Shrimad Ramayan Daily Episode Discussion Thread ~ 10/6/2024 - Page 6

Episode Discussion


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Posted: 28 days ago

Episode about to end

The separation of ram from others and isolation hmm this strategy was used in Mahabharata war to isolate abhimanyu

Yahan timepass ke liye use Kiya ?

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 28 days ago

I'm sorry but I can never take meghu seriously. The face, the neck stuff and the nonstop overacting make it impossible.

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 28 days ago

Originally posted by: chatterbox

Yahan timepass ke liye use Kiya ?


Posted: 28 days ago

Yayyy Hanuman ne meghu ko injure Kiya in precap

Now ravan is coming to battlefield to fight ram

That's precap

Actually again iiked the episode

I will watch again what I missed

Meghu was really awesome in fights

Yes meghu lakshman not yet aamne saamne 

IbuHatela thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 28 days ago

What? They never showed the clip they precapped to. They're saving that for later apparently. And what happened to Lakshman beating Meghu? Creative liberty again?

Episode was okay, fun at times, Lakshman stuff was the best part. Not as good as I hoped and the ending left me wanting more. See you guys tomorrow.

Posted: 28 days ago

Originally posted by: IbuHatela

What? They never showed the clip they precapped to. They're saving that for later apparently. And what happened to Lakshman beating Meghu? Creative liberty again?

Episode was okay, fun at times, Lakshman stuff was the best part. Not as good as I hoped and the ending left me wanting more. See you guys tomorrow.

What clip

Shuk does report to ravan

Lakshman beating meghu yet to come

Now meghu Is unconscious

Hanuman beat him up

Posted: 28 days ago

I don't think Vibhishan fought in Sagar Ramayan as well smiley1

And i can tolerate this Meghu after tolerating the overacting of OG Meghnadsmiley36

Edited by Pete15rogmourey - 28 days ago
Posted: 28 days ago

Hmm. Fast episode

Lakshman was best

Ramji still couldn't handle those mayavis

After vibhu uncle tells then he will do needful

Yeh baat kuch hazam nahi hui

Meghu angad fight was good but meghu appeared stronger than angad here

Tomm ram ravan aamne saamne

Now all war episodes will be fast with few mayas thrown here there
