Shrimad Ramayan Daily Episode Discussion Thread ~ 25/6/24 - Page 6

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Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: TheMinion

Yeh kya Meghu baar baar gayab hota hai, samane se ladh na bhai smiley7

Apne papa ki tarah cheater hai na isliye

Chhup kar attack karta hai

Posted: 7 days ago

Today's part from VR . 

P.S I have copy pasted the translations so if any wrong interpretation is there its not my mistake 

सो अन्तर्धान गतह् पापो रावणी रण कर्कशाः |

ब्रह्म दत्त वरो वीरो रावणिह् क्रोध मूर्चितः || 

That Indrajit the son of Ravana, the sinful demon who had gone out of sight and was cruel in battle, rendered himself as invisible again and hurled forth sharp arrows, bright as lightning.

तेन रौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ क्रुद्धेनाशीविषैः शरैः || 

सहसाभिहतौ वीरौ तदा प्रैक्षन्त वानराः |

Then, the monkeys saw the two warriors, those lions among men, being wounded quickly by the serpentine arrows of that enraged demons.

प्रकाशरूपस्तु तदा न शक्त |

स्तौ बाधितुं राक्षसराजपुत्रः |

मायां प्रयोक्तुं समुपाजगाम |

बबन्ध तौ राजसुतौ दुरात्मा || 

Not being able to hurt those two princes in his manifest form, Indrajit the son of the king of demons with his perverse mind, had recourse to magic in order to make them captive.

स तस्य गतिम् अन्विच्चन् राज पुत्रह् प्रतापवान् |

दिदेश अतिबलो रामो दश वानर यूथपान् 

That very strong and powerful Rama the son of Dasaratha ordered ten monkey-generals to search for the whereabouts of Indrajit.

द्वौ सुषेणस्य दायादौ नीलम् च प्लवग ऋषभम् |

अन्गदम् वालि पुत्रम् च शरभम् च तरस्विनम् || ६-४५-२

द्विनतम् जाम्बवन्तम् च सानुप्रस्थम् महा बलम् |

ऋषभम् च ऋषभ स्कन्धम् आदिदेश परम् तपः || 

Rama the scourger of his enemies ordered both the sons of Sushena, Nila the chief of monkeys, Angada the son of Vali, the stron Sharabha, Dvivida, Hanuman, the very strong Sanuprastha, Rishabha and Rishabha skandha.

राम लक्ष्मणयोर् एव सर्व मर्म भिदह् शरान् |

भृशम् आवेशयाम् आस रावणिह् समितिम् जयः || 

Indrajit, the victorious in battle, transfixed Rama and Lakshmana with those arrows that lacerated their flesh in great

निरन्तर शरीरौ तु भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |

क्रुद्धेन इन्द्रजोता वीरौ पन्नगैह् शरताम् गतैः ||

The bodies of both those warriors, Rama and Lakshmana were densely transfixed with serpentine arrows by the enraged Indrajit.

तयोह् क्षतज मार्गेण सुस्राव रुधिरम् बहु |

ताव् उभौ च प्रकाशेते पुष्पिताव् इव किंशुकौ || 

Blood flowed from the wound-marks of both Rama and Lakshmana and both of them shone like Kimshuka trees in flowring.

ततः पर्यन्त रक्त अक्षो भिन्न अन्जन चय उपमः |

रावणिर् भ्रातरौ वाक्यम् अन्तर्धान गतो अब्रवीत् || 

At that instant, though still invisible, Indrajit, Ravana's son, with his inflamed eyes, which resembled a mass of collyrium mixed with oil, spoke the following words to those two brothers.

युध्यमानम् अनालक्ष्यम् शक्रो अपि त्रिदश ईश्वरः |

द्रष्टुम् आसादितुम् वा अपि न शक्तह् किम् पुनर् युवाम् || 

"When I enter into combat, making myself invisible, even Indra the lord of celestials is not able to see or approach me. How much less, you two!"

