Ranveer's unsaid feelings #13 updated episode 959 page 144 - Page 144



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sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

He is now willing to hear her side of the story. Good for him. If he was in pain, so was she. She had to deal with a lot more.

Hi coderlady 

Thanks for the comment 

Yes now he is willing to hear her story 

Yes has to deal more without him both had pain and they have to overcome it

Keep reading smiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Episode 958

Ishani as soon as Ranveer said her to tell him her story were now Ishani wiped her tears well and saw him with a tear wipen face

Ishani(in a normal tone): I myself thought everything is going good in our life. Even If we would have been in that same phase of our life surely we would have had another child now. To that extreme I was happy with you Ranveer. Haan when that astrologer said that our marriage should have not have happened I was shocked to the core and when you tried to talk against that astrologer really I was happy that my husband is supporting me. Why I stopped you was I don't want you to fight with the astrologer in front of Maa. He said that both of us should not be together. I didn't even take any of the single word of that astrologer serious. I was shocked at that problem because I didn't expect that problem in our life. I was really scared because Maa was having serious belief in astrology that was only was giving fear to me. Baba said he will talk to Maa you too said Baba will convience Maa. (seeing him now): Seriously that moment when you said me not to worry about the astrology thing I was really happy Ranveer that you are with me. 

Now she moved two steps from Ranveer and thought about the day how everything was changed in their life. 

Ishani(continuing): I was getting scared If Maa tells us to separate from each other means what all will happen in our life. I was worried about Raagini because I know when the child starts to grow the separation of the parents will affect her a lot. (moved back to Ranveer and again seeing his face):Even I thought I too cannot be without my husband in my life. (with new tears): you are my life Ranveer without you how you expect me to have a life. When I went to jail for chiraag murder, When Nirbhay kidnapped me, when we separated because of the DNA issue, all the separation has given me immense pain Ranveer. Thinking all those things only I was getting fear what will happen If we again part our ways. I too know Ranveer its not easy for you also because when I went to jail for chiraag murder and all we both didn't start a family life but I know you got used to our family life and I know If a separation happens that will make you a worst man. 

Ranveer now saw her with a what to react face were he didn't even know what to speak to her. He got to know how that astrology problem has shook Ishani to the core. 

Ranveer(seeing her): Ishani

Ishani(seeing him);But I trusted you so much Ranveer. I thought about the Ranveer who sat with me in the mandap to marry me even when Maa said to stop the marriage too you didn't leave me that day. I thought about the Ranveer who trusted me against his mother's words when she said I was pregnant with Chiraag's child. I trusted the Ranveer who protected me and my family against his mother's words. I know more than everything Maa's words are your priority but I trusted you Ranveer thinking all the times you stood by me I thought you will stand with me this time too. I thought atleast thinking about our family life you will try to stand with me. 

(now with more tears): I honestly had trust in you that you will handle me and Maa so well. (now held his shoulders with her both the hands and seeing him); you know what Baba came and told to me that Maa trusted astrology and she is trying to separate us but I told to Baba(now with a trustful eyes): May be Maa can trust astrology but I trust my Ranveer. I even said him Ranveer knows to take decision and he will safeguard me and Raagini and he knows to manage me and Maa too. 

Ranveer now hearing it had a what to do face were he didn't even think Ishani's trust on him would been this much deep were he saw her with a silent face. 

Ishani; I wished that you won't let our family get separated Ranveer. (with a worried face): Baba said you have did everything for Maa's words like living with Rithika, being a father to Rithika's child, The way you tried to Marry Naina. But I said Ranveer will make everything correct now he will handle this problem well and safeguard our family. 

Ranveer now unable to face her face now bent his face. 

