Pirti cha vanva uri petla - Page 6


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Posted: 1 years ago

Nanda said that she gets to perform the pūjā of the deity's jewelry once in five years - yet another version of the Bhairava-Deva-Yātrā festival honours!

If there's a strict periodic rotation of the jewelry among the five prominent families, why was there any suspense when Bāḷāsāheba Dhole thought the flag-honour would be his this year?

Is the jewelry pūjā performed only by a lady of the house, or by a couple? Did Krishna'i or Arjun's mother Bhima'i ever perform this pūjā?

As we try to guess Arjun's past for which he mutters "I'm sorry" in his sleep, can we trust Nanda's statement that Arjun was out of the country five years ago?

What should we understand about Arjun's attitude towards flowers? Was he always indifferent to them, and is he now tempted to sniff the mogarā at arm's length, and then up close, because he is attracted to Savi? Or, do the flowers remind him of someone?

When Arjun showed the dry well to Savi, he didn't seem emotional about it, so maybe she's wrong about it being the site of an incident. If Bhima'i or Bhalachandra died there, I really don't think Arjun would have joked about Savi attempting suicide! Did he bring Savi there only to put the idea in her head?

Savi probably exposed the heavy-bottom boxes of underweight raw material to Arjun to win his respect, but what if it's one of Vishvambhar's money-skimming schemes? At what point will Vishvambhar decide that Savi isn't worth keeping?

Posted: 1 years ago

Savi's exposure of Mhatre's bribe-taking went better than I expected; Arjun called her Miss Viśvāsū and Vishvambhar was pleased.

The combination of Krishna'i's safe code is 25478. Does it mean something - the birthday 25 April 1978? That's too recent for Krishna'i (although the actress Seema Ghogale is said to be in her thirties) and too old for Vidyadhar etc., but could Arjun's mother Bhima'i have been only 18-19 years old when he was born?

With what power did Arjun prevail upon Nanda and Shali to hand over their own jewelry for him to store in a bank locker instead of the safe at home? I thought he only controlled the family businesses.

For once, Krishna'i spoke up when her sons butted heads, but only after Arjun used the insult "Phāṭalī kā?" and she didn't bother to discipline Balaram.

According to Sharada, Çamaki's given name is Suvarna. I thought Çamaki had chosen Suvarnalata as her pseudonym from the Bengali novel of that name, but no, just as Vishvambhar chose Savitri as Savi's pseudonym and Dipu chose to call himself Dipak, Çamaki also hinted her real name in her pseudonym!

Posted: 1 years ago

Why is Arjun only now deciding what to do about the dry well on his family's agricultural land, so close to their residence?

Krishna'i told Vishvamitraji Maharaj that the well has been dry for 23-24 years, dry ever since her marriage.

Since Nanda was already Vidyadhar's wife 5 years ago (or longer, as she has memories of Priya as a child), and it would have been illegal for Vidyadhar to marry before the age of 21, the sum of 26 years implies that Vidyadhar at least was born to Krishna'i before marriage to Bhalachandra.

Vidyadhar might be Krishna'i's son from a previous relationship, but not Balaram, since Balaram said that he and Arjun have the same father. Are these two half-brothers really supposed to be only 22-23 years old?

It's interesting that the land belonged to Bhimabai's family, the Khopades, and Vishvamitraji Maharaj says that this year's flagbearing by Arjun is the Khopades' turn, rather than the Kawathekars' turn. Did Bhalachandra acquire the land by marrying Bhima, or through business? Was Bhalachandra already married to Bhima'i and living on her property when he conceived Balaram with Krishna'i, bigamously married her, adopted Vidyadhar, and brought them home?

Krishna'i said that Arjun being little was the reason his father carried the flag whenever it was the Kawathekars' turn. Her wording implies that the honour actually belonged to the Khopade family. Although Bhalachandra didn't die until nearly a year (six months) ago, Krishna'i's remark that Balaram carried the flag while Arjun was abroad suggests that Bhalachandra stopped due to old age or ill health.

