Shrimad Ramayan Daily Episode Discussion Thread ~ 28/6/24 - Page 4

Episode Discussion


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Posted: 7 days ago

Ramji himself wanted to end smoky Maya

But Hanuman stops him that he will tackle

Overall I think u guys vanars know Narayan is with them they r full of josh..

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox

Itni jaldi utthh gaya yeh chacha

I'm happy about it. I've really enjoyed this series for the most part, but they drag some things out and I'm ready for them to reach the end of the battles sooner rather than later.

Love your new profile pic btw.

Posted: 7 days ago

Vanars mantra to fight mayavis

Hum Bhi Hai Josh Mein, Baate Kar Hosh Mein

Hum Bhi Hai Josh Mein, Baate Kar Hosh Mein

Yu Na Aankhe Dikha

TheMinion thumbnail
Engager 1 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 7 days ago

Typical Friday episode, nothing really happened smiley18

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 days ago

Oof. Raavan's top supporter is against his ideology too now.

Lankesh in shambles

TheMinion thumbnail
Engager 1 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 7 days ago

Lankan chariots are very low quality smiley36

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 days ago

Hanuman destroyed the chariot!

Posted: 7 days ago

Ok so prahast doubts smoky will hold fort

And he suggested to return sita

Lankesh angry

Then he suggested ideaaa

Hanuman saves nal Neel and now he will fight smoky bear

Precap chacha jaag gaya

Atleast chacha is well dressed and in full pants

Filler episode but some action yes 😂

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 days ago

Loved that ending. Prahasta showing his true feelings, then the panning of shots between Ram's confidence and Raavan's anger. Great way to end a week that started weirdly, but had three really good episodes to end it.

All the cricket fans, enjoy tomorrow's final and have a great weekend. See you guys on Monday.

Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: IbuHatela

I'm happy about it. I've really enjoyed this series for the most part, but they drag some things out and I'm ready for them to reach the end of the battles sooner rather than later.

Love your new profile pic btw.

Thank you for ur compliment

Yday garud really stole many hearts 😂

Ya they shd speed up but show proper battle
