RoSid FF: I Love you only you Completed FF

banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hi Dears,
Banu here with my next FF... 

Looking forward your support as usual for this Ff...


I think its better to enjoy the story line and understand the concept for this FF...

So dears...

Stay tuned for updates... πŸ˜Š

My other 79 Stories link... Banuprasa RoSid FFs
Edited by banuprasa - 7 years ago


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Frequent Posters

banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Part 1

Bharatwaj house...

All the family members were happy...

Not only happy.. but busy too...

Yes.. they were busy holding the photo which they received just now from pandit...

Of course photo of the girl received for their son...for marriage proposal...

Pandit explained about the family...

Pandit: Mataji.. the family is very nice family... they are middle class only.. still they gave good culture to their daughters... trust me.. she will be good & suitable for this family as daughter in law...

Mataji: Of course we trust you Panditji.. thats why i gave this responsibility of searching a good bride for my grandson Siddhant to you...

Pandit: Thanks Mataji...if you confirm ok. then we can proceed further in this with the girl side...

Mataji: Sure.. let my grandson too come home from office.. then i will show the photo to him also.. then we can proceed in this...

Pandit: Sure...

Pandit went from there while Siddhant came crossing him from office...

Siddhant; Mataji.. what is the matter.. all seems to be gathered and happy.. And for what Panditji came home...

Mataji: Siddhant we are waiting for you only.. He came for you only...

Siddhant; For me???

Mataji: Yes.. he bring alliance for you.. come & sit here...

Siddhant; Mataji.. let me first fresh up and then come...

Mataji: Just 5 mins.. then you can very well go.. just see this photo...

Siddhant without any other go came & sat beside Mataji...

Mataji gave the photo to Siddhant...

Siddhant eyes struck on the cute face of the girl in Red dress with long hair..

Siddhant was thinking.. She is looking beautiful...


Chubby cheeks...

Mischievious look...

Long hair.. 


Mataji: Siddhant.. this is the photo of daughters of Jamanlal & Meena Divedi from Vrindavan.. Pandit said they are searching for alliance for their elder daughter now.. The family is good family & girl is well cultured... 

Siddhant was yet to move his eyes from the girl who stole his heart...

Mataji: If you tell ok.. then we can proceed further talks & procedures...

Siddhant smiled... looking at the photo...

He didn't even listen to what Mataji was telling...

Mataji hold his hand...

Mataji: Siddhant.. you like the girl...

Siddhant smiled & gave the photo back to Mataji...

He rushed out from there towards his room...

Sujatha: Maaji.. Siddhant didn't tell anything.. what to do now...

Mataji; Sujatha what is the need for your son to open your mouth & tell.. didn't you see the smile on his face... He is ok only...

Sujatha: Do you think so???

Mataji: Of course.. yes.. We can tell Pandit to talk to girl side and arrange to see the girl directly at their place...

Sujatha:Ok Maaji...

Mataji informed pandit to inform girl side that they are interested in the alliance and wish to see the girl directly...

Pandit informed Jamanlal that the boy is interested and seeking for date to see the girl...

Jamanlal confirmed them to come on that weekend...

Pandit informed Mataji about seeing girl on weekend...

Mataji informed Siddhant that they are going to Vrindavan that weekend to see the girl...

Siddhant was equally eager to see the girl who stole his heart...

sheetal1979 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nice start dear eagerly waiting for nxt
i_am_PRASANNA thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
omg, Sid wake up,ur mataji gonna ruin ur life...haha!
interesting dear...can't wait to get into story😊😊
arisharosid20 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
Awesome start I think they are talking about simar let's what will happen
himani_692 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
awww sid fell for roli but alliance is for simar hope the confusion clears soon waiting for next eagerly update soon
banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Part 2

Nirmala.. Mataji.. the eldest member of the family...

Her son Rajender Bharatwaj & his wife Sujatha...

Their two sons Siddhant the elder & Prem the younger...

All started from Delhi to Vrindavan...

When they were on the way...


Small yet beautiful house...

Jamanlal was busy in arranging the chairs, tables on its places...

Meena was busy in kitchen preparing snacks...

In the room... Simar the elder daughter of Jamanlal & Meena was getting ready...

While Roli the younger daughter was teasing her sister...

Roli: Didi.. dont worry.. you are looking beautiful.. the guy cant reject you at any cost...

Simar: Roli.. you started again...

Roli: Then what.. how long you are taking to get ready... how many times you are checking in the mirror...

Simar: Roli.. i just started getting ready as pappa told to be ready as they may come any moment...

Roli: I know didi.. just teasing you.. any help???

Simar: Nothing.. i am ready as such... 

Roli: Didi.. when they took your photo to see.. then why didn't they give his photo to you...

Simar: Roli.. what matters.. may be they might have thought as they are coming this weekend to see directly... no need to send photo separately...

Roli: But this is not fair didi...

Simar: Dont worry.. for your marriage.. i will get the guy photo well in advance & give you so that you can see and admire...

Roli: Of course i will.. i wont adjust like you... 

Simar: Ok ok.. now tell me.. i am ok right...

Simar asked Roli to confirm whether she is looking good...

Roli; Of course you are nice.. 

Roli & Simar were talking between them while Roli was keep on teasing Simar till they heard car horn sound outside...

Two cars stopped with jerk & sound...

Roli rushed towards the window...

Simar: Roli.. what are you doing???

Roli: I think they have come.. let me see how the guy is..

Roli opened the window & looked outside...

That is when Prem got down from car...

