Support for Israel- DT Note pg 25, 30 (SM updates added) - Page 7


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maha15 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 months ago

So correct--whole world is facing this problem --why cant they be happy what they have--always occupy forcefully  wich belong to otherssmiley21

At that point they had an opportunity to turn Gaza into an amazing and beautiful state. A Singapore with beautiful beaches, hotels, tourism, business and culture. 

They chose otherwise. A majority of Palestinians voted Hamas whose explicit goal is to destroy Israel. Hamas won both in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria (aka “the West Bank”).

They began shooting rockets from their new state into Israel. Tens of thousands of rockets killed children and citizens of Israel, ever since.

Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: maha15

So correct--whole world is facing this problem --why cant they be happy what they have--always occupy forcefully  wich belong to otherssmiley21

At that point they had an opportunity to turn Gaza into an amazing and beautiful state. A Singapore with beautiful beaches, hotels, tourism, business and culture. 

They chose otherwise. A majority of Palestinians voted Hamas whose explicit goal is to destroy Israel. Hamas won both in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria (aka “the West Bank”).

They began shooting rockets from their new state into Israel. Tens of thousands of rockets killed children and citizens of Israel, ever since.

How were oppressed people supposed to turn Gaza into Singapore again? Do you people forget all logic and reasoning in your blind hatred for Muslims or something? 

You really shouldn’t be rambling about things you have no historical knowledge of.

Here, found you a nice little infographic for you to look at. It will only take 10 seconds to digest if reading books isn’t your thing. Here is a chance to educate yourself.

Posted: 8 months ago

Khala ji mere ko block karke another hindu nationalist ke picke lag gayi ab?

Bevhari maha15 ne ab kya bigada hain tumhara jo usko hater keh rahi ho?

She is posting pro israel just like you post pro hamas.. tumhe itni takleef kyu honrahi hai hain?

Agar hindu nationalists ko quote karke galiya hi deni hain toh mere ko kyu block kiya?

I am always here na memshaab? smiley42

Edited by Funtuss - 8 months ago
Petrichor80 thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

@Funtuss: India's population is more than 1.4 billion. So when anyone be it an Indian or non-Indian generalizes Indians they cannot and will not speak for 1.4 billion people. 

Can you pinpoint to me where in the Bhagavad Gita is it cited that we should hate on muslims? It does not mention that anywhere. As per my understanding Bhagavad Gita tells us to be accepting of other forms of devotion as God is one. 

I am watching India vs England, so bye bye.

kuchbhinakaho thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Do you even understand the meaning of the word genocide, madam? The Jews suffered systematic and brutal elimination by the Nazis (a term you've thrown around a little too casually) and then the survivors found their way into societies all around the world where they integrated and lived peacefully and productively. A thing Muslims seem unable to do. 

 And if according to you, the trauma of systemic injustice is what led to Hamas, then maybe consider that it led to Zionism in Israel too - a survival strategy against a relentlessly hostile environment. Or is your bleeding heart logic only one-sided?  The Muslim religion breeds violence and murder like no other. Islamic terrorism is a worldwide scourge. I don't see the Jews inflicting violent enforcement of their beliefs in communities around the world that took them in. Charlie Hebdo was not inflicted by Jews, the 11/26 attacks were not by Jews, rapes of women and stabbings of children in Europe aren't perpetrated Zionists. Jews did not end democratic governance in a country like the Taliban did. Why is that, hm? 

 Clearly only Zionism upsets you, the fact that Hamas attacked a fricking MUSIC FESTIVAL and killed innocent Israelis first doesn't bother you at all.The Palestinians have supported Hamas, called it a resistance movement.  Palestinian civilians accompanied them and participated in the rapes, murders and looting. Well, live by the sword, die by the sword - you poke a hornets nest, then there will be consequences. And let me be clear, I'm against any spilling of innocent blood. But blinkered nonsense like yours needs to be called out. 

As for your idiocy going on against Biden and the democrats, would you have preferred an outright Nazi like Trump and his ilk be still in power? I guess your vote will go to Vivek Ramaswamy, God forbid he ends up on the ballot. You are either a MAGA at heart or utterly confused. 

Either way, check your condescension and arrogance, the way you talk to others here as though you are somehow better than everyone when every word you write shows up your ignorance and  wokeness, citing tweets like they are accepted gospel. Is Elon Musk one of your heroes too??

The squeaky wheels of the world can march against Israel all they wants, but Israelis will continue to hold their own as they have done all these years. Because the moral arc of the universe is on their side.They don't run crying to others for sympathy, they do what it takes to protect themselves. And if Israel falls and Islamic fundamentalism spreads through the world, you dear American Hindu woman, may find out just how much love these religious zealots will show you.

Originally posted by: Supari_khala

Isra-Hell created Hamas. ⬇️ is how. The world is no longer blind and deaf. We don’t need the Zionist funded mainstream media for our news.

Isra-Hell, you will reap what you sow for the 75 years of oppression and genocide of Palestinians.

You have lost your victim narrative with the world’s right and the left. Global protests against you and your supporters will continue. 

Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: kuchbhinakaho

Do you even understand the meaning of the word genocide, madam? The Jews suffered systematic and brutal elimination by the Nazis (a term you've thrown around a little too casually) and then the survivors found their way into societies all around the world where they integrated and lived peacefully and productively. A thing Muslims seem unable to do. 

