So...what was the point of bringing in Abhinav? - Page 5


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Salutethearmy thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: FleetingWishes.

So had they really given up on Abhira before the leap itself? I'd say the leap felt abhira-centric at the beginning and abhirohi/akshnav felt like tension props more than actual couples -- like it happens typically in itv shows. Somewhere around Abhimanyu's out of the blue confession/accident and the mandir confrontation they decided to pivot because from that point on it felt much more like an Abhinav/Akshnav centric story and Abhimanyu was completely relegated to the background. I'm sure RS must've given HC some sort of guarantee or something about staying in the show and Abhira's story. It's kind of hard to believe they weren't going to end Abhinav at some point because what else could have they done with his character then without doing something ala kartik and introducing an entire new family as his family and making gen 3 about them? There's no way you could've dragged a triangle for that long. It wasn't even a triangle in the first place after a while. It's all soo messed up now. Rishta really messed it up.

I agree Abhinav didn't dismantle them the white day did. But whatever was left was gone with him 1)because people remember things in comparative degrees. And there is no way anyone can objectively put the two couples side by side and pick abhira over akshnav -- all stats combined. They kind of ruined their own ML to establish another character as better than him and then killed him. Like what's the pointπŸ˜† A second chance story is good. A second chance over a second chance with the first person is weird and probably lame.

Let's talk from the producers perspective.

SP asked DKP to incorporate a regressive regional format, which they did for a period of 3 months

3 main chkts were in the limelight

Akshara Abhimanyu Aarohi.

As per the OG, Aarohi was supposed to the vamp, fair enough, suits her profile too.

What did the makers do, she wasn't greg in the first place. Oscillated between white and grey, her intentions weren't clear. When Akshara rejected Abhimanyu, AR slyly took over and asked her sis to maintain distance, misled Manjiri to believe certain facts for ex saving Abhimanyu. What was the final result πŸ™‚ she fooled Birlas especially Manjiri which lead to Abhimanyu proposing marriage.

She did not cheat Abhimanyu nor proposed only created situations in her favour.

When Aarohi got jilted in the mandir, the entire scenario worked  against Abhira.

The very foundation of two individuals falling instantly in love became pretty unstable. 

Thanks to slapstick execution, introduction of self injurious behaviour thru Anisha Birla reversed 3rd generation fortune.

Writers used Aarohi to trigger mu's between Abhira. During the first leap she became Mahima's sidekick, married Neil Birla with a purpose.

When Neil died, she blamed Ak for his death. 

Akshara out and Aarohi in.

Abhira never got to communicate, confront, understand thanks to their own personalities with inputs from their respective family members.

It is not about giving up on Abhira, DKP never wanted them in the first place 

As per Rajan's IV Abhira were in love with the idea of being love.

Sums up their relationship. WD did most of the damage.

First half over

In the second half Abhinav Sharma enters

Now in the Birla House, we see a very calm and composed Abhimanyu Birla bringing up his brother 's daughter, he has made peace with a person who created havoc in his life.

There is no realisation, regret, guilt in the form of flashbacks either ways

So how to connect with Abhira.

We saw a happy perfect family in Kasauli, when Abhimanyu came he disturbed the balance.

So for me he moved the story.

At least Abhimanyu brought Akshara back to reality.

As said earlier makers projected  Navra to be the endgame based on second chance or move on factor. Kasauli story worked, abrohi never took off. As a result, characters had to be weaved in thru Akshara Abhir Abhinav and Abhimanyu.

Edited by Salutethearmy - 10 months ago
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Team Birlas

Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Sorry forgot to mention one point in my previous post. I feel the Kaira and Kairav situation was very different. 

Kartik bore the guilt of losing 5 years in Kairav's life but he was never made to feel IRRELEVANT in KAIRAV'S life....he was never told by Naira ki tumhare hone, na hone se kuch khaas farak nahin padega in Kairav's life....Naira empathized with his pain as a father even as she clashed with him on his failures as a husband....she never even for a moment erased Kartik from his son's fact she always kept an image of him alive in his son's life. 

What Akshara has done is inhumane on a level that absolutely confounds me....she not only erased Abhimanyu from his son's life, she then GLOATED about it every chance she got - that he is irrelevant cuz he didn't raise Abhir (umm cuz he didn't know Abhir existed, you daft woman), that a birth father means nothing, that Abhimanyu is trying to BUY his son's affection....she has said so many disgusting, inhumane things to Abhimanyu to far supersede any harsh thing he may ever have said to her.....she used his son as a weapon to hurt and trash him. And then she happily went about boasting of her "happy Kasauli family"....a family she built by conditioning Abhimanyu's son to never know his existence and consider someone else his smiley32

They have absolutely decimated any previous record of complicated father-son relationships they had with this leap. What Akshara has done is beyond the pale in too many ways to 

I think Makers somewhere know that what they made Akshara do is irreparable and that's why they will be like done and dusted with it. Cause obviously no amount of sorry or anything will ever cover the fact that she punished Abhimanyu for one day mistake forgetting everything he has ever done for her in love in ways unimaginable. So how is makers going to cover this now best approach is ignorance is bliss and best part is that it fits the characteristics of Akshara. 

