Support for Israel- DT Note pg 25, 30 (SM updates added) - Page 4


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Frequent Posters

Posted: 8 months ago

Fascist Israel “defending” itself by killing children. Statistics do not lie. 

The fact that one of its strong allies UK abstained from voting at the UN is only a start. Israel’s days are numbered. Every oppressor in history has fallen eventually.

Over 300 thousand Londoners protesting last week must have scared the beejezus out of coconut Sunak hence the abstinence from voting. Genocide Joe Biden’s ratings are also in the toilet right now. Democrats strategists are scurrying around like headless chickens trying to remedy this “PR nightmare”. 

Children under 18 is who mighty Israel with one of the strongest armed forces in the world is defending, y’all. History will not remember Israel or it’s allies, kindly.

Posted: 8 months ago

When the Israeli genocide of innocent Palestinians evokes such horror that even a right winging nut like Piers Morgan starts asking questions. Israel is losing the victim narrative with the right and the left, both.

Israeli lies finally debunked.

Edited by Supari_khala - 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: NotYourType

Nepalis are jealous. From my personal experience, the more you help someone, the more they’ll resent you. That’s just how ungrateful human mind works. India helped Bangladesh gain freedom. Their gratitude lasted a few years before they became irritated of the burden. Now many of them are openly hostile. Same is for Nepal. Add to that Chinese instigation, Nepalese have now become fully anti-India. The fancy airport China built for them as part on BRI has also become a white elephant due to India’s refusal to open its airspace. The only thing they can do now to hate India. 
tbh, India is really unlucky in her neighbours. Even Sri Lanka beyond the sea is a Chinese puppet.

Could be. I can also sense jelousy.

Yes, india is truly unlucky to have hostile neighbour from all sides.

Although i like india and indians attitude

Haathi chale bazaar kutte bhonke hazaar

Aur kya hi kar sakte hai. Cant waste time n energy on such pettiness. We have a thriving economy, money, power and position and respect in the world where they are looking towards us for our contribution for the betterment of the entire world. And only modi has made it possible warna hume bhi haha puchta tha world stage pe. Which is why hye hye modi ka ran*iyapa chalta rehta hai 24/7 from within and surrounding jelous haters.

Let them keep burning though who cares, right?

Hum toh maze karengesmiley36
