Shrimad Ramayan Daily Episode Discussion Thread ~ 26/6/24 - Page 2

Episode Discussion


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Posted: 6 days ago

Didn't know trijata was pilot too

Shr is flying the vimaan to take sita to show ram lakhan 

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 days ago

Raavan's flying chariot thing is pretty cool, not gonna lie.

Posted: 6 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox


VR story here

Ravan tells trijata to get sita ready to see ram lakhan from vimaan

I read this today

Hai kya true

Yes this is as per VR. 

Posted: 6 days ago

Yaay sugreev appears now

Angad asks jambu about cure for naagpaash

And vanars see sita

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 days ago

Sugriv is back! Where was he yesterday though? smiley19

Posted: 6 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox

Didn't know trijata was pilot too

Shr is flying the vimaan to take sita to show ram lakhan 


Trijata is all rounder. She has built in Antennas through which she can get live footages from the battlefield, she can cook, now she is a pilot smiley39

TheMinion thumbnail
Engager 1 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 days ago

“Mere Shree Ram”, woh sabke hai smiley9

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 days ago

Sita is in denial even now. And then she sees Raam in the forcefield that Hanuman cannot take them out of. 😞

TheMinion thumbnail
Engager 1 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 days ago

Whatever is being shown, it’s not needed 😭

Posted: 6 days ago

Emotional scenes with sita

Oh shivji appears smiling

It's true Satya hamesha jitega

Prabhu ki leela explain by shivji
