Ranveer's unsaid feelings #13 updated episode 959 page 144 - Page 143



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sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Ishani should tell him how she lived in these two years. If he struggled, she struggled even more than him.

Hi Coderlady 

thanks for the commen

Yes surely ishani should tell him how she lived  in 2 years yes he struggled so as she has also struggle even without him 

keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

You were able to unload all your feelings and frustrations, so you should hear hers too.

Hi coderlady 

 thank you for the comment

 Yes he was able to unload all his feelings and frustration and yes he should hear  her feelings too

keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Amba wants them to go the wedding. She wants them to spend some time together.

Hi coderlady

 thanks for the comment

 yes Amba wants them to go to the wedding she wants them to spend some time with each other wish that works out

Keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Ishani is starting taking steps towards Ranveer. Her acceptance of his gift being the first one.

Hi coder lady 

thanks for the comment

Yes ishani is  starting to take steps towards Ranveer she has accepted the gift and sure that is the first step from her end

 keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Why did Ranveer tell Ishani to wait at the entrance to the old house?

Hi coder lady 

thanks for the comment 

let us see why Ranveer has asked ishani to wait in the entrance of the house

 keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Despite the bitterness between them, he wanted to welcome her into the house with full honor.

Hi coderlady 

Thanks for the comment

 Yes even though they have britterness between them he want to welcome her to the house with free Honar that is really nice to see them

 keep readingsmiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Episode 957

Ishani was sleeping so well in the tiered of travel were she now heard a knock in the door were that disturbed her sleep. She opened her eyes well were she yawned well. She saw around her and took one minute to realize she is in Anjar. As she was thinking it there was a knock again in the door. Ishani now got down from the cot and she came and opened the door were she saw Ranveer were he was sweating like anything. It showed that he has played so well. He saw her and came inside the house. Ishani saw outside and seeing the weather condition and the darkness that is mixed with the light she got to know the time would be 6.30 in the evening were she immediately saw the watch and got to know the time is 6.35 were she locked the door and saw Ranveer back.

Ishani: Played cricket well..

Ranveer(seeing her); Haan, Now there is a mehendi ceremony in Maathav Kaka's house we have to go get ready..(telling it he was about to go to the washroom)

Ishani(before he moves): There also you alone go and come.

Ranveer(seeing her):Why? They will ask for you so get ready..

Ishani(seeing him):Without even having a thought leaving your wife in a new place you went to play cricket know? Now go to the function also all alone.

Ranveer(now seeing her); See I left you in our house only. I just thought you can take rest. More of everything I have come to my hometown after a long time. so only went to play. you are in a safe place only.

Ishani now saw him with a silent look.

Ranveer(now in a calm tone): See its safe place only that is why I left you and went to play. (now with a worn out voice); More of everything If I keep on being near you and keep on keeping my eyes on you that will make you think I am possessive on you and I am a kind of physco lover to you. (now with a confirmed tone): enough of these things Ishani..

Ishani saw him with a what to do face were his behaviour was hurting her to the core.

Ranveer:Now get ready..(telling it he went to his bag and took his dress and entered the restroom to get ready)

It was exactly 7.30 were Ranveer and Ishani were completely ready were Ranveer was in his Sandal color kurtha and Blue color Sherwani were Ishani was in her Red color Designer Saree with Red color backless blouse. Ranveer now saw Ishani were seeing her in Saree now with a bit taking a deep breath came to her. Ishani seeing the mirror that was fixed in the wall was making her final check. 

Ranveer:shall we Go?

Ishani(seeing him):Haan(she took her Phone from tea poi)  

Both Ranveer and Ishani came out of the house were Ranveer locked the house and putting the key in his sherwani pocket and both wearing the slippers and started to walk towards Maadhav's house. The street was very busy due to the marriage in that street. Ranveer was walking were Ishani too was walking silently with him. They came to Maadhav's house were Maadhav's wife Radharani seeing Ranveer with a happy smile. 

Radharani:Ranveer how are you?

Ranveer:Fine Kaki..(showing Ishani): Meri Patni..

Radharani; Haan Ishani saw her when she was small..while coming to your house in Mumbai..She was your friend..

Ranveer; Haan now wife..

Radharani: Haan tk tk both of you come inside enjoy the function..

