FF - Passion of Love - Ch 150- Pg 56 - Page 54



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

chapter 141

Kanak is sending Aparjita to Shaurya. Hope she has her weapons with her. She can take care of herself.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Is Samagra heading into a trap? Will he figure it out and trap them instead?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

chapter 142

Aparjita has no idea what she is getting into. But this is no defenseless woman so we don't have to worry about her.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

chapter 143

Aparjita has the same thinking Vasant once had. Vasant now lives with different circumstances.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Vasant once spoke the words Aparjita speaks now. Will Vasant get a new found will to bring change to her life?

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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 145

Kamla met Prithvi when he got time.

Prithvi- What is it Kamla? 

Kamla- Maharaj, Rajmata told me she is gonna raise Vasantmitra's child and you agree with this. 

Prithvi smiled- So?

Kamla- Maharaj separating a child from her mother is evil.

Prithvi angry- You are calling me and mother evil? 

Kamla- Forgive me but Maharaj Vasantmitra is not a con...

Prithvi interrupted- I won't let my children to be raised by dacoits. 

Kamla- Former dacoit Maharaj

Prithvi- That doesn't matter and you should care for your own children, where is my heir? 

Kamla- What an irony Maharaj, you are asking for heir from the woman whom you barely spend time with and the woman whom you claim to love and doesn't leave her room until it's absolutely necessary, you want to give her pain in most cruel way. 

Prithvi looked irritated and angry...

Prithvi- You seem to love Vasantmitra, what the hell is wrong with you? I have never seen a co-wife fighting for other. 

Kamla- I am just being righteous Maharaj as your Chief Queen, she's not a concubine, you married her, she's a queen and loves you so much. How could you do this to her? 

Prithvi shouted- Enough....

Kamla got scared

Prithvi- Don't be a fool and ruin our relationship for your rival. You are just here to give me an heir. 

Kamla started crying and now Prithvi felt bad....

He came towards her and said- My Queen ,please, I understand you have a good heart but some things I cannot change. 

Kamla- It's like you don't want it to change. She was crying more. 

Prithvi wiped her tears and hugged her.......It was rare Prithvi was so caring towards her. She hugged him back. He kissed her forehead.

Kamla- You really do know how to get your way. 

Prithvi laughed..........

Prithvi entwined her in his embrace....

Kamla thought- I would find a way to help Vasantmitra......

Aparajita came to Vasantmitra and looked at her in anger. Vasantmitra looked stressed and in despair. 

Aparajita- So, how can I serve this caged servant cum so called queen. 

Vasantmitra wasn't listening as she was feeling distressed about the war, Prarthna's bitterness, Lakha, Avantika etc.

Aparajita looked concerned- Didi, are you alright? 

Vasantmitra started crying....

Aparajita came to her and sat besides her- Didi, why are you so upset? 

Vasantmitra- I......I am not able to bear all this. 

Aparajita- What not? 

Vasantmitra- Due to me everyone is sad, Lakha became evil because of me, Avantika had to go through lot of pain to get her love back all because of my selfishness and now my own identity is lost due to my love for Maharaj. I read all the letter Aparajita, Baba misses me so much, it pains my heart. 

Aparajita- So let's go and meet Baba. 

Vasantmitra- No, Prithvi will be really angry. 

Aparajita-You are with a child, he will fulfill all your wishes. Trust me. Ask him , I dare say try to manipulate him. 

Vasantmitra- He's a master manipulator, he will say our baby won't be safe among dacoits. 

Aparajita- Seems like a shrewd man. Didi why do you love this man? 

Vasantmitra- Love is Love Aparajita, it happens. 

Aparajita- No didi, it doesn't happen like this. 

Vasantmitra caressed her face and said- When you will fall in love you will understand me better. The way you are blaming Prithvi but I am feeling hurt, the same way when someone will blame your spouse you will feel hurt. 

Aparajita laughed- I won't marry such a man, in fact looking at you I am contemplating not to marry at all. 

Vasantmitra- My situation is not that bad, there are so many people who take care of me, Prithvi loves me very much, Kamla is like a sister to me, Samagra is a very good friend, Shaurya is here. 

Aparajita- You know what your mother in law did. She sent me as a concubine to Shaurya. 

Vasantmitra shocked- What? Then? 

Aparajita- I boldly told him that I was your sister and he apologized and brought me here. 

Vasantmitra- Does he know you are a dacoit? 

Aparajita- No

Vasantmitra- Oh , never let anyone know it here. Ok.

Aparajita annoyed- Ok....

