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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 30 {Vidur's sugesstion shocks DB}

The episode starts with Karthik upset with Yuvika not introducing him as her fiancee. He asks Yuvika if she’s ashamed of identifying her relationship with others. Yuvika tries explaining when Bhoomi and Isha comes there. As Yuvika struggle to explain, Bhoomi greets him and explains their situation at Mahajans and they are forced to be there. She says that she wholeheartedly accepted their relationship as it was finalised by Prem and she would not break the promise. However she says it’s difficult to convince the Mahajans and asks him some time for it. She pleads with him to hide the relationship for time being and Karthik agrees. Later they all tease Isha when Yuvika gets call from office. Karthik understands her and asks her to go and suggests to meet in the evening. Everyone tease them.

Arjun is at Simone’s studio to collect the old pictures of his father he gave for developing. He finds it all ruined and picks a fight with the worker. Simone comes there and asks what’s the issue. Arjun emotionally says that he found some old negative rolls of his demised father and warned them to not ruin the pictures. However he shows her the ruined pictures upset while Simone apologizes to him for the same. She promises to get it fixed as she’s a professional photographer. Arjun appreciates her talent seeing her works and she shows her other works in the studio. Arjun gets impressed and emotionally shares with her about how much he misses his father and wants to preserve his memories. Simone understands his point and says that sometimes it gets easier to converse with strangers. They both become friends.

Yuvika is about to leave to meet Karthik when she gets assigned a meeting with Mr. Sengupta. Yuvika calls Karthik who’s waiting for her with flowers. She apologizes for the sudden change in plan and Karthik let’s it go. However he’s still disappointed. On the other hand, Dadababu greets Yuvika and Yuvika takes his blessings. She leaves after meeting with Vidhur. Vidhur recalls Dadababu about Guruji’s words and believes that Yuvika is the right person he’s waiting for. Dadababu gets stunned as Yuvika is a girl but Vidhur believes in what he said. Yuvika gets call from a random girl who says that she found Karthik’s mobile on road.

Yuvika panics and rushes there.Yuvika thinks that Karthick is asking her to come here. Karthick comes there. She asks him if he is alright? He says that he is alright. He needed little attention from her. She asks him if it’s fun for him? He says that it’s fun for him. She complained that she had come leaving her work behind. He says that he wants to stay with her. He greets her happy anniversary to her. He says that she proposed to him that day three years before. She used to remind him of this day. She can see the improvement. She hugs him. He says that he has a new surprise for her. She tells him that she has work at 2 pm. He assures her to drop her back at a time. She says that she has no other option in her hand. She thought about informing the DJ about it. She calls him and informs him that she will reach there late. Karthick asks her to pretend to be sick. She says that she is on the way. If he can manage it until she reaches there.

Precap; Dada Babu inquires Yuvika about her health. Yuvika lies to him that she has a cold. DJ will spot Yuvika with Karthick

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 31 {DJ spots karthik and yuvika together}

The episode starts with Yuvika calling DJ and asks him to manage for the time being as she would be a bit late. She says that she’s not well but DJ refuses to help her and asks her to share her stories with his assistant and cuts the call. She then texts about her situation to assistant and leaves with Karthik for his anniversary surprise. Dadababu comes to DJ and asks about Yuvika. DJ says that Yuvika is unwell and says he’s not sure about the photoshoot. Dadababu gets doubtful but decides to go for the meeting as Minister is waiting for them. Karthik brings Yuvika to a restaurant and Yuvika feels bad for lying to Dadababu. Dadababu calls Yuvika and asks about her health. Yuvika gets scared but lies that she’s in clinic and would be there soon. Dadababu asks her to take care and cuts the call.

Karthik shows Yuvika his surprise set up of cake and decorations and Yuvika gets overwhelmed. Dadababu and DJ arrive at the same hotel for meeting . Yuvika feels bad for lying to Dadababu and is worried about the photoshoot. Neil comes there and asks her what she lied. Yuvika gets surprised seeing him there and asks if he’s following her. He says he could ask the same and reveals that he’s the hotel manager. Karthik invites him to join too but he refuses and asks them to carry on. As he’s about to leave a waiter spills drink on Yuvika’s dress and Neil apologizes on behalf of him. He guides her to the washroom.

