How did muslims come to live in israel? - Page 5


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1275042 thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: NotYourType

This was never about religion. This is resisting Zionist occupation by the Arabs

Can you spot the contradiction?

This was never about religion.

This is resisting Zionist occupation by the Arabs..


Those who say this isnt a religious issue are lying through their teeth. Simple as that.smiley36

MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: NotYourType

This was never about religion. This is resisting Zionist occupation by the Arabs

Can you spot the contradiction?

This was never about religion.

This is resisting Zionist occupation by the Arabs..


Learn the difference between Judaism and Zionism.

One is a religion, and other is a movement morphing into a political organisation. Here, for your perusal.





I don't know what exactly you were laughing about while being so ignorant of basic difference of conflict here.

MaebyFunke thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: NotYourType

2. Hamas started the conflict by attacking innocents in Israel and are now using innocent Palestinians as their shield. Israel has full rights to defend itself and take any preventive actions to ensure safety of its people now and in future.

You wouldn't have said this if you had actually bothered to read with the link I provided. Israel's occupation and ethnic cleansing started way back in 1948 with the first nakba. You cannot look at October 7th in isolation. Israel has always been an aggressor state. Israel has even attacked and occupied parts of South Lebanon (Sheeba farms) when none of that land was ever promised to it. It attacked a sovereign nation like Lebanon and was never condemned for it. It's one of many examples. Hamas didn't form until the 1980s, which again it formed in response to Israel's occupation of Palestine. From 1948 to late 1970s all Palestine had been doing was resist without Hamas. In fact in 2018, they even marched to the border to commemorate the Nakba peacefully when they were indiscriminately shot at. This was never, ever condemned by any nation state. Where in the terror category does this fall? Pray, tell.

773 were killed in cold blood for daring to hold a peaceful procession. Do you now understand why I said October 7th cannot be looked in isolation? This is one of many many examples. Atleast, this time bother to read before you shoot off your mouth.

Unlike you I love repeating myself, so I'll say it again. Your post previously is a JOKE because you are spreading misinformation while admitting you have no knowledge on the subject at hand.

I cannot rationally have a discussion with someone who doesn't know the difference between a religion vs an ethnic group vs a political movement.

A primer for you:

Judaism = Religion

Zionism = Political movement

Arabs = ethnic group

Hamas is not equal to Palestine

Zionism is not equal to Judaism

Zionism doesn't all jews

Hamas doesn't represent all of Palestine

There is not one pro-palestine member on this forum who is equating Hamas to Palestine, FYI.

Kindly educate yourself. You're ignorant on this subject. You can't even differentiate between an ethnic group and a religion; political movement. There's no discussion to be had here.

MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 months ago

Taken from the UNHR report I posted above of 2018 demonstrations. Peaceful demonstrators (all civilians) which includes children, women, adult men, and senior citizens were shot at and gravely injured, altering their lives forever. Many of them were killed in cold blood. Journalists and paramedics who were marked were shot as well. By your "definition" of terrorism are you ready to call Israel a terrorist state?



MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 months ago

Some more:

In the face of facts and hard truths, all you can do is return a laughing emoji. Brava!



K.Universe. thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: ohophelia

Israel's occupation and ethnic cleansing started way back in 1948 with the first nakba.

Israel has always been an aggressor state.

I disagree with facts.

In all the wars / military conflicts between Israeli forces and various Arab forces starting way back in 1948–49 and later on in 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006 and in 2023, Israel was the aggressor on exactly 1 occasion out of 6.

In 1948, after Israel declared independence, Egypt launched an aerial assault on Tel Aviv and, the next day, Arab forces from Egypt, Transjordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon occupied the areas in southern and eastern Palestine not apportioned to the Jews by the UN partition of Palestine and then captured East Jerusalem, including the small Jewish quarter of the Old City.

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 0, Arab forces 1.

In 1956 Egyptian president Nasser, a Pan-Arab nationalist, nationalized the Suez Canal, blockaded the southern port of Elat and barred Israeli ships from using the canal which is when Israel invaded Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 0, Arab forces 2.

In 1967, before the famous six day war, Syria intensified its bombardment of Israeli villages in the Golan Heights. When the Israeli Air Force shot down six Syrian MiG fighter jets in reprisal, Nasser mobilized his forces near the Sinai border, dismissing the UN force there, and he again sought to blockade Elat.

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 0, Arab forces 3.

In 1973, Israel was caught off guard by Egyptian forces crossing the Suez Canal and by Syrian forces crossing into the Golan Heights. The Arab armies showed greater aggressiveness and fighting ability than in the previous wars.

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 0, Arab forces 4.

