FF - Passion of Love - Ch 158- Pg 57 - Page 57



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

chapter 152

Over and over we hear Prithvi dismissing Vasant and her rights. She has none in that palace.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Shaurya will not get permission to marry Aparjita either. She will not accept to be a concubine.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 153

It was day of Avantika's haldi, Kanak called for Vasantmitra but this time Prithvi strictly told her to not stress Vasantmitra at all and for her grandchild's sake she agreed. Avantika was happy too that Vasantmitra wasn't there. 

The rituals were deliberately made grand by Kanak for two reasons, first was Mahishmati was a enemy kingdom and this was like a win for Meluha and to show others that Vasantmitra though favourite had no power in the Empire. 

Avantika's haldi was going on and everyone was applying haldi on her. Prarthna smiled at Avantika and applied Haldi on her really happily. She thought- Avantika will finally destroy any happiness Vasantmitra has like she destroyed mine. 

Prithvi was doing the ritual but his heart and mind were constantly roaming in thoughts of upcoming war. 

Aparajita was in room with Vasantmitra, she went outside for a while to get fresh air. 

Some girls saw Aparajita and said- Hey you slave, take this tray of drinks and serve to princes. 

Aparajita was about to shout but then she remembered she wasn't supposed to make a scene as it could cost Vasantmitra's peace. She unwillingly took the tray and went to serve the princes. She was serving the drinks when suddenly an old man tried to make her uncomfortable but just them Shaurya saw it and straight went to Aparajita- Why the hell are you doing this work?

Aparajita- Some girls told me to and I didn't want to create a scene as it would bring problems for didi.

That old man- Hey you beautiful, he threw coins at her, come with me. 

Shaurya got really angry- I am sorry but she's with me. He put his hands on her shoulder. 

Old man- Oh so how about next day? 

Shaurya angry- No next not any day. 

Old man- Oh prince, seems like she will soon be your favourite. He gave a creepy laugh to him and left. 

Aparajita got tears in her eyes and looked at Shaurya- You wanted me to accept this. If not for didi, this old man wouldn't get out alive from here. She put the tray and left in tears. 

Shaurya felt really bad and annoyed.

The pigeon which Prema sent brought message for Samagra. 

He opened the letter- 

Rajkumar , I am slowly getting information from him, I have just got closer to him and he told me Bhadradev will attack Meluha from four fronts. When I asked about Maharani Lachi, he told me he wanted the queen for himself so once he also had planned to kill Bhadradev but he got unlucky and due to pressure of his sister, he got rid of Lachi. 

Samagra wrote- Try to get more information on what he did to Maharani Lachi and also about the war. Keep getting information. He sent it through pigeon. 

In Meluha

It was night time, Avantika was tired from the occasion and next day it was her wedding day. She was too excited.

Avantika saw the wedding Lehnga and remembered all her days with Prithvi. She thought- Finally, Prithvi and I are gonna unite, forever. She giggled at this thought.

The same night was very heavy for Vasantmitra and Kamla too. Prithvi went to meet Vasantmitra. 

Vasantmitra looked really sad....

Prithvi- My sunshine, my beautiful eyed apsara, why are you looking so sad? 

He hugged her....

Vasantmitra- The situation is giving me great pain. I am unable to bear all this. 

Prithvi kissed her forehead to soothe her- Those who are torturing you so much won't stay happy for too long.

Vasantmitra- Your arms my only solace. 

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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 154

Wedding day of Avantika and Prithvi arrived and the whole palace was celebrating this occasion. Kanak was distributing gifts and giving massive donations among people. She wanted to portray this marriage as some win over Mahishmati in front of her people and she was succeeding in it. 

Prarthana was decking Avantika up with jewellery. She wore a gorgeous red saree and gold jewellery.

Prarthna- Avantika Bhabhi, you are looking absolutely gorgeous. 

Avantika blushed....she thought- Wish Rupa was also here to see me getting married to Prithvi. God knows what evil Lakha would be doing with her. 

Prarthna- Today Bhaiya is going to be mesmerized. She blushed again. 

Prithvi was getting ready very unwillingly. 

Varun- Prithvi, this day is absolutely amazing, since our childhood you used to say you will marry Avantika and today is the day. 

Arjun- Not Avantika you idiot, she's our Maharani now. 