Roli; Oh.. this is the guy...

Roli turned her face towards Simar...

Roli:Didi.. the guy is looking good... 

Simar: Roli.. stay quiet & come inside...

Roli: Wait didi.. let me see what they are doing...

All family members started entering into the gate while Siddhant came at last parking the car...

When Roli was wondering who is this guy!!!

Siddhant looked at the window and found Roli looking at him...

Siddhant smiled towards her... while Roli was confused who this guy is!!!
himani_692 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
awesome di Rosid saw each other sid thinking roli as girl but roli confused waiting for next eagerly update soon
sheetal1979 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Awesome update dear waiting for nxt
banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Part 3

All Bharatwaj family members entered into the house...

jamanlal & Meena gave warm welcome to them...

All sat on the sofa...

Meena bring water for all...

Then their general talks started...

Siddhant was going restless...

Siddhant was thinking.. OMG.. how much you all will talk??? When will you bring her???

In a while.. Meena bring sweets & snacks in small plates & gave everyone...

Siddhant: Sorry.. i normally wont take sweets & snacks on untimely..i dont want...

He denied while others started to have it...

Prem noticed the restlessness on Siddhant...

Prem who was sitting beside him lean towards him sidewise...

Prem: What happened Siddhnat??? you seems to be restless...

Siddhant; I am feeling bored with their talks...

Prem: Oh.. feeling bored with their talks or feeling restless to meet her...

Siddhant: Prem.. but you know what.. i saw her already...

Prem: Where???

Siddhant; When we entered near the window...

Prem: Oh.. well.. how is she looking...

Siddhant: Of course gayal kar diya mere dil ko... Yes.. she stole my heart in the photo itself...

Prem: Oh oh.. Good.. 

Siddhant: Prem.. it seems they are not going to bring her soon.. let me go out casually to see her.. please help me...

Prem: what if others ask about you...

Siddhant; I will just return... dont worry.. 

Siddhant looked around while all were busy having snacks & talking to each other...

Siddhant got up and went outside slowly...

He went sidewise towards the window...

In the meantime...

Mataji: Lets see the girl.. 

Meena: Sure...

Meena went inside to bring Simar...

Roli too came near Simar...

Meena: Roli.. you come after 5 mins...

Roli: But why???

Meena: Because.. two girls should not be introduced together which can give chance to compare...

Roli: How they will compare me with didi.. what are you talking maaji...

Meena: Roli.. dont argue.. they are waiting.. you just come after 5 mins.. we are going...

Meena took Simar to the hall...


Siddhant went near window & was looking for Roli...


Simar who came to hall with meena lift her face & looked at Prem who was the only guy present in the hall...

Simar blushed...

Inside room...

Roli: This maaji think too much unwantedly...

She expressed her unhappiness and went near the window...

While Siddhant looked at her...

Siddhant: Hi...

Roli: Hi.. why are you here???

Siddhant; Just was getting bored.. so came outside...

Roli: Oh.. ok...


Mataji looked for Siddhant...

Mataji: Prem where is Siddhant...

Prem: I dont know Mataji...

He replied without knowing what can be told..


Siddhant: Why are you looking little upset...

Roli: its because.. maaji...

When they were talking...

Mataji: Siddhant...

Siddhant was called by Mataji...

Siddhant: Ok.. they are calling me.. bye...

Siddhant went inside...

While Roli thought now.. 5 mins might have passed...

Roli too went to hall...

Siddhant & Roli entered into the hall at same time...

Siddhant sat on the sofa & looked at Roli...

Mataji: Siddhant where you went...

Siddhant; I was here only mataji...

Mataji: Did you saw the girl.. are you ok to proceed...

Siddhant lift his face & looked at Roli...

Siddhant smiled...

Mataji: Siddhant.. can we take this smile as acceptance...

Prem: Mataji... Siddhant is ok with this.. he told me already...

Mataji: Oh well...

Mataji looked at Jamanlal...

Mataji: We are ok with this alliance... you confirm from your side...

Jamanlal looked at Meena while Meena went near Simar...

Meena: Simar.. what about you...

Simar lift her face slightly & looked at Prem...

Simar blushed & nod her head as acceptance...

Meena: We are also ok to proceed...

Mataji: Very happy to know.. Lets make the engagement today itself simple.. as its difficult for us to come to Vrindavan again for engagement.. Then we can proceed fixing the marriage date...

jamanlal: Well.. we are ok...

Mataji took out the pair of ring she bring for engagement as she already expected this alliance to become confirmed...

Mataji: Siddhant.. come here...

Siddhant got up and went near Mataji...

Simar was shocked...


Meena bring Simar near Siddhant while Siddhant was shocked...

Mataji gave the rings on Siddhant & Simar hands...

Mataji: Siddhant.. put the ring on her finger...

Siddhant was wondeirng what can be done...

He looked at Roli...

Roli seems to be confused too as she was also expecting Prem as the boy...

Then slowly came near Simar & stood beside her...

Prem stood beside Siddhant...

Siddhant looked at Simar who was also expressing some sort of confusion on her face...

Mataji: Siddhant.. what are you waiting for.. only few minutes left in auspicious time...

Meena hold Simar hand & forward it towards Siddhant...

Siddhant forward his hand with the ring & looked at Roli...

When his eyes were looking at Roli.. His fingers slide the ring on Simar hands...

Simar forward her hand towards Siddhant with the ring...

Prem hold Siddhant hand & forward towards Simar...

Simar slide the ring on Siddhant finger while her corner of eyes looked at Prem...