Pirti cha vanva uri petla - Page 7


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mishkil88 thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: anjs

hey Mods, can i remove my name tagged in this topic.

I keep getting unnecessary topic reply notifications which i really detest.

Please help


since you have created this topic you will keep getting notifications. 

Posted: 1 years ago

I don't want to lose my posts in this topic, as I'm referring to them as notes for writing a fan fiction. Please don't delete/close the topic yet.

If I could create a new topic, I would do it and request you to migrate my posts from this one.

As a Viewbie, are you able to create a new topic, starting with my first post in this topic, so that I would be the one getting notifications?

Could you please migrate all of my posts to a different topic, so that anjs can move on?

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: anjs

hey Mods, can i remove my name tagged in this topic.

I keep getting unnecessary topic reply notifications which i really detest.

Please help


if you click on the little eye button, it will remove the thread from watch list. No more topic replies notifs šŸ‘šŸ¼

anjs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: DelusionsOfNeha

if you click on the little eye button, it will remove the thread from watch list. No more topic replies notifs šŸ‘šŸ¼

thanks, can you share a screen shot ?

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago


It will be currently looking like this. Click on the eye. "Topic unwatched successfully" will pop up.


Then it should look like this. Then you won't get topic reply notifications.

Edited by DelusionsOfNeha - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

The kustī spectacle was brilliantly executed. To say that it was far superior to typical action scenes might not do it justice. Typical action scenes look fake, and I'm impatient for them to be over. In spite of my expectation that Arjun, as usual, would look superhuman by taking on someone with more muscle mass, this scene held my attention because it never once looked like an actor and a stuntman remembering their blocking for the shot, swinging their limbs out wide, holding poses, and taking care not to hurt each other.

Indraneil Kamat as Arjun and the actor (whose name I don't know) playing Gangaram both made me believe that they were focussed on the sport, reacting to each other, spontaneously dodging, grappling, tumbling, and twisting. I am no authority on kustī, but this looked like a real match with real moves.

The match was engrossing. Harish Manasing Shirke is credited as the episode director, and the whole team deserves my applause for making me feel that I was right there with Shali/Nanda/Mona, Vidyadhar/Krishna'i/Priya, Bāįø·Äsāheba/Balaram, and Pankaj, cheering for/against Arjun as he fights with determination not to give up.

The match was even suspenseful when Arjun couldn't flip Gangaram, and then Arjun lay helplessly on his back, pinned by Gangaram, twice. When they had to be separated by referees, their furious lunges didn't look like acting. Even knowing that Gangaram was instigated to maim Arjun and Savi was on her way to protect him, I felt that the outcome of the match could be a surprise.

Posted: 1 years ago

Shali and Nanda, on behalf of the viewers, questioned when Arjun found the time to train in kustī. I don't know whether Indraneil Kamat has prior kustī experience, or training on set, or he just copied the fight coordinator, but I have to commend him for whatever he did to prepare for this episode. This wasn't trivial like Arjun's fight with Ganapat, or his confidence that he could singlehandedly beat the two men who assaulted Priya, or Arjun holding Ashiqya at arm's length. Arjun's respect for traditional kustī is now part of his character, expressed through his body language.

Indraneil Kamat said in an interview that when shooting began, just a few months ago, he wasn't used to acting with a camera in front of him instead of a stage partner, with lighting and sound crew right next to him ... and he still finds it challenging to sustain the mood of a scene when it is broken down into shots. He is very much a beginner at this work, and if he isn't used to kustī, he may find it especially intrusive to perform almost unclothed while another person handles him roughly. Bravo to him for overcoming the distractions and staying in character!

I try not to criticize any actor's looks, but this time I'm making an exception to recognize the makeup team's hard work - credited to Dharmesh Waghela. When Indraneil Kamat doesn't have makeup on, it's obvious that his complexion is naturally oily. Behind-the-scenes videos show how carefully the makeup team applies foundation to smooth out his skin texture before Arjun goes in front of the camera. I expect that the makeup team was kept busy by the perspiration and the red sand all over Arjun's face and body.