प्रावृताव् इषु जालेन राघवौकन्क पत्रिणा |

एष रोष परीत आत्मा नयामि यम सादनम् ||

"O, Descendents of Raghu! Having imprisoned you in this net work of arrows furnished with heron's feathers, I, yielding myself up to the violence of my wrath, am about to dispatch you to the region of Yama the Lord of Death."

एवम् उक्त्वा तु धर्मज्नौ भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |

निर्बिभेद शितैर् बाणैह् प्रजहर्ष ननाद च || 

Speaking thus to the brothers Rama and Lakshmana, who were aware of righteousness, Indrajit pierced them with pointed arrows and shouted too exultantly.

भिन्न अन्जन चय श्यामो विस्फार्य विपुलम् धनुः |

भूयो भूयह् शरान् घोरान् विससर्ज महा मृधे || 

Indrajit, who was as black as a heap of shattered collyrium, stretching his immense bow, discharged formidable arrows even once more, in that great fight.

ततो मर्मसु मर्मज्नो मज्जयन् निशितान् शरान् |

राम लक्ष्मणयोर् वीरो ननाद च मुहुर् मुहुः || 

That warrior, Indrajit, who was aware of their vital parts, set up a continual shouting, digging sharp arrows into the vital parts of Rama and


बद्धौ तु शर बन्धेन ताव् उभौ रण मूर्धनि |

निमेष अन्तर मात्रेण न शेकतुर् उदीक्षितुम् ||

Those two princes, in the forefront of battle, bounded by that net work of arrows in the twinkling of an eye, became incapable of even looking up.

ततो विभिन्न सर्व अन्गौ शर शल्य आचिताव् उभौ |

ध्वजाव् इव महा इन्द्रस्य रज्जु मुक्तौ प्रकम्पितौ || 

तौ सम्प्रचलितौ वीरौ मर्म भेदेन कर्शितौ |

निपेततुर् महा इष्वासौ जगत्याम् जगती पती || 

Pierced in their vital parts, exhausted, and covered all over with heads of arrows, those two mighty and courageous archers fell to the earth, they who were the lords of the earth, shaking violently like a pair of flag-staffs in honour of Indra the Lord celestials and freed from their raised of chords.

तौ वीर शयने वीरौ शयानौ रुधिर उक्षितौ |

शर वेष्टित सर्व अन्गाव् आर्तौ परम पीडितौ ||

Those warriors, Rama and Lakshmana, lying on that heroes' bed (on the battle-ground), bathed in blood, all their limbs bristling with arrows and extremely injured, felt distressed.

न ह्य् अविद्धम् तयोर् गात्रम् बभूव अन्गुलम् अन्तरम् |

न अनिर्भिन्नम् न च अस्तब्धम् आ कर अग्राद् अजिह्मगैः ||

There was not a finger's breadth on their bodies form the tips of their fingers to the end of their feet that was not lacerated, implanted and pierced by those arrows.

तौ तु क्रूरेण निहतौ रक्षसा काम रूपिणा |

असृक् सुस्रुवतुस् तीव्रम् जलम् प्रस्रवणाव् इव || 

Struck down by that ferocious demon, who was able to change his shape at will, the hot blood gushed forth from both Rama and Lashmana, as water from a spring

पपात प्रथमम् रामो विद्धो मर्मसु मार्गणैः |

क्रोधाद् इन्द्रजिता येन पुरा शक्रो विनिर्जितः || 

Rama fell first, his vital parts pierced by arrows of the wrathful Indrajit, who had formerly vanquished Indra the Lord of celestials.

रुक्मपुङ्खेः प्रसन्नाग्रैरधोगतिभिराशुगैः |

नारचैर् अर्ध नाराचैर् भल्लैर् अन्जलिकैर् अपि ||

विव्याध वत्स दन्तैश् च सिम्ह दम्ष्ट्रैह् क्षुरैस् तथा |

Indrajit pierced Rama by arrows with golden shafts, with sharp points, which had downward movement, which go fast, Narchas, Demi-narachas, Bhallas (with wide tips), Anjalis, Vatsa dantas, Simha dantas and those shafts like unto razors

निरन्तर शरीरौ तु भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |

क्रुद्धेन इन्द्रजोता वीरौ पन्नगैह् शरताम् गतैः |

Seeing Rama the excellent man fallen, at a distance of an arrows range, Lakshman became hopeless about his own life.

