So...what was the point of bringing in Abhinav? - Page 3


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FleetingWishes. thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: yellomellow

You make some interesting points, but I disagree.  

Any relationship should based on mutual respect and trust. When you spend the entire six years lying to each other and accepting the lies so there is no conflict then there is no relationship lol. The foundation for their relationship was a lie and mutual benefits. It's even more disturbing when you add an innocent child into the equation. 

@ bold When he found out the truth he wanted to let Abhi know, but she refused. His reaction was not understand her or her insecurities he complained he was her husband only in name. That's gaslighting. After she didn't want to move forward with their relationship and wanted things to remain the same between he threatened to leave her. Also gaslighting. She didn't want the whole fake world she created for Abhir to crumble so she accepted his offer to move on. There was no genuine intent on her part to consider him an option until she was either gaslight by him or gaslight by her family. Her family claimed she "owed" him for the past six years and she need to give him his "haq". That's textbook gaslighting where her feelings and discomfort was ignored by everyone. There was no "harmony" because neither of them were truly happy. Abhinav was helplessly in love with her and she could care less. Akshara was angry and aggressive because she was preparing herself to fight against Abhi in case he ever found about about Abhir lol. His priority was to not be alone again and her priority was not to get caught for her lies. She didn't respect him or his contribution to helping her raise her son by telling him the bare minimum about herself. The idea of living with someone and eating dinner at the same table for six years, but still not knowing anything about them is scary. Being fine with the equation because you don't want to be alone is even creepier.  

Abhinav's guilty conscious was situational like his poverty. When it benefited him he felt guilt towards Abhi when it didn't he was fine taking another man's son without his knowledge or consent. The scene where he tricked Abhi into performing the pooja for Abhir because his real father had to do it was disturbing. The nice guy act was unconvincing and over-the-top. When you want something in return for your "kindness" then it's not selfless act of kindness. It's a calculated move to get what you want. Makers having all the characters put in on the pedestal didn't help either. Abhinav fixed a fan...let's all cheer. His glorification became a running joke on the show. 

I actually did mention this in a post before as well. The problem with that entire track where she starts giving into Abhinav is how vague it is. Not once, in a plethora of episodes, do you get to see Akshara's point of view which makes every take subjective. One can look at that set of episodes and assume her decision to start a relationship with abhinav was impulsive, led by fears, and they'd be right from the angle they're looking at things. One could argue she genuinely wanted to give him a chance because she was fearful of her own reaction toward Abhimanyu and wanted to move on with a man she considered right, better whatever and they'd be right too. So while I see why you think what you think I'd also say it's a subjective take because not once was Akshara's pov cleared up. I know there's an entire scene where she talks about not losing her best friend in Abhinav and that can also be used as evidence but it wouldn't be conclusive evidence because you can also make the argument that feeling, that need for him served as a catalyst for her actually introspecting and seeing how integral abhinav had become in her life. There would always be two ways to look at it and i'd say both views would make sense. So on that I differ. 

Framing also matters. You cannot discount abhinav's pov here. He walked away from Akshara after going back to Kasauli because he found out/guessed she wanted to move on with him only because she was under pressure and he loathed himself. They showed his pov and there was no manipulation or malicious intent there in his pov which was put forward objectively just his insecurity rearing its head again.He was in love with her. He'd been with her for six years. Trying to distance yourself while you're confused and hurting and trying to make sense of things isn't gaslighting imo. Although I don't know why he assumed all was fine after the jail thing when she defends him but i wouldn't say he was manipulating her. Plus Akshara accepted him wholeheartedly going forward. She'd said she wanted to give their relationship a chance, she did, she fell in love, and she's still heartbroken over looing him. That kind of settles that. 

I'll say you're right about him being selfish and selectively guilty. He was very tunnel-visioned where abhir was concerned. And both him and Akshara wronged Abhimanyu. And the show portrayed him in a very sympathetic and heroic light. In fact most of the times at the cost of Abhimanyu. Which is the point again. Before his death, Out and out, narrative design wise, he was established as this ultimate infallible hero in Akshara's life who can never be paralleled. If you look at the entire story from an abhira pov this deliberate narrative framing makes no sense. Why set him up like that? for what? I guess a lot of people have given answers here that could be plausible. But what a waste. 

Edited by FleetingWishes. - 10 months ago
FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

Okay it is possible I may have misread your tone. I'm sorry But I'm not an abhinav fan. I thought you knew what I am like when I am a fan of a character/couple😳

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

Abhira didn't last past four months in their two tries at marriage and both ended violently. Compared to that anything goes. Akshnav made it work and were content with each other. That's just the objective truth of the show. It's literally what the show has established itself. And that's literally what i'm questioning as well. Like why ruin abhira, establish akshnav as better (in narrative design) only to go back to abhira but as second option and no established coherency in between. Bad storytelling that hardly makes any sense. 

