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Posted: 5 days ago

Ok this is an Alternate universe fanfic where Abhimaan are happily married and I essentially adapted it from one of my older FFs.  I recalled  this romantic (I think!:))  FF I had written ages back when Madhav was telling Armaan that Abhira doesn’t want expensive gifts like a car and all.

Armaan came home excited that evening. He had good news to share with his family but the first person he wanted to tell was Abhira. He was pacing in their room excitedly waiting for her to come home and soon enough he heard her footsteps approach. The minute he saw her, Armaan's smile grew.

He dragged her to the bed and made her sit.

Abhira- kya hua? You look like you're on the edge...whats up?

Armaan- I have some news

Abhira- ok she said giving him her full undivided attention

 He handed her an envelope

Abhira opened it, took out a letter and quickly scanned its contents and as she read it he could see her smile grow and when she looked up at him she straight away pulled him into a hug and said-

Armaan, congratulations!!! I'm so so happy for you! and she rained down loud kisses on his face in her excitement!

She let go of him for a moment, just looked into his eyes and then hugged him once more with another squeal- I'm so proud of you! I'm now the wife of  Mr hotshot Legal Head!

Armaan chuckled at her enthusiasm. He was happy about his promotion but seeing Abhira's reaction and sharing this good news with her had made this even more memorable for him. Success always tasted sweet but it was sweeter with Abhira by his side to share the news with. He felt a greater sense of accomplishment because this news made her happy and proud!

Abhira- This is HUGE! We need to celebrate! She rattled off what fav dishes of his she was going to cook

Armaan-relax wifey...take a breath!

Abhira just beamed at him and held one of his hands in her own and placed a kiss on it.

Armaan was on cloud nine too

Abhira got a hold of her phone and hit the video button and flashed it in his face and started mock interviewing him like a journalist- So Mr.Poddar, itni kam umar mein legal head bankar kaisa lag raha hai?

Armaan-Abhira yaar, kya kar rahi ho?

Abhira-video le rahi hoon!

Armaan-par is sab ki kya zarurat hai. Its not that big

Abhira-kya matlab?! Tum chup raho khadoosmaan.  Itis not big, Its HUGE! And I want to capture all the big moments in our life from now on so that someday fursat se we can look back on all these memories!

Armaan just pulled her into a sidehug and said- thank you!

Abhira- huh? Why are you thanking me

Armaan- just for being there, he said simply. You know when I found out about it you were the first person I wanted to tell! I'm happier that now I have you also to share my success and happiness with!

Abhira had happy tears in her eyes hearing this confession and wrapped her arms around him

The next day at work Armaan was in for many surprises. First thing in the morning he saw a bouquet of flowers on his desk. It had no note but he had some idea who could be behind it. He tried calling Abhira but she just texted him saying she was in a meeting.

Then later in the day, he got a box of chocolates delivered again with no note

Late afternoon, hot fresh kachoris and rasgulle from Tiwari’s were delivered at his desk from his fav joint across the road.

And finally just as he got ready to leave the office and left outside to the parking, he saw Abhira leaning against the car waiting for him with a smile

Armaan quickly walked up to her and hugged her and whispered a thank you!

Abhira- accha ek last surprise hai. Now that you are Mr Legal Head, you'll be busier and you'll be more stressed out so I have something which will hopefully make you feel lighter and better whenever you are upset/low.

And she held out a package for him

When he opened it he saw that it was a glass pickle jar with decorated with ribbons and some glitter with lots of colored chits of paper inside it. It also had a small number lock on it. He looked up at Abhira confused-

Abhira- indicated to him to read the note attached to the jar on the outside

It read: Dear Armaan, This jar contains 100 chits of paper- with 100 things I love about you/ reasons I love  you! I hope you can keep it on your desk and everytime you are stressed out-this will make you smile or remind you how awesome you are! Love, Abhira P.S:Don't open it all at once! And the code for the lock is 143.


Armaan was rendered speechless. This was probably the best gift he had ever received in his entire lifetime! He placed the jar on top of the car and pulled her in for a hug. He was too choked up to say anything and Abhira understood his emotions.

When he let go, he picked up the jar and put in the code to open it and picked up the first chit which read -

You are my superman!

Armaan just smiled at her and went to pick up another chit but Abhira held his hand and said- that's all for now. You can read the rest later!

Armaan pouted at her but Abhira quickly turned away and said- no no, don't pull this face on me!