She is like ostrich muh chupa leti hun kisiko pta nahi chalega 🀣🀣

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: chaipaani

I think Makers somewhere know that what they made Akshara do is irreparable and that's why they will be like done and dusted with it. Cause obviously no amount of sorry or anything will ever cover the fact that she punished Abhimanyu for one day mistake forgetting everything he has ever done for her in love in ways unimaginable. So how is makers going to cover this now best approach is ignorance is bliss and best part is that it fits the characteristics of Akshara. 

She is like ostrich muh chupa leti hun kisiko pta nahi chalega 🀣🀣

Yes, in some ways it is irreparable and so all you can do is just move on from it and make peace with the fact that she is now treating Abhimanyu as a human being and letting him parent Abhir without blocking him or abusing his fatherhood on every level. 

Whether or not she realizes what she has already snatched from Abhimanyu and Abhir both by conditioning Abhir to think of someone else as his father - that may be a discussion for a later time. 

For now, it's about picking up the pieces of whatever is left and carrying on.

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Sorry forgot to mention one point in my previous post. I feel the Kaira and Kairav situation was very different. 

Kartik bore the guilt of losing 5 years in Kairav's life but he was never made to feel IRRELEVANT in KAIRAV'S life....he was never told by Naira ki tumhare hone, na hone se kuch khaas farak nahin padega in Kairav's life....Naira empathized with his pain as a father even as she clashed with him on his failures as a husband....she never even for a moment erased Kartik from his son's fact she always kept an image of him alive in his son's life. 

What Akshara has done is inhumane on a level that absolutely confounds me....she not only erased Abhimanyu from his son's life, she then GLOATED about it every chance she got - that he is irrelevant cuz he didn't raise Abhir (umm cuz he didn't know Abhir existed, you daft woman), that a birth father means nothing, that Abhimanyu is trying to BUY his son's affection....she has said so many disgusting, inhumane things to Abhimanyu to far supersede any harsh thing he may ever have said to her.....she used his son as a weapon to hurt and trash him. And then she happily went about boasting of her "happy Kasauli family"....a family she built by conditioning Abhimanyu's son to never know his existence and consider someone else his smiley32

They have absolutely decimated any previous record of complicated father-son relationships they had with this leap. What Akshara has done is beyond the pale in too many ways to 

I agree over that. I just wonder if the show actually understands that itself though. I feel like the show's been very firmly in Akshara's corner/Abhinav's corner. In fact I remember when mujhe pyaar hua tha (this pk show) was all trending the showmakers had draw parallels between abhinav and Saad (the unglorified hero in terms of paisa/rutba etc) by playing the saad song on abhinav in a bts. It felt like abhinav was 'inspired'?? by Saad and a Saad getting a girl. I could be wrong. So I wonder how the show views Akshara insulting Abhimanyu's fatherhood. Is their voice and Akshara's voice same because if it is nobody's ever getting any apology from her. But if they have deliberately written it like that so she also understands her mistake and truly repents to bring together Abhimanyu and Abhir, that's different. Even in terms of Naira/Kartik -- she did keep his son away from him for years and later she did try and patronize him at times with well we did this in goa or that kind of unintentionally indirectly rubbing salt into his wounds. It was barely there but it was there. Abhimanyu's never really going to get those years back or get the kind of place Abhinav has in Abhir's heart. Will they actually show that and show how Abhimanyu is wronged? 

As far as the white day is concerned. See separations are an ITV thing. IDK about their being separations more brutal than this but it's kind of relative. They'd basically built Abhimanyu's entire character from the start as this guy who loved her and empowered her and it wasn't the normal kind of love. In fact from the start it was established how Arohi tortured Akshara and how that had killed Akshara on so many levels and how Abhimanyu freed her from that. He saw that so clearly, and he called it out all the time. But he didn't know why Arohi did it. He found out from both Kairav and Akshara and it was Akshara's greatest vulnerability -- something that had single-handedly broken her. She had panic attacks/anxiety attacks because of this trauma and he helped her with them. 

