Shrimad Ramayan daily episode discussion thread (21/6/24) - Page 8

Episode Discussion


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Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: ananya3129

That's what I am saying, he was made a hero which he wasn't. No where it is mentioned in VR that he realized them to be Gods. He was a complete black character. I hope Swastik doesn't make him hero at the end. He should die as a psycho mayavi rakshas

But in the beginning when meghu and lankesh go to naaglok to kill shurpi husband  ravan wants to loot jewels and meghu stops him showing his good side and reminds him naaglok is sulochana maika

That's why I wonder if he will be shown as havin remorse

Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: ananya3129

According to VR Lakshmana and Indrajeeta faught directly one time when the latter got killed. Rest all the fights happened with entire army as he was invisible in the sky and firing multiple arrows from there. Also he performed a sacrificial ritual on the battlefield itself. If they show something like this then its not distortion.

Hmm i think this part will not be shown this way 

Meghu does that sacrifice Pooja in end which is interrupted by vanars

And since yday they already shown him doing that tantrik style Pooja

RamLakshman thumbnail
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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: ananya3129

That's what I am saying, he was made a hero which he wasn't. No where it is mentioned in VR that he realized them to be Gods. He was a complete black character. I hope Swastik doesn't make him hero at the end. He should die as a psycho mayavi rakshas

Manas doesn't mention about it as well. If I remember it was taken from Kamban and/or Adhyatma Ramayan ..

RamLakshman thumbnail
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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox

Hmm i think this part will not be shown this way 

Meghu does that sacrifice Pooja in end which is interrupted by vanars

And since yday they already shown him doing that tantrik style Pooja

Yeah it doesn't look like they're following (only) the VR anyway. Nobody's ever been able to do that. So this will remain a mix.. at best RS version. 

RamLakshman thumbnail
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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 14 days ago

Valid thread smiley19 but did something happen in the episode for SM to have a breakdown again ? I haven't watched the epi yet. 

Edited by RamLakshman - 14 days ago
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: RamLakshman

Yeah it doesn't look like they're following (only) the VR anyway. Nobody's ever been able to do that. So this will remain a mix.. at best RS version. 

I tell u they r using reference from here there which may not be part of any version of ramayan

Tell me where do the dementors come from eh 😂😂
