minakrish thumbnail

Team Rahul

Posted: 3 months ago

Hi all,

Following Vijay's announcement here, we are happy to announce that the flairs have been set up for the Mehndi Wala Ghar Forum.

Please use any of the following flairs while creating topics.

  1. Episode Discussion - For all episode discussion threads.
  2. Viewer Analysis - For all threads opened by viewers for their analysis of the episode or show.
  3. News & Media - For all news articles, BTS and social media updates.
  4. FFs & Creations - To cover the broad range of fan fictions, fan art, and more fan made stuff.
  5. Games/Contests - All contests, games and polls held in the forum come under this flair.
  6. Celebration - For all celebration threads related to actors, characters, or forum members.
  7. Rules/Announcements - For all forum mod announcements.


Edited by minakrish - 1 months ago