Adiandsid thumbnail
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Posted: 5 days ago

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flutterby thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Since old thread has reached 150 pages, I hope it's OK to post here. smiley1

I had expected everybody especially the positive characters - Ammu and Bhavani to take a turn for the worst.. that's how all serials' FLs take a turn for the worst anyway.. (this was why I had predicted long ago, that if Jayesh were to return to Bhavani in the future, she would forgive him and I think that makers are taking steps to show this like the current 'oh so noble, pure act that Bhavani did'... spineless.. I know, but that's what tv female characters normally are shown doing..) smiley11

Adiandsid thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Had expected Ammu to fall for the good for nothing peabrain, since they are the destined ones, but not after the things he did. As if being a peabrain wasn't enough they had to make him forcefully marry her. 

In a way the writers are high on confidence - we will mess him up and make people like him later. yeah... all the best. 

Adiandsid thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Oh.. Charanvandana bhi kar legi... she is eternally grateful that he married her. smiley35

Adiandsid thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

"No, she is not in love. This can't be love. Burdened with self-imposed expectations, yes very much. Incapable of moving on from a toxic situation or relationship, absolutely. Soft corner and empathetic towards Virat for his past few acts of kindness, yes probably. But love, no way. When you are incapable of loving yourself, you can't love anyone else."

I like to think she is not in love too. But doubt thats what they are showing. 

Riggy thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Adiandsid

"No, she is not in love. This can't be love. Burdened with self-imposed expectations, yes very much. Incapable of moving on from a toxic situation or relationship, absolutely. Soft corner and empathetic towards Virat for his past few acts of kindness, yes probably. But love, no way. When you are incapable of loving yourself, you can't love anyone else."

I like to think she is not in love too. But doubt thats what they are showing

Probably because that's what the viewers are used to seeing on itv shows. You can abuse the FL as much as you can but she will never walkout cozz she is sanskaari. 😞

The writers are propagating wrong values and expectations. But when was the last time they made sense that we would expect something sane from them now 😞

Adiandsid thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Mentioned in the previous post 'but doubt thats what they are showing.'

Case in point: the one dialogue she had interrupting Bhavani's extoling the virtues of Savitri vrat was 'unlogo ne mujhe hospital ke papers sign karne nahi diya. Kaha ki mein unki patni nahi hu'... which Bhavani ignored as she continued with her pravachan. 

But what was that dialogue? Was she saying it to say to Bhavani 'I cought you... dont continue with this.' or was she looking for some sympathy 'oh... meri bachchi... how bad.'

And how did that hospital scene play out? and when? Nurse found her to give her the broken bangles... and was she given the papers to be signed too? If Dildaar was around, she can give it to him herself... if Babs and ex are around and she is given the papers... did she take it and start to sign or was she aware enough that these 2 guys are going to object... why fight? 

Yeah... it was to be shown that Bhavani ignores what she talks about.. cant they have a better dialogue for Ammu that makes some sense? 

Edited by Adiandsid - 3 days ago
flutterby thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: bips


Why couldn't sriti have signed anything else?? Why smiley19

I believe all serials turn into crap after some months.. so it's pointless to speculate on the 'why'... 

Also Sriti openly has said that she wasn't selected for web series as she was asked about her age and they weren't happy that she was above 30.. smiley28 So she was forced to take up sub std crap. smiley30

bips thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Adiandsid

"No, she is not in love. This can't be love. Burdened with self-imposed expectations, yes very much. Incapable of moving on from a toxic situation or relationship, absolutely. Soft corner and empathetic towards Virat for his past few acts of kindness, yes probably. But love, no way. When you are incapable of loving yourself, you can't love anyone else."

I like to think she is not in love too. But doubt thats what they are showing. 

Exactly.  There is no possibility of love in so so much abuse.. but the writers director are definitely showing this as love.. for the show,  they are in love where amu has sort of realized it and virat hasn't.. but for them THIS is love

amu is going to be the epitome of pativrtra patni now.. everyone can forget now that she'll ever hold virat accountable .....Now it will be amu and her mangalsutra ki shakti against evil Priyanka to save her suhaag

Adiandsid thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

I'll add: to save her 'good for nothing' suhaag. 

Those 'kumkum' dialogues in kkb always felt odd, but then at least it went with the title of the show and made sense they had those kumkum dialogues in b/w... and beyond a certain point, things were such that I didnt cringe why she is behind the guy. Very different story here where I have to wonder why she is even thinking about him when they show a flashback.  

Anyways.. heard the ep is out. will update in a while. 

Edited by Adiandsid - 3 days ago