A dasi entered.....

Dasi- Maharani, Maharaj has sent this gift for you. 

Vasantmitra- Keep it there. She left. 

Vasantmitra opened the gift and it was a beautiful painting which the painter made of Prithvi and Vasantmitra, they were together in each other's arms. 

Aparajita- Wow didi, is he the king?

Vasantmitra- Yes, he's my Prithvi. 

Aparajita- I think I am understanding a little why you defend him so much, he's so handsome. 

Vasantmitra laughed and said- Don't eye him, he's mine. 

Aparajita- Shut Up, but you two look so good together. Who could think he's so evil from inside. 

Vasantmitra- He's not evil. 

Aparajita- I don't think I will change my mind.

Suddenly another Dasi came...

Dasi- Maharani, Maharaj is coming to meet you. 

Vasantmitra- Aparajita go stand there like a slave, go hurry. 

Aparajita- But didi?

Vasantmitra- Come on go. 

Prithvi entered the room....

Prithvi came to her and hugged Vasantmitra. He saw Aparajita and said- Ekant....

Aparajita- Huh? 

Prithvi angry....

Vasantmitra- Didn't you hear Dasi, Ekant.....she signalled her to leave....

Aparajita walked away without bowing and Vasantmitra got scared...

Prithvi shouted- Dasi....

Aparajita turned....- How dare you didn't bow before leaving? 

Aparajita got angry and she was about to shout when Vasantmitra again signalled her to bow. 

She bowed unwillingly....

Vasantmitra- Forgive her Prithvi, she is a new slave. She doesn't understand customs yet. 

Prithvi- Then teach her

Aparajita left the room in anger. She said- Slave? Me? Ugh......

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, don't be angry because of a dasi, come on, she kissed him.

He smiled......


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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 146

Vasantmitra and Prithvi were lying together on a big couch near their window gazing at the moon and being blissful with each other. 

He was caressing lock of her hair and rubbed her belly gently and asked - How is my beautiful child doing? 

Vasantmitra- Well, I am taking care of it as much as I can. 

He kissed her forehead....

Vasantmitra- Tell me Prithvi, do you want a boy or a girl? 

Prithvi- Usually kings want boys but I want a girl first. 

Vasantmitra- Oh really? 

Prithvi- Yes, because I want to be called father of the most beautiful princess in the world, for whom princes would  beg me to marry. 

Vasantmitra laughed- But I want a boy, who will be a good warrior like you and me. I will train him and we will also go on vacations together, like a happy loving family. 

Prithvi got a little uncomfortable with this talk, he knew Vasantmitra would be separated from her child.

Prithvi- ah let's leave it all for the future. 

Vasantmitra smiled- Yes, our future is gonna be so beautiful. She kissed her hand. I am so blessed to have you who love me so much and would never hurt me. 

Prithvi got tears in his eyes and he embraced her tightly. 

Vasantmitra- What happened? 

Prithvi- Nothing, just holding you in my arms as much as I can. 

Vasantmitra closed her eyes and soon fell asleep in his arms. He remembered Kamla's words of him being cruel to Vasantmitra, he closed his eyes and fell asleep beside her. 

Bhadradev, Virochana, Lakha and Suryadev were all together...

Bhadradev- I thought Durgpura was neutral then why this Samagra help Prithvi like a biased man..

Lakha- He is blindly in love with Prarthna. 

Suryadev- These fools in love. 

Bhadradev- Samagra is responsible for many of our attacks going wrong. We sent my daughter to honeytrap him but all in vein. 

Lakha- I dare say let's just do a full fledged attack on Meluha once and for all. 

Virochana- We will lose, Samagra and Shaurya are Pruthvi's two really strong pillars. 

Lakha- And that dacoit too. 

Virochana- Dacoit? 

Lakha- Oh you guys don't know his wife who is now with a child is a dacoit. 

Everyone shocked......

Virochana- Why didn't you tell us this in the first place? 

Lakha thought- Oh no, they might use this information to malign Prithvi but in that way Vasantmitra will be harmed. My goal is to rule Meluha along with Vasantmitra as my slave. If they malign her image, people would want to get rid of her. 

Lakha- I meant a dacoit of hearts, she is very beautiful. 

Suryadev- That Vasantmitra whom you so crave for. I dare say when we succeed, let's share us all if she's so beautiful. 

Lakha got up in anger and slapped Suryadev- She's mine, only mine.

Suryadev- How dare you, he slapped Lakha and they started fighting. 

