Who will expose Savi to Arjun? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 5


Who will reveal to Arjun that Savitri Ganesh Çorage is a fraud?

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Posted: 11 months ago

Now Arjun has heard the woman he met in Mumbai being called "Sharada" by her companion. He might think it's a coincidence that his mother-in-law's legal name is Sharada, but everyone calls her Shyamal.

Arjun can tell that Sharada talks in her mind, just like Savitri. Her daughter's name is Savi too.

Will Sharada call him Vidyadhar, and find out that he's Arjun Kavathekar of Kavathe-Bhairavgad?

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Posted: 11 months ago

All this will dawn onto Arjun in episode no 365..... 😊

Till then deal with the "bechara bhabbda" Arjun .......

Arjun has gone missing.....only so that Vidya knows that Balaram had sent someone to finish Arjun....

Now Vidya will HAVE to take Balaram into confidence and tell him that he is incharge of this and that he better back off.....

Foolish Balaram will def spill the beans sometime later and this is how Savi will come to know that the real devil is behind the square glasses....

Her tears will turn into a cyclone which will shake Bhima Sadan....

Arjun will be unaware about Vidya till the very end..... Savi will be his knight in shining armour......

Vidya may even get Savi arrested....Arjun will be devestated.....but then mother mowli will dig the past and get Savi (who is now the new Bhima Sadan queen) released...... Mother Mowli will get her respect back.... Savi will give mother mowli what belongs to her... (swami had said that savi will give what belongs to the rightful owner)

The Kavthekar siblings will now have 2 new members to share their wealth with.....

Now what Vidya plans would be interesting.....

Pls can someone fast forward...... 😛

Posted: 11 months ago

It's beyond suspension of disbelief that Arjun, knowing that he has the wrong phone number for Sharada and wanting to help her to get a new Aadhaar card, didn't exchange correct phone numbers with her. Likewise, Sharada should want his correct phone number and full name.

Sharada blessed him and agreed to address him in the singular, but didn't say, "Tū mājhyā mulāsārakhā āhesa, Vidyadhar!" so that Arjun could wonder why she thinks he's his brother after he left her in the care of Savitri and Priya.

One of the four women with Sharada must be Çamaki's mother, right? The way Sharada was going on about the photo of her daughter Savi, how did Çamaki's mother resist asking Arjun, "When you met Sharada in Mumbai, didn't you meet Savi and my Çamaki too?" Of course, Arjun would have remembered that Savitri told him that Çamaki is her best friend's name, and Çamaki's mother called her during the Satya-Nārāyaṇa pūjā ... How funny it is that Savitri met Savi with her inseparable best friend who has the same name as Savitri's best friend! Priya was there, and Arjun would have expected her to amuse him with a poem about the coincidence ...

"Is your daughter's name really Çamaki?"

"Her given name is Suvarna ..."

Posted: 11 months ago

Arjun's laughter at the memory of Savitri accusing him of slipping her a drug to take advantage of her in his hotel suite seemed premature. She got up and turned her back to him just as he was hoping to start lovemaking, and he wasn't concerned about this show of apathy?

Savi hasn't confessed that having to walk after her bus broke down, fainting from hunger, crying about waking up in Arjun's bed, and getting harassed by Ashiqya was all an act to arouse Arjun's sympathy. Poor Arjun still believes that he and Savi grew closer naturally.

Arjun has found Savitri in tears repeatedly since the wedding, and he still hasn't received any explanation of why she refused to marry him and attempted suicide right after agreeing to marry him. She has flipped her story about Naresh from "he won't leave me alone" to "I wanted to die when he broke his promise to marry me" to "you misunderstood my holding hands with him." How can Arjun take it all so lightly?

Instead, Arjun was too serious about Savitri's jealousy of Sushama, unable to see that Savi enjoyed tormenting him. Finally, it occurred to Arjun that his wife who met her admitted boyfriend at a hotel of ill repute was too upset by the idea of him playing the flute for other girls!

Living in the U.S.A., Arjun may not have remained korā-karakarīta as Sushama described him in college. We got a hint when Arjun suggested to Priya that if he had gotten married in the U.S.A., intimacy wouldn't have waited for Satya-Nārāyaṇa pūjā or deva-darśana. Unless that line was just the writers expressing a misconception about the U.S.A. (where some Indian emigrants are actually stricter about ritual observance than their peers in India), it means that Arjun remembers his time abroad as his chance to push boundaries.

