Posted: 15 days ago

First song promo from new DQ's movie.Looks interesting.I'm a fan of Sweta Mohan's vocals since long,so looking forward to full song.


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Daebak thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 15 days ago

Is this a romcom?

I love DQ but off late his movie choices have been boring. He is trying to consciously get away from romcoms and feel-good films coz people said he was getting typecast. And that decision is not working for him. He should have owned it and given us some good romcoms.

Can I have some Bangalore Days and Om Shanti Oshana type movies plz? Happy films. I am done with this Kabir Singh/Animal phase.

Edited by Daebak - 15 days ago
SakZ thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 days ago

This isn’t a rom com. He has decided not to do romantic roles. This movie is more like family drama with some thriller elements.

He is a malayalam actor, son of a superstar known for versatile acting who is still able to amaze people with his acting range in his 70s. Obviously people have expectations. He is privileged and I think he should not take for grant such privileges. He should experiment with his career, if not now, then when ?! His contemporaries are experimenting, so he doesn’t have that choice. 

Edited by SakZ - 15 days ago
Daebak thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 15 days ago

Originally posted by: SakZ

This isn’t a rom com. He has decided not to do romantic roles. This movie is more like family drama with some thriller elements.

He is a malayalam actor, son of a superstar known for versatile acting who is still able to amaze people with his acting range in his 70s. Obviously people have expectations. He is privileged and I think he should not take for grant such privileges. He should experiment with his career, if not now, then when ?! His contemporaries are experimenting, so he doesn’t have that choice. 

I love DQ. But there will never be another Mammooka and nor should people expect that of him. Mammooka is something else.smiley27

By totally avoiding a genre he is making things difficult for himself. He does so many films a year, he can experiment but do 1 romantic film a year at least. His experiments are not exactly working, King of Kotha didn't do well. He will lose all fanbase at this rate and also stop being considered a bankable star.

You don't give up your niche to experiment, you keep it alive and thriving so you can experiment without destroying your career. 

I think actors should use the OTT space to hone their skills and experiment with genres they don't excel in. Less risky and less likely to blow up in your face.

Edited by Daebak - 15 days ago
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Daebak

Is this a romcom?

I love DQ but off late his movie choices have been boring. He is trying to consciously get away from romcoms and feel-good films coz people said he was getting typecast. And that decision is not working for him. He should have owned it and given us some good romcoms.

Can I have some Bangalore Days and Om Shanti Oshana type movies plz? Happy films. I am done with this Kabir Singh/Animal phase.

Not a Romcom,it's a Suspense drama.