In 1982, tensions between Israelis and Palestinians increased resulting in the Israeli bombing of Beirut and southern Lebanon, where the PLO had a number of strongholds. This is the only time, IMO, Israel has been the aggressor.

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 1, Arab forces 4.

In 2006, Hezbollah launched an operation against Israel in an attempt to pressure the country into releasing Lebanese prisoners, killing a number of Israeli soldiers in the process and capturing some. Israel then launched a counter offensive into southern Lebanon to recover the captured soldiers.

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 1, Arab forces 5.

In 2023, just last month, we all know who the aggressor was so you and your ilk do not even want to look at the recent event in isolation. Still, for the purposes of record keeping:

Score in terms of which party was the aggressor in a war or major conflict: Israel 1, Arab forces 6.

Source: []

To Israel, statements such as "Hamas doesn't represent all of Palestine", "Hezbollah doesn't represent all of Lebanon", "Houthis do not represent all of Yemen" are meaningless when they are surrounded and attacked by militants/terrorists with rockets/missiles and their citizens are taken as hostages. If these militants/terrorists are hiding among "innocent" Palestinians and "innocent" Lebanese and "innocent" Yemenis, then the "innocent" folks of these regions should hand over the militants/terrorists to Israel, or, if they are incapable to do so, let the Israelis take care of the situation. Of course, the Israelis cannot promise a "no collateral" response. Nobody can!

MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 months ago

"Israel has occupied the Shebaa farms since 1967, along with the Syrian Golan Heights. Israel annexed the latter in 1981 although it was unrecognised by the international community until March 25 this year when US President Donald Trump changed decades of American policy in the face of international condemnation."

Golan Heights belongs to Syria. The village of Shebaa is undisputedly Lebanon's. Which one of these Arab nations have occupied parts of Israel? None. Israel occupying Shebaa farms even pre dates to the formation of Hezbollah. Hezbollah came into being in 1982 in Southern Lebanon which was again a result of Israel's occupancy. Which other country has occupied territories of two sovereign nations? Israel. War and aggression is different from occupation of land. Israel continued to those lands even with no international recognition. Russia was rightly sanctioned for invading Ukraine. Israel encroached on the land of two sovereign states? Where is the ICJ here? Where is the outcry? This is not medieval times to occupy parts of sovereign land and yet call oneself a victim. Israel could only declare independence by starting the first nakba. Clearly, the aggressor again.

"After looking at alternatives, the UN proposed terminating the Mandate and partitioning Palestine into two independent States, one Palestinian Arab and the other Jewish, with Jerusalem internationalized (Resolution 181 (II) of 1947). One of the two envisaged States proclaimed its independence as Israel and in the 1948 war involving neighbouring Arab States expanded to 77 percent of the territory of mandate Palestine, including the larger part of Jerusalem. Over half of the Palestinian Arab population fled or were expelled. Jordan and Egypt controlled the rest of the territory assigned by resolution 181 to the Arab State. In the 1967 war, Israel occupied these territories (Gaza Strip and the West Bank) including East Jerusalem, which was subsequently annexed by Israel. The war brought about a second exodus of Palestinians, estimated at half a million."

Screenshot 2023-11-02 002036.png

[Taken from the UN; the official organisation dealing with the Palestinian question since 1947 ever since the British Mandate dissolved]

Read carefully and ask yourself honestly who is annexing land and claiming territories as their own and not honouring international agreements? Do not go to the lengths of giving me a history lesson on Arab wars without knowing the conflict first. I do not know why you're quoting me excerpts from Britannica of all places. I don't know if this is some sort of trolling. Surely, you don't expect me to read history sourced from Britannica. It can be edited as per anyone's wish just like Wikipedia. How about referring to actual reports from organisations that are handling this issue?

MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 months ago

How about you answer my questions here rather than attacking me personally on other unrelated threads where I was not even quoting or engaging with you? A laugh emoji on my post was all you could muster? No facts to back up? Nothing to deny?

Come back here and answer my questions first.

NotYourType thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 14 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

If I wanted to engage with you I would’ve gone to your thread. As it is, after your initial two-liner dismissal of my ‘joke’ post, I haven’t the slightest inclination of engaging with you. Zilch. Nope. Nada.

Please take your views elsewhere, where people actually care. The more you bother me the more payback you will get.

1275042 thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: NotYourType

If I wanted to engage with you I would’ve gone to your thread. As it is, after your initial two-liner dismissal of my ‘joke’ post, I haven’t the slightest inclination of engaging with you. Zilch. Nope. Nada.

Please take your views elsewhere, where people actually care. The more you bother me the more payback you will get.

Mat kar na aisa yaar...Kar le baat bechari ke saathsmiley36
