Who will expose Savi to Arjun? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 7


Who will reveal to Arjun that Savitri Ganesh Çorage is a fraud?

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rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

Coz then Arjun wud've left all his imortant meetings and rushed to be with Shyamal Kaku......he knows the attachment Savitri has for her mother.... 

That excuse would be too risky...... for all you know Krishna'i wudve gone herself or then sent someone to accompany Savitri......

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: rainbow_colours

Upon questioning by Arjun...she said that some women prefer to keep their maiden name even after marriage and hence her mothers maiden name is Sharda and not Shyamal.....so same goes with Surname....maybe she loved being a tiger killer and nothing else...... 😊.....

What I remember Savi saying: in our society, many women have two names; my mother's name became Sharada but everyone still calls her Shyamal - even my father.

It was implied that Shyamal is the maiden name.

It's rather unbelievable that a woman would allow her in-laws to change her first name but insist on keeping her last name, and the in-laws would agree!

rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

So Sharda's maiden name is "Sharda Ganpatrao Bankar"..... then who is Waghmare ?

So she wasn't married to Khopade ?

 Did she steal Savi ? or then exchange Savi for Arjun coz Bhima'i wanted a male heir ?

So is Arjun Shardas son and Savi Bhima'is ?

Kahaani main twist....... 

Posted: 11 months ago

In an early episode, Dipu's surname was Mane. I thought he was Sharada's sakkhā brother.

Is he her cousin?

Since Sharada wears marital symbols, I always assumed that she used Waghmare as her married name.

Remember, Pradip said that Sharada's wedding didn't happen.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 11 months ago
rainbow_colours thumbnail
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Posted: 11 months ago

Dipu is Shardas manlela bhau.

Sharda has no other family except Savi and Dipu who has been her manlela bhau even before Savi was born.

Wonder how and where Sharda met Dipu.... it means she relocated to Pimpri before Savi was born ? Just after her marriage ? But Dipu mentioned that he got her wedding card......

Maybe her husbands family (Khopades) didn't approve of their sons affair with Sharda and hence made her leave Bhairavgad.

Her husband lived with her for sometime but then something happened and he never returned. Maybe he was killed or then somehow died. 

Or maybe he is Pradip who everyone thought died but got hurt on his head and that made him mentally unstable.

No one recognised him as a Khopade in Bhairavgad (which seems unlikely).

She gave birth to Savi out of marriage (while in Bhairavgad at her parents place).

Or did Savi somehow get exchanged with Arjun as a baby coz maarekaris were after Sharda to finish her off and she picked up the wrong baby from Bhima Sadan.

So Savi is Bhima'is daughter and Arjun is Shardas son ??

Therefore the property being transferred to Savi now is legal coz she is the real heir....the real Kavthekar !

Posted: 11 months ago

It struck me as odd that Arjun asked Krishna'i to send him Savi's photo. As a newlywed in love, it would be normal for Arjun to message Savi to tell her he wants the photo too.

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: rainbow_colours

So Sharda's maiden name is "Sharda Ganpatrao Bankar"

Who revealed this, and in which episode?

rainbow_colours thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Savi gets hold of Shardas birth Certificate.....it is written on it....

You can check yesterdays episode.....

Thats when she also reads her birth place as KavtheBhairavgad.... so she gets it along with her in a quest to find out her mothers bitter history with that place.

So now Chamki n mama will have to find out all the details.....

Posted: 11 months ago

Yes, when Savi held the birth certificate, it informed us that Sharada's father was Ganapatrao Shantaram Bankar and her mother was Tarabai Ganapatrao Bankar.


However, when Çamaki first held the birth certificate (above), it gave Sharada's name as Sharada Ganapat Waghmare, her father being Ganapat Waghmare and her mother Sarika Waghmare. Then it was the same "Bankar" birth certificate again, which also appeared when Savi showed it to Dipu.

Sharada's birth certificate is magical! Çamaki's line - सावे, असं तर नाही ना की काही घोळ करताना आपणच हे बनवलं अन् नंतर विसरलो? - must be the writers' joke at the expense of the poor producers trying to keep up with their fluid story!

Pradip said that Sharada's wedding didn't happen, so maybe a producer assumed that Waghmare is her birth surname. Now that Dipu says she's not his sakkhī sister - probably a cousin, her birth surname doesn't have to be Mane.

Both versions of the birth certificate informed us that Kavathe-Bhairavgad is in Sinnar Taluk and Sharada was born on May 5, 1970, so she's 53 years old. Did she remain unmarried until her late twenties?

I don't think Sharada lives in Pimpri; that's just where Savi met Phulchand's man to pay him on her way to Teju's wedding. Paras said that they live in the town next to the Indira Nagar branch of Kavathe-Bhairavgad Sahakari Bank, and I think that is in Indira Nagar in Pune, not Indira Nagar in Chinchwad.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 11 months ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

This attention to detail is something the writers directors of the show should also share. I guess they don't keep character sheets 🤣 