Neil spots Dadababu and Yuvika approaching the opposite side and drags Yuvika inside a room. When Yuvika asks what he’s doing he shows DadaBabu outside. Yuvika gets scared. Once Dadababu leaves, Karthik spots Neil and Yuvika coming out of a room. When asked about it Yuvika explains the situation to him. Neil guides them through back entrance to escape anyone noticing them. As they both leave, Dadababu is in meeting with the minister. DJ sees them together and clicks their picture. He calls the photographer and asks him to cancel the photoshoot and agrees to pay him the said amount. He also warns him to not take his name anywhere. The photographer left all of a sudden.

Yuvika comes to office to find Mr.Sengupta lashing out at Vivek as the photographer left. Yuvika gets worried. Arjun keeps calling her and Yuvika says about the photographer leaving in the last minute. DJ says Dadababu about spotting Yuvika there but Dadababu refuses to believe and says he would be mistaken. They all come to photoshoot place to find it empty and asks Yuvika about it .

Precap: DJ shows Yuvika’s video to Gargi and says it’s her biggest weakness. Gargi asks DJ to give more responsibilities to Yuvika and with in a moment make her fall down from so high.

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 32 {Neil's advice to yuvika}

The episode starts with DJ lashing out at Yuvika about the shoot and Yuvika says that photographer didn’t inform her before leaving. She says she never told shoot cancelled. Dadababu asks her to say clearly whether shoot happened or cancelled. Sengupta says that shoot was about to be cancelled but Yuvika saved it on time. Yuvika recalls Arjun suggesting a photographer for her as she informed about the photographer leaving at last minute. DJ lashes out at her for getting the photoshoot done with some local photographer. Yuvika asks how could he judge without seeing the work and asks him to ask Sengupta if he doesn’t trust her standard. Sengupta says that he has never found any such talented photographer in recent times and suggests Dadababu to hire the same perso for his future projects.

Yuvika shows the photos to everyone and everyone is impressed. Dadababu praises Yuvika while DJ gets pissed. Yuvika comes to Simone and says that everyone showers praises on her work and thanks her for helping her in last minute. Simone is glad and Yuvika introduces DJ to Simone. They both feel awkward. Arjun leaves thanking Simone again. DJ scolds Simone for coming there and Simone says she doesn’t know it’s his company and came only for professional work. DJ says she could have asked him for work if she wanted one. Simone gets furious and reminds him that she got the work because of her talent and reminds him about everyone praising her. DJ leaves angrily.

DJ lashes out at his driver as the tire is punctured. His driver is fixing the tires when Yuvika comes there. She offers him a ride but refuses to get in her car considering his standard. Yuvika asks DJ how does he knew that shoot cancelled without even her saying it. She asks if he’s behind it but DJ refuses the claim. Yuvika mocks DJ and gives her umbrella to him and leaves in her car. DJ throws away the umbrella. Everyone finds Yuvika’s ad in all over town and feels happy and proud. Yuvika’s family surprised her with a party for her first successful work.

Yuvika says it’s just her duty but her real success is when she finds her father’s culprit and prove him innocent. Karthik joins them through video call and they all dance and party. Dadababu comes there angrily and they gets scare but he asks how could they celebrate without him. He also joins their celebration and dances with them. Gargi sees it and fumes. Yuvika thinks that she completed her assignment but doesn’t know how to go to office from the next day if no other work is assigned to her. Neil comes there with his dog and they have a pep talk about dog. Yuvika shares her worry with him when Neil says that there are multiple ways to reach her goal. He says that if she can’t find Avni D Souza then she can find the secretary before her who’s Pooja. She asks how to find her and he asks Yuvika to figure it out herself. Yuvika gets into thinking.

Precap: DJ announces that for their 75th anniversary they are inviting their ex employees too. Yuvika thinks it means Pooja will also be present there. DJ shows Yuvika’s video to Gargi and says it’s her biggest weakness. Gargi asks DJ to give more responsibilities to Yuvika and with in a moment make her fall down from so high.