Armaan- ok fine! I'll see it one at a time later.

Abhira- good, now go keep it on your desk and come.

Armaan- obediently did so but as he was placing it on his desk he quickly sneaked in a look at some more chits. He was reaching out for more when he felt Abhira swat his hand away. She quickly closed the jar and locked it and dragged him back home with her.

If any of you are curious- listed below are the 100 reasons/things I came up with. Lemme know what you think! will be waiting for your feedback :)

1. You dazzle me with your smile

2. Because of you I believe in the concept of forever

3. You make me feel like I can do anything

4. You always have my back

5. You are SO understanding

6. You treat me as an equal

7. You see right through me!

8. Even hearing your name brightens up my day

9. When you hug me I feel like I've finally come home

10. When you kiss me it gives me butterflies

11. My dreams and aspirations are important to you

12. You always take my side

13. You have gone against even your family for me

14. You always shield me from any harm

15. You act like such a dork sometimes

16. You are so noble

17. You place others before you

18. You always help others, even people you don't know

19. You give people second chances- a benefit of doubt

20. You are devoted to your family

21. You make me a better person

22. You have taught me to be calm and more responsible

23. You infuriate me like no other sometimes but I can see your care/concern even then!

24. You are a gem of a person

25. You make me happy

26. You always motivate me

27. You held my hand when I had absolutely no one else

28. You never pity me or make me feel indebted

29. You replaced the loneliness in my life with your companionship

30. Your scent is just SO comforting

31. Just your presence makes everything better!

32. Your touch is magical ;)

33. You're HOT!!

34. You are so generous and giving

35. You are so idealistic

36. Your optimism is infectious

37. You are so charming

38. You are chivalrous

39. You are so committed to your work

40. You are hardworking

41. You are smart

42. You are my "first"everything!

43. You treat me like I'm precious to you

44. Eventually you always say sorry!

45. You love me even when you are mad at me

46. Your green eyes are like the forest and I want to get lost in it :)

47. You make the best coffee

48. You always hold me close when we sleep

49. You ask so many questions!

50. You plan the best dates

51. You taught me to be romantic

52. You gave me a family

53. When you smile your eyes twinkle

54. Your beard is SEXY

55. You crack really stupid jokes

56. Your "lines" are so cheesy

57. You take care of me

58. You treat everyone with respect

59. The way you hold me when we dance

60. You pay attention to everything I say

61. Your inherent sense of justice

62. The way you hold my hand

63. The way you crinkle your nose when you are upset/angry

64. You are my superman!

65. You are patient with me

66. Your confidence in your abilities

67. You don't hide things from me

68. You own up to your mistakes

69. You are so humble

70. You forgive me when I make mistakes

71. You are brave

72. You are duty conscious

73. Your attitude of service

74. You never flaunt your money/status or position

75. You are independent but sometimes you let me do things for you

76. You always hear me out even when I screw up

77. You never give up on your morals and principles

78. Your focus when you are working

79. You treat even your enemies with dignity

80. You tolerate my mood swings

81. You are a reliable person

82. You are my personal cheerleader

83. When I'm worried you calm me down

84. You are never arrogant or bossy

85. You are so thoughtful 

86. You let me be stubborn sometimes and let me have my way

87. How stubborn you get about my safety

88. You have accepted all my flaws

89. You keep all my secrets

90. You let me relive my childhood and join in

91. You are a role model lawyer and the best mentor

92. You always fulfil your responsibilities

93. You are easy going

94. Your kindness is overwhelming

95. You make the world a better place

96. You have made me the luckiest woman because I can call myself your wife

97. You never talk down to anyone or make them feel small or stupid.

98. How competitive you are

99. The way you pout to get me to agree to what you want

100. The way you look/sometimes stare at me- like no one ever has!



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Frequent Posters

8Lucky88 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 days ago

Enjoyed reading this story

Loved the 100 reasons

Please do write more on abhimaan 

sinak thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 days ago

Loved it the story and the 100 reasons. 

mehraan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 days ago

Beautiful… 🌹im jus rendered as speechless as Armaan..🥰the gift was indeed vry special n unique n i hve not cme across of such thing in any of the writings… ❤️… Pls continue writing more  as i see the forum lacks stories on them!! The couple have an xcellent chemistry n the writers are not utilizing it!!

Edited by mehraan - 4 days ago
Gurveen thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago


alekhika20 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Beautiful os 
