FF - Passion of Love - Ch 151- Pg 56 - Page 56



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NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Chapter 150 

In night Samagra was in his tent, he had eliminated many men but still the danger looms. Suddenly one of his guards came and said that Bhadradev's men attacked from north. Samagra quickly went with few of his men but the guard was a traitor. 

Him and his men were surrounded by enemies....

Suddenly a man came out of woods....he was Akramak, the same man whom Vasantmitra defeated.

Samagra- Akramak?

Akramak- It's me....he evil laughed. 

Samagra- Oh, so I have been betrayed. 

Akaramak- Don't worry Prince, I am not here to kill you. I have an offer for you. Join us, Join Maharaj Bhadradev and we will give you northern part of Meluha and side by side we will let you enjoy Vasantmitra besides me, Lakha and many more....he again evil laughed....

Samagra shouted- Shut up your filthy mouth, how dare you take Vasantmitra's name from your dirty mouth. 

Akramak- Why the hell are you so possessive for? Aren't you married to that king's sister? Or Vasantmitra is having an affair with you. You know she has always been like that, a butterfly. 

Samagra- That's what free willed and strong woman are seen by petty men like you. Always thinking if a woman is strong and doesn't need anyone, she is being promiscuous, you dirty pig. 

Akaramak became angry and his men attacked Samagra, he was a really skilled warrior and even with few men he was overpowering Akramak...

As the ambush was going on, it seemed like Akramak will win. He disarmed Samagra and kicked him to the ground, he was about to stab him from his sword .............

Aparajita went to her room and was thinking about Shaurya. The way he proposed, how she rejected him and the way he came so close to her, her heart started beating really fast. She couldn't sleep so she went to the place where royals did sword fighting. 

Guard- Slaves are not allowed here. 

She showed him the ring which Vasantmitra gave her to show the guards. He then let her enter. She took a sword and started practicing it. Suddenly she saw Shaurya, a little far away was doing sword fighting aggressively. She saw him, he was shirtless and his curly hair were open. He looked like a macho warrior making Aparajita uncomfortable but she couldn't keep her eyes away. As she was about to leave, Shaurya saw her and said- I have heard dacoits are really skilful in swordsmanship. How about a round. 

Aparajita- Are you challenging me? 

Shaurya- You can think like that. 

Aparajita- Savdhan....she attacked him first but shaurya blocked it. They both started doing sword fighting....while doing it her tied hair opened and it flew on his face, the scent of her hair made him flushed with adrenaline, he became really passionate and with his sword he unknowingly removed her palla. Aparajita got shocked......

Shaurya- I am sorry, I didn't mean to.

Aparajita- Don't be, consider me a man in this fight. 

She attacked him again but he was only defending now...her beauty and skills were making him filled with desires and emotions. Once and for all he disarmed her and with his sword he grasped her by her waist...she came in his arms and he caught her by her waist. His sword fell.....her hair were coming on her face. He gently removed it by blowing it, she felt a weird sensation all over her body....his touch was making her nervous. They stared at each other for a long time, their lips came really close to each other...his one hand had tightly clutched her waist and second hand touched her chin......She slowly touched his shoulder.......but then she remembered her refusal and pushed him away....she took her palla and left in anger....... Shaurya saw her leaving with sad eyes...........

Edited by NostalgiaLove - a day ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 20 hours ago

chapter 149

Even if she wanted to leave, Aparjita is forced to stay to look after her sister.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 13 hours ago

In his own way, Prithvi does care for Vasant. He just doesn't do anything to break free of the restrictions society places.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 13 hours ago

chapter 150

Samagra was betrayed but is still holding on. Is he facing his end or something or someone will come to his aid?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 13 hours ago

Aparjita and Shaurya are getting in deeper and deeper. History is repeating or will their story be different?

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 35 minutes ago

Chapter 151

Akramak was about to stab Samagra when suddenly he was stabbed from behind. Samagra got shocked as Akramak's body fell on him. He got up and saw a band of Vishkanyas were there to help Samagra. 

Samagra- Who are you people? 

One lady- Rajkumar, Pranam, I am a Vishkanya and these are my friends. We were sent by Maharaj Prithvisena and Maharani Vasantmitra to help you. Maharani Vasantmitra had thought that this time Lakha might want to trap you. We came secretly so that the hidden attack which Maharani suspected should be stopped. 

Samagra was shocked at this, he thought- Vasantmitra is amazing, Prithvi is really lucky to have her. 