रामम् कमलपत्राक्षं शरबन्धपरिक्षतम् || 

शुशोच भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा पतितम् धरणीतले |

Seeing his elder brother Rama, with his eyes resembling lotus-leaves, having fallen on the ground, wounded as he was by a net work of arrows, Lakshmana felt sad.

हरयश्चापि तम् दृष्ट्वा सम्तापम् परमं गताः || 

शोकार्ताश्चुक्रुशुर्घोरमश्रुपूरितलोचनाः |

Beholding that Rama, the monkeys too were in great grief and wept terribly, with their eyes filled in tears, being afflicted as they were by sorrow.

बद्धौ तु वीरौ पतितौ शयानौ |

तौ वानराह् सम्परिवार्य तस्थुह् |

समागता वायु सुत प्रमुख्या |

विषदम् आर्ताह् परमम् च जग्मुह् || 

Those monkeys with Hanuman in first place gathered at a place and stood surrounding Rama and Lakshmana, who wee bound by a net work of a


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Posted: 7 days ago

Today's episode was emotionally exhausting..seeing our beloved ram laxman injured is sad...when ram was really hurts ... brotherly bond beautifully they should show the recovery quickly...💔

Posted: 7 days ago

Wow ananya that was amazing and almost same to same it happened in today's episode

So this action was as per VR

Amazing to read that 


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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: ananya3129

Today's part from VR . 

P.S I have copy pasted the translations so if any wrong interpretation is there its not my mistake 

सो अन्तर्धान गतह् पापो रावणी रण कर्कशाः |

ब्रह्म दत्त वरो वीरो रावणिह् क्रोध मूर्चितः || 

That Indrajit the son of Ravana, the sinful demon who had gone out of sight and was cruel in battle, rendered himself as invisible again and hurled forth sharp arrows, bright as lightning.

तेन रौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ क्रुद्धेनाशीविषैः शरैः || 

सहसाभिहतौ वीरौ तदा प्रैक्षन्त वानराः |

Then, the monkeys saw the two warriors, those lions among men, being wounded quickly by the serpentine arrows of that enraged demons.

प्रकाशरूपस्तु तदा न शक्त |

स्तौ बाधितुं राक्षसराजपुत्रः |

मायां प्रयोक्तुं समुपाजगाम |

बबन्ध तौ राजसुतौ दुरात्मा || 

Not being able to hurt those two princes in his manifest form, Indrajit the son of the king of demons with his perverse mind, had recourse to magic in order to make them captive.

स तस्य गतिम् अन्विच्चन् राज पुत्रह् प्रतापवान् |

दिदेश अतिबलो रामो दश वानर यूथपान् 

That very strong and powerful Rama the son of Dasaratha ordered ten monkey-generals to search for the whereabouts of Indrajit.

द्वौ सुषेणस्य दायादौ नीलम् च प्लवग ऋषभम् |

अन्गदम् वालि पुत्रम् च शरभम् च तरस्विनम् || ६-४५-२

द्विनतम् जाम्बवन्तम् च सानुप्रस्थम् महा बलम् |

ऋषभम् च ऋषभ स्कन्धम् आदिदेश परम् तपः || 

Rama the scourger of his enemies ordered both the sons of Sushena, Nila the chief of monkeys, Angada the son of Vali, the stron Sharabha, Dvivida, Hanuman, the very strong Sanuprastha, Rishabha and Rishabha skandha.

राम लक्ष्मणयोर् एव सर्व मर्म भिदह् शरान् |

भृशम् आवेशयाम् आस रावणिह् समितिम् जयः || 

Indrajit, the victorious in battle, transfixed Rama and Lakshmana with those arrows that lacerated their flesh in great

निरन्तर शरीरौ तु भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |

क्रुद्धेन इन्द्रजोता वीरौ पन्नगैह् शरताम् गतैः ||

The bodies of both those warriors, Rama and Lakshmana were densely transfixed with serpentine arrows by the enraged Indrajit.