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 33 {Dadi's Etiquette classes for yuvika}

The episode starts with DJ recalling all the insults he faced from today. Gargi comes there and mocks him while DJ expresses his frustration. Gargi asks him to give more and more responsibilities to Yuvika for the 75th anniversary as only when she flies high the fall would be harder. DJ shows Yuvika’s picture with Karthik and says it could be Yuvika’s weakness. Gargi decides to use it at the right time. She says the more Dadababu showers love on Yuvika the more it could be of use to them. Bhoomi brings tea and snacks for the ladies and says they could enjoy it in rain. Just then news of Yuvika’s success airs in news and Bhoomi congratulates Dadi as their daughter’s first achievement is on news. Shubhadra states that it would have been on news long back if she was permitted to work in office. Dadi reminds her that she asked her to go to office with Yuvika but she never had the time for it. Shubhadra says that she let Yuvika work for her happiness and asks if it would end with the project. Gargi asks how’s it possible as Yuvika is talented enough to work for long. Dadababu agree with her when Yuvika comes there.

Dadababu asks if she hasn’t gone to work yet and Yuvika says she is about to leave. Dadi stops Yuvika and says Dadababu that she accepted his word and let Yuvika work breaking their family norm and expect something back in return. She says Yuvika needs to take etiquette classes from her and Yuvika gets worried as she won’t get time to dig about Pooja. However she has no option but agree. Yuvika messes up a lot in her etiquette class with Dadi and her family laughs seeing it. Dadi warns them that it’s Arjun and Isha next on the list. Yuvika gets some lessons from Dadi but Dadi says she needs few more lessons from her. DJ tries calling Simone but she doesn’t pick the call in anger. He expresses his love through voice note but she still ignores. He says to himself that he knew how to calm her and Ruhi who’s witnessing it all gets heartbroken.

Dadi shows a very rare piece of necklace to family women and says that she would give it only to a deserving woman. DJ comes there and calls Yuvika to office and Yuvika takes Dadi’s permission to leave. She then thanks DJ for saving her on time while Gargi appreciates DJ for listening to her words. Later everyone are assembled in meeting when DJ gives presentation about his plans for the upcoming 75th anniversary. He plans to invite all the old employees too for the event along with the current ones. Yuvika gets elated as it could be her chance to meet Pooja.

Precap: Yuvika shares with Neil about her checking the record room and all the records of 2003 vanished. Neil states that a big fire happened at that time and everything would have been burnt. Yuvika is sure that she could find something in the old office for sure .

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 34 {Neil-yuvika gets clue to find Pooja S}

The episode starts with Yuvika getting hopeful that she could meet Pooja in the upcoming event. DJ gives the presentation and other responsibilities to Yuvika and Yuvika gets stunned. Dadababu gets happy hearing it while Yuvika looks happily at everyone. Dhanraj gets into thinking about DJ’s plan. After the meeting, Yuvika thinks that she found a way to meet Pooja but wonders how to identify her. She asks Mrs. Khatri for help and Mrs Khatri says that she joined at the same time as Avni D Souza and has no idea about Pooja. Yuvika calls Neil and informs the same to him and Neil says that they would think of finding a way. Yuvika thanks Neil for being a very big support system for her. Neil gets happy and cuts the call .

Yuvika runs after DJ to say her idea but DJ disses her. Yuvika says that they could record the video recordings of old employees to share their experience of working with the Mahajans. DJ paid no heed to it when Yuvika demand him for guest list to contact the old employees and record the video. Watchman comes to her and praises her for being a replica of Prem. He says that she also cares about employees just like he did . He says that they felt a personal connection with the old building of the company which got burnt. Yuvika gets alert and asks about which building. The watchman says that it’s the old building that got burnt in 2003 and only after that they shifted to this one. Yuvika thinks that she could find some clue there in the old building.