Prithvi only remembered Avantika's betrayal and nothing else, by now he had completely forgotten about his childhood and teenage memories with Avantika. 

Shaurya arrived- Bhaiya, you are looking so handsome. Your Jodi with Avantika looks gorgeous. 

They all laughed except Prithvi. 

Vasantmitra was in her room lost in her sad thoughts, she had closed the windows as she didn't want to see slaves and servants doing work of marriage. 

Aparajita- Didi, I tell you, there is so much commotion today, let's leave and go back to Baba's home for a while. 

Vasantmitra sad- I can't Aparajita, there are some rules here. I can't go out of the Palace without permission of Prithvi and if I can that's only with Mukhya Maharani Kamla. 

Aparajita- What are you so scared of? Let's go. He won't kill mother of his child. 

Vasantmitra- You don't know Prithvi Aparajita. I once left without his will and he went berserk. Today's marriage is somehow is bitter taste of that daring. 

Aparajita- Didi but....

Vasantmitra- Aparajita please, I want to sleep. I don't want to wake up till this ends. Go out. Go and enjoy the wedding. 

Aparajita- No way, I don't want to be there. Everyone thinks I am a slave and behaves like that with me. 

Vasantmitra- There's going to be plenty of good food. 

Aparajita taste buds got activated...

Vasantmitra smiled- I know your weakness my dear. 

Aparajita- Fine I will go but only because you are sending me and also, for food. 

They both laughed....

Aparajita- Take care didi

Vasantmitra- Don't worry my maids are here. 

Aparajita left for the wedding venue............

Vasantmitra though sent Aparajita away, she couldn't sleep so she decided to take a walk.

She was walking when she saw Vasudha and Kosha ( Prithvi's concubines) trying to bribe a lady to enter a room. 

Vasantmitra went there and asked- What is happening here? 

They got scared.............

They said- Pranam Maharani

Vasantmitra- What was going on here?

Vasudha- Nothing Maharani, absolutely nothing.

Vasantmitra looked at the guard who got scared....

Vasantmitra angry- Guards ....

Guard bowed down and said- I am not at fault Maharani, they were trying to bribe me. 

Vasantmitra- Bribe? To enter a room? Why? 

Suddenly a boy's crying was heard by them from inside the room. 

Vasudha shouted in tears- Son, I am here, your mother is here. Don't cry, don't cry...and saying this she herself fell on the ground crying. 

Kosha also stated crying thinking about her daughter. 

Vasantmitra- Guard, let them in. 

Guard- But Maharani, it's forbidden. It's Rajmata's Order.

Vasantmitra- I tell you, let them in.

Guard- But ....

Vasantmitra shouted- Do as I say......

Guard opened the door....

Vasudha and Kosha ran into the room. Vasantmitra and guard also entered. 

They saw Prince Kushagra was crying as he fell and Princess was trying to console him. 

Vasudha ran to hug her son and Kosha ran to hug her daughter. 

They started kissing their children all over the face. Seeing the motherly love, Vasantmitra became overwhelmed. 

Vasudha ran to Vasantmitra and fell in her feet- Maharani, you are a goddess. You made me meet my son after so long. 

Kosha- Maharani, we can never forget your kind gesture towards us. 

Vasantmitra- Play as much as with your children and then leave for your rooms. Rajmata won't be happy. 

Vasudha- But we want our children to live with us. 

Vasantmitra lowered her head- I can feel your pain, but I can't do much. But for today, enjoy this moment with your children. 

Vasantmitra also stayed their to play with the children. 

After few hours, Vasudha and Kosha left for their rooms with heavy heart. 

Vasantmitra saw the kids sleeping with their maids....She thought- Atleast my child will stay with me as I am a queen. She left for her room without having any knowledge how Kanak and Prithvi had already planned to separate a child from his mother. 

Aparajita went to the venue and she saw everyone was having a great time. She also saw Shaurya who was talking with his friends. She remembered their moments but brushed it off. 

Prithvi entered and sat straight in the mandap most unwillingly. 

Aparajita looked at him with disgust. Avantika after few minutes entered with Prarthna. Kamla had also refused to attend the wedding as after all in the end she was a human. 

She sat besides Prithvi. The rituals started and it was boring Aparajita to death. She felt a little sleepy looking at all this. Shaurya saw Aparajita was also present there. The instinct to hug and kiss Aparajita was very strong in his heart but he tortures himself by staying away from her. 