I wish Arjun hadn't maliciously broken Balaram's foot (with impunity). Then I could have felt anxious about this match, that Arjun doesn't deserve to be crippled for life.

Posted: 1 years ago

The emphasis on Arjun not having to apologize ... Arjun getting to win a kustī match ... was unnatural. Instead of building the hero's larger-than-life reputation and using the rest of the cast as mere spectators, the storyteller should focus on the drama that affects the fictional community of Kawathe-Bhairavgad.

A crime was just discovered: conspiracy to injure Arjun's limb. Everyone can see Savitri's hand bleeding, and deduce that there's a hidden weapon. Arjun has seen Gangaram kicking sand over the weapon. All of that should have been acknowledged with dialogue. Arjun should have apologized to Savitri just as publicly as he had berated her and fired her.

Posted: 1 years ago

Who painted the letter ą¤• on Arjun's left shoulder just before he bowed to Māruti? What does it signify - Kawathe-Bhairavgad or just Kawathekar?

Did Arjun lose his earring during the kustī match? He was wearing it while doing push-ups, but not when Gangaram laid him flat, not when he reacted to Savi's interference, not while riding/bowing in triumph, and not at home afterwards.

Why do all of the Kawathekar men and Vishvambhar and some of their acquaintances wear the same type of earring in the left ear only? If it's tradition, why doesn't Pankaj have one?

Vidyadhar referred to Shali as "yā Shali-lā" instead of "Shali Vahinī" as he had politely addressed her before, even though she is his younger brother's wife. I am trying to figure out who uses honorifics for whom in this family, and why. For example, Pankaj at first spoke of Arjun in the honorific plural, similarly to his in-laws Nanda and Shali. Now Pankaj has switched to the singular: "Arjun Dādācī nazara."

Should Pankaj be believed when he claims to flash back to making the video that was sent to Savitri?

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

So, when Savi followed Arjun to the field and he tied a rope to climb down into the dry well, did she actually confirm that he stored the ornaments there? Or, was Arjun there for some other purpose?

Savi's confession to Dipu that she can't steal the festival ornaments because she feels affinity for Bhairava-Deva made me think of Vishvambhar saying that Savi reminds him of someone. Also, Savi's reaction to Vishvamitraji Maharaj's prediction that the real heir would carry the flag to the summit was that he might not be referring to Arjun.

Could Savi bear a resemblance to Arjun's mother Bhima'i?

Suppose Bhima'i had a brother, Mr. Khopade, who used the false name Waghmare to marry Sharada and beget Savi. Then, under the law that recognizes sons and daughters as equal heirs, Arjun and Savi would have equal rights to the Khopade property. However, according to patrilineal tradition, Bhima'i and her son Arjun would not be heirs because Bhima'i had a brother, and since that brother owned the entire property, his daughter Savi would be the only "real" heir.

It would be sexist but ironic that Vishvambhar, trying to cheat Arjun by marrying him to Savi, would unwittingly legitimize Arjun's enjoyment of the property as Savi's husband.

Nanda said to Savi that Vidyadhar never had a friend named Divakar and she doesn't know why he's not saying so. This is more extreme than Nanda's earlier assertion to Balaram that Vidyadhar doesn't remember Divakar. Unless the writers have forgotten that when Vishvambhar named Divakar, Vidyadhar's reply was, "Who, Divya?" I think Nanda is bluffing. Anyway, Nanda is not going to find the truth by asking Balaram to investigate, as she's ironically unaware that Balaram is aware of Savi's scheme.

Arjun's sarcastic interrogation of Savi's request for leave, retorting to her mention of "Saputara past Nashik" by saying "in four hours, you'll be back," established that Kawathe-Bhairavgad is somewhere south of Nashik, where the show is produced. It takes less than two hours to drive from Nashik to Saputara, which lies almost directly north.