Ishani: Seriously I didn't think about that problem on that day as you were late as usual to ask where you are only I made call to you but you didn't pick that call. you came back in a drenched state and i was casual only with you but..(with a painful smile): like a small fire stick bursting the whole forest with your single word of telling me to go out of the house you broke my trust into pieces Ranveer. More than the word you said me to go out of the house the way you didn't even try for a single minute to stand for me was hurting me to the core Ranveer. All that was going in my mind was how Raagini will be without her father? how that child can bare that her father and mother are not together? (with so much hurt face): I was getting anger on you like anything seeing the way you were standing as a incapable person in front of me.(now she held his hand and seeing him):Ranveer always a husband and wife should decide the things discussing with each other. you could have come and said to me in a calm tone that day what Maa said. you could have asked what to do to this problem Ishani? somehow we both would have managed that problem and we would have not been separated but you just like that gave up everything Ranveer. you like a blind man stood with Maa's words and you made everything complicated. we both didn't try to sit and talk about this problem we both started to fight with each other. Fighting with each other we spoke everything came to our mouth both of us have faults is our side. 

Ranveer(now with a what to tell face):Ishani but I didn't tell the idea of staying alone in a separate house with a wrong motive..

Ishani(now seeing him); Ranveer touch your heart and tell will it look good to the society If a woman live separately and her husband comes any one day. People will wrong mouth that woman to the core Ranveer. I don't get how those things are seemed to be simple to you. 

Ranveer(with a worried face): But Ishani..

Ishani:See I didn't tell that you said that in wrong motive but that day our situation was not normal we both were in anger with each other and we spoke everything that came from our mouth. More of everything how long you will hide about me to your mother? That will show you as a cheating son to Maa only. Thinking all these things only I asked am I a illegal wife to you? (now with a sorry face):Telling that you will come for body feelings and all was not my intention but I said in anger only. (now with tears she was crying well): A woman cannot be happy just because she has car, bunglow and money Ranveer. A woman wants her husband during her bad times she wants his hand to hold her hand during tough times, she wants her husband to understand her, she wants her husband to stand with her even though the complete world is against her only those things are the real property for any woman. (tears were flowing so well in her eyes were seeing him); But that day you didn't even try to stand with me Ranveer. Just like that you left me. 

Ranveer now hearing it got tears in his eyes were he didn't even have any words now to justify his act. 

Ishani(seeing him with tears): The way you started to behave angry to me on that day telling me to leave the house, telling me to leave Raagini and go everything was hurting me to the core Ranveer. The man who love me so much that day didn't even think what will happen to me If I go out of the house.

Ranveer now got to know how much pain he has given to her due to the result of his anger. 

Ishani(wiping her tears and seeing him): I know about Raagini she cannot be without me so only getting that our fight is not going to end soon and then only I decided to safeguard Raagini. I informed to shikhar about this problem but next day morning too I had a trust on you Ranveer that after sleeping in the study room at least in the night you would have thought about me and you would have come out of the anger and you will safeguard me but that moment only you came and showed all your anger. I know you can be angry on me for one or two days but after two days surely you will regreat about it thinking that only I said you that you will feel after sending me out of the house but that time too you didn't hear my words. Again you started to fight with me and I too talked against you and finally (with a tears and pain in her eyes):you send me out of the house..that too with which hand you promised me that you won't leave me with that hand itself you pushed me out of the house. From here other than being bold there was no option for me so only I held Raagini with me and never tried to give her to you. On that day Shikhar's papers on court only helped me to take Raagini from you. you frustrated me to the core Ranveer with your behaviour and attitude that day seriously I don't get that much anger but you touched my patience level with your behaviour in that anger only I went to the level of removing the Managalsutra and I throwed it on your face.  

Ranveer hearing it had a broken face were he was feeling ashamed that he didn't even try to realize what Ishani was feeling instead he was feeling bad of himself that for him his anger seemed more important than his wife. 

Ishani(now coming and facing him wiping her tears): If you are not angry now can I ask you something?

Ranveer(seeing her wiped his face): mmm

Ishani: Will anytime we will make love in hall?

Ranveer(now with a bit awkward face); Ishani what are you talking?

Ishani: Tell me

Ranveer(again with a awkward face): I cannot even think about it..its a sacred one Ishani its a private space between a couple Its not a show to show it to everyone.

Ishani(with a calm smile): A couple's fight should be also like that only Ranveer. It should also be a private space between the couple. What ever the fight between the couple know that should be in between four walls. But we brought our fight till hall and we spoke what all came to our mouth seeing each other. As a couple we failed..

