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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 79 {Dhanraj-Gargi tries to keep DJ away from the truth}

The episode starts with Yuvika calling out her family to cut cake for Prem’s birthday. Isha is furious at Karthik for his betrayal. Bhoomi wants Yuvika to deal with the issue herself. Yuvika lights the candle on the cake while Bhoomi gets worried for Yuvika. She says that she’s putting up a facade when she’s broken from inside. Yuvika recalls her moments with Karthik and tries to stay strong. Vidhur calls someone and offers the person to get the work done. Yuvika brings the cake to her family and goes on ramble hiding her pain but her family watches her with pain. Yuvika cuts the cake and shows it in front of her father’s picture and feeds it to her family. They all breakdown while Yuvika asks them to atleast smile for their father. She herselfs eats the cake and celebrated her failure. Bhoomi asks her to come to her senses as she’s not a failure. She adds that if her father was alive then he would have definitely told that he was proud of her. Yuvika breaks down in her mother’s arms. Bhoomi asks her to stop blaming herself as she just trusted Karthik . She asks her to not break herself for someone like Karthik. Bhoomi reminds her of her father’s words and asks her to go ahead with her life.

DJ is drinking continuosly and Gargi asks him to stop. DJ fumes that Dadababu would fall for anything Yuvika would say but it’s not the same for them. Dhanraj asks him to calm down but DJ says he wants to find the truth. He’s furious that the beggars come to Mahajan mansion to find the truth which the Mahajans themselves couldn’t find it. Gargi and Dhanraj gets tensed and asks him to not get involved in the issue. DJ refuses to listen to them and challenges Dhanraj that he would definitely find the truth before 20 years. Dhanraj warns him to stay away but DJ doesn’t listen. Gargi controls them and sends away DJ. She assures Dhanraj that she would keep DJ away from the mess but asks him to send Yuvika somewhere far away. Dhanraj tells that they need to keep Yuvika closer as per the quote that they should keep enemies closer.

Neil is in the hospital with Sophie when Vidhur calls him. He lies about where he is . Vidhur tries saying about Yuvika’s engagement but Neil cuts the call not wanting to listen it. Yuvika prays to God to find the truth about her father. She comes out and Dhanraj praises Yuvika for being the fest daughter. As he leaves, Gargi continues to shower praises on Yuvika and DJ watches their act. Gargi says Yuvika that Dhanraj wants to meet with her during lunch. When Yuvika asks the reason, Gargi asks her to find it herself. She greets DJ and DJ asks the reason for their acting. Gargi acts innocent but DJ mocks her and asks about their next move. Gargi warns him to stay away from Prem’s scandal as she claims that she only wants to claim her partition in the property. DJ paid no heed.

Precap: Yuvika gets worried not finding both Neil and Sophie in their ward. Pooja takes Sophie with her in car and Yuvika tries stopping her. However she speeds away in car.

CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Yuvika breaks down in front of the Nagars thinking about Kartik's betrayal

DJ's had it with Yuvika and decides to find out the truth behind Prem's scandal before Yuvika finds out...Dhanraj and Gargi turn pale after hearing this and they try their best to dissuade DJ but he doesn't listen....situation escalates and DJ challenges Dhanraj that he will get to the truth at any cost...

Gargi tells Dhanraj to send Yuvika to some outdoor project far away , he disagrees saying it's best to keep your enemies closer

Vidur talks to someone and says that the job should be finished

Vidur calls Neil who's still in the hospital , he makes up an excuse and hangs up the call

Next day , Gargi and Dhanraj pretend to be sweet with Yuvika and Gargi tells that Yuvika has a meeting with Dhanraj at that afternoon....DJ watches this and asks Gargi what's going on and she answers him in a cryptic way , episode ends...

CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Yuvika's car has some problems , the mechanic who exclusively repairs the vehicles of the Mhajans takes a look at the car and places a tracker in it when Yuvika is not looking , Yuvika gets late and leaves by atuo rickshaw

Mechanic calls DJ and tells him that the job is done but Yuvika was in a hurry and took a auto instead of her car , DJ hangs up exasperated upon heating this news

In the hospital Yuvika sees Neil sleeping while Sophie is still unconscious and takes him out to speak with him , he notices that her engagement ring is gone and asks about it and she tells that she called off her wedding with Kartik ..

Pooja comes to the hospital, Sophie regains consciousness and both escaps , Yuvika runs behind them and Pooja gives her a clue that the answer to the secret behind her dad's scandal is not in the past , but in the present and they escape in the car...Yuvika takes a photo of the license plate

Yuvika gets followed by the hoodie guy , she dodges him and follows him...

Hoodie guy is seen talking to Vidur , Vidur sees Yuvika sends Hoodie dude away makes up an excuse to Yuvika that he was asking for directions from him...

Vidur offers to take Yuvika to the office in his car , they have an interesting convo in the car where Yuvika begins to suspect him...