Why Akshara would trust a stranger she met on a bus -- see Idk either. I'm not the biggest fan of this show😆

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: FleetingWishes.

Okay it is possible I may have misread your tone. I'm sorry But I'm not an abhinav fan. I thought you knew what I am like when I am a fan of a character/couple😳

🤗🤗  I'm sorry too if my flippant comment came off wrong. Wasn't my intention ðŸ˜†

You kinda threw me off doing half page analysis of Nav here....cuz the Rida I've known in fangirl mode is very different, yes😆

Guess I'm just beyond tired of Nav's forced glorification in the story already so don't have much patience left to get into the whys and hows of his purpose in the story. I'm pretty happy he's gone, period😆

It is up to the makers how they want to rekindle Abhira interest in this leap started with Abhimanyu's pain as a father who was being wronged by Akshara and Abhinav with the way they hid and blocked him from his child. So I'm still watching to see how the father who has lost so much gets his son back. 

SakZ thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: shwetha85

Due to fans, toxic couple had to be brought together. Not in all the shows, the male lead like Adithya Kumar Tripathi gets kicked out and an Aryan Singh Rathore comes in and fans accept and the cameo person becomes the lead.

Fans like to see this toxicity so they had to kick Abhinav out to that good for nothing couple could get back in the namesake of their son. Even though these 2 are not good for each other but they have to come together for people to watch and RS's show to keep running!!!

Long story short - Abhinav was just a diversion, the road is now fixed for the toxic couple to get together for the hack of it. 


Abhinav would have been worked well  if:

1. HC had left the show.

2. Abhinav had a family to bring more stories and drama. 

3. Abhinav had a strong personality and a back story filled with trauma and all those things. Basically abhimanyu being non toxic to ak. They shouldn’t have make ak being a stupid and abhimanyu divorce her on WD. Some honest misunderstanding and separation where both are not wrong should have been the case.

4. But most importantly, The makers of the show should have made up their mind to bring abhinav either as cameo or as a male lead. they brought him as a cameo, then changed their mind, then played with viewers’ expectations , again changed their mind. 

Those Fans watched the show for Abhira, so they asking for what they signed up for isn’t wrong. It’s writer’s fault to make both leads insufferable and now no one (akshnav fans or abhira fans) is happy !!!

Posted: 10 months ago

Very interesting take..I dun remember after how long am I reading an intelligent take on abhira/akshnav.  

The question you asked "who writes a story like this" , I'd say they don't give a shit.  As.long as they get trp they will write anything . When they don't get trp they will think of making amends but it won't take them far , this is what they don't realize uptil now..ekta k was overconfident on kzk2 working with bullshit tracks but even she had to shut it down after a while when audience rejected the whole concept. 

The thing is , trash is being piled up and it's only a matter of time it's gonna backfire. 

Coming to akshnav , I don't believe that they brought abhinav as a permanent character. Like you said , with kaira also they tried separations but their love was always the they went 10 steps ahead and made the fl loathe the ml and move on ðŸ˜† Which I actually loved but I knew it , it's not gonna long ..they kept anuj Kapalua as a permanent feature in anupama but they can't do it here ...Firstly their choice of actor was wrong ..secondly they wanted a contrast character as they established abhim as the villain to execute the separation ..they had it but then they also made akshara completely move on and in love with abhinav.....with that , there was no room for conflict between akshnav...if they show conflict they will on the same path as abhira...abhim as a villain of their life was also not acceptable , akshara as a whishy washy char  , swinging between 2 heros wouldn't work either ..

The only option they had was to redeem abhim and retract ... They can't have hc playing a second fiddle or have 2 pairs after claims of soulmate love..

The only role abhin played here was to give us a contrasting ml for a short period..they dismantled abhira and now start from scratch again..although I'm doubtful if of abhira will last..6 months they will have to plan another separation. 

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

🤗🤗  I'm sorry too if my flippant comment came off wrong. Wasn't my intention ðŸ˜†

You kinda threw me off doing half page analysis of Nav here....cuz the Rida I've known in fangirl mode is very different, yes😆

Guess I'm just beyond tired of Nav's forced glorification in the story already so don't have much patience left to get into the whys and hows of his purpose in the story. I'm pretty happy he's gone, period😆

It is up to the makers how they want to rekindle Abhira interest in this leap started with Abhimanyu's pain as a father who was being wronged by Akshara and Abhinav with the way they hid and blocked him from his child. So I'm still watching to see how the father who has lost so much gets his son back. 