Bhadradev shouted- Stop........if we are gonna fight we will lose this war before it happens. We will discuss about all of this  later. Lakha you want Vasantmitra (suddenly the name ached his heart as Lachi wanted to name his daughter Vasantmitra) you will get her and honourably. No girl named Vasantmitra shall ever be dishonored and he left the room in tears. 

Aparajita was angry so she was walking alone in the night, moon was shining bright, Shaurya saw from his window that Aparajita was walking so he grabbed the opportunity and ran to meet her. 

Shaurya- Aparajita....

Aparajita turned- Shaurya? 

Shaurya- Why are walking in the night? 

Aparajita- ah because I want to. 

Shaurya- Can I walk with you? 

Aparajita- Sure....

Shaurya- So how are you liking our palace?

Aparajita- It's big and grand to be sure but I like freedom better than a golden cage. 

Shaurya- Golden Cage? 

Aparajita- Yes, my didi is like a caged bird here, caged in web of love of the king. 

Shaurya- Bhaiya loves her very much, whenever he talks about her ,there is shine in his eyes.

Aparajita- Still he does not let her meet my father. 

Shaurya- What? 

Aparajita- Yes, it's cruel isn't it? 

Shaurya thought- Only concubines are not allowed to meet their families but Bhabhi is a queen then why not? 

Aparajita- What are you thinking? 

Shaurya- Nothing , so how you like people here?

Aparajita- I didn't meet many people here but mostly I don't like. 

Shaurya hurriedly asked- And me? 

Aparajita looked at him in astonishment....

Shaurya- Do you like me? 

Aparajita- I......

Before she could answer a lion roared and they realised they came towards the woods and too deep.....

Suddenly a lion came in front of them....

Shaurya made Aparajita behind him...

Shaurya- Don't be scared...

As the lion was about to attack she pushed Shaurya and went with her knife in front of the lion, she in one blow attacked the lion so hard it died. 

Shaurya was shocked to see Aparajita's bravery and remembered how she was fighting those goons that day. 

Aparajita had blood all over her face, she smirked and said- Huh.....a lion can't hurt me. 

Shaurya was damn impressed with Aparajita- Absolutely marvellous, you are so brave Aparajita. 

Aparajita smirked....

Shaurya thought- Such a brave woman, she will make my children even braver than me. He blushed at this thought.

Aparajita- Why your cheeks are getting red? 

Shaurya- Nothing, let's go before another wild animal attacks us. 

Aparajita- Yeah let's go.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Mini Chapter 

Aparajita came back with Shaurya. She was about to enter her room. 

Shaurya- So....pranam....

Aparajita awkwardly- Pranam

She entered her room and Shaurya went to his...he went to his room and was elated. 

Shaurya- Aparajita is so awesome, beautiful, courageous, bold, I like her so much, she's the one for me. When should I propose her? On Bhaiya's engagement day, yes, I should propose her that day. He started imagining himself as groom and Aparajita as bride taking Pheras. 

In Mahishmati 

Virochana was tired and was sleeping when suddenly a glass of water fell. He woke up with his knife. Virochana wasn't handsome but he had a good body and sharp mind. He saw a really beautiful woman. 

Virochana- Who are you? 

Lady- I am sorry master, I came in your room as your jug was empty. I came here to fill it with water. 

Virochana- How did guards let you in? 

Lady- I told them this and they knew you have habit of waking up and drinking water at night. (This information was told by Vaishali to Samagra).

Virochana- Fine, fill the jug and leave. 

As she was filling the jug, she showed her bare back to Virochana which made him uncomfortable. 

As she was about to go her pella fell and she was putting it on. 

Virochana started having anxiety...as she was about to leave...

Virochana- Wait

She turned and was frightened 

Virochana- Come here.....

She came towards him...

He touched her chin and asked- What's your name? 

Lady- My name is Prema. 

Virochana- Prema, he caressed her face and said- Prem ki devi. 

Prema became uncomfortable......

Virochana- You are a slave right? 

Prema- Yes

Virochana- Who's your master? 

Prema- Mukhya Maharani Sujata 

Virochana- Then no worries, come, let's have some talk. 

He signalled guards to close the door. 

Samagra was in his tent....

Samagra thought- This Virochana and his evil schemes will soon be exposed. I just hope she does her job well. He remembered Vasantmitra and thought- She is suffering so much when she deserves every happiness in the world. With Kamla there I am not worried about her but I am afraid of Prarthna, she has always been irrational and impulsive. 

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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 147

The day of Avantika and Prithvi 's engagement arrived. Kanak made sure that the occasion would be very grand. Vasantmitra was forcibly invited. She looked absolutely gorgeous but she didn't intend to. Everyone was talking about her. 