Ranveer(now getting everything has gone out of their hand in their life because of his anger seeing her): Nahi Ishani Nahi you didn't fail I only made our marriage to fail. (he now had tears in his eyes seeing her): I only made our life a hell in these 2 years. (now crying more): I didn't even think how it will be for my wife If I send her out of the house..(seeing her); That house is in your name only If you tried you could have sent us out of the house but that time too obeying husband's words you only went out of the house Ishani. But what I did to our life..(he started to cry more): As usual I gave all the pain to you only. Telling that I am loving you I am giving so much of pain only to you. I should slap myself and I myself should die..(telling it he started to hit his head with his both the hands)

Ishani seeing Ranveer doing this held his both the hands with force were she held his hand well and saw him with a tears and worried face.

Ishani;What are you doing?

Ranveer(with a feeling face with more tears and with reddish face): I know If I hear your story I will be the villain in that. So only I tried not to hear it. But hearing it I am hating myself Ishani(telling it he was trying to take his hands from her hands telling):Don't ever turn and see me Ishani I am not a worth person for you..

Ishani(now seeing him): Shut up Ranveer...Behave how ever you want but you are the worthy person of my life..

Ranveer hearing it saw her with more tears coming face were Ishani too saw him with tears in her eyes. She slowly left her hands from his hands and she wiped his tears with her both the hands and wiping her tears and held his hand and brought him to the medium  sized bed and made him to sit on the bed were she too sat next to him. 

Ishani(now in a normal tone): Till I become CEO life was not that easy for me Ranveer. Today I am CEO of the Mohanty group of companies. I achieved a lot, I got applauses, But I was not happy in those things I just did my job that is it. I had job satisfaction but there was no life satisfaction. After you send me out of the house shikhar took me to his house. Shikhar told me to wait for 2 days so that you will come back I only said him that Ranveer cannot talk against his mother so he won't come. Shikhar only called to Rithika and Nirbhay. They were my moral support. I was thinking about you only I was worried that my Ranveer didn't even think what I will do with the child without him. I was not in my mental peace Ranveer I didn't want to be in Mumbai that is why I said to shikhar that I want to go from Mumbai.Nirbhay only gave his house in Aurangabad. Rithika only from her Investors list saw for Rishi sir's Mohanty group of companies and got job for me in that office telling about Harshad Papa to him. He too gave job to me because he already know Harshad Papa. All my family members came to see me in Shikhar's house they said they will come with me I only said them to be in RV mansion because I know you will take care of them. More of everything I too don't know what all struggles I am going to undergo. so I said them to go to home. Shikhar only told not to tell about Aurangabad plan to my family members we hided that from them. shikhar told If Raagini attains 5 years you can try to know my place from my family members so only we hided it from them. I worked as a office executive in Mohanty group of companies. With your teachings and working in share trading company I learned share market to the extent I can. I gave an idea and that worked out and took Mohanty group of companies to next level so Rishi sir made me the CEO of Mohanty group of companies. I said to Rishi sir not to ask about my husband or my personal life he too never asked about those things to me. He supported me a lot in my bad phase of life. (now with a calm tone): I did my job for Rishi sir's trust and to take care of Raagini's expenses only Ranveer but more than CEO position I was missing being your wife. 

Ranveer hearing it with a calm face saw her now were now Ishani too saw him and held his hand with her hand and now rested her head in his shoulder. 

Ishani(resting her head in the shoulder and in a emotional tone): Days were not easy without you Ranveer. In these 2 years when ever I opened my eyes in the morning you were not next to me. I missed you so much. Leaving Raagini with servant I need to work she will cry whenever I was leaving to office. There was no other option for me other than to leave her in home and go to work. I missed you in taking care of Raagini. when she won her drawing competition and she got the trophy I was getting anger on you that you were missing the growing days of our daughter. When I took Raagini to the school I just told the school management that my husband is not with me and Raagini's father is not with her and told them I am a single parent and then only I joined her in the school. 

Ranveer hearing it now got to know what all pressure he has put his wife through. 