On the other hand, Arjun notices Isha selecting designer sarees and jewels and lashes out at her for the same. Bhoomi also joins him in scolding Isha. Isha says that they are not for her but for Bhoomi. She says that she’s the deserving one for the emerald necklace Dadi mentioned and wants her to wear something to compliment the beautiful set. Bhoomi expresses that she has no interest on all these and asks her to drop this rich behaviour. Arjun asks about her experience of attending parties in the past. She shares experience of having edible gold drink during a jewellers wedding reception and how much Prem mocked it. She asks Isha to not fall for this wake glitrers but Isha says that she holds the values taught by her mother and also know to hold the dignity of Mahajan and asks her not to worry. Bhoomi is still not convinced.

Pandit visits Bhanupratap and Dadi to discuss about the right person to lead the Mahajan empire. Pandit asks him to wait for the right time and takes his leave. Next Dhanraj also demands Dadababu to announce the next heir for Mahajan empire during the anniversary celebration. However Dadababu says that it’s not the right time and shuts Dhanraj. He says only Guruji would decide the upcoming heir of Mahajan Empire. Dhanraj says it’s clear from day one that DJ is the only heir of Mahajan empire. Dhanraj mocks Dadababu and asks him to sign the papers. Dadababu asks Dadi’s opinion in the issue but Dadi stops him saying that he don’t need to find her any explanation. She goes to speak with Dhanraj.

Yuvika shares with Neil about her checking the record room and all the records of 2003 vanished. Neil states that a big fire happened at that time and everything would have been burnt. Yuvika is sure that she could find something in the old office for sure . Neil asks why did she chose to trust him with her problems. Yuvika says she has no idea but she only thought of him. Neil says it’s because they are friends now. Neil agrees to find the address of old office.

Precap: Dhanraj asks Gargi to stop DJ from involving Yuvika in office matters. Gargi says they don’t have to ask anything from anyone for themselves. She says that themselves would get it or else they would snatch it for sure. However she says that there won’t get two suns on a sky and in order to ensure it they must drown the second sun. Yuvika and Neil checks the old office and Yuvika gets scared seeing something.

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 35 {Neil and yuvika together investigates the old building}

The episode starts with Neil and Yuvika visiting the old burnt office building. Yuvika is sure that she would find something for sure there. Neil asks her to be careful as they can’t afford to get caught. Yuvika shares with him about DJ giving her the responsibility of presentation making for the 75th anniversary. She finds it odd and Neil shares with her that there’s definitely a reason behind it. Yuvika agrees with him. Neil finds samosa seller and buys a plate of samosa for Yuvika. Yuvika enjoys it and asks Neil to have a bite. Neil refuses and pays the samosa seller. He doesn’t have balance and so he gives him kulfi in return. Neil asks Yuvika to taste it but Yuvika refuses recalling her father. Neil teases her as the kulfi falls down.

Dadi goes after angry Dhanraj who asks if he did a mistake by asking DJ his deserved it. He asks if he was wrong upon expecting DJ to be the heir for Mahajan Empire. He’s fed up with all the excuses and accuses her for changing too. He asks why didn’t she oppose when Dadababu was giving his opinion. Dadi reminds him of all the sacrifices Bhanupratap did for them as they were too young when their father passed away. He says it’s him who protected them all and made sure that they wouldn’t fall apart. She says that questioning him is like questioning his sincerity. She asks him to give her sometime as she would explain Dadababu.

Isha offers chole bhature to Shanaya but Shubhadra stops her from having it saying that they are on liquid diet. Gargi rightly predicts that she’s dieting to fit in to match the emerald necklace and mocks Shubhadra. They both argue over who would get the necklace. Isha watches her mother paying no heed to the necklace or the talks about it. As Gargi checks for the outfit to suit the necklace, She asks Bhoomi to get one too. Bhoomi says Isha personally designs get outfits and she knows the best for her. Gargi nods ok and finds Dhanraj leaving angrily and goes after him.

Gargi asks what happened. Dhanraj explains about Dadababu’s decision.Dhanraj asks Gargi to stop DJ from involving Yuvika in office matters. Gargi says they don’t have to ask anything from anyone for themselves. She says that themselves would get it or else they would snatch it for sure. However she says that there won’t get two suns on a sky and in order to ensure it they must drown the second sun. Gargi says that they would make sure to see Yuvika fall on her face from height. Yuvika tries break opening the door while Neil admires her.