Kanak had happy tears in her eyes........so did Avantika. 

Finally the Pheras happened and it was announced that Avantika was wife of Prithvi. She took blessings of Kanak (his uncle Keshav had went to fight against Suryadev's forces in north). 

Kanak- Sada Suhagan Raho, and very soon give me a grandchild. 

Prithvi was absolutely poker faced with no emotions, his heart was only thinking about the war and occassionally about Vasantmitra. 

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Posted: a day ago

Chapter 155

Prithvi and his friends were drinking. 

Varun- So Prithvi, finally you have succeeded in defeating Bhadradev, you married his daughter.

Shaurya- It's not about winning or losing, it's love which won. 

Prithvi was drinking aggressively...

Prithvi shouted- Shut Up, this marriage is forced upon me, it hurts me and my wife. 

He threw his Varmala away shocking everyone, they all got up. 

Prithvi aggressively went away .. 

Arjun- Where is he going? 

Varun- Probably to Avantika's room. 

Avantika was waiting patiently for Prithvi to come....moon had arose but Prithvi was nowhere to be seen. Avantika got anxious, she thought- Where is he? Suddenly a dasi entered the room...

Avantika- Dasi, where is Maharaj? 

She lowered her head and said- Maharani, Maharaj is...she stopped.

Avantika angry- What? Is he with Vasantmitra? 

Dasi- No Maharani, he is with Mukhya Maharani. 

Avantika shocked- She fell on the floor...

Dasi- Maharani...

Avantika stopped her and signalled her to go away ..

Dasi  was scared and she left...

Avantika was very angry and hurt at this...her eyes turned red with anger and she started throwing things here and there...she threw her bed sheet away which was full of flowers....

Avantika was crying and crying.....

Prithvi went to Kamla's room in anger...

Kamla- Maharaj? Why are you here? 

He said nothing and started kissing her....

Kamla stopped him- Maharaj, what are you doing? 

Prithvi- I need my heir, give me one...he picked Kamla and put her on the bed. 

Kamla was shocked but she didn't stop him and her love for him overpowered her senses. She had happy tears in her eyes but she felt bad for Avantika.

Aparajita went to Vasantmitra's room but she was sleeping. It was night and she wasn't feeling sleepy so she decided to roam around. Suddenly she saw a woman was talking to Shaurya. Aparajita hid herself. She saw Shaurya was caressing chin of that woman.

Aparajita thought in anger- I knew he didn't love me, if he loved me he wouldn't be with another woman. Tears came in her eyes without her knowledge. She started running outside but Shaurya saw her as he heard her Payal's voice. He ran after her leaving the woman alone. 

She came in the garden and was crying....she slapped herself in anger- Stupid, fool, idiot...why are you crying? Don't...just don't cry...

Suddenly someone touched her shoulder and she in panic turned and punched him. 

Shaurya- Ouch

Aparajita- Oh my god, I am so sorry Prince....I didn't expect you to be here..

Shaurya- God your punch is strong. 

Aparajita- I apologise

Shaurya- You don't have to, it's your right.

Aparajita- What?

He took her hand and put it on his chest, he said- It only beats for you. 

Aparajita looked at him with disgust- How grossly evil you can be? 

Shaurya confused....

Aparajita- I just saw you with some other woman and you are here singing songs of love for me. Disgusting. 

Shaurya laughed....- She is my maternal cousin. My mom was concubine of my father, so I was raised by my grandmother and then by Rajmata. I never met her. 

Aparajita- What? You never met your mother? 

Shaurya in tears- Never...

Aparajita felt sad for him

Shaurya- This girl is my cousin and the only connection with my mother. Where is she I don't know and may never know, why I got to know about her, I placed her in the palace in Rajmata's service. She is soon to get married to one of my friends. I was congratulating her. 

Aparajita- Oh....

Shaurya- But why were you concerned about some woman in my life? Were you feeling jealous? 

Aparajita- Why the hell would I feel jealous? You have concubines, don't you? 

Shaurya- Not serious ones, I have already left them..

Aparajita felt happy at this but showed fake anger on her face. 

As she was about to go, he grabbed her hand and pulled her in his arms.

Aparajita's heart was beating fast....she could hardly breathe due to her feelings which overwhelmed her.

Aparajita in soft voice- Leave me....

He kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes...he took it as a sign and kissed her cheeks. She felt warmth and got more close to Shaurya.

Shaurya in her ears- I Love You.....

Aparajita- I...she took heavy breaths I.......but suddenly a  they heard a wolf's howl and she opened her eyes....she pushed Shaurya away and straight ran towards the palace. 

Shaurya saw her running away....he said- For how long you will run away from your feelings....

Aparajita closed her room and sat on the bed with her hand on her head.....she thought- What the hell was that? I should have slapped him. I must stay away from him, not even look at him. This is the only way to escape this. She fell on her bed and touched her forehead and cheeks where he kissed her. She smiled.....but then a frown came on her face seeing the plight of other women. She said- I am not a princess and will never be respected. I must not fall for this trap. 

In Morning.....

Prithvi was in his room getting ready when Kanak entered with sad Avantika who was still in her wedding clothes. She was still crying. 

Prithvi- I expected you two here....Ekant

His servants left the room...

Kanak- What the hell is this Prithvi? How could you insult Avantika like this? 

Prithvi smirked- This is your payback....

Kanak- What? 

Prithvi- I have been tolerating you meddling in my life but now it's enough. First you made me marry Kamla forcibly but I respected your decision because it concerned issue of my legitimate heir but Avantika? You solely did it to insult Vasantmitra and force this traitor in my life again. 

Avantika was shocked and terribly sad...

Kanak shouted- So what do you want? Make that dacoit's son heir to the throne? 

Prithvi looked at her with angry eyes- Listen to me very carefully you two, you are not fighting Vasantmitra, you are fighting me. If you two again try anything which hurts her I will not spare you two. My going to Kamla was punishment for Avantika. You are my mother, I don't want to punish you so please be very careful next time. No one can force me to do anything. My marrying Vasantmitra was also to get her in my life. It was my decision to not force her otherwise if I wanted I could have her as a slave. But I wanted Shaka to be my friend not an enemy. Vasantmitra is just a concubine for me whom I love with tag of a wife. She is the only lady whom I love passionately. 

Avantika and Kanak were shocked at Prithvi's cunning mind.

He left the room leaving these ladies absolutely broken from inside. 

Avantika- My one mistake cost me my everything mother. 

Kanak- My son is not under my control anymore. I doubt if he is in anyone's control. In a way I like how he is so independent but........looks like we are all chess pieces whom he just uses. A tear fell from her eye.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - a day ago
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Posted: a day ago

Chapter 156

Vasantmitra went to temple where she found Kamla. 

Vasantmitra- Pranam Mukhya Maharani 

Kamla- For thousand times I have told you, it's Kamla for you, Maharaj ke hriday ki Maharani. 

Vasantmitra blushed.....

Kamla- So how are you doing? 

Vasantmitra- I am fine.....

Kamla- Well Maharaj was telling me last night to take care of you the most. Her slip of tongue shocked Vasantmitra.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi was with you last night? 

Kamla lowered her head...

Vasantmitra- Why? I mean it was his first night with Avantika. 

Kamla- Ah......he...she paused 

Vasantmitra was shocked...

Kamla- Let's just forget about it ,it's his relationship with Avantika, we both shouldn't meddle in it. 

Vasantmitra looked at Kamla with amusement...

Vasantmitra sadly said- I am happy for you. 

Kamla only smiled at her...

Vasantmitra thought- It's so insulting to Avantika, he shouldn't have done this, the poor girl was genuinely so happy. I feel bad for her. 

In Mahishmati 

Prema had captured Virochana's heart and he didn't suspect that she was sent by Samagra. They were both sitting on the bed, she was in that old man's arms and he was drinking a special juice which Prema made for him.

Prema- My master, you are so intelligent, why don't you try to capture the throne for yourself? 

Bhadradev intoxicated- Oh my beauty, I gained so much power and money by duping Bhadradev for years. Once he had married that girl Lachi and oh my what a beauty she was. I wanted her for myself but why I didn't get success, me and Sujata made Lachi believe that Bhadradev had moved on and he wanted to kill her and her unborn child. Sujata made her get out of the kingdom where me and my men chased Lachi, but one masked man came and he safely took Lachi away. I never knew who that man was. 