Ishani: Rithika only said to me that you are roaming around the bar wearing the casual dressings. I just did my job Ranveer I never thought to take revenge on you through our businesses. when I was working as a office executive men's in office knowing that I am single parent sometimes has tried to misbehave with me, they try to touch me but with my boldness only I overcome all that issues Ranveer. I complainted to Rishi sir he helped me a lot to safeguard myself he punished them and even fired some people for me. One day a production manager tried to misbehave with me he asked me(with more tears she started to cry well)

Ranveer now turned to her were that made her to take her head from his shoulder were he saw her crying were though having tears in his eyes with a manly face. 

Ranveer: What happen?

Ishani(with tears itself): He knowing that I am not with my husband he asked me you are not having your husband know?(now struggling how to tell somehow with tears): He asked can I come in the night as your husband to satisfy you?

Were this was the moment were Ranveer now pulled her close to him and hugged her were Ishani too hugged him well were he was having so much of tears. He was feeling himself at all the fault for their separation now. He was wanting to scold himself now to make his wife undergo this situation in life.

Ranveer(hugging her well with tears): sorry Ishani trying to be good son to my mother I didn't even think to be a normal husband to you. Being away from you I made you to face all the obstacles in life. 

Ishani(too hugging him and being in the hug with tears): whenever I saw rain I missed you, when ever I had pani poori with Raagini I was missing you, I was missing you in each and every step of my life Ranveer. Raagini came and asked me why no papa for me? she was asked to tell mother and father name in school but she only said my name in school that day she came and asked why no papa for me? she said when they asked in school she didn't know her father name? she asked where is papa? who is her papa?. In my life most of the times I grow up with this question only who is your father? you are the girl who does not know father name? as my daughter should not face that situation only I fell in your feet too but you made our daughter to face the same situation which I faced Ranveer. I was angry on you even I prayed to god that I should never meet you in my life . But..

Ranveer(brought her out of the hug and saw her with tears in his eyes): Destiny brought us back..

Ishani:hmm you came up with the partnership plan and I came in front of you, then you saw Raagini, you got well with Raagini, Raagini was happy with you, you took her to home, then her kidnap after we met what all happened you itself know. Then Gauri di's plan came out and I came back to RV mansion for Raagini and still today we have not come out of that hurt and still today we are fighting. But overcoming this fight all I want to tell you is..I lo..(before she could tell)

Ranveer(kept his hand in her mouth): Nahi don't tell me that I don't deserve you Ishani..(telling it now with tears he got up from the bed and sat in the floor and rested his head in her lap and started to cry well)

Ishani(caressing his hair): Ranveer. 

To be continued smiley2

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

She went through a lot more problems than he did in those two years. People tried to take advantage of her.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

It is good for him to hear what struggles she faced. He is too focused on his own. Never about hers.

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 hours ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

She went through a lot more problems than he did in those two years. People tried to take advantage of her.

Hi coderlady 

Thanks for the comment 

Yes she undergone so many problems than him. Yes people tried to take advantage on her

Keep reading smiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 hours ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

It is good for him to hear what struggles she faced. He is too focused on his own. Never about hers.

Hi coderlady 

Thanks for the comment 

Yes now he heard her struggles 

Now he ll get to know how much she has suffered without him

Keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 hours ago

Episode 959

Note :18+ Update kids stay away

Ishani caressed his hair were he was resting his head in her lap and was crying more

Ishani(now in a calm tone): Ranveer please don't cry..

Ranveer(crying well): Nahi Ishani thinking to be a good son I hurted you so much. I didn't even try to be a good person to you.(now with tears itself took his head from her lap and seeing her): Don't forgive me for your complete life Ishani. I should see you daily but I should not be getting your love or affection that will be the correct punishment for me(telling it he got up and walked two step)

Ishani(immediately): Ranveer ruko..

Ranveer(turned and saw her now with tears): when Shikhar took you with him I thought he will take care of you. Haan all your friends have took care of you so well. But how I forgot that though everyone is around Ishani I should be the one who should be always with her. 

