Shrimad Ramayan Daily episode discussion thread (17/6/24) - Page 5

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Posted: 18 days ago

Originally posted by: RamLakshman

I know right, it was for 5 seconds idk kyu daala. Usse pehle I loved Sugreev, Kesari and Vibhishan's fighting scenes.. the animation was unnecessary.

Someone needs to work on Sita's dialogues.. "Mere Shri Ram" thrice in every sentence is not helping smiley18

Rewatched few parts again and u were right about the Ram Lakshman scene .. Sujay portrayed the subtle panic very well. He'll be a treat to watch when he breaks down later.

I usually find something in the episode to enjoy. Today I couldn't see anything worthwhile to even talk about.

Lengthy dialogues were actually irritating but it was like mental game both were playing

Hmm agree on sita dialogue

Ok she needs to be updated on war but it didn't seem much necessary to show this footage.instead after naagpaash and shaktibaan scene she could have been shown as worried

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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 18 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox

I usually find something in the episode to enjoy. Today I couldn't see anything worthwhile to even talk about.

Lengthy dialogues were actually irritating but it was like mental game both were playing

Hmm agree on sita dialogue

Ok she needs to be updated on war but it didn't seem much necessary to show this footage.instead after naagpaash and shaktibaan scene she could have been shown as worried

Yeah it seemed like a filler episode. They also kept playing those 20 sec ads in between abruptly .. so I guess that was it. They should have a full fledged fight with minimal dialogues tomo. 

Even if they show Sita, her reactions are always the same. She's seldom worried or crying or tensed. I get they want to show her strong but idk the current reactions seem pretty casual.

We still don't know which day of war is this smiley37

Edited by RamLakshman - 18 days ago
Posted: 17 days ago

Originally posted by: ananya3129

Here is today's part from VR with translations 

तच्छ्रुत्वा रागवो वाक्यम् वायुपुत्रेण भाषितम् |

अथारुरोह सहसा हनूमन्तं महाकपिम् || 

रथस्थम् रावणम् सम्ख्ये ददर्श मनुजाधिपः |

Hearing those words spoken by Hanuma the son of Wind-God, Rama soon after mounted the great monkey, Hanuma. Rama the Lord of men then saw Ravana standing in his chariot in the battle-field.

तमालोक्य महातेजाः प्रदुद्राव स रावणम् || 

वैरोचनमिव क्रुद्धो विष्णुरभ्युद्यतायुधः

The mighty Rama became angry on seeing him and rushed upon that Ravana like unto Vishnu with his uplifted mace rushed upon Virochana.

ज्याशब्दमकरोत्तीव्रम् वज्रनिष्पेषनिष्ठुरम् || 

गिरा गम्भीरया रामो राक्षसेन्द्रमुवाच ह |

Rama made a sound in drawing the cord of his bow and like unto the roll of thunder, spoke in a deep voice to Ravana as follows:

तिष्ठ तिष्ठ मम त्वम् हि कृत्वा विप्रियमीदृशम् || 

क्व नु राक्षसशार्दूल गत्वा मोक्षमवाप्स्यसि |

"O, Tiger among the Demons! Stay, stay! Having evoked such a displeasure to me, where will you flee and get an abandonment?"

यदीन्द्रवैवस्वतभास्करान्वा |

स्वयमुभवैश्वानरशंकरान्वा |

गमिष्यसि त्वं दशधा दिशो वा |

तथापि मे नाद्य गतो विमोक्ष्यसे || 

"Even if you seek refuge in the region of Indra the Lord of celestials or Yama the Lord of Death or the Sun or Brahma the Lord of Creation or Agni the Lord of Fire or Shiva the Lord of dissolution or in the ten regions, even in those abodes you will elude me from now on."

यश्चैष शक्त्या निहतस्त्वयाद्य |

गच्छन्विषादं सहसाभ्युपेत्य |

स एष रक्षोगणराज मृत्युः |

सपुत्रपौत्रस्य तवाद्य युद्धे || 

"O, Ravana the King of Demons! The one who was struck by the spear, fell swooping this day only to recover consciousness immediately, will now, assuming the form of death, claim you, your sons and grandsons in battle."

एतेन चात्यद्भुतदर्शनानि |

शरैर्जनस्थानकृतालयानि |

चतुर्दशान्यात्तवरायुधानि |

रक्षः सहस्राणि निषूदितानि || 

"Here is he, under whose blows of arrows, fourteen thousand demons of terrible form perished, who had established themselves in Janasthana and were furnished with excellent weapons."

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Posted: 17 days ago

Originally posted by: RamLakshman

Yeah it seemed like a filler episode. They also kept playing those 20 sec ads in between abruptly .. so I guess that was it. They should have a full fledged fight with minimal dialogues tomo. 

Even if they show Sita, her reactions are always the same. She's seldom worried or crying or tensed. I get they want to show her strong but idk the current reactions seem pretty casual.

We still don't know which day of war is this smiley37

I think even the makers have no idea which day it issmiley39

About Sita Mata, she doesn't have a role till Meghu fires naagpas according to VR. So they are adding these random scenes of her. Prachi wasn't shooting, i guess they have shot just one scene with her and replaying it over and over smiley39smiley37

Edited by ananya3129 - 17 days ago
RamLakshman thumbnail
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Ayodhya Archers

Posted: 17 days ago

Originally posted by: ananya3129

I think even the makers have no idea which day it issmiley39

About Sita Mata, she doesn't have a role till Meghu fires naagpas according to VR. So they are adding these random scenes of her. Prachi wasn't shooting, i guess they have shot just one scene with her and replaying it over and over smiley39smiley37

Looks very possible. And we actually don't need scenes that don't add up, irrespective of the source if you ask me. But even if y'all are shooting now (I saw she resumed it on ig) then atleast please work on her dialogues smiley11

Posted: 17 days ago

Good morning jai shri ram

Ananya thanks for translation. So this Hanuman rath type was in VR.. I'm now trying to recall either rs ramayan or imagine tv ramayan one of them did have a scene where Hanuman carries shri ram on his shoulders 

Ok wait yes In rs ramayan Hanuman carried lakshman in his fight with atikay i think.

So ok that was good part and the way it was shown. Ram looking down at ravan and ravan looking up at ramji that had a deep meaning.

Means ram is way above u oh ravan and is supreme while u ravan are nothing in front of ram.

That was good actually

Yes for sita part coming up naagpaash and shakti baan scene she can be shown as worried and praying to Mahadev to save ram lakshman

Oh and the day isn't over yet??

So if today ramji destroys ravan rath weapons etc the day gets over and ramji insults and send ravan away

After that I think now meghu will reappear 😂 poor guy he hasn't shown up after getting beaten by Hanuman 

Posted: 17 days ago

Btw in convo between ram and ravan I found some bits amusing. How can anyone be so delusional 😂😂😂

Ravan taunts ram about having no rath no chappals no chest guard but ek baar bhi usne apne costume ki taraf dekha kya. 

Where was his chest guard.

Where is his protective gear.

All he does is use cheat methods to win.

Ravan is a cheater ravan is a cheater 😴😂😂😂😂😂