Neil and Yuvika enter the building while someone follows them. They both gets shocked seeing something. DJ surprises Simone with a romantic date and apologizes for his behaviour. He acknowledges her talent and also gives her the good news that she’s going to collaborate with Mahajans now. Karthik tries calling Yuvika but she doesn’t pick the call. He decides to call Arjun. Arjun is admiring Simone’s picture and Isha teases him. Isha picks Karthik’s call who says that Yuvika is not back from office. Karthik asks her to give him a call once she’s back. He feels restless.

Precap: Yuvika prepares herself for the AV and her assistant gives her the list of employees. However he asks who would be the person who shoots AV the next day. DJ says his parents that tomorrow’s night is a big night for Yuvika and they would make sure to turn it into a darkest night for her. He says that there shouldn’t be any drawback from their side.

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 36 {Neil starts falling for yuvika}

Episode begins with Yuvraj and Neel feeling scared when finding clues. They feel someone is present there and they get afraid. Yuvika says I feel someone is following us. Neel says find your papers fast. They see a mouse and Neel gets scared so Yuvika laughs. Then they see a dupata flying so they see it’s not someone. Kartik calls Yuvika and it gets connected. Kartik hears Yuvika and Neel laugh together. Neel says see that is the court room. Kartik feels confused about Yuvika being with Neel. Phone gets disconnected.

Neel finds a file and it is burnt. Yuvika says it just says Pooja S and this file is burnt. Someone is looking at them hiding. Yuvika is disheartened to not find any papers as such. Neel says atleast we got to know Pooja’s surname starts with S. Yuvika and Neel come to car. Yuvika is disappointed. Neel asks her what’s the matter? Yuvika says I don’t understand, I am trying so hard still not getting any clue, first the wrong Dsouza and now no information on Pooja, it is so disappointing. Yuvika gets a call from Kartik who calls her to a cafe. Yuvika and Neel leave for the cafe. Kartik asks the cafe person to wait before closing this. Yuvika reaches there and Kartik shows attitude.

Yuvika is confused with her attitude. Neel understands and leaves them together. Kartik says I am here just for you and my love for you and see what you are doing, you are not meeting me, not giving me time, I am trying to call you but you don’t pick up while I hear you and Neel laugh together, what is all this. Yuvika says you need to trust me. Kartik says how when I don’t know what is going on with you. Neel messages Yuvika that your boyfriend is an idiot doubting on someone as sweet as you. Yuvika gets thinking. Kartik says tell me what I am doing here if you want to do this. Yuvika says you are over reacting, Neel is just helping me solve the case, if we want our relationship to work then you need to trust me. Kartik starts thinking as he is not convinced. Yuvika feels tensed about not being able to find anything solid for Prem’s case and on the other hand how Kartik is not trusting her. Yuvika feels defeated from all ways.

Later, Neel is at home when his dad comes and they both joke like friends. Dad asks how was his days and if he is doing okay. Neel says yes I am all good and how can I worry when I have you. They both smile. Dad tells him about the functions at Mahajan house to celebrate their success. Neel says nice. Dad asks him to come too. Neel says what will I do? I don’t even know anyone. Dad says their kids are of your age and you might be knowing Yuvika. Neel thinks of his moments with Yuvika. Neel says no, you go. Dad starts emotional blackmailing so Neel says this is not done but okay I agree, I will come with you. They laugh and hug.

At home, Yuvika comes and meets Gargi. Gargi says you shouldn’t overwork so much. Yuvika goes inside. Gargi asks the staff to send some box inside as it’s very important. DJ comes and praises the arrangements done by Gargi. Gargi says a small gift for what we were waiting for since ages. They smirk.

Precap – Yuvika worries about the AV when DJ, Gargi and Arjun plan to defame Yuvika really badly.