 And if according to you, the trauma of systemic injustice is what led to Hamas, then maybe consider that it led to Zionism in Israel too - a survival strategy against a relentlessly hostile environment. Or is your bleeding heart logic only one-sided?  The Muslim religion breeds violence and murder like no other. Islamic terrorism is a worldwide scourge. I don't see the Jews inflicting violent enforcement of their beliefs in communities around the world that took them in. Charlie Hebdo was not inflicted by Jews, the 11/26 attacks were not by Jews, rapes of women and stabbings of children in Europe aren't perpetrated Zionists. Jews did not end democratic governance in a country like the Taliban did. Why is that, hm? 

 Clearly only Zionism upsets you, the fact that Hamas attacked a fricking MUSIC FESTIVAL and killed innocent Israelis first doesn't bother you at all.The Palestinians have supported Hamas, called it a resistance movement.  Palestinian civilians accompanied them and participated in the rapes, murders and looting. Well, live by the sword, die by the sword - you poke a hornets nest, then there will be consequences. And let me be clear, I'm against any spilling of innocent blood. But blinkered nonsense like yours needs to be called out. 

As for your idiocy going on against Biden and the democrats, would you have preferred an outright Nazi like Trump and his ilk be still in power? I guess your vote will go to Vivek Ramaswamy, God forbid he ends up on the ballot. You are either a MAGA at heart or utterly confused. 

Either way, check your condescension and arrogance, the way you talk to others here as though you are somehow better than everyone when every word you write shows up your ignorance and  wokeness, citing tweets like they are accepted gospel. Is Elon Musk one of your heroes too??

The squeaky wheels of the world can march against Israel all they wants, but Israelis will continue to hold their own as they have done all these years. Because the moral arc of the universe is on their side.They don't run crying to others for sympathy, they do what it takes to protect themselves. And if Israel falls and Islamic fundamentalism spreads through the world, you dear American Hindu woman, may find out just how much love these religious zealots will show you.

Typical fundamentalist talking points from yet another “newbie”. 

If Israeli Zionists didn’t want to be called genocidal fascists, then maybe they should not have oppressed an entire group of people for 75 years and sure as heck shouldn’t have massacred children and babies this month. Now there’s a thought.

Everyone on the right side of history is calling this a genocide. #GenocideJoe and #Palestinianholocaust has been trending on Twitter for days. So whatever a newbie on India-Forums thinks is quite frankly irrelevant. 

Here is what the world thinks about Israeli genocide  of Palestinians. Heck, the good Jewish groups are themselves calling it a genocide. So I don’t need a fundamentalist to teach me anything.

Sit down and Read, “newbie”  ⬇️

maha15 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 months ago





It seems like most of the Arab countries feel the same as none of them will allow Palestinians entry, even as refugees.





I’ve wondered why doesn’t Egypt or Jordan accept them as refugees and open their borders to give a safe passage … Why Egypt keeps their border with Gaza so shut and fortified … He was interesting to listen to 

maha15 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 months ago

Qatar should allow them---YOU GO QATARsmiley4

Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: kuchbhinakaho

Madam Betel NUT - Yep same old, same old. What about the years of Islamic terrorism, Hamas killing Israeli babies this month? No, doesn't ring a bell?

Who is 'everyone'?? Those who agree with you? Open your eyes and read outside Twitter, there is plenty of support for Israel. 

And just becausee I'm a 'newbie' on a TV forum on which you spend entirely too much time doesn't disqualify me from having a valid opinion, madam. 

If I am so inconsequential, then why the block? Let's debate this like civilized adults. Oh wait, you're just petulant whiny childsmiley32

Cute but genocide is not up for debate. It’s wrong no matter which way you slice it. You want to debate? Let’s debate ice cream flavors, hmmm? Besides, even if hypothetically genocide was up for debate, it certainly would not be with someone who cannot even post their incoherent ramblings from their actual account. 

You created a whole new account to post your incoherent rantings because you are embarrassed people will judge you if you did the same from your actual account. You are not fooling anyone. Name calling me without supporting your assertions with data and research makes you look like a lunatic. 

So I blocked you after a single response. But I will indulge you one last time so anyone with your world view can also read it. 

Where are your sources to prove this isn’t a genocide? Where is your data to prove Israel hasn’t been oppressing Palestine for 75 years? Where is your evidence to back up claims that Israel’s response to the October 7th attack hasn’t been disproportional? Facts over feelings, honey. You got facts? Spit it out and back it up with well documented evidence. Cite your sources. If not, you’re just screaming. 

You accuse me of making up the word genocide but ⬇️

Here is an actual academic, a JEWISH man no less who has studied and extensively researched the Holocaust and the Israeli-Palestine “conflict” for years calling this Israeli cruelty upon innocent Palestinians a genocide. He is a well respected professor and a political scientist.

His name is Norman Finkelstein. I am sure you haven’t heard of him. But you should widen your horizons and read. Finkelstein does this for a living. 

But no….I am supposed to believe the rantings and ravings of a newbie called kuchbhinakaho on India-Forums instead of a political scientist whose research backs up his claims. smiley36

If any other newbie wants to engage with me, make sure you cite your sources and back your statements with research or news article instead of typing away incoherent paragraph blocks without any citation. This is a current affairs forum not a rant away your feelings forum. Otherwise, I’ll reply to your post once then block you. Simple. 

That being said, you’re blocked again. I will not be responding to any of your future nonsense. If you want me to engage with you, post your feelings under your regular account. Ciao. 
