Cutest Love Story: Jay Sean and Naina - Page 2


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Kajal741 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
you will definiately love this episode! i wish i was Naina 😆 😆 😆 !!!!!!!

Just to tell you, Naina oblivously knows who he is(come on, who doesn't) but doesn't tell him because it doesn't really seem important to her.

It was love at first site.

Jay goes his way and Naina goes her.

THey bump into each other again, they're walking towards their cars.

Jay: WE seem to bump into each other everywhere we go.

Naina: Yeah...i know ! 😆

THere is an awkard silence and Jay is having a war inside his brain whether to ask her out or not!

Jay: I was wondering whether you want to go out sometime?

Naina: WHat?

Jay: If you dun't want to it's fine..i mean, i was just wondering...

Naina: no, it's not that...i was just surprised cause i dun't even know you.

YEAH RIGHT! WHAT A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jay: it's just a thought..well, see ya around.

Jay turns and starts walking.

Naina: No, wait...i would love to go out with you.

Jay: me.

He writes down his phone number on the back of the recepit.

Naina: Sure...see ya.

Jay: YOu have got to go so soon?

Naina: NO not reallly? why?

Jay: Let's go get coffee.

There is a coffee shop near by and they walk towards it holding hands.


Coffee shop:

Jay: so what's your name?

Naina: Naina Urs?

Jay: Jay...

Naina: I heard ur music and i love it.

Jay: thanks...what do you do?

Naina: I am studing for an MBA. where do you want to go tonight?

Jay: Movies...Saw 2 is out.

Naina: Sure...@ 8.

Jay: Yeah...i'll pick you up

Suddenly a pic of Juggy appears in her mind and she gets freaked out!

Naina: Actually, i'll meet u there. K?

Jay: yeah w.e

At the end they hug and kiss (lips) gud-bye.

What gal doesn't want to be in Naina's shoes right now? 😆 😆
Kajal741 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
WHere are you guys? if i dun't see comments i will assume you don't like it. plz post comments. thnxs

i won't con't unless i get a comment so plz post them.
angadlover<3 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
see guyz!!!...isnt my best friend kajal so talented? the way im pooja kajal's best friends lol.....omg kaju this story is sooo good!!....i love it....go ahead and continue.....I CANT WAIT TILL U GET TO THE PART WHERE U BRING ME and deepa and zula IN.....HAHAH.....SEE YA AT SKOOL TOMORROW.....LUV YA!!

angadlover<3 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Heyyy Kajal!!! It's Deepa ur big sis!! Woohoo I finished reading ur fanfic tht u wanted me to read.. And it is great!! And u are talented when it comes to writing a fanfic abut Rishi Rich project.. lol.. Continue fast cuz as pooja said I cant wait when we get into ur fanfic like u said!!HAHA.. OK BYE C YA TOMORROW!!!! LUV YA ALWAYS.. UR BEST FRIEND AND UR OLDER SIS...DEEPA 😊 ❤️ 🤗
Kajal741 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
time to cont.

Juggy's HOuse:

J: What took you so long?

N: things

J: What things?

N: bhayyia whats for dinner?

J: I dun't know.

Naina just nods her head.

N: Umm..bhayyia can i go to the movies tonight at 8?

Juggy: with who?

N: Zula, Deepa, and Pooja!

J: Yeah just be back before....11.

Naina: i am 23 years old but i still have a curfew. how lame.

Soniya comes in the room. Naina is on her laptop and Juggy is playing catch with Amy.

Soniya: let's eat.

Naina: i am going out tonight.

Soniya: ok...did u put up your clothes yet?

N: yeah...opps!

she runs upstairs and puts up her clothes.

She can't decide what to wear tonight.

She keeps on trying on outfits and then finally picks one.

Juggy: Exuse you but where do you think you are going?

N: Movies.

Juggy: no with that skirt on.

N: WHy not?

JUggy: because it's too short.

N: that's why they call it a mini skirt.

Soniya: JUGGY! i see you pestering ur sis one more time....

J: yell at her! she's da one with the skirt on.