Moonks thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 37 {Yuvika creates the AV for the event}

The episode starts with Yuvika asking for old photos of Mahajan company for preparing her AV. She recalls Karthik’s words and gets upset that he is ignoring her. As she’s about to leave, she gets video call from Neil. She apologizes to him on behalf of Karthik but Neil says it’s fine. He asks her to resolve her issue with Karthik. She tries calling Karthik again but he doesn’t pick up the call. She gets a call from her colleague and gets disappointed as she believed it to be Karthik. She continues her work. Dhanraj instructs their employees about the event. Gargi is selecting dresses suitable for the necklace. Dhanraj asks Yuvika if AV is ready and Yuvika says it’s getting ready. They both pass glances smirking at each other while pretending to cheer for Yuvika. Vivek says that their photographer is not finalized and Yuvika suggests Someone’s name. DJ and his parents are taken aback but soon DJ praises Yuvika and her choice. Arjun asks Yuvika about how did DJ not only agree with her and also praised her. Yuvika says no idea. She reprimands herself for not getting the guest list to find Pooja.

DJ’s parents asking him about Simone’s interfere and DJ says it doesn’t matter as he knew to keep personal and professional separate. He says ke his only target is to defeat Yuvika and is least worried about Ruhi or Simone. Yuvika meets with Karthik and tries to assure him that she’s still the same. She says that she came to Delhi to prove her father innocent and would return Rishikesh only after that. She says that the important thing in any relationship is trust and asks him to trust her. Karthik says she would have known how it felt when someone’s call or messages are ignored. Yuvika explains her busy situation and how she’s preparing AV for the event. She keeps getting calls and Karthik understands her situation. He asks her to continue with her work. He just then gets a call and hurries back to Rishikesh.

Yuvika is working hard on the AV and her family members asks her to rest in between work. However she works overnight to complete the AV. She plays it for her family who praises her work. Shobhana says that she selected the deserving person for the necklace. Later everyone are present in Pooja and Pandit asks them to pray for whatever they wish. Bhanupratap swears to continue the legacy by making sure to not let it go to a bad person. DJ prays for his dream to conquer the Mahajan Empire. Yuvika prays to get justice for her father. Gargi can’t wait to.witbess Yuvika getting ruined. Bhoomi prays to keep the promise made to Prem to protect their children. Dadababu blesses Yuvika and entrusts her with leading the company angering DJ.

Precap: During the Anniversary event, Yuvika’s AV gets played but it is switched with another AV where it says that Prem Raj is murdered and Bhanupratap, Shobhana and Dhanraj were shown as main culprits. Everyone gets shocked seeing it.

Moonks thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 38 {Gargi gets into a rift}

The episode starts with Yuvika discussing with Neil about not getting the guest list yet. He calms her and she’s about to leave when Isha comes there getting dressed. Yuvika compliments her. Isha asks her to get dressed better for the party. Yuvika tries denying but Isha insists. Shobhana comes to Gargi’s room to find her in the washroom. She says that she’s leaving something for her. Gargi comes out to find the emerald necklace and gets elated that she is chosen for the necklace. She happily gets ready for the event. DJ asks his assistant to make sure that no one gets left out from the guest list. Yuvika gets hold of the guest list and she checks there’s three poojas in the list. She wonders who is the one but decides to check on all.

The media is excited to cover the very big event and excitedly covers all the news. The Mahajans make their entry and they question Shubhadra and Shanaya about their outfit and diet. Simone is alerting her employees to not make any mistake. She finds DJ and happily goes to him greet him but backs off seeing Ruhi. On the other hand, Gargi comes there wearing the emerald necklace and Shubhadra gets upset. She goes to Shobhana to confront about it and Shobhana says she gave it to her daughter in law. Subhadra is upset that it’s Gargi but Shobhana clears that it’s not Gargi but Bhoomi. Subhadra smirks as Bhoomi enters with her kids wearing the necklace. Isha forcefully makes her pose. Bhoomi is also asked to pose but she’s very nervous. She recalls her father and tries to pose.