Aparajita came running to her room, totally shocked by her emotions. She threw her sword and fell on the bed. She touched her waist and then her shoulders to remember Shaurya. 

She got up and looked in the mirror, she had blush on her face. 

She thought- What is happening to me? I have never felt this way. She closed her eyes and she remembered his confession and their almost kisses. She said with tears in her eyes- I have vowed to never fall for a royal. I don't want to end up like Didi. I am here till Didi have her baby. After that I will leave this palace, forever, never to see these people again. 

Five days later

Prithvi got the news of suprise attack on Samagra. Prarthna when got to know about it became really worried. 

Prithvi- Don't worry Prarthna, Samagra is fine. All thanks to Vasantmitra. 

Her name made Prarthana angry and irritated. 

Prarthna- Why? How Vasantmitra helped him?

Prithvi- Well she thought that this time Lakha would try to harm Samagra so she advised me to send secret Vishkanyas to help him. Isn't she amazing? 

Prarthna- Obviously she knew, she knows men perhaps too well. 

Prithvi angry- What the hell do you mean? 

Prarthna- Well Bhaiya she's a dacoit, she lived among men, so...... who knows how many lovers she had. 

Prithvi was angry on Prarthna but he didn't say anything. Prarthna smirked.....He left quickly.....

Prarthna thought- I will ruin you Vasantmitra. You stole everything from me. 

Avantika later came to meet Prithvi. 

Avantika- How is my would be husband? But Prithvi was very irritated with Prarthna's words. 

Avantika- Prithvi we are engaged and still you don't pay any attention to me. He wasn't listening to her. So she sat on his lap making him shocked. 

Prithvi- What the hell are you doing? 

Avantika caressed his hair and said- I am so in love with you, she leaned to kiss him but he moved away. She ran her finger on his face and said- My dear, for how long are you gonna stay mad at me, I long for you. 

Prithvi remembered Prarthna's words and to soothe himself he leaned forward to kiss Avantika, as they got close suddenly Vasantmitra entered which shocked Prithvi. Avantika purposely make him fall on the bed. 

Vasantmitra was in shock, she said tearfully- I am sorry Maharaj, I will come later. As she was about to go....

Prithvi- Come Vasantmitra..... Avantika leave. 

Avantika saw Vasantmitra with death eyes....and left. 

Prithvi wiped her tears and made her sit on the bed. 

Prithvi- She came, I didn't call her. 

Vasantmitra- Rajmata and her can do anything to hurt me. 

Prithvi- Forget them, what's the problem between you and Prarthna?

Vasantmitra- What? 

Prithvi told her all about what Prarthna said, Vasantmitra got up- She thinks so low of me? Why? 

Prithvi- I know, I mean I know you didn't have any lovers before me but why is she trying to manipulate me? 

Vasantmitra- I don't know Prithvi, there is something going in her mind against me and she isn't telling anyone. 

Prithvi- Let this war end, then we will think it all through. You are with my child and I want you to be the happiest in the world. 

Vasantmitra- I am so glad you talked to me about this, I want conversation in our relationship.

Prithvi- My love, I know my whole family except Uncle Keshav dislike you. But I will always love you no matter what. 

Vasantmitra hugged him- The day you stop trusting me, the day I will die. 

Prithvi- The day you die will be my last day in the world. 

Vasantmitra put her hands on his mouth and nodded her head in no. 

Prithvi smiled........

Avantika ranted in her room- Vasantmitra, Vasantmitra and Vasantmitra, everytime she comes between me and Prithvi. I have been so gracious with her, I am accepting every co wife in his life, still he gives all his attention to her only to hurt me. He's being so cruel. Ugh...she shouted real bad. Rupa is not even here, that stupid lakha took my trusted servant for his own pleasure and gave me nothing in return. He promised to take Vasantmitra away but that damn coward himself ran away. 

Kanak came suddenly and said- You servant is not here but you mother in law is. Prarthna has also started hating Vasantmitra as she told me she knows that Vasantmitra is promiscuous. 

Avantika- Promiscuous? 

Kanak- When I asked the details she became silent but surely she knows something which can be very useful for us to separate Prithvi from her. 

Avantika- Whatever it is mother, please do it, Prithvi has gone mad, I think she has fed something that's why he acts like that. 

Kanak- Prarthna is still silent but one day she will definitely get it out all in open. I know my daughter, she can't keep secrets for too long. She evil laughed. Avantika felt relieved. 
