Denouncing the actions of Israel (SM updates added) - Page 3


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D3viL thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: Supari_khala

Thank you, beautiful Honduras. Thank you Latin America! World will always remember you for being on the right side of history despite not sharing any similarities with Palestinians. This is true integrity on display unlike Zionist murderers and their minions.

I love how the pro-Israel Western narrative cannot control the Latin American community. They have a mind of their own and they do not bow down to the US’ murderous clown puppet, Isra-hell. 👏🏼✊🏽❤️🇵🇸

And Thank you Supari Khala. You have no idea the support you have given me early on. I wouldn't of managed without it 

Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: D3viL

And Thank you Supari Khala. You have no idea the support you have given me early on. I wouldn't of managed without it 

No need to thank me at all. We are all in this together. Anybody that gives a shit about humanity and possesses empathy is furious. 

Only glimmer of hope is that fascist colonial settler state of Israel is losing. Zionists are soon going to be a thing of the past only found behind closed doors hiding in shame.

Young girls like her are speaking up against Israel everywhere. They see right through the bullshite. Zionists cannot bribe or silence every dissenting voice.

MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 months ago

Don't know if this goes here but the real reasons (purely economic) are coming to light. Not to say Israel isn't a power hungry settler-colonial state, but the West's actions make a lot of sense now. Because it always felt weird to me that the US would spend an arm and leg funding Israel just for geopolitical and strategic power. 

Key words being: Ben Gurion Project and Leviathan Natural Gas Reservoir.

Edited by ohophelia - 8 months ago
Petrichor80 thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: ohophelia

Don't know if this goes here but the real reasons (purely economic) are coming to light. Not to say Israel isn't a power hungry settler-colonial state, but the West's actions make a lot of sense now. Because it always felt weird to me that the US would spend an arm and leg funding Israel just for geopolitical and strategic power. 

Key words being: Ben Gurion Project and Leviathan Natural Gas Reservoir.

Thank you! This is so interesting. I figured it had to do with money. Western political leaders are evil.

Petrichor80 thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

I am in awe of the Jews and respect them so much. They are brilliant, badass and brave standing up for what is right in their own country!

Posted: 8 months ago

I agree with most of this but it’s important to also remember Israel is what it is today because of America’s unfettered financial and moral support. Can’t place the entire blame on Israel. It’s a snake that was fed and funded by our taxpayer money by those that rule over us.

I am just happy more Americans are now fully awake and have realized threats of antisemitism do not prevent us from marching for Palestine! 🇵🇸✊🏽❤️

Posted: 8 months ago

For those who think Israel is only retaliating against the October 7th attack, no it’s not. Israel has been raping, pillaging, massacring Palestinians for the past 75 years. The only difference is this- the world is watching this genocide unfold ON their phones at home. And we are horrified. That’s why we protest against Zionism.

Posted: 8 months ago

The entire country of Israel is filled with psychopaths in power. These are considered physicians? Did they forget their Hippocratic oath and its tenets? One of which explicitly states do no harm no matter who the patient is.

They are literally demanding to violate all pillars of the Hippocratic oath! 

They should have their medical licenses revoked and be ostracized from every international medical board for promoting such heinous war crimes.

Israel is filled with a bunch of Dr. Mengeles!

Posted: 8 months ago

More Israeli cruelty on display. Now they are literally starving journalists and preventing humanitarian aid from getting to Gaza! Are journalists along with innocent children, men and women part of Hamas too?

History will archive these videos and keep it on display for every Zionist to hang their head in shame 50 years from now. This genocide is on every single person who is supporting, aiding and abetting this disgusting regime.

Israel has forgotten that this isn’t the Stone Age. The “winners” no longer write history. People who watch these disgusting, heinous atrocities unfold right in front of their eyes do! It’s everywhere on social media. We are not blind
