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Team Kavya

Posted: 28 days ago

The Episode starts with Adi scolding Anubha. She thanks Kavya for the help. She gets Shubh’s call. Kavya says your real fight begins now. Anubha says I m not scared now. Kavya says I will go and work now. She sees Giriraj’s PA talking to the man. Mishra and Giriraj argue. He says I promise, nothing will happen now. Mishra says Kavya won’t get away easily. Giriraj says if she does anything now, then her mum’s name will come, I have taken money in her name. They laugh.

Rajeev talks to Kavya. He says Kavya saved you from defamation, she exposed the fake list, you would have got troubled. Anjali gets sad and thinks Kavya was right, I can’t become a teacher. He asks her to make a good tea. She goes to the kitchen and cries. The man begs Giriraj and asks for the job. Giriraj asks the guards to take the man away. He leaves. DM talks to the media. Kavya comes. She says whatever I did was to select a good teacher for the school. DM tells the same thing to the media. She says I have to keep the exams and get the results in 3 weeks, I hope there won’t be any problem now, Shubh also helped us, where is he. Shubh asks Anubha how did Kavya know about it. She says I didn’t tell her anything. He argues.

She says I want to live for myself without any fear, I will be hurt to live without you but I won’t die, I can’t leave my duty. He says then go and do your duty. She returns the ring to him. The man points a gun at Giriraj and asks for his appointment letter. Giriraj says CM refused to the list, you give the exam and I will pass you. The man says I have given you 20 lakhs. Giriraj shouts to call the guards. The man breaks a vase and stops him. Giriraj says its not my mistake. Vinay says don’t make me a murderer, give me the appointment letter or return my 20 lakhs. Giriraj says that woman cheated me, her name is Anjali Bansal, her daughter did this. The guards come. Vinay runs away. Giriraj asks them to catch Vinay. Adi and Kavya come home. They have a hug. Shubh comes and taunts her for breaking his relation. He says she is provoking Anubha against me, she is breaking the engagement. Vinay comes to Anjali’s house and gets angry. Adi says Anubha is sensible. Kavya says Shubh, I spoke to Anubha and asked her to keep her respect, think about her, she is intelligent and smart, you can’t control her. He says I love her a lot, its our matter, I m scared she will leave me, she has changed, why do you want to make her like you. Adi says world will become beautiful if everyone becomes like Kavya, problem is with you. Kavya says I m not trying to make her like me, she is good, change yourself, else you will lose her. He says I can’t lose her, help me win her back. He goes. Kavya says Adi, help him, please. Adi says no. She says every person should get a chance to reform. Adi agrees. Malini claps for Adi and Kavya. She feeds them sweets. Giriraj comes and claps. Adi argues with him.

Vinay follows Anjali. Adi says let me serve the people. Kavya says I told you dad, truth will eventually win. Vinay stops Anjali. He asks for his money. He points the gun at her. She says I didn’t take any money form you. He asks for 20 lakhs. She says I don’t know anything. She runs. Giriraj says you mean I m involved in this cam. Kavya says no, but its not right to show big dreams to an ordinary man, when his dream breaks then he can go to any extent. Anjali hides and calls Kavya. Kavya’s phone is in her room. Vinay spots Anjali.

Thanks for update writer.

Do comment guys for forum rating.


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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Thank you for your efforts and written updates.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Excellent episode. Everything seems to be leading to Giriraj's exposure here, and also misunderstanding/differences/ddp seems to be coming soon.

It looks like the professionally the issues may be settled or the recruitment scam will be resolved, but all seems to be leading to issues in AdYa's personal life now. It may again turn into a family drama.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Anjali's calls to Rajiv/Mayank being ignored looked quite unreal and drama. It was excellent show of emotions/fear by Anjali, the actress nailed it completely. 

Sad to see Anjali in such state. But, it was all expected from the beginning that candidates will go after her life for the money, if the list is cancelled.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

It was so important for someone to sat her down and explain everything clearly to Anjali. But, unfortunately no one did that. A big mistake of Rajiv too here.

Kavya understood her mistake quickly and tried to speak to/explain her the same, but Anjali was not ready to listen by then and took it on her ego. Everything looked quite close to reality.

Everything had to go to an extreme to learn a lesson and she put Kavya's life in danger along with hers.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Kavya as always put all her efforts to handle everything in the critical situation, the best possible way. From informing to Adi and police, worried about her mom, her child and also tried to keep Vinay busy, so that he should not commit any mistake which could ruin his future. 

She tried everything at once and that was really commendable. That was beyond extreme for a woman to handle in such health conditions. It was completely disheartening to see her in that state.

What a performance by Sumbul, the actress par excellence!!!

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Kudos to the writers here to address the correct message in such crucial situation. It was Vinay's mistake as well to bribe to get a job. Even after having required qualification/degree, he succumbed to pressure and opt for shortcut.

But, thats the sad reality of society as well. Many candidates decide to bribe for getting jobs.

Hopefully, this serves a good lesson to society/people and also Vinay gets justice in the end.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Good to see, Adi helped Anubha patch up with Shubh. But, it looks like, Shubh will use it to his benefit again in future. He may now get closer to Kavya and Bansals, to create differences between Adi and Kavya.

It will be interesting to see, how Shubh's character portrayed from here onwards.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

It looks like Vinay and Anjali's statements will expose GIriraj, but he may put the blame on MIshra to escape.

It may be possible that Shubh will expose GIriraj as he has contacts with MIshra and he may get some evidence from MIshra and inform Anubha and expose Giriraj. 

Then he may stand by Bansals, when Adi and Kavya stand by evidences/whats right (against Anjali). 

Looks like Shubh will become hero here (also after donating blood to Kavya), before he shows his real side.

Tej0707 thumbnail
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Posted: 27 days ago
Even after so much warnings given by Rajeev still Anjali trusted giriraj and didn't back out and now kavya is suffering.