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Team Kavya

Posted: 25 days ago

The episode starts with Kavya asking Vinay not to choose this way and says this will take him on the wrong path. Vinay puts the gun down. Kavya pushes the gun away. Kavya says to Vinay that she will help him. The police come to arrest Vinay. Kavya asks Vinay not to worry and says nothing will happen to him. The police take Vinay away from there. Anjali hugs Kavya. Kavya asks Anjali is she is alright. Anjali says yes.

Adi comes and asks Kavya if she is alright. Kavya says yes. Adi notices the blood at Kavya's feet and shows it to Kavya. Kavya sees the blood and loses consciousness.

Adi and Anjali are shown to be admitting Kavya in the hospital. Rajiv and Malini come to the hospital and they ask Adi if Kavya is alright. The doctor asks Adi to come to her.

Adi asks the doctor what is Kavya's condition. The doctor says the baby is in distress. The doctor says Kavya is in this condition due to exhaustion and says Kavya has walked 8 floors and Kavya put her life and the baby's life in danger.

The doctor says to Adi that they need A -ve blood for Kavya only then will she be saved. The doctor says there is a curfew near the blood

bank. Adi says he will go and get blood.

Anjali asks Adi what is Kavya's condition. Adi tries to leave but Anjali stops Adi. Adi asks Anjali not to stop him if not he might tell something to her that he will not able to take it back. Adi leaves from there. Rajiv asks Anjali why would Adi speak like that.

Giriraj comes to meet Vinay Mathur in the police station and talks to him. Giriraj confirms that Vinay hasn't told anyone about him and he asks Vinay to keep his mouth shut only then will he get his money and says she will also arrange the bail for him. Vinay agrees. Giriraj leaves from


Anubha sees Giriraj and asks Giriraj what is he

doing here. Giriraj says he came to meet Vinay

Mathur. Anubha comments on Giriraj. Giriraj leaves from there.

Anjali says to Rajiv and Malini what happened. Rajiv after learning about what happened blames Anjali for Kavya's condition and comments on her.

Adi comes to the cops and says to the cops that he has to go to the blood bank. The cops says there are riots going on there. Adi still says he has to go there to save his son.

Giriraj asks Viplav to bring all the files to his cabin regaining the teachers list money transaction. Viplav agrees and leaves from there.

Anubha interrogates Vinay Mathur to find out why did he threaten Anjali Bansal with a gun for Rs 20 Lakhs but he doesn't reveal anything.

Adi gets injured in the riots but he still gets blood to the hospital. Adi after coming to the hospital learns that Kavya has regained consciousness and Shubh gave his blood to Kavya and due to it Kavya and the baby are fine.

Thanks for update writer.

Do comment guys for forum rating.


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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 25 days ago

Thank you for your efforts and written updates.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 25 days ago

Good episode. The episode completely belonged to Adi and Anubha. But, looks like the makers failed to execute it well overall. It was rushed too much, with no link to the character's dialogs/reactions. 

Besides, some too obvious mistakes, for eg, Shubh donated blood inside the room and none outside the room (Pradhans and Bansals) know about it.

Just another 3-4mins length (even if they would have stopped at Adi reached to hospital with blood), the episode would have been an excellent one.

Edited by rakeshopg - 25 days ago
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Posted: 25 days ago

Kavya finally saved her mother and also assured Vinay that he will get justice. That was really a great achievement considering her health conditions.

So disheartening to see Kavya bleeding and falling straight on the ground (what a terrible mistake there, just for 2-3secs of the scene Mishkat was absent?).

Edited by rakeshopg - 25 days ago
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Posted: 25 days ago

Adi tried his best and everything possible to arrange blood, but with no use. So disheartening for a person to see himself a failure once again.

But, good to see him being happy to see, Kavya and the child being safe in the end. The end result is what matters and important.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 25 days ago

Looks like VInay still did not learn his lesson and not ready to expose Giriraj. He may be justified, as he is afraid of losing his money and job both here.

Hopefully, he finds strength and helps the officials to expose the scam here.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 25 days ago

Truly the highlight of the episode was Anubha. Hats off to her to stand by principles and doing whats right. So good to see the way she valued the trust of Kavya on her. Hopefully she gets successful to find the people (Giriraj) behind the scam.

OR Shubh may help Anubha and expose Giriraj (Mishra may expose GIriraj through Shubh as he was blamed by Giriraj for Manohar).

Looks like Shubh will become the hero here, as Vinay may not expose Giriraj.

Edited by rakeshopg - 25 days ago
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Posted: 25 days ago

No words for Giriraj. He has crossed all the limits and most importantly humanity as well. Not even bothered about people lives and their distress.

Hopefully, he is not escaped this time and no point turning him positive anymore. 

Most importantly, Kavya should not waste her time trying to correct him and try to patch up Adi and GIriraj again. Not worth at all.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 25 days ago

So wrong for Malini to prioritize the child over Kavya. Being a woman, at least she should not have said so. Blaming Kavya for risking her child's life without knowing the truth was so wrong.

Hopefully, she realizes her mistake and corrects herself. 

So sad to see her character being ruined again, after turned to positive and looked promising a bit.

Edited by rakeshopg - 25 days ago
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Posted: 25 days ago

Disheartening to see Pradhans and Bansals fighting over unimportant things in the hospital. At least, they should have tried to arrange blood, if not anything, to save Kavya and her child. They were not even bothered to find Kavya/child's condition.

Looks like, they will all be ok again, after knowing Kavya and her child are safe. That makes all their fight look so fake/unnecessary again.

For eg, if Rajiv forgives Anjali and says she was not at fault/she was trapped and blames Kavya for her arrest next, what was the need for him to blame Anjali now? Looks so weird.

Most importantly and unbelievably, they all were surprised to know Shubh already donated blood inside the room and they were all fighting outside. The makers failed to execute this very badly.

Edited by rakeshopg - 25 days ago