Gargi sees Bhoomi with the emerald necklace and think that it’s fake. She confronts Bhoomi about it taking her aside. Bhoomi and her assistant tries explaining but Gargi continues to lash out at her name calling her as double faced. Just then Shubhadra comes there and reveals the truth. Her designer reveals that it was an imitation he made to check for her dress. Gargi asks Shobhana what she wanted to give her and Shobhana says she wanted to give a solitaire to everyone and so left one for her too. Bhoomi stops Shubhadra from mocking and tries giving the necklace to Gargi but Shobhana stops her. Bhoomi recalls Shobhana rewarding her with the necklace for always supporting Prem in his good and vad times and giving such a great upbringing of her kids. Gargi gets furious and leaves removing the necklace. Bhoomi tries to go after her but Shobhana stops her.

Precap: During the Anniversary event, Yuvika’s AV gets played but it is switched with another AV where it says that Prem Raj is murdered and Bhanupratap, Shobhana, Gargi, DJ and Dhanraj were shown as main suspects. Everyone gets shocked seeing it. Dadababu asks what she did against her Dadababu. Yuvika tries explaining that it wasn’t her but Dadababu refuses to listen to her.

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Posted: 1 years ago

EPISODE 39 {Gaqrgi is upset}

The episode starts with DJ noticing Gargi was upset. Her manager shows a necklace to her and says that he brought it for her last week. It’s a orginal one. She asks him to not show his face to her again. Barot family arrives there. Gargi complaints to DJ that Shobana gave the necklace to Boomi. She insulted her in front of everyone. She was better than Shobana from everything. She did better in business. She did a lot for this family but she chose her. DJ asks her to leave this necklace matter. He has somehing big in his hand.

Vidhur congratulates Dada Babu. He appreciates him. He says that it’s not possible without him. Neil admires Yuvika. She asks him where he is lost? He says to her that she looks stunning. He says to her that Yuvika and Boomi are looking beautiful in this party. Yuvika says that his compliment also complex. She didn’t expected him. He says that he have to. Yuvika tells him that three pooja coming to this function. He asks her to be positive. She will find a way to find them. What if she find the right pooja? She introduces Neil to Boomi. She says that she said about him. Vidhur comes there to talk with them.

Surila and Shiv arrives to the spot. The media people takes their clicks. Subhadra asks her to take the guest near Sanaya. Surili says to Shiv that she heard manythings about Mahajan. He is going to do a business with them. She didn’t expected this much. Shiv says that they are rich but they are also not less. They are also Barot family. They meets Subhadra. Shiv says to her that his mom send him here. She says that Dhamayanthi did a good thing by sending him here. She appreciates her. She takes them inside. The anchor welcomes Dada Babu on the state. He gives the Mike to him. Dada Babu thank the guest for attending the function.

He gives his speech there. He shares his experience with them. Shiv and Surili are impressed by his speech. Everyone claps for him. He informs everyone that he planned to do this because of Yuvika PremRaj. He thank her for gave such idea to him. Some relatives are not happy with it.

Dada Babu announces about his future plans with them. He shares about Mahajan foundation motive. He inauguration the Mahajan foundation and prays to his father. He lighten the diya. Boomi takes their family to the stage. Meanwhile, DJ shows his fake video to Gargi. He says to her that he morphed this video. He portrays in front of everyone that the minister is corrupted. Gargi gets impressed by his idea. She asks him how did he got this pictures. He narrated to her about it. He says that his sister recorded it all. He plays Yuvika’s video with her boyfriend. Dada Babu name going to be ruined. It’s hard for him to get out of this scandal. Gargi says that he proved that he was her son. She says that it be more fun. Dada Babu asks Danraj about Gargi and DJ. They wants to lighten the diya.

Meanwhile Gargi and DJ comes there. Gargi glares at Boomi and lights the diyas. He said Yuvika and DJ to do it. She smiles to him. He shows his fake smile to her. DJ announces to everyone that he has a small surprise for him. He is his inspiration. He says that he wants to become like Dada Babu in future. He gifted a chair to him. Everyone claps for him. He praises him. Dada Babu gets emotional seeing his love for him. Dada Babu sits on the chair. DJ takes his blessings.

Precap; Dada Babu disappointed with Yuvika.
