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CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 13 days ago

I am placing my Pov unbiased be it Kavya or Adi. Eventhough help was coming and Adi was on the way to help, Kavya climbed 8 floors to help her mom Anjali risking her life and the baby's life. But when the same thing Adi did to bring her mom Anjali out of jail so that she does not stay overnight in jail, then his way was wrong, how? What Kavya did at that hour of the need was also wrong and if Adi did he is double wrong seriously 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 13 days ago

And he is coming nazdik nazdik to Kavya forgetting his fiancee and creating problems between Adi n Kavya what is that. Nice try Shubh 

Vaidehi49 thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Originally posted by: CherryKavya

I am placing my Pov unbiased be it Kavya or Adi. Eventhough help was coming and Adi was on the way to help, Kavya climbed 8 floors to help her mom Anjali risking her life and the baby's life. But when the same thing Adi did to bring her mom Anjali out of jail so that she does not stay overnight in jail, then his way was wrong, how? What Kavya did at that hour of the need was also wrong and if Adi did he is double wrong seriously 

Adi was trying to help her but he did it in a wrong way so kavya is not liking it 

What makes me sad is she is comparing him with Giriraj again.

It's only going to hurt them both.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Well said, they are going to every extreme to hurt each other now, which looks so sad.

All it requires is calm down a bit and communicate about the actual problem, instead of others/irrelevant things.

Vaidehi49 thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Originally posted by: rakeshopg

Well said, they are going to every extreme to hurt each other now, which looks so sad.

All it requires is calm down a bit and communicate about the actual problem, instead of others/irrelevant things.

That's what adi was worried about all his life.

He never wanted to be like his father, he thought about her safety after seeing situations.

But yeh it was done in a wrong way.

Kavya needs to take care of herself here.

She is right but why remind him about Giriraj. She used to do that in academic days too.

He is different from his father. 

And if adi starts to say same about Rajeev then what he didn't accept adi till now.

Both are hurting each other but not ready to sit and communicate.

And shubh bringing coming in parties makes adi more furious.

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

You said it all. Here principles, ideologies and all such stuff cannot be be applied. Practicality works Adi cud not even think of leaving Anjali overnight in the jail for no fault of hers and at the moment what was the best way he had to do it even if the option was to release his papa too

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Communication gap between both is the main reason for differences between them. Kavya by now shud have understood who Shubh is and to what level he can stoop. She is believing whatever he says. It's real very wrong by Kavya every now n then taunting Adi he is just like his father. She married him knowing very well that he is not like his father 

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

Also, the problem here is Kavya seems to contradict herself and the worse is Adi knows about it.

She knows Adi is not anything like Giriraj and she defends him in front of all. But, she accuses him to be otherwise on his face. 

Also when Shubh accused him that he is trying to save his image by getting Anjali out of jail, she defended Adi that he is not like that. Next day, she accused him that he did it only to save his image and his father.

On the other hand, Adi has no option left for him, he should let things go. Everything he does is tied with Kavya's career/job and she can go to any extreme but not compromise with that. He should have already known this, its high time. He should just let things go and let the time heal everything even if he loses his child here.

Most importantly, Adi has no one except Kavya in his life as against Kavya who has her family. She can always go back to her family, everytime she has an issue with Adi, whereas he has to deal everything himself. He definitely cannot lose Kavya, even if loses his child here. Sadly, Kavya understands this but at this point she is assuming he wants to control her with the excuse of their child. 

Its so important for a good communication here and it looks more like forced drama now than anything real. Cannot wait for Kavya to advocate and explain every action of Adi justified in the end as always (a repeat of ep159 confrontation again).

Adi's situation is a good example of, so important to have a family support. May be Omi is missed badly here.

Yes, the track is exactly same as BK track now. She is going to trust Shubh over Adi soon and Adi seems to not trust his father but still falling into his trap, as not able to convince Kavya and Malini seems to be back to correct his son again. Exactly same as BK as track now, looks like it will go to some extreme now and eventually Kavya will ask Adi to stay away from her and child, then Shubh will be exposed.

Edited by rakeshopg - 11 days ago
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

Well said, it was a perfect example of idealism vs realism. His intention was not to release Giriraj but to get an innocent Anjali out of jail first.

It was not very difficult to understand, every human being would do that when they find their family in distress.

Of course, there could have been a better way thought of, instead of declaring a man mentally ill, even though he was given a job in the end.