Ranveer: hmm

Ishani joining her hands to Radharani and both Ranveer and ishani started to walk inside the house. There inside the house everyone welcomed them. Ranveer introduced Dharam, Mithun's wives to Ishani were now they too talking to Ishani with a smile and started to take her with them. Ranveer now started to talk to Dharam, Mithnu were they were commenting on Kamal and making fun of him. The mehandi ceremony was started were the bride's hands was getting filled with the mehandi. Maadhav's wife made Ishani and Ranveer to sit and have their dinner well were they finished their dinner. As they finished their dinner now All the guests were starting to come were the house was getting crowded were Ishani now saw the mehendi ceremony and now her eyes went to Ranveer were he was smiling and laughing with Dharam, Mithun and Kamal so well. Don't know why but she was sure she is missing Ranveer's glances on her. She know that the way how his eyes will be on her even in crowd. But the way today he is behaving was hurting her so much. As she was thinking it she felt someone hitting her from behind were she turned and saw who is it were it was a middle aged man were he stood casually now. Ishani feeling that she has misunderstood the hit and she stood casually now. The middle aged man now saw her back well were he saw others whether any one is seeing him and then making sure no one is seeing him he again saw her back well were he wet his lips with his tounge in a awkward manner. He now again hit her shoulder with his shoulder were now Ishani saw him with a anger face and she started to move from there she now started to feel the place uncomfortable were she walked fast were now she felt someone following her were she turned and saw were that middle aged man with a awkward smile was coming behind her were now with a bit fear too she was about to walk the next step were she hit herself well on a person were she now raised her eyes and saw were she got to know now the person who she hit is Ranveer. Ishani now saw Ranveer were now she felt somewhat relaxed now were now she came and stood beside him and held his hand tightly. 

Middle aged man(seeing that they are bit away from the function happening place coming to Ranveer): I hit her and she hit you...bade masti mal hain shall we both share her..

Were this was the moment were Ranveer with all his anger held his shirt so tightly with his other hand were Ishani seeing the function and seeing Ranveer..

Ranveer(now with anger pulled him near him): wo meri patni hain..

Middle aged man(now with a managing smile):Sorry .

Ranveer now again with anger..

Ishani(held his hand and seeing him):don't want problem in function Ranveer let's go..

Ranveer now with anger left him and in a micro second held Ishani's hands and started to take her from there. He brought her out of the house were he started to walk in the street holding her hand were Ishani too was walking with him. He brought her to their house. Removing his shoes outside and He took the key and opened the lock and opened the door and entered the house with anger. He kept the lock in wooden tea poi and stood with anger face. Ishani too removing her Slipper and entered the house were she closed the door and locked the door. She went and kept her phone in the Wooden tea poi and came and stood in front of him. She was able to see tonnes and tonnes of anger in his face.

Ishani(seeing him in a calm tone): Kya hua? anger is coming for you?

Ranveer(in anger tone): I should have killed him how dare he try to touch my wife?(held her both the sides shoulder): I am not getting anger its a feel to kill him...

Ishani now saw him with a painful smile.

Ranveer: you are smiling? He tried to misbehave with you..

Ishani(seeing him now with more pain in her eyes): 2 years when you were not with me too I underwent all these kind of situations only Ranveer..(now she got tears were that made her to cry more now)

Ranveer now bit feeling what Ishani has undergone because him now with a what to do face holding her shoulder itself saw her now with a questioning face.

Ranveer: Ishani

Ishani(now with teary eyes seeing him):why you won't hear what happened to me in these 2 years? why? Because you feel you are villain of my story (now held his sherwani collar with her both the hands and with anger): But I was missing you each and every day, each and every moment. Haan you looked as a spainless man to me, you looked as a useless husband to me but that and all was because  of anger but (with all her love for him): at last the real truth is I love you so much Ranveer...leaving you there won't be anything in my life why you forgot that I too love you much. How you thought that I can survive without you?

Ranveer now saw her were now his eyes were not having guts to face her. He really didn't expect Ishani will lock him in this manner.

Ranveer: Ishani(trying to make her leave his sherwani collar): you take rest Ishani..

Ishani(pulling his sherwai collar well and seeing him): How many days you are going to be without hearing what happen to me in 2 years? I want you to hear what happened to me in these 2 years now.

(now seeing him with tears as well courage face): Even now If you dont' hear and try to understand your wife there is no meaning for the life we lived Ranveer..

Ranveer(now hearing it was having a given up face were he was controlling his tears in a broken tone): Don't kill me with your words (now held her hand and made her to take her hands from his sherwani collar and seeing her with a given up tone): Tell me

To be continued smiley2

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

What a gross man! He thought he could do that to a woman and get away with it. Such a low mentality.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

He is now willing to hear her side of the story. Good for him. If he was in pain, so was she. She had to deal with a lot more.

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

What a gross man! He thought he could do that to a woman and get away with it. Such a low mentality.

Hi coderlady 

Thanks for the comment 

Yes such a cheap man doing a wrong thing to women tried to walk away Just like that 

Definitely a cheap mentality 

Keep reading smiley2
