Anu121790 thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Only calling it malicious because of Shruti's intentions. A complaint to the health department was the right thing to do. The media shouldn't have been involved for one incidence of malpractice, where the partner was also crying foul play. It interferes with the due process. 

By instigating the food critic to jump the gun, thereby creating a spectacle of Anupama and the staff's life was spiteful. Shruti should be called out for her lapse of judgement.

Ideally, when Anupama found out about it, she should have appealed to Shruti's humanity. Instead of showing anger, she could have just shown disappointment in Shruti. But Anupama is not so naive. She must have had it with Shruti for trying to belittle her and making her feel bad on purpose. Shruti has, at many instances, overcome by her insecurities, tried to manipulate Anuj and hurt Anupama. When her character was introduced, she was a reasonable kind hearted woman, who always tried to see the best in people, but she lost me when she wouldn't let go off Anuj even when he confessed of still being in love with Anupama. She is being insecure of a woman with whom fiancee has had a solid past, and has at many instances spoken about his deep love for that woman..

Shruti, at this point, is only being childish for trying to hold on to a man and a life that never was hers. It is a cruel reality, but it is what it is. And by letting that reality chance the amazing person you are, is even sadder. Shruti deserves better in life. She deserves to be a better person and be with someone who also reciprocates her love.

Sorry, don't agree with the comparison drawn better Vanraj and Anuj. Vanraj was in a wedlock, with children. Anuj has never expressed his love and even when they talk about marriage, it has only been about Adhya. It is weird writing but it is what it is. When have they ever been like an engaged couple? 

Anupama indeed is reacting to all calls of Anuj reaching out to her, but to her credit, she is not trying to trap Anuj. She truly wants him to be happy and is trying to do what she thinks is the right thing.

On her meeting with Ms. Smith, Shruti could also have saved the situation by apologizing there and then. She could have told Anupama that she couldn't have imagined how bad things would turn out for everyone at Spice and Chutney. 

And for Ms. Smith, she should have gone to the food authorities and requested a thorough inspection, and definitely shouldn't have fed to the media frenzy by feeding them false narratives.

Won't bash Anupama and Anuj just for the heck of it. 


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Snowfally thumbnail
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Posted: 14 days ago

I disagree that Anuj and Anupamaa are being bashed just for the heck of it.

Cheating is cheating and wedlock with kids wala cheating is not greater or lesser than emotional cheating. I don't believe that ranking can be done for cheating or for the pain it causes to the one who is being cheated.

This entire post is coming across as victim blaming to me. Why was the life never Shruti's? For 5 years, Anuj was content with his life without Anupamaa. He misled Shruti by proposing to her inspite of her initial reluctance and is still misleading her. Did he break off his engagement with Shruti on realising his Meri Anu true love? Why is it solely Shruti's responsibility to break off the relationship?

The bar is set too low if I have to give a woman credit for not trying to trap some other commited man, especially a woman who gives morality lectures left, right and centre. Anupamaa willingly gave up the right to make Anuj happy 5 years ago. Now, she has no right to think of the happiness of an engaged man. 

It is what it is.

Harish111 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Anu121790

Only calling it malicious because of Shruti's intentions. A complaint to the health department was the right thing to do. The media shouldn't have been involved for one incidence of malpractice, where the partner was also crying foul play. It interferes with the due process. 

By instigating the food critic to jump the gun, thereby creating a spectacle of Anupama and the staff's life was spiteful. Shruti should be called out for her lapse of judgement.

Ideally, when Anupama found out about it, she should have appealed to Shruti's humanity. Instead of showing anger, she could have just shown disappointment in Shruti. But Anupama is not so naive. She must have had it with Shruti for trying to belittle her and making her feel bad on purpose. Shruti has, at many instances, overcome by her insecurities, tried to manipulate Anuj and hurt Anupama. When her character was introduced, she was a reasonable kind hearted woman, who always tried to see the best in people, but she lost me when she wouldn't let go off Anuj even when he confessed of still being in love with Anupama. She is being insecure of a woman with whom fiancee has had a solid past, and has at many instances spoken about his deep love for that woman..

Shruti, at this point, is only being childish for trying to hold on to a man and a life that never was hers. It is a cruel reality, but it is what it is. And by letting that reality chance the amazing person you are, is even sadder. Shruti deserves better in life. She deserves to be a better person and be with someone who also reciprocates her love.

Sorry, don't agree with the comparison drawn better Vanraj and Anuj. Vanraj was in a wedlock, with children. Anuj has never expressed his love and even when they talk about marriage, it has only been about Adhya. It is weird writing but it is what it is. When have they ever been like an engaged couple? 

Anupama indeed is reacting to all calls of Anuj reaching out to her, but to her credit, she is not trying to trap Anuj. She truly wants him to be happy and is trying to do what she thinks is the right thing.