Prema shocked and thought- Man? Who saved Maharani Lachi from Virochana? Rajkumar Samagra told me Maharani Lachi died in arms of her brother Shaka handling Maharani Vasantmitra in his care. This is not the full story. There is gotta be something which happened which is hidden in the past. 

In Meluha

Kanak was in her room in darkness remembering her past.....Tears were in her eyes. 

Kanak- How could you Maharaj? Why? 

Samudra- Yes it's true, I can't get off her from my mind. 

Kanak- She's someone else's wife now Samudra.

Samudra shouted- I loved her Kanak and I proposed her first but she chose him. Tears were in his eyes. 

Kanak- Since you have come back, you have totally changed, all day and night you are in her thoughts. It's enough, I won't tolerate this.

Samudra- If she needs my help, I will give her. 

Kanak was frustrated, she remembered Vasantmitra's eyes and then Lachi's eyes...

She said- I won't let history repeat itself......

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Posted: a day ago

Chapter 157

Avantika was sitting in her room when Vasantmitra came to meet her. 

Avantika- Why the hell are you here now? To laugh at me?

Vasantmitra- No, I am here to give you this.

She showed Avantika a doll and a letter. 

Vasantmitra- Your mother sent it. 

Avantika looked at the doll and started crying, she hugged it and said- It's my favourite doll since childhood.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi wasn't ready to accept any gift from your parents but I insisted him to give it to you. 

Avantika- So even this happened because you accepted it. 

Vasantmitra- I know you are hurt but on your birthday you really did hurt him really bad, I can't forget his sad and betrayed eyes. It looked like more than a lover a friend betrayed him. 

Avantika shocked- You were there? 

Vasantmitra- Yes

Avantika- Why? I mean how? 

Vasantmitra- I went there to steal your treasure and that was the day I realised I loved Prithvi. We became friends that day. 

Avantika- So your relationship started on corpse of my relationship. 

Vasantmitra- Prithvi is a really impulsive and headstrong man. He hates losing to anyone. By forcing yourself into his life, you actually made him feel inferior and that he hates. 

Avantika- You obviously know him way better than me in every way. 

Vasantmitra- I never Ill of you even though you tried to hurt me many times. I hope you will change yourself for the better. 

Vasantmitra left ...

Avantika hugged the doll and read the letter.....she was very emotional....

In night 

Prithvi was in tension as he got the news of problems in north and Keshav was having hard time dealing with it, specially due to Bhadradev.

Servant- Maharaj, Maharani Avantika is here to meet you. 

Prithvi- Oh no, not again. Let her in.

Avantika entered with stern face..

Prithvi- Why the hell are you here now? To seduce me again or to beg for love.

Avantika said nothing and sat on the floor where he was sitting. She took his hand and placed her head on his knees. 

Avantika- Remember Prithvi how we used to play as children in this room, snakes and ladders, Chausar and Chess. 

Prithvi- And you used to always defeat Shaurya and then he would cry it to mother. He laughed.

She laughed as well

Avantika- And then I would run to catch you guys. They both laughed.

Suddenly she started crying, she said- I am so sorry Prithvi, so sorry, I was a jerk, I didn't think it through that you couldn't harm me or my family. I was so stupid.

Prithvi was shocked but also concerned to see Avantika cry...he made her sat on the bed besides him and wiped her tears. 

Avantika- If I hadn't been such a fool, I wouldn't lose your love and even worse, your friendship. 

Prithvi looked at her emotionally...

Prithvi- You have not lost your friend. 

Avantika- Have I? 

Prithvi- Yes, I am still your friend. 

Avantika- Do you forgive me? 

Prithvi- I do, I understand that as a daughter and princess it would have been shocking to think I would want to harm your family. You must have gone through so much pain. 

She smiled......

Avantika- I didn't mean to force myself into your life, I wanted you back Prithvi, I did do some things which I am not proud of, but all  I wanted you to look at me with the same love and affection as before. 

Prithvi looked at her quite amused 

Avantika- I did whatever Rajmata told me to do. 

Prithvi caressed her face- You are still so childish, he slapped he head gently and smiled, she smiled back. 

He kissed her forehead.....she looked at him with love and longing. She came closer to him. He looked at her with pity. He came closer too. Their faces came really close to each other. They fell on the bed, she came on top of him, he closed his eyes but as he did, Vasantmitra's face came in front of him, he opened his eyes and got up. He hurriedly left his room leaving a confused Avantika. 