Correct only Ishani I can be a good son, good father too but(seeing her with more tears): I can never be good husband to you. All I know is to fight with you, hurt you, show all my anger to you, make a fight in the hall, I gave up on you in front of everyone..(to himself);Nahi you should never accept a person like me...

Ishani(seeing him):Ranveer..(she held his hand)

Ranveer(taking his hand from her hand): Nahi I am not perfect Ishani...(seeing her and then in a not okay face); I am a not fit person to you, I am imperfect husband, I am imperfect..(he was kept on telling it)

Ishani(held his both the hands): enough Ranveer..

Ranveer(now hearing it stopping himself and seeing her): I am perfect son to Maa, Perfect father to Raagini but I am always a imperfect husband to you.

Ishani(now holding his cheeks with her both the hands): That is why I love you so much..(she now forgetting everything just having all her love for him gave smile in her lips)

Ranveer: Nahi I hurt you so much (shaking his head as no to himself): I am not a good person I am bad person to you..I am bad lover to you, I am not a good husband to you(now seeing her with so much hurt): I speak what ever come to my mouth I said I will give you child I tried to molest you Ishani. I am just becoming a villiain to you always..

Ishani(now going close to him and held his shoulders and now took her lips near his lips and in a very husky tone); I love you my hero even If you play villain role in my life too I will always love you because you are the villain who has heart full of affection and love for his wife

Ranveer now seeing her close to him and with tears shook his head as no were Ishani seeing his lips and seeing his eyes..

Ishani(in a husky tone): I love you Ranveer lets come out of this fight and start a happy life Please

Ranveer hearing it now with a not okay face shaking his head as no...

Ranveer: I don't deserve you Ishani..

Ishani(seeing his mind not ready to come to her in a low tone): But I want you only with you only I want to live my life. What ever happens I want you only Ranveer...(were telling it now in a micro second she kissed his lips were she brought her hand to his back hair and started to kiss him)

Ranveer feeling her kiss was still in dilemma face were he was not able to forgive himself for what all situation he has left Ishani face in her life all alone were he was feeling her kiss with the dilemma itself were Ishani feeling Ranveer not responding to her kiss were she was about to take her lips from Ranveer's lips to talk to him were as she was about to take her lips Ranveer now though was in dilemma feeling Ishani is going to take her lips now in a immediate move brought his one hand to her back and other hand to her head and now kissed her well in her lips were Ishani now closed her eyes were Ranveer too closed his eyes were now both were cooperating well in this kiss. It was almost a 7 minutes of kiss were now Ranveer took his lips from Ishani's lips were now both saw each other with a tear wiped face and were bit grasping after this kiss. 

Ishani now with a bit shyness bowed her head were she was not able to face him after this kiss. Ranveer now saw Ishani with a manly smile. He wiped his face well with his both the hands were he moved close to her now and in a micro second he held hand were Ishani raised her face and saw him were now Ranveer's eyes again saw her lips were Ishani now moved close to him and saw his lips. 

Ishani(in a husky tone): sorry..

Ranveer(now putting his hands behind her back in a husky tone):For what?

Ishani: Telling that you are behind me for love making..

Ranveer: I will be behind you for love making because my love making is my pure love on you. Everything happened ishani you dont tell sorry 

Ishani(with a light smile in a husky tone): Let's give up Ranveer..

Ranveer(in a husky tone):Means?

Ishani(now closing her eyes and hugging him): dont keep on telling me that you want to me away from me. Touch your heart now and tell can you be without me today night?

Ranveer(hugging her and closed his eyes and hearing what all Ishani is telling him now in a very calm tone): No really I want you..

Ishani(hugging him more): Take me..

As she said this Ranveer now with a smile held her shoulders and brought her out of the hug and saw her were now his face was having so much of smile..Ishani too seeing him and in a micro second gave a kiss in his cheek were kissing his cheek she turned to other side and was smiling with shyness. Ranveer was seeing her back were he was so much happy getting the kiss from Ishani.

