Why every war movie of Bollywood is against Pakistan? - Page 11


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Posted: 5 months ago

Palki Sharma is obsessed with China. So Bollywood should focus on China too. I am not they should stop making movies against Pakistan but they should think something about China too. Pakistan is getting boring now. Whole Maldive issue occurred because of China because the current government of Maldive is Pro China government and doesn’t like India much. India’s concern should be more about China now than Pakistan. 

Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Coming back to the topic question:

To me, Pakistan and India are relatives, the kind of those who became estranged, went different ways and - albeit knowing about their closeness - aren't able to meet each other and hug it out.

Even the military of both republics are of the same stem ("On account of the partition of India, the Indian Military was also divided between India and Pakistan in the ratio of 2/3rd to 1/3rd." - India’s Wars since Independence: A Concise History)

Baring one border war against China (1962) all the severe military altercations had been with Pakistan...so, yes, if war/military altercation is a Hindi movie subject, it will be most probably about Pakistan.

Spy movies could have also other subjects, imo. Also Indian agents could work in collaboration with agents of other countries...

naaznin thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: NimbuMirchi

Movies had always done govt’s propaganda. Nobody made a movie on Sikh 1984 genocide and rightly blames Congress govt. Nobody made movie of forced sterilization and blamed Gandhi family. Emergency hello.. not a single strong production house has touched it. 

Forget Gadar. Let’s talk about Border. Out and out war movie. I absolutely loved it. Doesn’t matter which govt was in power. It talks about Soldiers love for the country. Their selfless sacrifices just for the motherland. Lakshya is not bad either. All made in Congress era. But those are not termed propaganda. Same with Shershah. Again on Kargil war. Pakistan was the bad guy in it too. 

Tashkent files and Kashmir Files have enough nuances. The thing is you don’t like the makers so you call it propaganda. Kashmir files is reality. Ask yourself, why am I denying victims their due? Is it becoz it makes me uncomfortable and I don’t want to accept where the fault lies. 

Finally, @bold — I grew up in Congress era. I have believed conversion is bad since I was in 10th standard. I still believe it. Nobody has influenced it. 

Love shouldn’t be conditional. It’s like asking someone to change their skin color coz you don’t like the color they are born with. Or like Dowry. If you want to marry me, do this. Do that. 

And what happens when you fall in love with atheists? They have to convert to a religion coz they love you? 

Sarfarosh too made before current government 's era showing Pakistani singer as terrorist. N Indian Muslim inspector was deshbhakt.

Nothing has changed in narration nowadays also 

Edited by naaznin - 5 months ago
FatalFlaw thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: naaznin

May be u r Muslim hence u r getting more offended by Kashmir files n Kerala story than by annapoorni. Kashmiri pandits were wronged like Palestinians r done today. Kerala story is fictional but nothing wrong in asking Hindu girls to not marry Muslim men blindly. Same applies to Muslim girls too, don't marry Hindu men blindly.

Annapurni is showing a Hindu girl offering namaz saying after namaz biryani becomes tasty..its stupid n manipulative. Also saying ram n Sita ate non veg is wrong because no clarity is on above subject.

I find all three wrong but since these r propoganda movies I don't care. Actually in real world no one cares about these movies . Its just for social media debates.

I'm an ex-Muslim, an atheist, if that matters to our chat. My only gripe is with the twisting of history, facts, and straight-up lies. Criticize beliefs (Hindu or Muslims) or make cartoons about M, no idea is superior to human beings. 

But, when movies start peddling conspiracy theories against a specific group, that's just going to cause trouble for that group. If films are based on actual events but get warped to fit a political agenda, that needs to be called out. I'm not even diving into the whole debate about whether "Kashmir Files" is legit or not. There are plenty of sources and articles online debunking that movie. Google it yourself. I could drop article names, but I get it – if your beliefs are firm, it might fall on deaf ears. And let's be real, movies do have a real-world impact. They are no just for social media debates.

Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Although I'm neither ex- nor Muslim nor atheist, I think likewise...

MiVida_Messi thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

I am neither from India nor from Pakistan, so I can say that even if Pakistan had the means and money to make sth even close to Top Gun, which Fighter is claiming to be, their enemies would have been India only. It is not that they are obsessed with each other, but the global population have always entertained themselves with Indo-Pak enmity. There is a reason why people kill each other over a stupid cricket match between India and Pakistan, a lot of Pakistani celebrities openly supporting Indian celebrities are trolled and banned by their fans and vice versa. 

The fact is movies represent pop culture and resets pop culture, every movie has a target audience and in India the audience enjoys deshbhakti a bit more when Pakistan is the enemy, in this case of Pulwama, Pakistan definitely is the enemy, so no harm is showing what is already known, Pakistan will not release the movie and if fans of Hrithik-Deepika are offended, they can also avoid it, the fact that the entire team of the movie is Indian and they are trying to say a story about Indian soldiers should not offend anyone, in Gadar also they showed Sakina's family as the villains, but the lead heroine Sakina herself being a pakistani was one of the most iconic characters who was loyal to her country, her religion, her family and her husband (Hindu Indian). What you choose to take away from a movie is your choice, see the message, In Bajrangi Bhaijaan, one good Pkaistani official opens the gate for Pawan to go back to India, it takes one vs 100 to win a battle. 

Also, in American movies it is always the British intelligence vs American intelligence, that is because that is what their population connects with. 

Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: MiVida_Messi

I am neither from India nor from Pakistan, so I can say that even if Pakistan had the means and money to make sth even close to Top Gun, which Fighter is claiming to be, their enemies would have been India only. It is not that they are obsessed with each other, but the global population have always entertained themselves with Indo-Pak enmity. There is a reason why people kill each other over a stupid cricket match between India and Pakistan, a lot of Pakistani celebrities openly supporting Indian celebrities are trolled and banned by their fans and vice versa. 

The fact is movies represent pop culture and resets pop culture, every movie has a target audience and in India the audience enjoys deshbhakti a bit more when Pakistan is the enemy, in this case of Pulwama, Pakistan definitely is the enemy, so no harm is showing what is already known, Pakistan will not release the movie and if fans of Hrithik-Deepika are offended, they can also avoid it, the fact that the entire team of the movie is Indian and they are trying to say a story about Indian soldiers should not offend anyone, in Gadar also they showed Sakina's family as the villains, but the lead heroine Sakina herself being a pakistani was one of the most iconic characters who was loyal to her country, her religion, her family and her husband (Hindu Indian). What you choose to take away from a movie is your choice, see the message, In Bajrangi Bhaijaan, one good Pkaistani official opens the gate for Pawan to go back to India, it takes one vs 100 to win a battle. 

Also, in American movies it is always the British intelligence vs American intelligence, that is because that is what their population connects with. 

America showed lots of movies against other countries like Russia, Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq and many more. So they didn’t show movies only against British. 

Posted: 5 months ago

I love this movie. It showed a Muslim Indian guy is fighting against Pakistan and at the end, they showed love between India and Pakistan. I hope nowadays director make something like this instead of showing pilots flying and bombing like they did in Fighter. 


MiVida_Messi thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Bird32

I love this movie. It showed a Muslim Indian guy is fighting against Pakistan and at the end, they showed love between India and Pakistan. I hope nowadays director make something like this instead of showing pilots flying and bombing like they did in Fighter. 


If you have so much issue with air pilots doing their job in a movie, then you can choose to not watch it. Fighter pilots are supposed to fly and bomb their enemies, they ain't there to have pep talks