On her meeting with Ms. Smith, Shruti could also have saved the situation by apologizing there and then. She could have told Anupama that she couldn't have imagined how bad things would turn out for everyone at Spice and Chutney. 

And for Ms. Smith, she should have gone to the food authorities and requested a thorough inspection, and definitely shouldn't have fed to the media frenzy by feeding them false narratives.

Won't bash Anupama and Anuj just for the heck of it. 

Trying to save ones fiancee from a vile evil vamp is not malicious. Anupama ruined Anuj and Adhya life, Shruti is trying to save them from the evil malicious selfish loser who abandoned them and ran away. 

And you can go to any extent to save your loved ones from evil. 

It's so sad that people see nothing wrong with cheating and sacred vows of engagement etc mean nothing to them. This is the what this show is spreading in society.

Edited by Harish111 - 14 days ago
Anu121790 thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Harish111

Trying to save ones fiancee from a vile evil vamp is not malicious. Anupama ruined Anuj and Adhya life, Shruti is trying to save them from the evil malicious selfish loser who abandoned them and ran away. 

And you can go to any extent to save your loved ones from evil. 

It's so sad that people see nothing wrong with cheating and sacred vows of engagement etc mean nothing to them. This is the what this show is spreading in society.

I won't play fast and loose with the word 'evil'. There is true evil and Anupama is far far from it. Nobody in the show is evil. There are shades of grey and goodness in some aspects of almost everyone. 

Shruti's intentions were never to save Anuj from Anupama. She doesn't even fully understand or know what happened all those years ago. She wants Anuj and the life they created in the last 4 years back and doing what she did was a desperate attempt. 

We want to see the world as only black and white. That's why most of us want to put a label on what Anuj and Anupama are doing as cheating. I disagree, they are people in love who never got over each other. Shruti fully understands, but she is helpless because she loves Anuj. She is not a victim but someone who got into a relationship with a good understanding that the person is in love with someone else. I respect her for that, but I don't see her as a victim of anything. What she did to spice and chutney was in bad taste.

Time_to_move_on thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Anniversary 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

I am equally disappointed with the way the makers have turned around Shruti's character. 

But Anuj and Anupama are not innocent individuals. Today, Shruti is between them because Anupama abandoned Anuj & CA 5 years ago and Anuj himself proposed marriage to Shruti. Who asked the former to run away and the latter to get engaged if he has not forgotten his ex?

Snowfally thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail Anniversary 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Double Post.

Edited by Snowfally - 14 days ago
Snowfally thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail Anniversary 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Harish111

It's so sad that people see nothing wrong with cheating and sacred vows of engagement etc mean nothing to them. This is the what this show is spreading in society.

Completely agree with this.

It's a fiction show, so the PH and channel can show whatever it wants to but after reading so many posts of this nature on SM, it is undeniable that it is it normalising cheating and victim blaming. 

Bodhianveshika thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 days ago

One basic koschen:

When the Phood inspecsun was being done in iSpice and Chutney and Adhya's birthday party was happening elsewhere (last minute change of venue due to Anupama ruining it), how did Anuj and others know that a cockroach was phound in the phood?

Because Anuj abandoned the birthday party and ran to iSpice and Chutney and how did Srutiji and Adhya know that this happened?

Anu121790 thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Snowfally

Completely agree with this.

It's a fiction show, so the PH and channel can show whatever it wants to but after reading so many posts of this nature on SM, it is undeniable that it is it normalising cheating and victim blaming. 

Cheating is wrong. Period.

Due to bad writing, the few of us on the forum (not many) are simple arguing on whether what Anuj and Anupama are doing is cheating or not. 

soapwatcher1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Time_to_move_on

I am equally disappointed with the way the makers have turned around Shruti's character. 

But Anuj and Anupama are not innocent individuals. Today, Shruti is between them because Anupama abandoned Anuj & CA 5 years ago and Anuj himself proposed marriage to Shruti. Who asked the former to run away and the latter to get engaged if he has not forgotten his ex?

I believe whatever the reason for Anupama’s flight, right or wrong, it is none of Shrew’s business and shouldn’t factor into Shrew’s current behavior. Shrew can be upset at Anuj for not forgetting his ex after proposing marriage to her, that is between the two of them. What transpired between Anupama and Anuj 5 years ago is their business and none of Shrew’s business.

If Shrew was upset at the situation she should have the guts to question Anuj, not go after Anupama. That is not only in bad taste but is vile behavior. And Shrew spouting that nonsense today to Anupama after the food critic left, sounded to me like Shrew was off the rocker. Get some sense, girl, leave the man, and go get a better life, would be my advice to Shrew. 
