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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 20 days ago

Its really unbearable to see Giriraj and his behavior in the show now. Even if his character was evil/cruel earlier, his behavior was not inhuman/disgusting. Now, it looks like he crossed all the limits. 

Hopefully the makers realize that and show the character with some decency at least. Giriraj doesn't look like a minister anymore.

rakeshopg thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 20 days ago

Finally Adi proved Kavya also wrong, even if he helped Anjali release from jail. Kavya was so proud of Adi that he is not like his father or doesn't believe in such practices. 

Now he did exactly opposite of whatever Kavya loved and adored him for all along.

rakeshopg thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 20 days ago

It was so wrong to prove Vinay mentally ill to get the case closed. 

Hopefully, Adi at least arranged to return all the money to all the candidates including VInay and arranged Vinay to appear teacher's exam, before closing the case.

Thought it will not prove what he did was correct, but at least Giriraj should not end up getting all the money besides being set free.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 20 days ago

The makers wanted to serve the difference of opinions/values of Adi and Kavya. Nothing wrong in that, but looks like they took a wrong way to portray that.

The same could have been done in a different way. There was no point in contradicting the character's core personality to prove a point.

Adi doing exactly opposite of whatever he practiced/praised for all the while. Similarly, a few hrs back Anjali was shown a fighter and ready to sacrifice herself and stand by Kavya and even threatening to Giriraj. But, was all happy and thankful to Adi when he proved Vinay mentally ill to set her free. After all Anjali dealt with Vinay more than anyone else and witnessed everything Kavya and VInay spoke. How could believe that Vinay was ill.

The makes are not realizing that they are making very obvious  mistakes, when they contradict themselves, to bring in some unnecessary drama.

Edited by rakeshopg - 20 days ago
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 20 days ago

Extremely sad to see Adi and Kavya standing against each other again, for no fault of theirs. Just to serve justice to others or protect their families.

Especially in a situation, where they should have been together taking care of themselves and their unborn child, they are doing everything else.

This difference of opinions track/drama was not worth at all, at a cost of ruining Adi's character. Not sure, how did the makers/writers gain something out of it. I think, it may ruin the viewers' interest in the show very badly.

Hopefully, the story moves onto something nice/happy moments to watch, rather than hate/fights/conflicts all the time.

Edited by rakeshopg - 20 days ago
Tej0707 thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 20 days ago
felt so bad for Kavya.she did every possible thing to prove her mother innocent legally but failed. She assured vinay she will help him out with job and to get back his money but couldn't instead adi proved vinay is mentally ill. Hope they have another way to help vinay.
Tej0707 thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 20 days ago
Falsely declaring someone mentally unfit is a grave injustice with far-reaching consequences. This action not only undermines their professional opportunities but also affects their social standing. Vinay’s situation underscores the importance of integrity and fairness in evaluating someone’s mental fitness. Such false declarations are a misuse of power and trust, and they highlight the need for accountability and justice in protecting individuals from such harmful actions
Saraneswari thumbnail
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Posted: 18 days ago
Kavya: lots of love &emotion she strictly follow the way of rules Adhiraj: intense correct but choosing way wrong Anjali: she never forget with out reading bonds never ever sing it. It's also lesson for each and every one.... Malini: Now she cares about kavya but she always stands for kavya!!!??? Rajeev : perfect man... But he try to explain with his wife but he not doing that. That's the results Anjali jail...... Situation all. Giriraj: excellent work 😡🤬😠 Anubha: confused now a days because of shubh
CherryKavya thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 days ago

Thks for the update that too you have written personally very nice 

sandyjayaram thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 days ago

Plus 1!!

declaring someone as mentally ill on national television was uncalled for in my opinion. The consequences of that in Vinay’s future could be bad. 