Prithvi started washing his face...., he closed his eyes again and saw Vasantmitra. He smiled at the mirror.

Vasantmitra was in her room, trying to sleep but she couldn't. Suddenly someone kissed her back and she got shocked. 

Vasantmitra- Prithvi?

Prithvi- Yes

He kissed her...

Prithvi- I was missing you. 

Vasantmitra sarcastically- Missing me? Well you were busy with your marriage so how could you meet me. 

Prithvi laughed- How can I leave my loveliest queen with beautiful eyes and my child in her womb. 

Vasantmitra hugged him and in tears she said- Only God knows how much I missed you. 

Prithvi inhaled her scent- You are my life. I live because you exist. 

Vasantmitra giggled- Liar

Prithvi- It's not joke, whenever I close my eyes I only see you. 

Vasantmitra laughed....she hugged him and fell asleep soon in his arms. It was like heaven for Prithvi, him and his beautiful eyed love. Prithvi closed his eyes and slept peacefully after days in arms of his beloved.

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Posted: 16 hours ago

Chapter 158

Samagra was gaining information through Prema and diverting every attack on him but it was getting difficult for him to control the problem. 

Prithvi got the news of problems arising in west as well so he decided to change his plans altogether. He called his warriors including Vasantmitra. 

The meeting between the warriors was going on. 

Prithvi- Kaka Keshav is having tough time in north and Samagra is having his own problems on the borders. Varun, you go and help Kaka and Arjun you will go to help Samagra. Shaurya, you and a battalion of Shaka will go to fight against Lakha who is active in west. 

Shaurya remembered Lakha as they were close as kids and tears came in his eyes. 

Prithvi- I understand Shaurya but he's a traitor, remember how much Kaka is suffering due to him. 

Shaurya- Don't worry Maharaj, I will make you proud. 

Vasantmitra- The planning looks perfect but Prithvi, I suggest you also send Baba himself  to help Shaurya instead of just a battalion. 

Prithvi- I did send him the order like that but he is injured as he was fighting against men of Suryadev on the borders and men of Akramak who wants to avenge their master. 

Vasantmitra- Injured? 

Prithvi- Don't worry it's not a major injury but he is sending someone else, what was her name, Aparajita.

Shaurya and Vasantmitra got shocked, they looked at each other. 

Prithvi- I was weary of a woman first but he said she's just as good a warrior as you. I hope she won't disappoint me. So, it's done Aparajita and Shaurya will go to the borders in west. 

Shaurya was absolutely happy with this news while Vasantmitra was worried a little. 

When she gave the news to Aparajita..... she was shocked.

Aparajita- Didi I am ready to go in this war but not with Shaurya. 

Vasantmitra- Why? Isn't he nice to you? 

Aparajita remembered their moments. 

Aparajita- Didi, I mean....I feel uncomfortable around him. 

Vasantmitra- Why? Don't tell me you are shy going with a boy. 

Aparajita- It's not like that, ah...I hate him. 

Vasantmitra- Did he hurt you? Tell me.

Aparajita- No didi but

Vasantmitra- Please Aparajita, it's a war and I need your help. 

Aparajita- Fine didi, for your sake.

Shaurya came to meet Vasantmitra and found Aparajita there.

Shaurya- When you want to leave? 

Aparajita- You are first in command, you tell me. 

Shaurya- Let's leave tomorrow, pack your bags, where will we meet your men? 

Aparajita- Baba must have given orders before, they probably already are there.

Shaurya- Ok

Vasantmitra was closely watching them and found that something was wrong.

Shaurya left and Vasantmitra said- Do your best, come back as winners. 

Aparajita- Didi, without me who will take care of you. 

Vasantmitra smiled- I can handle myself my dear. If I wasn't with my child, I would go in this war myself but Prithvi is very worried for my safety. 

Aparajita- I hope i will live to see your children.

Vasantmitra- Ssshh...don't say such things. In fact after this war ends, I will get you married. I will ask Prithvi and he will definitely find a good husband for you. If you win he probably will marry you in a good family. 

Aparajita smiled- I don't want any favours from him, he almost will marry me to one of his glorious servants. 

Vasantmitra became serious as it was true ....

Aparajita- I rather marry a fellow dacoit than a servant of your husband. It's not like I will ever marry a prince. 

She left the room leaving a sad and concerned Vasantmitra.....