It's strange that Arjun has never had the chance to carry the flag, even though he is blamed for Zamkhande Vahinī's ban on cockfights last year, and she already passed the coconut to the Kawathekars for some reason.

Krishna'i and Vidyadhar and Arjun assumed that Arjun is the Khopades' original heir to whom Vishvamitraji Maharaj referred, but Savi questioned whether he meant someone else. Is that foreshadowing that Arjun will drop the flag and whoever will carry it to the summit is the actual heir?

Vishvambhar's remark: pāça varṣāṃtūna ekadā yeto Bhairobāçā utsava, doesn't agree with the yearly rotation or lottery among five prominent families. Maybe he meant that their family's turn comes every five years.

Posted: 1 years ago

Arjun's remark that it was harmless advice to wait for the well to collect water naturally, but he would have objected if the soothsayer had demanded the sacrifice of a chicken or a goat, suggests that Arjun is opposed not only to cruelty to animals but to animal slaughter in general. Is he a vegetarian? The rassā that Krishna'i told Savi to make wasn't meat-based.

If Arjun is a herbivore and Savi is a carnivore (a guess based on Dipu's specialty being biryani), that will be a gender reversal of Jīva Zhālā Yeḍāpisā, where Siddhi once ordered eggs for Shiva's breakfast and told him about her mother making Sagar wait outside the house because he smelled after eating eggs. In an early episode, when Mangal complained about Vijaya's green menu for the day, and then remembered that she was sitting in worship while wishing for meat, it foreshadowed that this carnivorous household would make Siddhi feel out of place. However, I don't recall Siddhi expressing discomfort.

Does Marathi TV tend to have vegetarian female leads paired with non-vegetarian male leads? I haven't surveyed enough daily dramas. On Tujhyāta Jīva Raṅgalā, Anjali Pathak's brāhmaṇa family might have been vegetarian, while Ranavijay Gayakwad enjoyed mutton and tāmbaḍā-pāṇḍharā rassā. I wonder if there is a gender reversal trend happening. There was just a scene on Ramā Rāghava (remake of Kannada serial Rāmācārī) with Raghav's family horrified when Rama offered to order chicken tikka for them.

Posted: 1 years ago

Pankaj Vishvambhar Gadak claims to be the flute-player, visiting from Mumbai as he pleases. However, he also claims to be the original heir - a clue that the flute, like the property, actually belongs to Arjun. Significantly, Nanda reminded Pankaj of his habit of pilfering trinkets from the house for his spending money.

Like father, like son! Vishvambhar is a philosophizing thief, and so is Pankaj.

The actor is playing Pankaj with entertaining expressions and dialogue delivery, but someone should have coached him that Kaṃsa had imprisoned Devakī and Vasudeva, not "Vāsudeva!" Vāsudeva is Kṛṣṇa's name because Vasudeva was his father.

I wonder how the lights in the study room turned on just as Savi fell on top of Arjun. Maybe Arjun controls them with the two phones that he showed Krishna'i that he was taking with him? Why isn't Arjun calling for help with his phones, instead of sitting there while Savi pounds on the door?

Was Nanda's plan simply to trap Savitri where no one could hear her calling for help? Or, did Nanda know that Arjun was sleeping in the study room (after slipping out to play the flute), and set up Savitri to be caught in a compromising position?

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 9 months ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Savi was silly to assume that Krishna'i had called Mother Māulī. Savi should have remembered her conversation with Vishvambhar a few days ago, about the need for Savitri Çorage's mother at least to attend her eventual wedding to Arjun.

Is the actor playing Vishvambhar not available? He was absent from the Hoḷī scenes without a story. Pankaj was introduced and hasn't had a scene with Vishvambhar or Mona. Vishvambhar hasn't approved of Savi's exit from the study room with Arjun, nor opined about Arjun having to get the ornaments polished.