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Posted: 11 months ago

Arjun is missing coz he found clues to Savi's past.... (Lord Someshwar heard Savi's prayers of not being able to keep the lies inside her anymore)

He probably got Sharda's purse which had Savi's pic in it.... then from the address on the Aadhar card he reached Shardas house. 

There he finds out that his Savitri is actually Savi...... 

He then asked Sharda where his daughter is working....and she told him she does beauty parlour stuff for marriages etc.... 

FLASH BACK.....and now Arjun realises that he HAD SEEN Savi at Deepesh's wedding...and thats why even Deepesh's father said he had seen her before !!

He comes back and either throws her in prison or then keeps mum bcoz his mother has had a recent heart trouble.

Tells Savi that he knows all about her past......and now he is going to make sure she gets the required punishment for being a thief !

Luckily for Savi...she didn't steal anything at Deepesh's wedding so there is no proof to put her behind bars.....

Now Savi will say Vidyadhar knows her entire truth and he asked her to keep mum..... to when Arjun asks Vidya...he will conviniently say 'no'....

The true mastermind comes forth and he challenges Savi on saving Arjuns life.... coz Arjun will NEVER trust her and will ALWAYS trust his elder brother.....

OK OK thats my mind going on full throttle..... but hey hope the twist is not so predictable....and the story writers are going to show something intriguing !!

Come on Chinmay Mandlekar.....lets see what your pandoras box opens up to......

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Posted: 11 months ago

Just saw todays episodes highlights......what is wrong with Savi ! 

She def requires help......her mental state of mind aint no good.....

(What ever the pressure in her mind....she is a seasoned thief and i def expect her to be more mentally stong than what is portrayed....)

Regressive dialogues ..... "tumchi ashi mansikata asel...." seriously babe.....what else did you expect on a honeymoon......

She disgusts me.....  

Her crying disgusts me......

Posted: 11 months ago

Savi wasn't shaming Arjun for wanting sex. She wasn't being regressively disinterested. Savi didn't like Arjun's regressive attitude that he's entitled to "conjugal rights," or the way he took off in the car.

Sex is expected on a honeymoon .. Arjun decorated the room and bed ... so Savi has to perform patnī-dharma then and there? No, she doesn't. Consent can always be refused or withdrawn.

Arjun understood that Savi could say she wasn't feeling well. He could manage without sex, but couldn't accept being shut out emotionally. He felt frustrated because Savi wasn't letting him help her; she was talking of missing her mother to the point that Arjun asked if she would rather share a room with her mother than with him.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 8 months ago
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Posted: 11 months ago

What kind of "mansikta" is that when your mother has to physically come in front of you to remind you of the responsibilities you have towards her....esp when she is ailing...

And how does that gentleman of a husband even know  the web you have created and have now gotten him entangled into it too.... 

Arjun is upset coz he doesn't find a foothold of trust in their relationship....am sure he realises there is something more than just "mother" angle to it.... she has been living in bhairavgad without her mother for so long...how come now she suddenly longs for her ??

I know the writers want the couple to fight at this juncture...what am disliking is the reason to fight..... it is silly and stupid.....

making a hero out of a thief..... and getting a feminist angle to get sympathy sucks big time !!

How come she is not bothered about where he was all night.... whether he was fine..... all she is bothered is she had to pack their bags and check out.... ridiculous..... another feminist angle ...... not done writers.... pls rethink..... 

Posted: 11 months ago

Savi told Arjun plainly that she was worried all night about whether he was safe or injured or dead, and in the morning, when she thought he might have been in a car crash, she was a wreck.

The crying from Savi and single tear from Arjun were both capably executed by the actors.

When a wife, whose husband walked out on her without a trace, objects to her husband's taunt that she didn't do her wifely duty, that's feminism - the doctrine that women are human beings rather than objects in service to men. It's also perfectly reasonable. Arjun's feeling bad about not having sex pales in comparison to Savi's feeling bad about not knowing what happened to him.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 5 months ago
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Posted: 11 months ago

Savi says something like if while removing the tangles if the thread breaks then she will use new thread in new chakri with new kite......

What does this imply ?

Her frustration is making her think of drastic steps and convincing herself that it is the way forward ?

Or is there a hidden meaning to it ?

Will mother mowli spill beans about her past ? About Bhairavgad ?

There has to be a motive behind this visit just when she is getting too hassled by Nanda ?
