Why every war movie of Bollywood is against Pakistan? - Page 10


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Manavi_kesari thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

No, I don't think, something is "well said" when it is a) generalizing and b) written from a one-sided political point of view.

Yes I think it is well said . 

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: naaznin

We r talking about general commercial Bollywood movies 

every movie akshay made from 2015-2019smiley36

naaznin thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Maroonporsche

every movie akshay made from 2015-2019smiley36

Yh it's anti Pakistan not Anti Muslims .

Edited by naaznin - 5 months ago
Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

I won't wonder if the Pakistani filmindustry has mainly India as the  'bogeyman'... there are reasons to keep 'the other' as enemy-image.

Edit: basically, I think that it would be difficult to separate a country which official name is "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" (in contrary to "Republic of India") from the religion. The religious nationalism is intentional.

Therefore - imo - everything anti-Pakistan also can easily be interpreted in a religious way of anti-Muslim (which may or may not be the intention).

Edited by Clochette - 5 months ago
NimbuMirchi thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: FatalFlaw

You brought this up before, but I kind of brushed it off earlier because I didn't want to dive into it. Let me break it down quickly. So, all movies, whether good or bad, have some sort of propaganda going on. Movies are like the perfect tool for pushing a message, which is why even the Nazis were big fans of them. In some countries, including India, the government has a direct influence on what the cinema should promote, and it's happening right here. If the monotonous tweets from celebs during the Lakshadweep incident don't convince you, I don't know what will. The state controls the narrative.

And is this the first time it's happening in India? Nope. Back in 1960, Sujata showed a love story between a Brahmin and an untouchable woman. Was that propaganda? Yeah, it was, but what sets it apart from today's movies like Tashkent Files, Kashmir Files, or those countless films dropping every other weekend? It's the nuance. A good propaganda movie captures the subtleties and details. 

Now, contrast that with today's propaganda movies like Kerala Story/ Gadar 2 or Fighter etc, which pushes the leading party's agenda, they lack characterization and go heavy on conspiracy theories and are basically WhatsApp-forward wish-fulfillment.

I reckon the key is just being mindful of your own biases and how you take in information. Ask yourself, why do I think conversion is bad? Is it genuinely my opinion, or am I being swayed by something or someone? 

Movies had always done govt’s propaganda. Nobody made a movie on Sikh 1984 genocide and rightly blames Congress govt. Nobody made movie of forced sterilization and blamed Gandhi family. Emergency hello.. not a single strong production house has touched it. 

Forget Gadar. Let’s talk about Border. Out and out war movie. I absolutely loved it. Doesn’t matter which govt was in power. It talks about Soldiers love for the country. Their selfless sacrifices just for the motherland. Lakshya is not bad either. All made in Congress era. But those are not termed propaganda. Same with Shershah. Again on Kargil war. Pakistan was the bad guy in it too. 

Tashkent files and Kashmir Files have enough nuances. The thing is you don’t like the makers so you call it propaganda. Kashmir files is reality. Ask yourself, why am I denying victims their due? Is it becoz it makes me uncomfortable and I don’t want to accept where the fault lies. 

Finally, @bold — I grew up in Congress era. I have believed conversion is bad since I was in 10th standard. I still believe it. Nobody has influenced it. 

Love shouldn’t be conditional. It’s like asking someone to change their skin color coz you don’t like the color they are born with. Or like Dowry. If you want to marry me, do this. Do that. 

And what happens when you fall in love with atheists? They have to convert to a religion coz they love you? 

NimbuMirchi thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: FatalFlaw

The same movie which was taken off Netflix with a police report against the makers? Has it ever happened before? Any police reports against the makers of Kerala Story and Kashmir Files?  Go do a bit of digging and figure out where India's at these days.

Also read on Bombay released in 1995. 

Kerala Story was banned in Bengal. 

FatalFlaw thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: naaznin

Case was against all three movies. Though KF n KS were not taken down on OTT. Annapurni ran in theatre but it was Netflix 's decision to remove after facing backlash.

But u also have to see that no mainstream actor worked in Kashmir files or Kerala story but naaynathara who is considered superstar of South worked in annapurni. 

So, Annapurni is a story about this woman breaking family tradition, cooking and eating meat, and even offering namaz in one scene (Just read about it Variety). And you're equating that with the Kerala Story which was based on a full-blown conspiracy theory against Muslims and Kashmir/Tashkent Files – all twisted facts and history. Really? How much did Annapurni ruffle your Brahmin Hindu feathers?

naaznin thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

I won't wonder if the Pakistani filmindustry has mainly India as the  'bogeyman'... there are reasons to keep 'the other' as enemy-image.

Edit: basically, I think that it would be difficult to separate a country which official name is "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" (in contrary to "Republic of India") from the religion. The religious nationalism is intentional.

Therefore - imo - everything anti-Pakistan also can easily be interpreted in a religious way of anti-Muslim (which may or may not be the intention).

U got to be kidding mesmiley37only u r interpreting it that way.

Pakistan doesn't symbolises whole Muslim population of world . There r Indian Muslims, Turkish Muslims, arab Muslims, European Muslims, African Muslims etc. n all r different. 

These movies r about nations n not about religion.

NimbuMirchi thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: loginidran

Just because nobody watches those movies. 😆

but I agree, more subjects should be explored. China needs to be exposed and Indians need to be made more aware of the Chinese threat. Bohot hogaya Pakistan Pakistan. 

Like someone mentioned earlier, language barrier. Pakistani villain can speak Hindi. Chinese villain ki bhasha kaun samjega re baba smiley44

naaznin thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: FatalFlaw

So, Annapurni is a story about this woman breaking family tradition, cooking and eating meat, and even offering namaz in one scene (Just read about it Variety). And you're equating that with the Kerala Story which was based on a full-blown conspiracy theory against Muslims and Kashmir/Tashkent Files – all twisted facts and history. Really? How much did Annapurni ruffle your Brahmin Hindu feathers?

May be u r Muslim hence u r getting more offended by Kashmir files n Kerala story than by annapoorni. Kashmiri pandits were wronged like Palestinians r done today. Kerala story is fictional but nothing wrong in asking Hindu girls to not marry Muslim men blindly. Same applies to Muslim girls too, don't marry Hindu men blindly.

Annapurni is showing a Hindu girl offering namaz saying after namaz biryani becomes tasty..its stupid n manipulative. Also saying ram n Sita ate non veg is wrong because no clarity is on above subject.

I find all three wrong but since these r propoganda movies I don't care. Actually in real world no one cares about these movies . Its just for social media debates.