Zamsande Bāī said in the same breath that she had the ornaments last year and the festival happens once in five years! So, do they just pass around the ornaments in the meantime?

Has Arjun really hidden the ornaments in the field with the dry well? Or, was it a red herring that he went there the morning after the ornaments went missing?

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

I guess Arjun's line: "Nāhī, mhaṇaje, hotel ... maṅgaḷasūtra ..." was a flub, since Pankaj facetiously responded that he didn't hear anything about "police station nāhī, lodge nāhī, maṅgaḷasūtra nāhī!"

Arjun isn't aware that Savi pretended to faint from hunger to manipulate Arjun to take her to his hotel suite, right? Her masquerade as Arjun's wife took place at the police station and Sukh Lodge only.

Arjun introduced Pankaj as "Vishvambhar Māmāṃçā phasalelā Koṅkaṇa-daurā," implying that Vishvambhar has used this phrase to express disdain for Mona not only in private with Savi but in front of Arjun. Still, it's cruel of Arjun to comment that his younger cousin is misbegotten.

Posted: 1 years ago

Savi's making twenty-three mistakes that Arjun discovered in one day, provoking him to fling the papers at her, seems inconsistent with her earlier job performance that enabled her to replace Phadake.

When Shyamal didn't recognize Vidyadhar, it would have been natural for Vidyadhar to remind her that she never met him before. If Vidyadhar as a child had met Divakar's mother, he might have recognized that Shyamal wasn't the same woman.

Shyamal's fake dementia would explain her saying that her husband died early in the marriage, and Divakar died later, the opposite of Vishvambhar's story that Vidyadhar would remember: Divakar died first and Savitri's father Ganesh died this year.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Balaram's attempt to maim Arjun in a kustī match is annoyingly reminiscent of Narapat's conspiracy to stab Shiva during sūramārī on Jīva Zhālā Yeḍāpisā. Is it Chinmay Mandlekar's idea to recreate the impact that his hit show generated with that spectacle? Or, is he under pressure to imitate it?

This kustī event came out of nowhere in the middle of the MahāRavivāra episode, and it matches sūramārī in these details:

  1. The occasion is a religious festival attended by the whole village.
  2. The opponent has a concealed weapon and plans a deadly assault on the hero.
  3. Someone shoots a video of the conspiracy.
  4. The heroine feeds a peḍhā to the hero before the match.
  5. Spoiler: obviously, the heroine will jump into the pit to fight for the hero.

What is missing?

First, Arjun doesn't have a believable motive to accept the risk of injury. He thought he agreed to cut a ribbon, not to grapple with a champion at a sport he has never attempted. Yet when everyone is telling him to back out, Arjun swaggers as if he needs no training and he doesn't fear injury. Arjun's obstinacy doesn't elicit my sympathy the way I felt Shiva's tension: his loyalty to Ātyābāī and Sonal's life were at stake, and he had trained all year as the defending champion.

Second, the threat to Arjun doesn't resolve anyone's conflicting feelings. Savi saving Arjun's life again, as she already did when he was ambushed, won't be as cathartic as Siddhi being persuaded to hurt Shiva because of his cruelty to herself, her family, and friends, and remembering his compassion for herself as she decided to save him. Savi even has a selfish motive to save Arjun: get in his good graces, cheat him for Vishvambhar's reward, and get away with vehicular homicide.

Third, we already know that Savi is a fearless action hero, unlike Siddhi who had no prior athletic scenes. The kustī event is a surprise, but Savi fighting for Arjun won't be.

I know that I shouldn't expect total originality. Daily dramas have to recycle plots that are entertaining, such as hate at first sight and love after clearing up misunderstanding. All life-threatening situations will seem repetitive after watching too many of them. Nevertheless, I find it disappointing that kustī on Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā reminded me of sūramārī on Jīva Zhālā Yeḍāpisā through mundane details and not sublime emotions.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 1 years ago
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