Denouncing the actions of Israel (SM updates added) - Page 6


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Posted: 8 months ago

Amazing show of solidarity and protest from the Spaniards! If all the workforces of the world united like this, Isra-Hell would be ostracized in a minute.

I am legit getting goosebumps seeing so many different types of people take a stand for the oppressed class! Only evolved humans can pull off such a feat! It’s not for the lowbrow Neanderthals

Posted: 8 months ago

Rupi Kaur just declined Diwali invite by Kamala Harris to the White House! Because she doesn’t want to be a part of this genocide aiding and abetting administration’s celebrations. 

Way to go Rupi!! I seriously love the Sikhs. They’re single handedly elevating the entire South Asian diaspora with their humanity. Thank you for the solidarity! 🇵🇸✊🏽👏🏼

Posted: 8 months ago

There is absolutely no end to Israel’s cruelty. This news in particular broke my heart. So much promise in this young doctor but his family and him were all massacred in one day. For no goddamn reason. 

When Israel falls and lord it shall, the whole world is going to celebrate just like it celebrated end of Apartheid South Africa. There is only so much evil that can go unchecked. More than ten thousand deaths on Israel and all the enablers and supporters of this brutal genocide. Nothing good is ever going to happen to these mofos. Ever. Those who stand by doing nothing in the face of injustice are just as culpable as those who carry out the injustice.

Posted: 8 months ago

To the people who think Israel is only retailiating and that this only started after October 7th, think again.

This is a 1978 video of famous British actress Vanessa Redgrave comparing Zionism to Nazism for their similar ideologies and methods of oppression. She saw it. Even then. And spoke against it. Even then. 

1978. A famous British actress. Zionism = Nazism. 

This did not start on October 7th. Palestinians have been oppressed for the last 75 years in ways you cannot even imagine. That’s why the world is mad and will stay mad. This is not a conflict. It’s not a war. It is a genocide.

Posted: 8 months ago

No matter what the boomer forum uncles say, Genocide is not up for “discussion”

When Israeli IDF leaders are dragged to the international criminal court for massive Geneva convention violations, the world will let you know who is on the right side of history and who is just kissing Zionist feet because they hate Muslims

Posted: 8 months ago

SIXTY TWO UN violations in a month. More than 10000 deaths of civilians including babies in hospital incubators. 

That is Israel. With all its advanced technologies, it supposedly cannot find a few “terrorists”. So instead it bombs everyone using banned chemicals like white phosphorous. 

Compare Israel’s monstrosities to any other. Russia is starting to look like a Saint. Iraq was invaded for less by my warmongering country

How can anyone in their right mind support Israel anymore is beyond me.

Posted: 8 months ago


No “discussion”. No “debates”. What I have been saying for one whole month.

You cannot debate genocide. It’s not debatable. Point blank period.

Posted: 8 months ago

Gal Gadot unfollowed by Ana who is a hot sell in HW these days. This is how every Warhawk Zionist should be treated.

Thank you for doing Cuba proud, Ana. I will make sure to watch all your films, in solidarity now.

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Posted: 8 months ago