The music was starting to play were Ranveer took his hand to his cheek were he was smiling so much getting his wife kiss. He slowly caressed his cheek with a happy smile were he slowly brought his hand down and saw his hand with a smile. He saw Ishani's back were her backless blouse and her exposed back was more than enough to make him a man were with a manly smile..

Ranveer:Aaj Phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai

Aaj Phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai 

Behad aur beshumaar aaya hai

Ishani:(hearing Ranveer and with a smile):Aaj phir tum pe pyar aaya hai

Aaj phir tum pe pyar aaya hai (Ranveer hugged her from behind were she held his hands over her stomach and closed her eyes):

Behad aur beshumaar aaya hai

Ranveer turned her to him and with a cute smile took her in his hands and saw her with a smile were Ishani too held his shoulders with a smile were he started to walk towards the Medium sized bed were he seeing her with so much love brought her to the bed and made her to lay in the bed Ishani laid comfortably on the bed were Ranveer dimmed the light in the house and then he came to Ishani and removed his sherwani and then laid on the bed above her. Ishani comforted him on her.

Ishani;Tutey toh tutey teri baahon mein aise

Jaise shaakhon se patte behayaa(he took her Saree in a second from her were he covered both of them with her saree were she had a smile seeing Ranveer over her now):

Bikhre tujhi se aur simte tujhi mein(he was kissing her so well on her neck parts were she comforted him so well):Tu hi mera sab le gaya (kissing her Ranveer came to her face and kissed her forehead, nose and came to her lips were seeing Ranveer):

Na fikar,(she hit her nose with his nose): na shram,(hitting his nose other side with her nose):na lihaj ek baar aaya

Ranveer(with a cute move kissed her lips and took back his lips and took her blouse from her and saw her with a desire):

Phir zarre zarre mein didaar aaya hai(his hands started to play so well below her neck and stomach part were this made Ishani to close her eyes and feel her husband):Phir zarre zaare mein didaar aaya hai

Behad aur behshumaar aaya hai(were he covered themselves well with her saree)

Feeling his hands moving below her hip Ishani with a shyness she got up from the bed holding her saree till her neck part were there was so much of shyness and happiness for being with her husband. Ranveer now feeling her shyness now laid in the bed were Ishani now turned to him were he was smiling at her laying in the bed covered till his stomach with her saree were she moved and came above him

Ishani:(she moved her lips on his stomach singing):Aaj phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai

Aaj phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai(she kissed his chest well and then came to him with a smile):Behad aur beshumaar aaya hai

Ranveer seeing her and now in a micro second made her lay in the bed and covering them with her saree and started to take off his dresses completely from him were he kissed Ishani well in her lips and in those moments he took off all her dresses from her. This moment all they needed was their love love for each other. 

Ranveer:Tu hi meri awaaragi..(he kissed her everywhere possible in her):Tu hi duaa har shaam ki

Tu khamakhaa, tu laazmi(this was the moment were he came inside her and started to love her with all his love)Tu hi razaa, tu hi kami

Aur tu hi woh, firaak hai jisko

Hai silsilon ne mere pass laya(he rubbed his cheek with her cheek)

Ishani:Hothon pe tere izhaar aaya hai(made Ranveer to see her were with a romantic look touched his lips with her finger):Hothon pe tere izhaar aaya hai

Behad aur beshumaar aaya hai(she hit her nose with his nose)

Ranveer(now he was moving inside her more with his moves inside her were seeing her):Aaj phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai (with a romantic look seeing her)

Aaj phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai (he gave himself completely inside her were he felt himself satisifed were he fell over her):Behad aur beshumaar aaya hai

Ishani:Aaj phir tum pe pyar aaya hai(as he fell over her she felt so much satisfied in his love were she held his back and made him close to her)

Aaj phir tum pe pyar aaya hai

Behad aur beshumaar aaya hai(she closed her eyes having him over her)

It was next 10 minutes were Ranveer got up from her and laid on the bed were he was grasping were Ishani now held his hip part and laid her head in his chest were she closed her eyes on his chest. 

Ishani(in a husky tone): Love you Ranveer..

Ranveer(hearing it with a smile kissing her head): Love you too..

To be continuedsmiley2