तयोह् क्षतज मार्गेण सुस्राव रुधिरम् बहु |

ताव् उभौ च प्रकाशेते पुष्पिताव् इव किंशुकौ || 

Blood flowed from the wound-marks of both Rama and Lakshmana and both of them shone like Kimshuka trees in flowring.

ततः पर्यन्त रक्त अक्षो भिन्न अन्जन चय उपमः |

रावणिर् भ्रातरौ वाक्यम् अन्तर्धान गतो अब्रवीत् || 

At that instant, though still invisible, Indrajit, Ravana's son, with his inflamed eyes, which resembled a mass of collyrium mixed with oil, spoke the following words to those two brothers.

युध्यमानम् अनालक्ष्यम् शक्रो अपि त्रिदश ईश्वरः |

द्रष्टुम् आसादितुम् वा अपि न शक्तह् किम् पुनर् युवाम् || 

"When I enter into combat, making myself invisible, even Indra the lord of celestials is not able to see or approach me. How much less, you two!"

प्रावृताव् इषु जालेन राघवौकन्क पत्रिणा |

एष रोष परीत आत्मा नयामि यम सादनम् ||

"O, Descendents of Raghu! Having imprisoned you in this net work of arrows furnished with heron's feathers, I, yielding myself up to the violence of my wrath, am about to dispatch you to the region of Yama the Lord of Death."

एवम् उक्त्वा तु धर्मज्नौ भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |

निर्बिभेद शितैर् बाणैह् प्रजहर्ष ननाद च || 

Speaking thus to the brothers Rama and Lakshmana, who were aware of righteousness, Indrajit pierced them with pointed arrows and shouted too exultantly.

भिन्न अन्जन चय श्यामो विस्फार्य विपुलम् धनुः |

भूयो भूयह् शरान् घोरान् विससर्ज महा मृधे || 

Indrajit, who was as black as a heap of shattered collyrium, stretching his immense bow, discharged formidable arrows even once more, in that great fight.

ततो मर्मसु मर्मज्नो मज्जयन् निशितान् शरान् |

राम लक्ष्मणयोर् वीरो ननाद च मुहुर् मुहुः || 

That warrior, Indrajit, who was aware of their vital parts, set up a continual shouting, digging sharp arrows into the vital parts of Rama and


बद्धौ तु शर बन्धेन ताव् उभौ रण मूर्धनि |

निमेष अन्तर मात्रेण न शेकतुर् उदीक्षितुम् ||

Those two princes, in the forefront of battle, bounded by that net work of arrows in the twinkling of an eye, became incapable of even looking up.

ततो विभिन्न सर्व अन्गौ शर शल्य आचिताव् उभौ |

ध्वजाव् इव महा इन्द्रस्य रज्जु मुक्तौ प्रकम्पितौ || 

तौ सम्प्रचलितौ वीरौ मर्म भेदेन कर्शितौ |

निपेततुर् महा इष्वासौ जगत्याम् जगती पती || 

Pierced in their vital parts, exhausted, and covered all over with heads of arrows, those two mighty and courageous archers fell to the earth, they who were the lords of the earth, shaking violently like a pair of flag-staffs in honour of Indra the Lord celestials and freed from their raised of chords.

तौ वीर शयने वीरौ शयानौ रुधिर उक्षितौ |

शर वेष्टित सर्व अन्गाव् आर्तौ परम पीडितौ ||

Those warriors, Rama and Lakshmana, lying on that heroes' bed (on the battle-ground), bathed in blood, all their limbs bristling with arrows and extremely injured, felt distressed.

न ह्य् अविद्धम् तयोर् गात्रम् बभूव अन्गुलम् अन्तरम् |

न अनिर्भिन्नम् न च अस्तब्धम् आ कर अग्राद् अजिह्मगैः ||

There was not a finger's breadth on their bodies form the tips of their fingers to the end of their feet that was not lacerated, implanted and pierced by those arrows.