Shobana and DB meet with Dhanraj in the office to discuss about Yuvika

CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Dhanraj accuses DB that he has always been partial to Prem and his family

Shobana asks for a promise from Dhanraj that he will not let Yuvika get closer to the truth....DB is unable to get his point across...

Yuvika arrives and Dhanraj tells her that she's his new executive assistant from now and cannot do anything or go anywhere without this permission

Yuvika asks DB if she is being punished for something , DB offers her cryptic advice to stay strong at times when conspirators surround her to take her down

Dj learns that Yuvika has been made exec assit and lashes put , Dhanraj manages to calm him down and manpulate DJ into dropping his investigation

Yuvika meets Neil in her house and tells him about what haplened but doesn't mention about the spy meeting Vidur

Vidur bashes his spy cause he didn't take pics of the car's license plate and at that moment he overhears Yuvika telling Neil about the car and forwards him the pic so that he can search for it....Vidur finds Neil's phone and takes the pic of the car from his phone Yuvika sees him and gets more suspicious.

Edited by Pete15rogmourey - 1 years ago
CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


DB is looking at photos of his dad and breaks down saying he had already lost Prem and he cannot ( god forbid) lose Yuvika in a simillar way

Yuvika is sitting near the temple looking at Prem's photo and thinking about how whenever she took a srep forward in her investigation , her fate pushes her two steps back , DB offers her some valuable advice to surrender ( sorry can't think of a better word) her worries away to God and he will help her , she's doing the aarti when DJ arrivesand says that they have a crisis at Mahajan hospital and they are needed over there. Yuvika finally gets what Pooja meant by "The clue. Is in your present" and decides to investigate from the hospital itself , she says this out loud and DB listens to her

Pooja and Sophie burn down their car and talk to a mysterious lady who asks them to flee for now...

Vidur sees Neil talking to someone about searching for the car and chides him about how he's putting himself and Yuvika in danger by helping her in Prem's investigation and asks him for a promise to back away from the investigation....

Yuvika visits the hospital , she remembers the night when they admutted Prem in the hospital....DJ sees her lost in thoughts and talks to her rudely , Dhanraj however is sweet to her., she sees that the ICU has been dedicated to Prem and she wishes to visit it once , Dhanraj agrees and after she leaves to see the ICU unit where Prem breathed his last , he chides DJ telling that it's important to win the trust of your enimies too ..

Yuvika enters the ICU and sees Prem's ( ghost/ her hallucination) on the bed , episode ends...

Edited by Pete15rogmourey - 1 years ago
CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Yuvika is in the ICU and remembers the day when Prem died and how a nurse named Riya was taking care of him before his death

Nurses are at strike and DJ threatens to fire them all , Yuvika talks about how nurses are important and manages to deflate the situation saying that they cannot agree to all theur demands within a day amd suggests that since most of them are working mothers they can think of having a daycare in the hospital....nurses agree the strike is called off Dhanraj appreciates Yuvika

Bhumi is preparing ladoos and Gargi as usual tries to get under her skin but fails and Bhumi dishes out an amazing comeback at her ( must watch scene , WU does not do any justice to this scene , you have to watch it on your own)

Bhumi sees Neil and tells him that she was preparing ladoos at home and remembered how Vidur likes ladoos and decided to give ladoos to him personally but since she saw Neil, she gives him the ladoo so that he can give it to Vidur. Bhumi and Neil discuss about Yuvika and Neil suggests Bhumi to plan a suprise for Yuvika....Neil also thinks to himself about Vidur asking him to back away and tells to himself that he can never abandon Yuvika...

Yuvika searches for Riya comes across another Riya who turns out to be the one who is working in that place for 5 years and there is no one else named Riya in the hospital....Yuvika gets suspicious and asks the head nurse for directions to the surveillance room to check the footage of the day when Prem was admitted to clear her confusion....

Vidur's spy finds Pooja's burnt down car and informs it to Vidur and also tells him that he has got intel on Yuvika that she's planning to check the footage in the hospital and Vidur tells the spy that Yuvika should not see the footage under any cost , episode ends...

Edited by Pete15rogmourey - 1 years ago
CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


The hospital footage goes corrupt in the middle and nothing is visible

Yuvika has a dream of Prem who asks her to save him

She wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to take a walk to clear her head

She sees Neil and shares with him about her dream and what haplened at the hospital

Neil tells her that the Mhajans have their own backup in the server in the main office where they can access the footage from the hospital...

Neil steals Vidur's key card while he's sleeping , apologises to Vidur that he cannot abandon Yuvika

Next day;

Nagars are planning for a suprise and Arjun asks wether he can invite Simone , Bhumi agrees and DJ listens to this , he wars Arjun to stay away from Simone , Arjun refuses to back out and leaves

Yuvika and Neil are outside the Mahajan office in Yuvika's car and Neil asks her if she's ready , she says yes...

