TH#2 ArHi SS:Love Interrupted TH#3 pg.150 - Page 54


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Swty_arshionly thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
Very nice update... loved it...
P4rveen12 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
Honestly you know what I just love about you, apart from being a amazing writer, you give really long updates, thank you very much. 

Loved the update, it was wonderful and simply amazing. 

Awww the flashback was so sad for Arnav, he thought he would surprise the family but ended up feeling so jealous and resentful of Khushi. 

So finally Arnav and Khushi have gone to nanital, love the hotel they are staying in absolutely gorgeous. 

Wow, Arnav even took Khushi to the mountain part to check the snow out as he remembered she had not seen any when she came in her childhood days, such a sweet gesture. 

It's nice how both have realised through actions and talking how the other has matured. 

Wow, loved the part when Khushi was rubbing Arnav's forehead that was so sweet and Arnav was thinking if only he learned in closer, if only he had. 

Awww poor Arnav and Khushi are stuck because of the rain, hope they survive the terrible weather but have decided they might not and even apologised in sync and also confessed of being jealous.

Wow the next update shall be interesting especially the talk. 

The update was written exceptionally well and a amazing read. 

Eagerly waiting to read the next part,

Thanks for the Email, continue soon please xx 
sana11 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
arnav hasn t forgotten a thing about the childhood..n neither khushi,,,
no matter how much hatred they had earlier ...
they both still care...
he was as worried for her as she was..
he stayed back only for her sake...
y was khushi jealous of arnav...
hmmm fantastic update 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
update the next soon dear😃
Bavari thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Beautiful story.So far Arnav's jealousy about his family's love for Khushi was open.Now eagerly to know what's her reason  for her  jealousy towards Arnav.
Pavina thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Waa that was a long update...and mine fav was the one wen smthn hit arnav and khushi blows his forehead...i remebrd the herr ranjha wala epi...
Flashbacks are always the perk of the story..i jus love these two lil kids always bickering and they are in trouble nd both of them were apologising...wonderful...
Arnav has really changed n so has khushi...arnav is hell bent on providing comfort to khushi and khushi does the same...while in childhood it was jus the opposite...
So much has changed...i love the pace of the story too...
And i got to tell this dat raizada family are the awesom-esttt cupids...
And yea i loved the dress...
All in all i enjoyed it so much...wat a lovely update...
Maddy1270 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

the lonely, dejected figure standing at the doorway to his right, looking down, his palms clenched in to fists… quite to sad to note Arnav's surprise falling flat because everyone was caught up in Khushi's retelling of her first trip… hopefully Ratna's tearful welcome of her son would have served as a soothing balm to his hurting and jealous soul. Thank god he got to spend some quality time with his mom… what's with the adults, constantly comparing Arnav ad Khushi and praising the latter! Don't they know that those two dislike each other? Why add fuel to the fire? Don't approve of Arvind reprimanding his son before 'outsiders'… he could have done so in private especially as Arnav is eighteen, which came as a surprise as his mannerisms and tantrums say otherwise!

How the tables have turned: Khushi refusing to eat [maybe due to the earliness of the hour or the nervousness about the trip] while Arnav calmly consumes his toast! His satisfaction on seeing his family 'torture' her with their love and pampering is cute. Nice to see sense has finally seeped into Arnav… he finally decided to ask her if she wanted to accompany him or had been forced to do so by his family… also liked how he came to her assistance when she threw up thanks to the food that had been forced down her throat! Arnav showing consideration by letting her sleep and later even gently teasing her is heart-warming. He constantly finding her endearing and adorable and then pulling himself up short at those thoughts is damn amusing. Nice to see that they are so much at ease with each other that they indulge in a bit of harmless teasing. Arnav helping Khushi off the horse is a true rabba ve moment… poor fellow doesn't realise that it's his proximity that makes her hyperventilate… anyway, nice excuse to not let go of her waist! Used to myriad versions of a finicky Arnav, this one sipping tea at a roadside stall in companionable silence comes as a breath of fresh air. Love how a comment or a situation brings a flashback… whatever each might say, their childhood interactions has left a deep impact on both. That whole description of Arnav getting hit and Khushi's 'first aid' along with the accompanying gifs brought back some sweet memories! Trust him to think of kissing her… that he didn't act on that impulse is good as it would have been too much too soon! It is said that one's life flashes before one's eyes when one is in a near-death situation and that seems to be the case here… at least it led both to introspect, with the result that each apologised to the other for their childish games of one-upmanship as kids, and the reason behind such behaviour: each was jealous of the other! Like Arnav, am dying to know why Khushi was jealous of him, his large family and freedom to experience life, perhaps?!

Your description of Nainital brought back memories of my trip there [nothing romantic about it as most of my time was taken up in seeing to it that my students didn't disappear!]

chavvi16 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
well well well who would have thought being stuck in that place would get them closer
hmm lets see the reasons they shall give as to why they were jealous of one another
i too like arnie can guess his reasons but hers am not so sure about
yup they should have paid attention to things around one another when they were younger so they got to know the other better
but then lets not forget that they were sworn nemesis back then
and all these changes in one another only happened when they got to know more of each other
well at least they are giving the other chance to be friends
aur phir kuch aur naa
awww man his thoughts sure do go off ever since he saw her unbound hair
hmmm and the same is true for her
ahhh she throws up when leaving with heavy breakfast or meal
funny same happens with me too
if i have heavy breakfast and then have to leave immediately then i too feel the same
so understand how horrible that can be
awww but the fact he took care for then and saved them both when they were out makes the difference
awww arnie due to his jealousy sure missed out on lots of things
but guess that was in the past now they both can start over again
really he still isnt getting his family why they arent bothered with arhi staying back
oh well the less he knows the better right
awww i just love this relationship between them now
thanx for mail
bellacoolio thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Loved the update! Very well written. None of them have forgotten even a minor detail about each other! Enjoyed Vandana's poem too!
Javeria3991 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Awesome update.👏
Okay the because of the flashback arnav extend their stay in nanitaal. Hiw sweet.😳
He took care of Khushi and on the other hand Khushi tried her best not to embarrass arnav in the conference and keep up with him. 
The rainy scene, I love it. Rain mostly made an important role in falling in love. Arnav and Khushi journey to love starts here.
Can't wait for next update.⭐️
nazca thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
That is so nice, I like thier childhood knock joks, ufff both are very possesive. Parents were no aware of thier mind. Poor kids just they also fueled the possesive monster by praising and giving importance to the other kid.
It seems Nainital trip will bring them together, Messing up Raizadas are also awesome, they and thier flop plans will always lead to good path. Here it seems they purposely overfed Kushi and made her throw up and made the return delay or what?
Both are left alone with no one and have only each other, what a syballisim, me likey, both hae initiated thier talking that to in sync. Waaahw.
LL I like your style of adding photos of non IPK but for some reason if there is a gif or photos of IPK in the middle seems bit distracting for me. It some ought blocks the flow of reading you know, this is just my opinin. In the latest update, I destracted and spend few minutes in oggling the forehead rabba vey.
I liked  Arnav and Kushi as kids, do you have anybody in your mind, can you please share thier childhood photos?