the head? How he hurled a trinket to the floor and circled Nanda when she offered to resign - ātā kāya upayoga āhe, mūrkha bāī?

Gaurav Malankar, Puja Raibagi Dabke, and Ram Daund all played their parts with very believable expressions in this scene!

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Knowing ITV never has functional CCTVs, this would be interesting to watch. I always wonder what's the point of a CCTV is nobody's watching it.

 Does Vidyadhar not know about the camera? Is he not afraid of getting caught? 

Posted: 10 months ago

So, Vidyadhar knows Inspector Kadam who is available to visit Nanda as if he's about to arrest her for a white-collar crime, either without the formality of an arrest warrant or feeling no obligation to execute an arrest warrant lawfully issued by a judge! Kadam is willing to turn a deaf ear when the witness Savi asks for privacy to whisper with the accused criminal Nanda. Kadam is ready to leave without seizing the evidence, telling Nanda it's best to let it gather dust!

Savi should worry that if Vidyadhar can corrupt Inspector Kadam like this to settle a family dispute, Vidyadhar might be Machiavellian in other dealings too.

Instead of uncharacteristically embarrassing his wife and his family with a police visit and a chairman-ousting in front of employees, saintly Vidyadhar would have told Arjun in front of Savi, "I explained to Nanda that it's not too late for Arjun to have her arrested, and I can't expect him to forgive her crime while there's a risk of it happening again. So, here's Nanda's resignation, and I beg you again, Arjun, to hold back the evidence of fraud for the sake of our family. And Savitri, you are new in the family and you want to win over your sisters-in-law with humility - I understand that, but my Arjun makes every choice with wisdom and forethought, so before you make changes to his plans, talk to him and try to understand his reasons! Remember that both of you will have to make many decisions together for a long lifetime ..."

I know, Vidyadhar wanted Savi to oust Nanda in front of witnesses so that Nanda could testify about Savi's greed after Arjun's murder, but Nanda's version of what happened wouldn't be credible. Non-conspirators like the committee, Phadake, Krishna'i, Priya, and Mona, and unreliable conspirator Pankaj are all aware that Arjun chose Savitri for chairman, Savitri publicly nominated Nanda, and Arjun was furious because he would never have chosen Nanda.

Even passive Krishna'i and fluffy-headed Priya should find it strange that Vidyadhar approved of Nanda being ousted in a way that embarrassed the family.

Posted: 10 months ago

Vidyadhar told Nanda that today he fell in love with her again.

Then, as they were laughing together, Vidyadhar's face turned grim while Nanda went on laughing.

I suspect that Vidyadhar lied about falling in love with Nanda now and in the past. If he had been in love with her, the family would have noticed and Vidyadhar wouldn't have convinced Arjun of his innocence as chairman while Nanda was caught in fraud.

Vidyadhar once told Arjun that he rejected five marriage proposals and got stuck with Nanda. Did he deliberately choose a wife whose indiscreet spending and contempt for his disability would create the impression of his meekness and austerity, even when he fails to give Arjun an account of how he spent his monthly allowance?

For Vidyadhar to feel better after his rant about growing older while allowing opportunities to pass by, is it enough to be rid of Arjun, or does he also need to eliminate Nanda?

rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Vidyadhar is a slimy character..... he will use everyone possible to achieve what he wants....

Am sure he is in a relationship with someone else and as soon as he becomes king of the empire he will conveniently replace Nanda with his lover.

This will be the turning point where Nanda gets into the Savi camp and helps her turn the tables.....

Both Vidyadhar and Nanda are selfish for power and definitely not in love..

Am only amazed that Krishna'i hasn't asked Savi why she decided to nominate Nanda for the chairman post inpite of knowing their family history which Arjun had recently shared with her.... 

Will she not want to advice Savi to tread carefully as far as business decisions are concerned.

Why was Krishna'i only trying to make Savi feel better ?

Was it not more important to get details from her regarding her decision ?

 After all Krishna'i is aware of the mistakes she has made previously by keeping quiet and letting the bad guys handle business..... history should not repeat.....

Also what happened to Priyas instinct about Savi being scared of Nanda ? Why didnt she do anything about it ? 

Or maybe its just a thought planted which will be used later on....

Posted: 10 months ago

On Saturday's episode, Shali reminisced about the good old days before Arjun returned, meaning that she was already married to Balaram while Arjun was abroad. From what Arjun has told Savi, we know that his father was near death when he returned, and yet when Arjun attempted suicide, both Bhalachandra and Vidyadhar came to visit him, implying that Bhalachandra was not too ill to travel.

Shali also reminded Nanda that their father-in-law was ill when Nanda's marriage happened, so her Maṅgaḷā-Gaura wasn't celebrated. The Kavathekars must have been worried that Bhalachandra might spoil the celebration by dying, or that he would suffer from the noise of their all-night party.

Maybe Bhalachandra had cancer and went in and out of remission for a few years.

Shali also remarked sarcastically that Krishna'i receives money only now, just before saying that "āpalyā veḷī" there was no Maṅgaḷā-Gaura. From this, I infer that Shali married Balaram less than two years ago, and enjoyed a few months of luxury, but by the month of Śrāvaṇa last year the Kavathekars were still nearly bankrupt, with Arjun just finding his will to live and Bhalachandra about to die.

Maṅgaḷā-Gaura is celebrated for five years after marriage, right? It might be too late for Nanda, but Shali can still share the spotlight with Savitri.

Posted: 10 months ago

Vidyadhar's hit man has a luminous name like many other characters: Bhanu Thakur.

How does Vidyadhar expect to frame Savi for a murder committed by a sharpshooter? He can't link Savi to Bhanu without incriminating Bhanu. Will he try to make it look like Savi herself pulled the trigger?

rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Vidyadhar will make Savi make the payment to the sharp shooter.

He even mentioned it to mama that his golden goose will fund the sharp shooter and wipe her own kunku.... 

He will ask her to make a chq payment directly to Bhanu in the guise of construction work payment for some new building for the ashram.

He will then prove that Savi made the payment to murder Arjun.

But why sharp shooter ?

Sharp shooter jara jastach nahi ka watat.....  

Sharp shooter can only get an aim at Arjun while he is on his morning jog.

Else he is either in his office or at home.. always cuddled up.. 😊