One woman- Look at Maharani Vasantmitra, no wonder Maharaj is absolutely besotted with her. 

Another woman- Yes, I have heard Maharaj is under her spell. But then why Maharaj is marrying again?

Woman- She's a commoner afterall, no wonder Maharaj wants to marry a legit princess. Commoners not matter how beautiful can't compete with grace of a princess. 

They both giggled, Kamla heard it all but ignored it. 

Prithvi entered and looked at Vasantmitra, he was admiring her. He was staring at her with a smile and she took gave him a sad smile. 

Shaurya came and but didn't find Aparajita, he thought it weird. 

Shaurya thought- Where's my Aparajita? Hope she didn't leave. But suddenly Aparajita came and stood beside Vasantmitra. He smiled at her and she smiled back but in friendly way and quickly looked at another direction. She looked at Prithvi and then Vasantmitra. Their eyes were struck on each other. 

Aparajita thought- Didi is too blind but guess for such a handsome man, anyone can become a slave except me. I won't be accepting a man just because he's handsome or rich. Ugh .......she looked at Prithvi and made a disgusted face. 

Aparajita- Didi stop staring at your beloved, everyone is noticing it and smiling. 

Vasantmitra- I am watching him getting married to his childhood love. I don't understand whether to cry or laugh or just run away to my room. 

Aparajita- That witch is forcing you to be here , to give you pain, even in this condition.

Vasantmitra- I know but I am warrior and I want to make my child tough even in womb. He or she must feel my pain. Pain makes a warrior strong. 

Aparajita proudly smiled at her Didi- Seems like you have not lost your warrior spirit. 

Vasantmitra- I can lose anything but never my strength and will to be the best warrior. 

Avantika entered with Prarthna and  her maids in a really gorgeous dress. 

Prarthna was really happy as this marriage was giving pain to Vasantmitra ignoring the fact that Kamla was also sad but silent. She never expressed her emotions as she was mentally prepared to get ignored in her marriage. 

Kanak- Prithvi, put this ring on her finger. 

Prithvi very casually took her finger and put the ring (the same ring he actually kept for this day) on her finger. Vasantmitra noticed it. She thought- No matter what he said, he kept this ring for this day only, he could have chosen some other ring. Watching the intended ring on her finger made Avantika cry. She started crying. 

Prithvi- What happened? Are you hurt? 

Avantika- I imagined of this day since childhood Prithvi and now it's my reality. I am so happy. She hugged him in front of everyone making him shocked. 

Everyone started cheering for the couple except Vasantmitra and Aparajita. 

Shaurya- See Bhaiyya, dreams are coming true, romance is in the air.

Vasantmitra was trying best to hold her tears but Aparajita was getting really annoyed. She looked with death eyes at Shaurya. She thought- I thought of him as a nice guy but he's the same. He also wants to give pain to his Bhabhi Maa. Ridiculous man, I hate him. 

Prithvi broke the hug and said- Avantika please, control your emotions and have some decorum.

Avantika- I am sorry Prithvi, I just can't bear so much happiness. 

Prithvi smiled

Avantika put her ring very gently in his finger. 

Kanak- This cute couple are engaged now. Everyone cheered. I will ask Rajpurohit for the best Muhurat for their marriage. 

Avantika and Prithvi were made to sit together and the dancing girls gave their performance. 

Vasantmitra- Enough of this show, I am leaving. She left crying. 

Aparajita thought- My didi is suffering because of these people. What was her fault? That she fell head over heels for a man who just doesn't really respect her. I don't know about love but he certainly doesn't respect her family. I hate him and his family. 

She ran outside and it was raining....

Shaurya saw this and went behind her....

Prithvi saw Vasantmitra leaving and it pained him to see her so distressed. He looked at his mother who was talking with her friends and thought- Your cruelty knows no bounds mother. Making Vasantmitra suffer even at this stage when she is going to be mother of your grandchild. He remembered Kamla's words about separating Vasantmitra from her child and her questioning his love for her. 

Prithvi thought- I love her , I absolutely love her, how could Kamla question my love for Vasantmitra. He perhaps still didn't understand what was he doing wrong. 

He looked at Kamla who was standing alone with blank face. 

Prithvi thought- Her goodness and companionship I really don't deserve. If someone actually deserves love, it's her. Then he looked at Avantika who was very happy. Avantika looked at him and got shy. He smiled but then he remembered the day she was about to let her father imprison him and his hatred returned immediately. He turned his face in annoyance. Avantika thought - Once we get married, I will win you over completely. 