🤗hello I missed you too!! I actually quit watching the show for the longest time cos I found akshnav boring and was waiting for abhira to come back around to see how it'll play out (idk if you'd like garima's version of them but yeah no) but the way they've done it pisses me off so much! Since I also watch the show in passing I can be much more objective about it than I usually am about characters I love. I don't understand the storytelling choices they've made and it's endlessly frustrating to me. I have no confidence in their ability to salvage this. 

I'd definitely agree that Abhimanyu the dad was completely, utterly wronged. This show doesn't have a good track record of showing dads being right tho so idk. Even Kartik bore the guilt of losing 5 years of KV's life and Naira was shown to be quite insensitive to it a few times. 

Phir_Mohabbat thumbnail
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Team Akshara (Gen 3)

Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: FleetingWishes.

Abhira didn't last past four months in their two tries at marriage and both ended violently. Compared to that anything goes. Akshnav made it work and were content with each other. That's just the objective truth of the show. It's literally what the show has established itself. And that's literally what i'm questioning as well. Like why ruin abhira, establish akshnav as better (in narrative design) only to go back to abhira but as second option and no established coherency in between. Bad storytelling that hardly makes any sense. 

Why Akshara would trust a stranger she met on a bus -- see Idk either. I'm not the biggest fan of this show😆


First leap Anisha thing - ak Ran away with her bro without telling anyone.

Second leap - she ran away with her one kid. 

Show had established a lot of things but all were erased to hype up.nav devta. It was sooo funny he went from orphan, then sharma, then he had a sister and ma, then we got to know he's both maa and baap to abhir who can't sleep without his dad. Akshara as a character was always happy when things went her way, when things didn't she would take. Off. Then she got a clean slate husband to create her fantasy life. If that's narratively better couple idk what to.tell. 

Waise this better couple didn't translate well to trp as well. Even the death didn't bring emotion. Atlst old mismatch couple ka separation brought numbers 🤣🤣 salary waste for set of people. 

 Rest is history. 

Edited out hate speech 

Edited by Sutapasima - 10 months ago
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: SakZ


Abhinav would have been worked well  if:

1. HC had left the show.

2. Abhinav had a family to bring more stories and drama. 

3. Abhinav had a strong personality and a back story filled with trauma and all those things. Basically abhimanyu being non toxic to ak. They shouldn’t have make ak being a stupid and abhimanyu divorce her on WD. Some honest misunderstanding and separation where both are not wrong should have been the case.

4. But most importantly, The makers of the show should have made up their mind to bring abhinav either as cameo or as a male lead. they brought him as a cameo, then changed their mind, then played with viewers’ expectations , again changed their mind. 

Those Fans watched the show for Abhira, so they asking for what they signed up for isn’t wrong. It’s writer’s fault to make both leads insufferable and now no one (akshnav fans or abhira fans) is happy !!!

This I agree with. If he is to be established as a parallel lead or the ml, it was very imp that they give him a family, social status , job , basically some agency ..but I don't trust the writers to show me anything close to sensible or entertaining ðŸ˜† The story was kept at a threshold for the viewers to keep hooked ..they just wanted to know what next.  Even now.. 

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

This! They really did turn Abhimanyu into a full-fledged villain in Akshara's life and cast Abhinav in the most sympathetic light possible. The aggregate choices they've made over the past 7-8 months make no sense to me. Didn't they know who they wanted at the end of this? Were they willing to let HC go if a new pair would make sense? But wouldn't conventional wisdom suggest cast an equally handsome/xyz guy to play the character and establish him like you do a second lead? Instead all the immaturity in abhira's relationship was pinned on abhimanyu and they kind of relayed that abhinav brought in maturity/stability in akshara's life and he is the one who taught her what a healthy relationship is and he's the best and hey after all that now she'll go back to abhimanyu. From akshara's pov, from an audience pov, why would you do that to abhimanyu, akshara, abhir? This was their story and they were supposed to come on top or it was abhinav's story and he was supposed to come on top. It's just a khichri of epic proportions instead. And honestly I get why HC fans are so riled and so angry because they definitely disrespected him quite a lot in this entire period. And the disrespect felt very subtle very backhanded so there's nothing you can do or say on the professional front. 

It's not that I would've minded akshara abhimanyu coming together again if they can make it work and make it make sense. But if it was abhira's story all along abhinav makes zero sense in retrospect and they really messed it all up in the stupidest of ways. It feels like what they did with kairat and ranveer but this looks worse somehow. 
