Denouncing the actions of Israel (SM updates added) - Page 2


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Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: Supari_khala

Is this real? Or morphed? 

Jesus Christ! She herself lost her ancestors from the dad’s side in the Armenian Genocide. How can she be so tone deaf towards genocide. I am beyond appalled! 

It's real look at her insta.. ppl are commenting though and disgusted. She is obviously paid by the Zionists and one of their biggest PR tools. It's as if they had to call in their big guns smiley36 

Edited by D3viL - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: D3viL

It's real look at her insta.. ppl are commenting though and disgusted. She is obviously paid by the Zionists and one of their biggest PR tools. It's as if they had to call in their big guns smiley36 

I just looked her insta up. She is getting hammered by people. Rightfully so. Interesting, she kept her comments open. Which makes me sort of wonder if she did it on purpose so she’d get slammed and more tone deaf celebs would wake up? Idk why I want to give Kim the benefit of the doubt. It just seems like she wouldn’t be as nasty or tone deaf as Amy Schummer. I sure could be wrong though. Lord knows billionaires have no soul. 

And about Israel, it’s getting thrashed on the daily. Look at the results of this poll

Edited by Supari_khala - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

Throw a dart anywhere and you’ll find Israeli involvement in a genocide. You’re welcome to do your own research to assess the veracity of this tweet. Plenty of evidence everywhere.

More Zionists angry that they can’t guilt trip people about anti-semitism anymore. After all, that’s how they kept the world in check for the last 75 years. Too bad, the show is over.

This is how many they killed in the first Nakba after illegally invading and occupying someone else’s home. Zionists have no ethics.

Posted: 8 months ago

Today marks exactly 106 years since the Balfour declaration. 

I do wonder what all the fundamentalists would have to say if the British had carved out a chunk of India and handed it over to the Zionists in 1946. Instead of handing over Palestine in 1948 to the Zionists. After all, British ruled over India for almost a century. The former scenario could have been a real possibility. 

This is exactly why such ubiquitous antipathy from the fundamentalists towards Palestinians is deplorable in every sense of the word.

Edited by Supari_khala - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

While at it......

Black September When Pakistani army killed palestinians

Black September: When Pakistani army killed 25,000 Palestinians


September 1970 is known as the Black September in Arab history and sometimes is referred to as the “era of regrettable events.”

It was a month when Hashemite King Hussein of Jordan moved to quash the autonomy of Palestinian organizations and restore his monarchy’s rule over the country. The violence resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian. Armed conflict lasted until July 1971 with the expulsion of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.

On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh,Baq’aa, Wehdat and Zarqa. Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division. In addition, the Iraqi army in Jordan after 1967 war serving as a reserve forces supported the Jordanian army.

The armored troops were inefficient in narrow city streets and thus the Jordanian army conducted house to house sweeps for Palestinian fighters and got immersed in heavy urban warfare with the inexperienced and undisciplined Palestinian fighters.

Amman experienced the heaviest fighting in the Black September uprising.

The American backed Jordanian army shelled the PLO headquarters in Amman and battled with Palestinian guerillas in the narrow streets of the capital. Syrian tanks rolled across the Yarmouk River into northern Jordan and began shelling Amman and other northern urban areas. Outdated missiles fired by the PLO struck Amman for more than a week. Jordanian infantry pushed the Palestinian Fedayeen out of Amman after weeks of bitter fighting.

Zia remained posted in Jordan from 1967 till 1970, where he was involved in training and leading Jordon’s military. He is still highly respected in Jordan for his role in the Black September operations in support of King Hussein, where he commanded Jordan’s 2nd division. Zia’s troops were heavily involved in street-to-street urban fighting and are credited with killing scores of Palestinians. Black September was a great example of how the Arab nations despise the Palestinians, and their support of them only goes as far as to encourage and help the Palestinians to kill Jews.

This in itself is very strange as the most promising comparison between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel came from Gen. Zia ul-Haq. Lacking a political constituency, he skillfully exploited Islam to legitimize and consolidate his military dictatorship. Presenting himself as a simple, pious and devoted Muslim, he institutionalized religious radicalism in Pakistan. In so doing, he found Israel to be his strange ally.

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Toward the end of 1981, he remarked:

“Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state. Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse.”