So, something he defended against so violently, built his love upon, he used in a brutal manner by saying Arohi was probably right about you and you probably did kill her mom. That makes his character fickle and emotionally unstable more than anything in my opinion. Like you're my heart and soul but one wrong move and you're the murderer deserving of the abuse they dealt you and here i divorce you for the second time and get out of my life and doesn't even go after her after knowing what his words must've done to her (her thinking of herself as that 'black spot' all her life) and yeah kind of makes all his words, everything he said before their marriage emotional babble. Maybe if they'd built some stability into their marriage, had he not initiated the divorce, had he not said what he did, had they shown maybe like a leap or at least given them a year together? Like most separations there's an MU or something that justifies it in the stupidest of manners. They could've done something that didn't make his character look so wrong and fickle. I mean if i look at him professing his love to her right now there's no way i won't think of his track record of divorcing her every time his mom/fam goes crazy and using the very things against her he defended her against. πŸ˜† It's kind of hard also to look at him run to her if she's slightly sick and not remember she'd lost two of her children alongside him and he didn't even care about the fact that she'd just miscarried and chosen to divorce her with slightly more restraint. They basically established a lot of emotional instability in his character as a husband. And if you look at the emotional volatility his character had, it kind of amplified everything that happened. Because had Abhimanyu been an emotionally stable rock solid dude otherwise you would've been like okay, maybe a once off. But instead you kind of see a pattern that you think will repeat if something like the Neil incident happens again.

firewings_diya thumbnail

Team Birlas

Posted: 10 months ago

I just feel the whole purpose of bringing abhinav was to bring trauma in his childhood. As abhira both had a traumatic childhood. They always wanted to change it but they never could for themselves. Now they will be given a chance to correct that for their kid. 

Akshara can not run away from situation anymore. She has to face it. She can't even find a husband as abhir is all grown up now. So she has to handle it along with abhi. 

Abhimanyu never called hb as father now he has to take care of his son as a friend. Ppl say child sees more comfort in parents when they are more of friends. Abhimanyu is abhir's friend. Hb never became his friend. Since now abhimanyu is abhir's friend their bond will grow beings friends to parent and child ( like how it happend between aarav and vivaan from KA where they were friends before and then aarav only tried to set his mom up with his friend.) It will go in similar track i guess and somewhere they can even make akshu say that the sole reason she chose abhinav over abhi was because abhir was too attached to him and she knew removing him from the equation will cause destruction to abhir. As there are many instance shown where she just says how abhir can stay without abhinav πŸ˜„

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

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yellomellow thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Akshara never had a viewpoint nor will she ever. She responsible for making life-altering decision for everyone then singing life is a beautiful while others face the aftermath lol. That's all her character amounts to. 

Abhinav's walking away would have more impact if he didn't cry every two minutes to gain her sympathy. As a result, Akshara abandoned her own son for his feelings. Like I said before, his goody act was not in the least bit believable. All his "doing the right thing" pep talks and nonsense were just pity ploys. It worked because everyone pitied him and he got what he wanted in the end. There was nothing genuine about his actions (to me). She was in a coma for days and he didn't think to call her family? What if she died? Would have taken a Abhir and lived his life? From his behavior I would say yes. Did he feel any remorse about Abhir being separated from his real father despite being an orphan? No. He didn't feel any pain for the struggle Abhir might go through in the future. His entire character was built on the malicious intent of taking advantage of a vulnerable pregnant woman. However, I don't doubt that he loved her no matter how creepy his actions were. I can't say the same for her. Art is subjective, but bad writing is bad writing. Her character is just a plot device. 

I don't think we will agree so let's agree to disagree.

Originally posted by: FleetingWishes.

I actually did mention this in a post before as well. The problem with that entire track where she starts giving into Abhinav is how vague it is. Not once, in a plethora of episodes, do you get to see Akshara's point of view which makes every take subjective. One can look at that set of episodes and assume her decision to start a relationship with abhinav was impulsive, led by fears, and they'd be right from the angle they're looking at things. One could argue she genuinely wanted to give him a chance because she was fearful of her own reaction toward Abhimanyu and wanted to move on with a man she considered right, better whatever and they'd be right too. So while I see why you think what you think I'd also say it's a subjective take because not once was Akshara's pov cleared up. I know there's an entire scene where she talks about not losing her best friend in Abhinav and that can also be used as evidence but it wouldn't be conclusive evidence because you can also make the argument that feeling, that need for him served as a catalyst for her actually introspecting and seeing how integral abhinav had become in her life. There would always be two ways to look at it and i'd say both views would make sense. So on that I differ. 

Framing also matters. You cannot discount abhinav's pov here. He walked away from Akshara after going back to Kasauli because he found out/guessed she wanted to move on with him only because she was under pressure and he loathed himself. They showed his pov and there was no manipulation or malicious intent there in his pov which was put forward objectively just his insecurity rearing its head again.He was in love with her. He'd been with her for six years. Trying to distance yourself while you're confused and hurting and trying to make sense of things isn't gaslighting imo. Although I don't know why he assumed all was fine after the jail thing when she defends him but i wouldn't say he was manipulating her. Plus Akshara accepted him wholeheartedly going forward. She'd said she wanted to give their relationship a chance, she did, she fell in love, and she's still heartbroken over looing him. That kind of settles that. 