DJ is ranting about Arjun to Gargi ( without mentioning about Simone) and she asks him to chill he gets an update on the tracker which he has on Yuvika's car and tells Gargi that Yuvika is at the Mahajan office , Gargi notes that that particular day is a holiday and asks DJ to visit the hospital to see what Yuvika is upto , episode ends....

CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Bhumi worries about Yuvika and Arjun reassures her

After a number of close calls Yuvika and Neil sees the actual hospital footage in which they are shocked to find out that Prem was murdered and 'Riya' was also seen in the footage

DJ does not find Yuvika in the office and Neil and Yuvika manage to escape unnoticed

Yuvika is on a catatonic state in the car after witnessing Prem's murder on tape and Neil tries to calm her nerves and she tells him that she cannot even reveal this to Bhumi cause she would be devastated knowing that Prem was murdered. .

Neil and Yuvika arrive at the Mahajan campus and Isha asks both of them to the gazebo ( doesn't mention about the suprise party) Neil tells that he'll come after parking the car

At the party Nagars, Neil and Simone are present and Bhumi tells Yuvika that she's hosting a game night

DJ learns about the party and thinks that Yuvika is throwing this party because she has found some solid clue on the scandal investigation and decides to spy on them...

Nagars play their own take on the game of dumb charades where eveeyone has to enact out songs instead of movie names's Yuvika's turn and the song is one of Prem's favorite songs she remembers him singing it ( beautiful scene , don't skip this one do watch this scene ) she gets emotional and excuses herself and moves away a few paces to cry silently, Bhumi picks up the card that Yuvika threw on the ground and sees the song written on it and gets sad , episode ends.

Edited by Pete15rogmourey - 1 years ago
CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Episode starts off from where the previous one left , Nagars get emotional and group hug ensures , Simone comforts Arjun, DJ fumes in anger seeing both of them so close and leaves , Simone sees him and follows him

DJ walks to the bar section and Simone follows him , he turns possessive and asks why she's hanging out with Arjun and she tells him.that she has a personal life apart from their relationship and she has no real friends and Arjun is nice , DJ ignores that part and they hug , Ruhi sees this from the stairs and. Bhumi notices this too , Bhumi sees Ruhi fainting and falling from the stairs and rushes to help her

On the other hand Vidur tells the spy to keep tabs on Yuvika's every move

Yuvika asks Neil wether they should go to the cops and he tells her to wait until they can gather more proofs ( in that Prem murder footage it looked like he was having a seizure and nothing else seemed fishy so that cannot be counted as an evidence)

Gargi , Bhumi , Shobana , Simone , DJ are present in Ruhi's room where she's still unconscious , Shobana looks at Simone and asks what she's doing over there , Gargi plays the blame game and tells her that Bhumi and Arjun invited her, Simone leaves in anger and Bhumi leaves in disgust. .

Yuvika breaks down in front of Prem's photo that she shouldn't have left him alone the day he died , she could've stopped his murder by simply being present in the room and vows to get justice for him

Next day Neil and Yuvika meet the head nurse of the hospital in secret and Yuvika convinces to help her....Yuvika shows the pic of the fake nurse Riya ( she took the pic from the footage in the Mahajan office) and the head nurse lady tells them that she is Neha and she had come for her brother's liver transplant but left before the procedure could be performed....Yuvika asks for Neha's address and the nurse tells her that she will message the address after she goes through the records

Vidur's spy informs Vidur that he has searched and found Neha's address, Vidur tells him what to do next

Neil and Yuvika visit Neha's house and finds it locked , they think of a way to break into the house...episode ends...

CID-fan-394 thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 years ago


Neha's house is empty , Neil and Yuvika decide to wait for a while to see if anyone comes

Ruhi doesn't tell her dad the truth when he talks to her on the phone after she regained consciousness

Dhanraj is worried about what Ruhi's dad will do since he's also a board member in the office, Gargi shrugs it off saying that Ruhi's dad is not equal to them status wise , Shubbadra chides Gargi and Dhanraj about not having control over DJ , Gargi tries to pin tje blame on Arjun since he's the one who invited Simone but Shubbadra cuts her off saying it doesn't befit Gargi thar she's covering up her son's shameful act....she asks Dhanraj to mentor DJ to become the next chairman and asks Gargi to focus on Miraya

Neha arrives , Yuvika confronts her in which Neha tries to escape , struggle ensures , Yuvika injures her arm....Neil runs behind Neha but she gets away , Neha calls someone saying that Yuvika found her

DJ applies cream on Ruhi's qounds and says that she could've said the truth to her dad instead of lying....Bhumi enters , DJ excuses himself and leaves , Ruhi reveals about how DJ told her that he was in love with Simone right after their wedding and has always been transparent to her and she was always the other woman in their marriage , Bhumi is disappointed in hearing such words and says that these types of stuff often happens in buisness families but Ruhi should think about her future and make a decision soon

Neil bandages Yuvika's arn while they plan for their next step of action...