तौ तु क्रूरेण निहतौ रक्षसा काम रूपिणा |

असृक् सुस्रुवतुस् तीव्रम् जलम् प्रस्रवणाव् इव || 

Struck down by that ferocious demon, who was able to change his shape at will, the hot blood gushed forth from both Rama and Lashmana, as water from a spring

पपात प्रथमम् रामो विद्धो मर्मसु मार्गणैः |

क्रोधाद् इन्द्रजिता येन पुरा शक्रो विनिर्जितः || 

Rama fell first, his vital parts pierced by arrows of the wrathful Indrajit, who had formerly vanquished Indra the Lord of celestials.

रुक्मपुङ्खेः प्रसन्नाग्रैरधोगतिभिराशुगैः |

नारचैर् अर्ध नाराचैर् भल्लैर् अन्जलिकैर् अपि ||

विव्याध वत्स दन्तैश् च सिम्ह दम्ष्ट्रैह् क्षुरैस् तथा |

Indrajit pierced Rama by arrows with golden shafts, with sharp points, which had downward movement, which go fast, Narchas, Demi-narachas, Bhallas (with wide tips), Anjalis, Vatsa dantas, Simha dantas and those shafts like unto razors

निरन्तर शरीरौ तु भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |

क्रुद्धेन इन्द्रजोता वीरौ पन्नगैह् शरताम् गतैः |

Seeing Rama the excellent man fallen, at a distance of an arrows range, Lakshman became hopeless about his own life.

रामम् कमलपत्राक्षं शरबन्धपरिक्षतम् || 

शुशोच भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा पतितम् धरणीतले |

Seeing his elder brother Rama, with his eyes resembling lotus-leaves, having fallen on the ground, wounded as he was by a net work of arrows, Lakshmana felt sad.

हरयश्चापि तम् दृष्ट्वा सम्तापम् परमं गताः || 

शोकार्ताश्चुक्रुशुर्घोरमश्रुपूरितलोचनाः |

Beholding that Rama, the monkeys too were in great grief and wept terribly, with their eyes filled in tears, being afflicted as they were by sorrow.

बद्धौ तु वीरौ पतितौ शयानौ |

तौ वानराह् सम्परिवार्य तस्थुह् |

समागता वायु सुत प्रमुख्या |

विषदम् आर्ताह् परमम् च जग्मुह् || 

Those monkeys with Hanuman in first place gathered at a place and stood surrounding Rama and Lakshmana, who wee bound by a net work of a


Man this is very intense!! I don't think anyone would've seen this coming. I'm yet to watch the episode but the pics in itself are heartbreaking to look atsmiley19

Ananya, is the Shakti incident also as graphic (for the lack of a better word rn) as nagpaash in the VR ?

Posted: 7 days ago

This thread is really hilarious 

In modern world it should be applicable smiley36

Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: RamLakshman

Man this is very intense!! I don't think anyone would've seen this coming. I'm yet to watch the episode but the pics in itself are heartbreaking to look atsmiley19

Ananya, is the Shakti incident also as graphic (for the lack of a better word rn) as nagpaash in the VR ?

Actually disha u shd watch this episode

Very emotional and action packed

Plus comical in form of drunk meghu 😂😂

Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: RamLakshman

Man this is very intense!! I don't think anyone would've seen this coming. I'm yet to watch the episode but the pics in itself are heartbreaking to look atsmiley19

Ananya, is the Shakti incident also as graphic (for the lack of a better word rn) as nagpaash in the VR ?

Sorry couldn't get you smiley5

Posted: 7 days ago

Today I am so happy reading all the reviews and updates. Haven't watched the episode yet but going by the reviews it seems they have followed VR mostly smiley19

That part was heart wrenching smiley19

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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox

Actually disha u shd watch this episode

Very emotional and action packed

Plus comical in form of drunk meghu 😂😂

Yeah I will in a while. Honestly seeing all the pics and clips. .. I'm speechless and scared smiley13