He likewise surprised many observers in March 1986, when he called on the PLO to recognize the Jewish state. He was actively involved both in the 1970 Black September massacre of the Palestinians in Jordan as well as in Egypt’s re-entry into the Islamic fold more than a decade later. 

The intensity of bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founder fathers of Israel Moshe Dayan said:

“King Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq of the Pakistani army) sent in his Bedouin army on 27 September to clear out the Palestinian bases in Jordan. A massacre of innumerable proportions ensued. Moshe Dayan noted that Hussein “killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years.” Dayan is right in spirit, but it is hardly the case that anyone can match the Sharonism in its brutality.”

The butcher was awarded Jordan’s highest honour for the services rendered.

Upon his return to Pakistan, this Brigadier’s name was suggested for Court Martial due to his role in Palestine and the massacre of its people.  But for some unknown reason, the then Chief of Army Staff General removed his name from the list which was then sent to President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.  This resulted in his promotion to the rank of Major General and later again to the ranks of Lt. General by “special attention”. 

He was later made Chief of Army Staff ahead of seven other senior officers within just 6 years after Black September.  It was this man who then overthrew the elected government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and later hanged him to “make him an example for the Free World.” 

So much for the Palestinian cause that is very much touted by the Muslims of Pakistan today.  

Posted: 8 months ago

Spain isn’t playing. But I guess Spain is a Muslim country too, to the deluded

New York City spitting facts as usual. Light that building up every single night for the world to remember Israel’s heinous war crimes and genocide of Palestinians.

The modern day Japanese RARELY if ever protest against anything or anyone beyond their four walls. The fact that even Japan is showing solidarity with Palestine speaks volumes. But I guess Japan is a Muslim country too?

Edited by Supari_khala - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

When you lose the rightwinging centrists like Piers Morgan in the UK and faux lib of all times, Joy Reid in the US, you have lost the PR narrative.

Zionist Israel will dismantle like Rhodesia. These are just the first warning signs. Colonizers eventually fail even if it takes over a 100 years. Just ask the brave Algerians.

And this time Palestine isn’t screaming alone. The entire world is amplifying Israeli horrors for the world to bear witness! We can literally see death and carnage with our own eyes, thanks to Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

This ain’t like the previous genocides of Palestinians by Zionist Israelis. This ain’t 1948, 1967 or even 2006 where the carnage was hidden from us.

This is 2023. World is watching. Listening and changing their preconceived stance on Israel-Palestine “conflict” every single day. Israel’s image has plummeted like nobody’s business in the last three weeks. 

I personally detest Joy Reid but the boomer uncles will watch this and start questioning their own morals. So I’ll set aside my personal bias for now.

Edited by Supari_khala - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

I don’t know girl. Maybe I’ll first let you and them loot, rape, maim and murder my family including my kids and elders, cut my electricity and water supply, flatten my hospitals, destroy my olive trees, eh?

After the protesters sat outside mute Warren’s office for a day, even she has decided to FINALLY speak against Zionist Israel. Better late than ever, I suppose? Greater the number of popular American politicians speaking up, faster Israel loses

Edited by Supari_khala - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

I’ve been calling Netanyahu Hitler and Zionist Israel Nazi Germany all along. Now even world leaders are saying it publicly. Thank you Venezuela for having a mind of your own! 👏🏼

Today, it’s the Latin American countries banding together against Israel. Next it will be the US. It may take a day, it may take a year, it may take another 20 years. But Israel will fall. Just like Rhodesia did. Just like French Algeria did. Just like Apartheid South Africa did. And just like slavery and public segregation in the US did.

History remembers those who revolt, not those who oppress or those who stay neutral in the face of a genocide.

Israel has been killing journalists rampantly. Let’s not forget the atrocities committed by Isra-Hell against them. Isra-hell just wants to silence all dissenting voices. Too bad the cat is out of the bag. You can’t control the world’s opinion about you anymore, Isra-Hell. We have eyes. We see this genocide loud and clear.

Posted: 8 months ago

Thank you, beautiful Honduras. Thank you Latin America! World will always remember you for being on the right side of history despite not sharing any similarities with Palestinians. This is true integrity on display unlike Zionist murderers and their minions.

I love how the pro-Israel Western narrative cannot control the Latin American community. They have a mind of their own and they do not bow down to the US’ murderous clown puppet, Isra-hell. 👏🏼✊🏽❤️🇵🇸