S: Juggy! leave ur sis alone.

N: i love you bhabi.

J: bhabi ki chamchi.

N: yeah i am...u have a problem with that.


Jay and Naina are in the movie theater.

J: u look pretty.

N: thnxs! u look no less.

J: thnxs so wht college do you go to?

N: Oxford.

J: Cool...i was gona be a doc but i quit to do music.

N: thnx goodness. i can't live without music.

J: Me either.

The movie starts and it's realllky really really scary.

naina gets scared a few times and grabs jays hand.

He just smiles and is happy.

By the end, Naina has her head on his shoulder and Jay keeps on looking at her.

OUtside the movie:

Jay: that was a gud movie.

N: yeah it was but i kinda got scared.

J: i saw

N: well see ya....i will call you later tomorrow.

J: yeah sure.

THey hug and kiss gud-bye.

They dun't realize they are made for each other.

Naina just thinks it is just another guy and Jay thinks it is just another girl.

They haven't fallen in love yet but just have a thing for each other.

Hope you enjoyed.
sweets thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
its awesome....really good...pls continue soon.
blah_blah thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
👏 ...FAB PARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whoa!! 👏
Kajal741 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
time to con't

Few MOnths pass.

Jay and Naina go out for lunch, dinner, movies, u name it.

They both learn a lot about each other.

Naina just tells Juggy that she is going out with deepa or someone and goes with Jay.

Jay doesn't know she is hiding this from her bro but is cool with it.

Whenever Jay comes over she avoids him because she doesn't want to draw attention to the fact she is Juggy's sis.

They make a really cute couple! 😳 😳

Juggy's House:

Naina: Hey! what's up?

Rishi: nothing much. i need a date for this party...wanna come.

Naina: can't anymore...have a bf...but dun't tell Juggy or im dead.

Rishi: Don't worry...i'll keep my big mouth shut.

Naina: u better.

Rishi: So who is this lucky guy?

Naina: y should i tell you?

Rishi: i thought i was ur bff.

Naina: u r my brother's best friend, not mine.

Rishi: fine be like that. i will find soon or later.

Naina just smiles and walks away.

Naina goes upstairs and jay suddenly pops up in her mind. she thinks about him the whole afternoon.

Dinner that night:Resturant

Jay:Hey, sweetheart.

Naina: what?

Jay: i have this really big new years party to go to next week and was wondering whether u wanted to come.

She has a sinking feeling inside. This was the same party Rishi asked her to come to as his date.

Naina: i don't know if my brother will let me.

Jay: Why not?

Naina explains how older brothers are all protective and etc.

Jay: ohh...i'll talk to him.

Naina: i dun't know.

Jay: well that was one of the things i wanted to ask you.

Naina: fire away with your other questions.

Jay: I dun't want you to feel pressured or anything but we have been going out for a long time so i wondered whether u wanted to meet my family.

Naina: that's it. of course i would. u can meet mine...ummm...someday.

Jay: okay! well how about tomorrow afternoon?

Naina: yeah sure.

They eat their meal in peace and naina is still wondering about that new year's party.

They have been going out for the past year and no one knows anything.

Juggy and Rishi only know that Jay has a gf but not her name.
Kajal741 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

time to cont.

On the phone:

Jay: you are coming to meet my parents today right!

Naina: yeah i miss you so much...can't wait to see you.

Jay: it's only be one day

Naina: still well i gtg so i will talk to you later at your parents house.

Soniya is standing outside Naina's room and overheard everything.

S: so whos the lucky guy?

N: no one!

S: come on! im your can't lie to me.

N: His name is Jay and i met him a year ago but never told anyone.

S: A YEAR? wow...i couldn't keep my mouth shut that long even if i tried.

N:i know...i am sorry i never told you.

S: so am i! i thought we were close.

N: we are! mean it.

S: okay! give me all the juicy details.

N: Bhabi!

S: i am waiting!

Then Naina tells her everything about how he is Jay SEan and how they love each other and can't live without each other.

She even tells her about the party and how she doesn't know what to do.

S: all i have to say is WOW!