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Posted: a day ago

Chapter 148

Aparajita ran outside in rain towards the woods. Shaurya came after her. She was being anxious seeing the condition of Vasantmitra. Suddenly she turned and saw Shaurya.

Aparajita- Shaurya, why...

Shaurya- Before you say anything, I.....I must confess Aparajita.

Shaurya- Confess what? 

Shaurya- I Love You

Listening to these words made Aparajita a complete bust, she was shocked to her soul. She never once expected Shaurya to be in love with her. 

Shaurya- Aparajita, I love you, with my heart, my soul craves for you. You are the most beautiful, bold and courageous woman I have ever known. Please accept me and be my wife. 

Aparajita paused for a while, her eyes were red and it had tears, she looked angry making Shaurya uncomfortable. 

Shaurya- Did I say....

Aparajita interrupted- What made you think  I would accept your phony proposal?

Shaurya shocked...he couldn't speak as he didn't expect the reaction.

Aparajita- Your family tortures my sister, she is not allowed to see her family, your rajmata constantly mocks us ,tries to belittle her and I got to know in these days before she was with a child, she once tried to send her to Lakha. 

The details made Shaurya dumbstruck, he couldn't imagine rajmata doing this to Vasantmitra. 

Aparajita- Didi is in delusion that her child will fix everything, it will change nothing and I fear your king might separate didi from her child. He doesn't see more than a concubine. 

Shaurya- Bhabhi is not a concubine, she is a queen. 

Aparajita- I don't see her getting that respect, yeah from servants she does but they would respect any favourite of the king but your family, Rajkumari Prarthna is really vitriolic towards my didi and I don't understand why. And you want me to accept you. NEVER. 

They both were being drenched in rain, Shaurya had his heart broken in the most cruel way. He didn't know Vasantmitra was going through so much distress and pain. 

Aparajita and Shaurya stared at each other. She was angry and he was sad. 

Shaurya tearfully- Is this your final reply?

Aparajita tearfully- Y....Ye...Yes....

Shaurya came a little closer to her and said- I wouldn't do those things to you which bhaiya are doing with Bhabhi. He was very close to her and he stared in her eyes. She was slowly getting lost in his eyes and her heart started beating fast.....they were so close it looked like they were almost kissing, Aparajita felt a sensation and it looked like she wanted Shaurya to kiss her but then he sudden backed off. As he was going away

Aparajita- When you got to know the truth you would do the exact same things to me. 

He stopped and turned- Truth...what truth? 

Aparajita in tears- I....I am not a commoner....

Shaurya had his breath held...

Aparajita- I and Didi are Dacoits...... daughters of infamous Shaka. 

The news shook Shaurya and he got extremely shocked. He didn't say anything, he just turned and ran to the palace. 

Aparajita started crying and she was crying so hard she fell on the ground in rain, mud was all over her side. She shouted- Why?????? I don't love him then why am I crying. 

Shaurya was in tears and he ran to his room. Kanak saw him but he was too fast. She wondered what happened but she was too busy in the occasion where Prithvi was just getting bored and was worrying for Vasantmitra and Prarthna was busy with Avantika. 

Shaurya  was in his room and the words of Aparajita were echoing in his ears, specially the word Dacoit. He went to meet Arjun. Varun was also there. 

Shaurya- Arjun Bhaiya, Varun Bhaiya, I need to ask something. 

Arjun- Ask Shaurya 

Shaurya- Is Vasantmitra Bhabhi a dacoit? 

They got shocked....

Varun- Who told you this? It's ridiculous, enjoy the party Shaurya. 

Shaurya- I need answers, is it true? 

Arjun- It's futile Varun, I guess he heard it from Rajmata herself. 

Shaurya- That means it's true. 

Arjun- Yes

Shaurya- How and why did Bhaiya marry her? Tell me their whole story.

Varun and Arjun narrated their love story in detail and how Lakha rebelled just to get Vasantmitra and every other detail they knew. 

Shaurya was shocked, amused and sad listening to this. He simply left in astonishment. 

Aparajita also came to her room and she was extremely distressed. 

Aparajita thought- I made an enemy out of Shaurya, he will definitely imprison me or do something drastic to me. I must meet Didi and leave the palace immediately otherwise I would have to fight Shaurya and....the thought of hurting Shaurya ached her heart but she didn't understand why she was feeling that way. She brushed the feeling off thinking that it probably was guilt of hurting him by rejecting his proposal. 