I'll say you're right about him being selfish and selectively guilty. He was very tunnel-visioned where abhir was concerned. And both him and Akshara wronged Abhimanyu. And the show portrayed him in a very sympathetic and heroic light. In fact most of the times at the cost of Abhimanyu. Which is the point again. Before his death, Out and out, narrative design wise, he was established as this ultimate infallible hero in Akshara's life who can never be paralleled. If you look at the entire story from an abhira pov this deliberate narrative framing makes no sense. Why set him up like that? for what? I guess a lot of people have given answers here that could be plausible. But what a waste. 

Edited by yellomellow - 10 months ago
Deltablues thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

I watched this show for Harshad, and, oh lord, it was gobsmacking. Within two weeks, the leads were in love; a month down the road, they had confessed their love to each other with a very healthy-she-loved-him-so-he-had-the-right-to-fake-a-suicide-on-her thrown in; by month two or three, they were married. The leads of the show never had the build-up that the 7-8 months long cameo did.

Perhaps, it's just that Zama just went in with a regular writing sketch where you build-up characters and then give them an emotionally heightened conclusion, and that sort of feels disjointing in regards to Abhira because Akshara has already done her full-circle. And Abhira never had that build-up. 

Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: FleetingWishes.

Honestly I love that redemption/grovelling premise but they didn't do it any justice. And I agree audience reacted to akshnav more out of schadenfreude, at least I did. They should've established Abhimanyu as the ML, that is in a more heroic light, while Abhinav was alive -- when you make your audience feel that, and want them back together even before there is any possibility -- that's when you've succeeded because there's this narrative tension and irony the audience gets and you don't. IDK why I keep going back to that instance of Armaan bringing sid and riddhima together despite how much it hurt him but doing it because he loved Riddhima so much he wanted to see her happy at any cost. Like he was definitely the hero in that track because you felt his pain so much more. The n number of ways they could've established abhira/abhimanyu over abhinav before killing abhinav to lead smoothly into this or not have dismantled abhira/abhimanyu like that in the first place. Some times I feel like DKP's worse than ekta but DKP gets its trps and is on top with both of its shows so I guess you can't say their methods don't work for them in the short term. As a fan you'd better off with an ekta ship or maybe not.  Basically, ITV shipping is not worth it.🀣

I'm not into shipping at all..may be thats why I cud see things the way they are..not as a fan but as a regular viewer who's Interested in daily dose of entertainment . πŸ˜†

@bold I couldn't agree more ...that's exactly how it should've played out..abhimanyus redemption should have started just after wd..thoda abhim ko acha karte thoda abhin ko bura , it would be fun πŸ˜„ 

Anyhow..I believe what u said is abs wasn't abhim who was driving the plot in these 8 months.. it was majorly akshara and manjari. Abhim was in reactive mode and frankly I couldn't connect to him at all except that his and ruhis bond was nicely shown  , just as abhinav and abhir.

 abhin was there as a retribution to abhimanyu. 

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

I feel like that entire in love with the idea of love came much after when they tried to hijack the narrative and gear things back to the way rishta stories were written and it didn't work. Even the show they copied, I think a lot of the conflict came from the fact that the FL didn't love the ML back initially. Like it took her time and they got married before I think? I could be wrong. So they were definitely not true to the narrative as such and they'd really messed up abhira that way because connecting to a two minute instant connection with no foundation was hard, especially given the intensity of the professed love. I do feel like Shahi understood how badly Garima had handled the show and the rhetoric and the trolling in the general circles didn't escape him and so he brought in Zama. Although I do feel all the interviews he gave were petty jealousy finding an outlet because he wanted to put Garima down more than thank Zama for actually saving the show. The show had recorded some 2.5-2.6 with Abhira in frame in Kasauli the first time around and I do feel like the audience was firmly focused on Abhira. The focus shift on Abhinav was a deliberate narrative design which imo didn't convert in the best of trps. Like a 2.5/2.6 momentum  was lost. So none of their decisions really make a lot of sense in hindsight. They could have kept Abhinav as an important integral part in Abhira's story but it still could have been their story all along and it wasn't. Therefore the disconnect and disjointedness. I don't see how Arohi could've been anything more than a side character. And why they've never trusted their own leads with the right material. It's kind of crazy how they wrote an Abhimanyu only to try and turn him into a Kartik or completely write him off as a character in their own show. It was pretty evident they didn't know how to write characters that weren't like Naitik, Kartik, but they'd be this bad is a revelation. 