N: you have to promise me that you won't tell bhayyia!

S: i won't promise but u better tell him soon.

N: i will.

Jay's Parents HOuse:

Jay: Come in.

Naina: hey! supp?

Jay: nothing much...let's meet my parents.

Naina: Namaste...

she takes their blessing(touches their feet)

THey are impressed.

Jay's Dad: No need for that. we have heard so much about you.

she look at jay and he turns red!😳

Jay's Mom: How are you?

Naina: fine! how are you?

THey ask about her parents and family. The whole 9 yards basically!

They adore NAina and Naina loves them.

juggy and naina's parents passed away three years ago so she likes the love that jay's parents give her.

SHe leaves after a while.

Jay walks her to her car.

Jay: listen i was wondering whether you wanted to go out for dinner today.

Naina: yeah...i loved to.

Jay: Good cause it's really important. i will meet you there. i still can't understand why you cant tell your brother about us.

Naina: i will...promise.. just not now.

Jay: fine...

THey kiss and hug good-bye.


Jay: Hey!

Naina: hey.

He pulls out her a seat and holds her hands.

They eat and talk about things. (music, movies, them, future plans, etc.)

After the are done he stands up and goes to her side.

He kneels down on his leg...and smiles up at her.

His eyes are watery!

He reaches in his jacket and pulls out a black box.

He opens the box and pops the question!

Jay: Will you marry me????????

Naina: Yes!!!!!!!!!

she didn't expect this and is totally surprised.

He slips on the ring and they hug.

THey both are crying and smiling at the same time.

Everyone in the resturant is clapping and cheering for them.

I want to be Naina! well i hope you enjoyed....plz keep the comments coming.

Kajal741 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

TIME TO CONT! why aren't u guys commenting? i am assuming u dunt like it!

Well back to the resturant.


They go out and everyone congraulates them.

They go out and take a walk, hand in hand.

Jay: I love you so much.

Naina: so do i.

Jay: YOu know when we get married i want a big family!

Naina: you are already planning? i want a small family!😆

Jay: Whatever you want.

He just stares at her and is awwed by her!

Naina: you know i want to have a big wedding!

Jay: Sure.

He just keeps staring.

Everything is going thorugh one ear and out the other.

Naina: Jay....Jay...Jay!!!!!!!!!!1

SHe waves her hand in front of him!

Jay: Yeah what?

He finally stops daydreaming about her!

Naina:😳😳 look it's a shooting star!

SHe points to it in the clear dark sky.

SHe folds her hands and closes her eyes and wishes.

Jay: WHat did you wish for?

Naina: i can't tell you! i will when it's fulfilled.

Jay: WHat if it isn't?

Naina: trust me! it'll be fulfilled. it's getting late. wht's the time?

Jay: Um....10:30

They have been on the long walk.

Naina: well i got to brother is going to wonder where i am.

Jay: well now i proposed n we are getting married!

Naina: Who said so?

Jay: i did....n so did god.

Naina: well if u did then it is a different story cause i cant live without you.

Jay: ANd you think i can?

Naina: i hope not.

THey both laugh and hug.

Naina: Now let go!

THey are still hugging.

Jay:do i have to? let's just hug and you can tell your brother you were too busy hugging me.


They kiss under the moon and Jay drops her to her car.

Jay cant help but smile the whole night(even in his sleep)

Naina is just adoring her new ring.

SHe walks in the house.

SHe runs to her bhabi and shows her the ring.

Soniya: OMG! he didnt?

Naina: he did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soniya hugs her really tight,

Soniya: congratz! so wht's next?

Juggy makes an enterance.

J: for wht? tell me.

Naina just runs up to him and hugs him.

N: i love you, bhayyia!

J: i know that but....

N: curiousity killed a cat!

And she runs up the stairs into her room.

J: i am not even going to ask!

Naina is twirling and jumping with her right hand in front of her space.

She realizes that Juggy hasn't seen it yet and takes it off!

She goes to put it in her jewelry box.

THe whole night she is laying awake!!!!!!

thinking about jay.....dreaming about her marriage.
